Speech on cupping

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Speech on cupping

Hijamah (in Arabic mean sucking) is the Arabic name in traditional medicine for wet cupping, where blood is drawn by vacuum from a small skin incision for therapeutic purposes.It is reported that the Islamic prophet Muhammad said, "Indeed the best of remedies you have is Hijamah, and if there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is Hijamah."

Hijamah can be performed almost anywhere on the body, often at the site of an ache or pain in order to ease or alleviate it

The location is first shaved, if necessary, to ensure a tight seal with the cup. The mouth of a cup (metal, glass and plastic cups are generally used, although traditionally horns were used) is placed on the skin at the site chosen for Hijamah. Then a tight seal is created. The traditional method is to burn a small piece of paper or cotton inside the vessel, so that the mouth of the cup clings to the skin. Some practitioners now use a machine instead of the manual cups. Some practitioners still strictly adhere to the Prophetic method with the use of fire, both for sterility and the benefits or properties from the element of fire itself that may be present. The cup is left to cling to the skin for a few minutes, then it is lifted off and several very small incisions are made in the skin. The cup is then put back as it was before until the flow of blood subsides.Hijama is considered a form of energy medicine because it has been claimed to unclog the meridians in the body, and is viewed by some practitioners as a cure that can alleviate black magic and possession.

The oldest record of Hijamah cupping is in ebers papyrus is on 3000 BCOldest book on cupping is in 1550 BC by an Egyptians

China start Cupping in 1000 BCGreece hypocrites in 400 BC

Islamic cupping Hijamah is start in 500 AD

Chinese doing half treatments and its not works for long lasting results

Chinese are doing only dry cupping                                 AndHijamah Cupping is never dry !

Aim : To prove that Hijamah cupping 7 sunnah point detox whole body and make it Toxin free, and cure all the major complicated illness. 

Method : More then 90 kind of diseases or symptoms were and treated by cupping therapyAccording to included studies, the top 20 diseases/condition in which cupping is commonly employed  were pain (300 studies), hypes zoster (91 studies), cough and asthma (70 studies), acne (92 studies), common cold (210 studies) urticaria (81 studies) lateral femoral neuritis (61 studies) , facial paralysis (13 studies)  cervical spondolisis (90 studies) ,lumber sprain (19 studies), scapulohumeral  periarthirits (17 studies),  mastitis (14 studies),  baldness (102 studies), headache (13 studies), soft tissue injury (10 studies), arthritis (10 studies), neurodermatitis (10 studies), wound healing (8 studies), sciatica (7 studies), and myofascities (6 studies),  264 studies were concerned on other diseases treated by cupping therapy.

We found in all illness cupping have miracle result

Cupping have tendency to cure all major illness which are still untenable with modern medicine

All types of pain gone after Hijamah cupping : toothache, cancer pain,Ear ach, abdominal pain, mensal pain, etc . In one session onlyVaricose vain , in 3 session,Slip disk, vertebral dislocation in 4 sessionHigh Cholesterol in 2 sessionHigh sugar , high uric acid  , serum Bilirubin, in 3 sessionCancer pain patient did not need morphine after cupping,Brain hemorrhage,  cardiac diseases, and all lungs diseases need 4 session to cure,Thyroid , both hypo and hyper thyroid sum need only 3 session.Injection abscess drainage without pain,Tennis elbow treat with it fully,Psoriasis, eczema and other skin injection need 4 session,Frozen shoulder, cervical spondolisis, lumber spondolisis, hemiplegicNeed 4 session.

Alopecia  in 4 sessionLecoderma in 4 session,Acne in 4 session,Allergic rhinitis is 4 session ,Sinusitis and nasal polyp in 4 session,Eye site boots in 4 session,Mental retardation, B.P,  sugar, concentration loss, tension, thyroid, hormonal misbalance, gout, arthritis,  and  all untreatable element magically  fully treated with  Hijamah in 4 session only

You can’t got all this benefited in a single medicine or therapy!So ,Are  not  my words proof nicely,Hijamah cupping the world’s best medicine !


