Speech Contest Rules 演講比賽規則

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Speech Contest Rules 演講比賽規則. Joy Tsai 蔡嬌燕 DTM 傑出會員 LGET 2012-13 教育副總會長 D67 District Officers’ Mid-year training 總會幹部年中教育訓練. Roles of Speech Contest 比賽職責. Contest Chair 比賽主席 (1) Contest Master 比賽主持人 (1) Chief Judge 裁判長 (1) Judges 裁判 (5-7 up) Tie-breaking judge 同分裁判 (1) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Speech Contest Rules 演講比賽規則


Speech Contest Rules演講比賽規則

Joy Tsai 蔡嬌燕DTM 傑出會員

LGET 2012-13 教育副總會長D67 District Officers’ Mid-year training



Roles of Speech Contest 比賽職責1. Contest Chair 比賽主席 (1)

2. Contest Master 比賽主持人 (1)

3. Chief Judge 裁判長 (1)

4. Judges 裁判 (5-7 up)

5. Tie-breaking judge 同分裁判 (1)

6. Timers 計時員 (2)

7. Ballot Counters 記分員 (3)

8. SAA’s 總務 (2-4)


Contest Chair 比賽主席 1. Organize / host the contest 主持比賽2. Prepare Originality and Eligibility forms 準備原創和參賽資格簽名單3. Brief to all contestants before contest 比賽前 , 對所有參賽者簡介比賽規則4. Announce the purposes of speech contest (Contest

Chair opening) 向觀眾解釋演講比賽之目的5. Introduce Chief Judge and Contest Master (if

applicable) 介紹裁判長和比賽主持人6. Handle protest against originality & eligibility (with

Chief Judge) if any 若有抗議情形 , 和裁判長一起處理


Contest Master 比賽主持人 Can be the same person as Contest Chair 可能和比賽主席同一人 Drawing speech orders and announce by writing and speaking 抽籤演講順序並且用寫的和唸的呈現出來 Announce contest rules 宣佈比賽規則

Cell phone off or mute 行動電話關閉或靜音 No photo, no talking, no walking, no eating during contest 比賽中不能照相 / 說話 / 走動和吃東西 Technical failure 若麥克風失靈得繼續演講 Designated Area 告知演講指定區域 One minute of silence (For the last contestant, remain silent until all

of the ballots had been collected.) 在兩位參賽者間要有一分鐘靜默 , 讓評審評分 . 最後一位參賽者演講完後 , 需保持靜默 , 直到計分員拿到所有裁判單為止 .

Speaking order ( The only thing has to be announced in district contests.) 宣佈比賽者順序 .(這是在總會比賽唯一須要宣佈的事項 )


Contest Master 比賽主持人 Be fair to each contestant 對每一位演講者一樣公

平 , 宣佈參賽者名字 , 演講題目 , 演講題目 , 參賽者名字 . (name/topic/topic/ name)

For Table Topics contest – announce the topic twice clearly (name/topic/topic/name)

即席演講亦同 , 宣佈參賽者名字 , 演講題目 , 演講題目 ,參賽者名字 .

For Evaluation contest – 5 minutes to interview test speaker 講評比賽的五分鐘準備時間 , 請用來訪問測試演講員 .


Chief Judge 裁判長 Assign Contest judges & tie-breaking judge, SAA’s,

timers 指定裁判 , 同分裁判 , 計時員 , 記分員 , 總務 . Prepare judging ballots and timer/ ballot sheets 準備裁判單 , 同分裁判單 , 計時單 , 記分單 . Briefing to the judges and other roles of contest 賽前對裁判 , 計時員 , 記分員做簡介 Briefing the judging criteria to audience, Timer & Timing

period (not in district level) 對觀眾簡介計時員位置 , 計時標準和比賽評分標準 .(在總會比賽 , 此項省略 )

Make sure Ballot Counters collect all ballots and calculate correctly 確定計分員收齊所有裁判單並且正確計算分數

Collect Timer’s sheet 收齊計時單 Handle protest against originality & eligibility (with

Contest Chair) if any 若有抗議情形 , 和比賽主席一起處理


Judges 裁判 Judging all contestants according to judging “criteria” and the judges’ “ethics” 裁判需對所有參賽者評分 , 根據裁判評分標準和裁判道德 評分 .

Familiar with Judging rules 熟悉裁判規則 Write 1st, 2nd, 3rd places and sign 寫上第一名 , 第二名 , 第三名 . 記得要簽名 Give ballot to Ballot Counter in an envelop 把完成的裁判單裝在信封 , 交給計分員 .


Tie-breaking Judge 同分裁判 Tie-breaking Judge doesn’t have to attend

Judge’s briefing. 同分裁判不需參加賽前簡介 Judging all of contestants according to

judging “criteria” and judges’ “ethics” Mark all contestants’ ranks.

同分裁判需根據裁判評分標準和裁判道德評分 . 替所有參賽者打上名次

Tie-breaking judge ballot is collected by Chief Judge and used only when there is a tie from other judges’ scores. 裁判長親自收集同分裁判單 , 並且只在有同分情形時才使用 .


Timers 記分員 2 Timers for each contest, using one stop watch & one

timer sheet only 兩位計分員一位使用碼錶 , 並寫下演講時間 , 另一位使用計分儀器 .

Prepare Timers’ equipment (flags & stop watch) 準備計分儀器 Start timing from contestant’s 1st verbal or non-verbal

communication with audience 從參賽者的第一個有聲或無聲肢體語言開始和觀眾溝通 , 即開始計時 .

Raise stop watch before start 開始計時前 , 將碼錶舉高 No signal (bell or signs) to hint over time 演講超時 , 不給予訊號 Know the time limits well and do it with caution 熟悉計分標準 , 並小心計時 Hand Timer sheet to Chief Judge and keep confidential

將將計時單交回裁判長 , 對一切參賽情形保密 .


Ballot Counters 記分員 3 persons for each contest (fair basis), each one

with one ballot sheet 三位計分員 , 各用一張計分單 Prepare calculator 準備計算機 Ballot sheet – fill in according to Judges’ ballots.

1st place 3 points, 2nd place 2 points, 3rd place 1 point 將裁判單的名次分別填入計分單 . 第一名 : 三分 ,第二名 : 兩分 , 第三名 : 一分 .

5 contestants (or up) – 3 winners 五位參賽者 ( 以上 ) 取前三名 4 contestants (or fewer) – 2 winners 四位參賽者 ( 少於 ) 取前兩名 Hand ballot sheets to Chief Judge and keep

confidential 將計分單交回裁判長 , 對一切參賽情形保密 .


SAA’s 總務 1 for computer, 1 for microphone. 一位管電腦 , 一位管麥克風 Extra 2 for table topics & evaluation contests : One

watches contest room gate 即席演講和講評比賽時 , 需要一位管門禁 One lead contestants (except No. 1 for Table Topics) to

preparation room pre-assigned by Contest Chair 一位帶領參賽者到準備室 No cell phone for contestants during preparation and

waiting 在準備時 , 不准參賽者使用行動電話 For Evaluation - Collect contestants’ notes after 5

minutes of preparation, return to them when they are called on to the stage. 講評比賽時 , 在準備五分鐘後 , 將參賽者所做筆記收回 , 在參賽者上講台之前還給本人 .

Other Reminders for District contest 總會比賽之注意事項 Collect contestants contact info in advance 事先收集參賽者聯絡資料 E-mail and text to contestants for time/place of

microphone test 告知參賽者何時何地 , 可以試音走位 .

Table Topic & Evaluation : show contestants route and preparation room in advance

即席演講和講評比賽時 , 需讓參賽者知道路徑回到講台 Make sure & double check all procedures and

personnel in place in advance 開始比賽前 , 確定人 , 事 ,物一切就定位 .