Spatial and spectral regularization for multispectral ...Spatial and spectral regularization for...

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Spatial and spectral regularization for multispectralphotoacoustic image clustering

Aneline Dolet1,2, François Varray1, Simon Mure1, Thomas Grenier1, Yubin Liu3, Zhen Yuan3,Piero Tortoli2 and Didier Vray1


2Department of Information Engineering1CREATIS UMR 5220 U1206 University of Florence

Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, Université Lyon 1 Florence, ItalyUJM-Saint Etienne, CNRS, Inserm 3Bioimaging Core – Faculty of Health Sciences

69621 Villeurbanne, France University of MacauPeople’s Republic of Macau, China

Abstract—Photoacoustic imaging is a hybrid modality used toimage biological tissues. Multispectral optical excitation permitsto obtain functional images thanks to the tissue specific opticalabsorption that depends on the light wavelength. The aim ofthis study is to propose a clustering method for photoacous-tic multispectral images based on both spatial neighbourhoodand spectral behaviour. The proposed methodology is adaptedfrom spatio-temporal mean-shift approach: it clusters distantor neighbouring patterns having similar spectral profiles. Theclustering performance of our modified mean-shift algorithm isexperimentally tested on multispectral photoacoustic tomographydata. Results obtained from phantoms including two blood dilu-tions and colored absorbers are presented. It is thus shown thatour strategy allows the experimental discrimination of media,achieving a clustering performance of more than 99%. Moreover,depending on the applied pre-processing the discrimination ofdifferent concentrations of a same medium is possible.

Index Terms—Multispectral photoacoustic, Spatio-temporalmean-shift, Clustering


Photoacoustic imaging is a hybrid method that combines theadvantages of acoustic and optical imaging [1]. The modalityis based on the detection of acoustic waves produced bya medium submitted to a pulsed laser illumination whichincrease locally its temperature. Thermal expansions of opticalabsorbers then create acoustic pressure waves propagating tothe media surface where they are detected.

Each tissue has a specific optical absorption that dependson the light wavelength (Fig. 1). Thus, acquiring photoacousticimages at different wavelengths permits to study the spectralprofile for each of the media in the region of interest. Inparticular, in the range 600 to 900 nm, oxygenated (HbO2) anddeoxygenated (Hb) bloods have different spectral responsesthat permit their differentiation [2]. This is, for example, ofgreat interest for the diagnosis of malignant/benign tumoursas well as for the follow-up of diseases like carcinoma or forthe evaluation of the death of tissues [3].

Different segmentation or classification methods are typi-cally used for multispectral photoacoustic image clustering.Indeed, classic methods such as Principal Component Analysisor Spectral-Fitting were used to identify media in multispectralphotoacoustic images [4]. Nevertheless, only few methodshave so far considered both spectral and spatial features [5].

The aim of this study is to propose a clustering methodof photoacoustic multispectral images that takes into accountboth the spatial neighbourhood and the spectral behaviour ofthe pixels. Results obtained from experimental multispectralphotoacoustic data acquired on phantoms with two blooddilutions and coloured absorbers are presented.


A. Spatial/spectral clustering method

1) Pre-Processing: The first processing step aims at findingregions of interest in the imaged area. Indeed, a first discrim-ination between the absorbing media and the background isrequired. Thus the background is suppressed with a threshold

Figure 1. Absorption coefficients of different medias as a function of thewavelength. (a.u.; arbitrary units)

978-1-4673-9897-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings

keeping as region of interest the one with higher acousticresponse. The following step depends on the desired strat-egy, aiming either at discriminating or at merging differentconcentrations of a same medium. Indeed, changes in themedia concentrations imply variations in their spectral profileamplitudes, but not their spectral shapes. Applying a normal-ization step to the multispectral images will allow to merge thedifferent concentrations of one medium into a same cluster. Onthe contrary using data without normalization, i.e. the raw data,will allow to discriminate different concentrations as differentabsorbing medium.

2) Adapted spatio-temporal mean-shift filtering: Mean-shift filtering algorithm is based on the maximization of den-sity. An adapted mean-shift algorithm called Spatio-TemporalMean-Shift (STM-S) was used to cluster longitudinal magneticresonance images (MRI) [6]. The aim of our study is to adaptthis algorithm to multispectral photoacoustic data handlingspectral profiles instead of temporal evolution. Multispectralphotoacoustic data are obtained from a sequence of 2D imagesof the region of interest. Each 2D image is acquired at aspecific wavelength λl with l = [1 · · ·L] the number ofwavelengths. That allows to define a spectral profile xλ,i foreach pixel xi located at a position xs,i. Therefore, the samplesxi that will be used in the iterative filtering procedure areexpressed as:

xi = [xs,i ; xλ,i] ∈ X (1)

xs,i ∈ RS : spatial positionwith xλ,i ∈ RL: spectral profile

i = 1, . . . , N : sample index

The idea is, for a given pixel xi, to consider its neigh-bors xj in the spatial dimension within a radial distanceRs (Fig. 2-left). These pixels xj satisfy the constraintgs(xs,i; xs,j) = 1 where gs(xs,i; xs,j) is a shorthand notationof gs


(xs,i − xs,j) (xs,i − xs,j)T)


gs(a) =

{1 if a ≤ 1

0 otherwise(2)

Rλ is defined as the maximum distance between the spectralprofiles of two samples of one media. Thus pixels belongingto the spatial area defined above that are also spectrally close(controlled by Rλ) to the reference spectrum (Fig. 2-right) areused to update, by computing the average, the position andthe spectral profile of the reference pixel. Consequently, thesepixels also satisfy gλ(xλ,i; xλ,j) = 1 where gλ(xλ,i; xλ,j) is ashorthand notation of gλ

(1Rλ‖ (xλ,i − xλ,j) ‖∞

)with gλ(·)

being the same function as gs(·). The spectral iterative mean-shift algorithm is then expressed as:

x[k+1]i =


gs(x[k]s,i; x[k]s,j) · gλ(x

[k]λ,i; x[k]λ,j) · x



gs(x[k]s,i; x[k]s,j) · gλ(x

[k]λ,i; x[k]λ,j)


Figure 2. Pixel spatial features at the first iteration with Rs parameter (left)and spectral profiles of three pixels with Rλ parameter (right). The red pixelis the reference one. Even if the green and blue pixels are in the spatial areaof the reference pixel, only the green one is used to update the features of thereference. Indeed, the spectral profile of the blue pixel is not close enough tothe spectral profile of the reference sample (for at least one wavelength, theblue and the red profiles are separated by a distance superior to Rλ). (a.u.;arbitrary units)

These steps are iteratively applied to all pixels xi of the imagedregion X until no change is obtained in both dimensionsbetween two iterations.

The result of the adapted spatio-temporal mean-shift algo-rithm can easily be clustered in order to segment the imagedregion. All the pixels with close spectral profiles are labelledtogether (Fig. 3-left). Because of the mean-shift regularizationin the spatial domain, two areas of the imaged region canbe merged in the same segmentation class even if there arespatially far. Indeed, a same medium might be present atdifferent location in the imaged region.

3) Post-Processing: Due to light diffusion, different areasof the medium having the same absorption coefficient yieldphotoacoustic signals with proportional values. In the resultof the clustering method a media is represented by more thanone label because their spectral profiles have strong amplitudedifferences, even if their shapes are similar (Fig. 3-left). Theaim is here to keep only the biggest labelled areas, e.g. thosethat contain more than 5% of the photoacoustic image pixelsand leaving the others, the bad clustered ones, unlabelled (Fig.3-right). These labelled areas correspond to the different mediato discriminate. Post-processing is done to reduce the numberof labels using only the spatial feature in a nearest neighbor

Figure 3. Output of the adapted mean-shift algorithm, e.g. a 2D map showinga segmentation of the imaged region (left). 2D map keeping only the biggestlabelled areas, the unlabelled pixels are in dark blue, i.e. label equals to zero(right).

manner. Considering Y = {yi}i=[1;C] and U = {uj}j=[1;N−C]

the sets of C labelled pixels and N − C unlabelled pixels,respectively:

yi = [xs,i; ci] uj = [xs,j ; cj = 0] (4)

where xs,i is the spatial position of the pixel xi and ci ∈ R itsassociated label. Then for every unlabelled pixel uj ∈ U , theclosest spatial pixel yi∗ in Y is found and its correspondingindex ci∗ is affected to cj

i∗|j = argmini=[1;C]

‖ xs,j − xs,i ‖

then cj ← ci∗(5)

B. Experimental data

The experimental data used in this study have been acquiredat the University of Macau using a multispectral photoacoustictomography (PAT) acquisition scheme presented in Fig. 4(a)

Figure 4. (a) Experimental setup for the photoacoustic tomography acqui-sitions. (b) Phantom used for the acquisitions, the inclusion in grey is theone of China ink; the two black inclusions contain blood at two differentconcentrations. (c) Three sample experimental images after thresholding.

[7]. The phantom used is a cylindrical PVA phantom withthree spherical inclusions (Fig. 4(b)). There are two inclusionsof blood at different concentrations and one of black Chinaink. The photoacoustic images were acquired at 8 differentwavelengths from 700 to 910 nm (Fig. 4(c)) with 30 nm steps.


Two different types of results obtained from the same setof acquired data are presented. The first results are relatedto clustering without discrimination of concentrations. Thesecond results were obtained by clustering with concentrationdiscrimination, avoiding any normalization step during the pre-processing step.

Multispectral photoacoustic data were processed with themodified mean-shift algorithm presented above. All processingsteps are exactly the same except the normalization of the data.

A. No discrimination of cencentrations

As mentioned before, a normalization step is performedto merge the different concentrations of one medium in thesegmentation process. The resulting segmentation map is pre-sented in Fig. 5(c). With such strategy, 100% of the pixelsare well segmented. Indeed, the two inclusions of blood atdifferent concentrations are segmented in the same cluster bythe adapted mean-shift algorithm. Note that the background iscompletely suppressed by the pre-processing thresholding.

B. Concentration discrimination

To discriminate the different concentrations of blood of ourphantom, no data normalization was performed. The corre-sponding segmentation map is shown on Fig. 5(d). Here, few

Figure 5. (a) Imaged region of the experimental phantom. (b) PAT ofexperimental phantom at 730 nm. (c) Result with no discrimination ofconcentrations. (d) Result with concentrations discrimination. The left upinclusion is clustered with the bottom one if there is no discrimination ofconcentration or alone if there is a concentration discrimination.

pixels of the inclusions are segmented with the backgroundby the adapted mean-shift algorithm. It happens becausethese samples, which are at inclusion borders, exhibit verylow photoacoustic amplitude (less than Rλ). Nevertheless,the segmentation with concentration discrimination achievesa clustering performance of 99.9%.


A new method for segmentation or classification of mediabased on multispectral photoacoustic imaging processing hasbeen presented. In particular, it was shown that using thespatial feature to segment multispectral photoacoustic imagescan increase the clustering performance.

The method used in this study permits to segment multi-spectral photoacoustic data achieving a clustering performanceof more than 99%. Choosing to apply the pre-processingnormalization step permits to merge or to discriminate con-centration differences of a same medium. Nevertheless, theadapted spatio-temporal mean-shift algorithm needs two pa-rameters to be set up. Choosing these parameters is notan easy task and requires time to find the ones that couldgive the desired clustering performance. Furthermore, theseparameters are probably different for each dataset so thatfinding the right ones in each case could be time consuming.For the concentration evaluation, by conducting both clusteringstrategies, the identification of similar media can be obtainedand further post-processing could be proposed to estimate theconcentration.

The proposed strategy suffers from some limitations, ofcourse. Indeed, with this approach the implicit assumption isthat a single optical absorber is present at each pixel. Thismay not be the case in the discrimination of mixed inks orblood oxygenation quantification, that could be a limitation ofour strategy for in vivo applications.


This work was supported by the LABEX CELYA (ANR-10-LABX-0060) and LABEX PRIMES (ANR-11-LABX-0063)of Université de Lyon, within the program "Investissementsd’Avenir" (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) operated by the French Na-tional Research Agency (ANR). It was also supported by theUniversité Franco-Italienne (VINCI 2016).


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