Spark Plugs / Glow Plugs / Ignition Coils

Post on 05-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Spark Plugs / Glow Plugs / Ignition Coils

2015 - 2016 2015 - 2016
Bougies d’allumage - Bougies de préchauffage - Bobines d’allumage Ontstekingsbougies - Gloeibougies - Bobines
Bujías - Calentadores - Bobinas Candele - Candelette - Bobine
- C - K wiece iskrowe - wiece arowe - Cewki zaponowe
Μπουζ - Προθερμαντρες - Πηνα ανφλεξης Gyújtógyertya - Izzítógyertya - Gyújtástrafó
Velas de ignição - Velas incandescentes - Bobines de ignição Zapalovací svíky - havicí svíky - Zapalovací cívky
This BERU catalogue contains the most complete OE product range, from spark plugs
and glow plugs to ignition coils. It provides you with all the answers to your ignition
Table of content
BERU founders Julius Behr and Albert Ruprecht’s company creed is ever relevant: perfection is in the continuous desire
for self-improvement. You can always count on BERU to offer highly technological solutions to meet the ignition demands of
today and tomorrow. The quest for perfection: it’s simply in our DNA.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow. It’s perfection built in.
BERU not only develops OE innovations to tune in on the future of ignition technology, we are a part
of the future. Vehicle manufacturers have relied on us for award-winning solutions such as the
Pressure Sensor Glow Plug to meet emission limits or the revolutionary bowl connector to address
the challenges in engine design. And they will continue to build on this trusted partnership in
the many years to come.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow. It’s perfection built in.
BERU glow plugs are not only market leading for the European diesel car parc, covering 95%, but also leading in OE supply.
So there’s a high chance that a car is fitted with BERU when it enters your shop for servicing. And that applies to our
solutions for the entire ignition train and diesel cold-start technology.
Meeting the highest quality standards is our biggest
concern. That’s why we test every single plug before it
leaves the workshop. The result: the characteristic BERU
black tip. It’s our quality guarantee, certifying that your
plug has been tested before use.
Our 100% OE quality guarantee.
It’s the foundation of perfection built in.
1 Model 2 Cylinders 3 Engine code 4 KiloWatt / Horsepower 5 Model year
6 Spark plug 7 Glow plug 8 Glow plug control unit 9 Voltage 10 Electrode Gap
11 Ultra X Titan 12 Ignition coil 13 Ignition module 14 Connectors for ignition coils
1 Modell 2 Zylinder 3 Motorkennung 4 kW / PS 5 Modelljahr
6 Zündkerze 7 Glühkerze 8 Glühkerzen-Steuergerät 9 Spannung 10 Elektrodenabstand
11 Ultra X Titan 12 Zündspule 13 Zündmodul 14 Stecker für Zündspulen
1 Modèle 2 Cylindres 3 Code moteur 4 Kilowatt/Nombre de chevaux 5 Année du modèle
6 Bougie d'allumage 7 Bougie de préchauffage 8 Boîtier de commande des bougies
de préchauffage 9 Tension
10 Écartement des électrodes 11 Ultra X Titan 12 Bobine d'allumage 13 Module d'allumage 14 Connecteurs pour bobines d'allumage
1 Model 2 Cilinder 3 Motortype 4 kW/pk 5 Bouwjaar
6 Bougies 7 Gloeibougies 8 Besturingsapparaat voor de
gloeibougie 9 Volt
10 Elektrodenafstand 11 Ultra X Titan 12 Bobines 13 Ontstekingsmodule 14 Stekker voor bobines
1 Modelo 2 Cilindros 3 Código de motor 4 Kilovatio/Potencia 5 Año de modelo
6 Bujía de encendido 7 Calentador 8 Unidad de control del calentador 9 Tensión 10 Distancia entre electrodos
11 Ultra X Titan 12 Bobina de encendido 13 Módulo de encendido 14 Conectores para bobinas de
1 Modello 2 Cilindro 3 N. motore 4 kW/CV 5 Anno di costr.
6 Candele d’accensione 7 Candele di preriscaldo 8 Una centralina di comando di candela 9 Volt 10 Distanza degli elettrodi
11 Ultra X Titan 12 Bobine 13 Moduli di accensione 14 Spinotto per bobine di accensione
1 2 3 4
11 12
1 2 3 4 / .. 5
6 7 8
10 11 Ultra X Titan 12 13 14
1 Model 2 Cylindry 3 Kod silnika 4 kW/KM 5 Rocznik
6 wieca zaponowa 7 wieca arowa 8 Modu sterujcy wiecy arowej 9 Napicie 10 Odstp elektrod
11 Ultra X Titan 12 Cewka zaponowa 13 Modu zaponowy 14 Zcza do cewek zaponowych
1 Μοντλο 2 Κλινδροι 3 Κωδικς κινητρα 4 KiloWatt / Ιπποδναμη 5 τος μοντλου
6 Μπουζ 7 Προθερμαντρας 8 Μονδα ελγχου προθερμαντρα 9 Τση 10 Δικενο Ηλεκτροδου
11 Ultra X Titan 12 Πολλαπλασιαστς 13 Μονδα ανφλεξης 14 Φις για πολλαπλασιαστς
1 Típus 2 Hengerek száma 3 Motorszám 4 kilowatt/lóer 5 Típus évjárata
6 Gyújtógyertya 7 Izzítógyertya 8 Izzítógyertya vezérlegysége 9 Feszültség 10 Elektródahézag
11 Ultra X Titan 12 Gyújtótekercs 13 Gyújtómodul 14 Csatlakozók a gyújtótekercsekhez
1 Modelo 2 Cilindros 3 Código do motor 4 Quilowatt/Potência em HP 5 Ano modelo
6 Vela de ignição 7 Vela de incandescência 8 Unidade de controlo da vela de
incandescência 9 Tensão
10 Distância entre elétrodos 11 Ultra X Titan 12 Bobina de ignição 13 Módulo de ignição 14 Conetores para bobinas de ignição
1 Model 2 Válce 3 Kód motoru 4 kW / koní 5 Modelový rok
6 Zapalovací svíka 7 havicí svíka 8 ídicí jednotka havení 9 Naptí 10 Vzdálenost elektrod
11 Ultra X Titan 12 Zapalovací cívka 13 Modul zapalování 14 Konektory pro zapalovací cívky
TERMS OF BUSINESS. Orders are accepted subject to the standard Conditions of Sale which are available from Federal-Mogul Aftermarket and Federal- Mogul Corporation. Part numbers, vehicle model and engine details change from time to time and although the information contained in the catalogues was, to the best of our knowledge, accurate at the time of compilation and publication, Federal-Mogul cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies and subsequent changes to the information provided.
CLAUSES COMMERCIALES. Les commandes sont soumises à nos conditions générales de ventes, lesquelles sont disponibles auprès de Federal-Mogul Aftermarket France et Federal-Mogul Corporation. Les références des pièces ou les renseignements concernant les modèles ou les moteurs sont susceptibles de subir des modifications de temps en temps. Et bien que toutes les informations figurant dans ce catalogue proviennent de sources authentiques, et étaient exactes, à notre connaissance, au moment de la publication, Federal- Mogul n’acceptera aucune responsabilité dans le cas où ces indications se révéleraient inexactes.
HANDELSVOORWAARDEN. Bestellingen worden aanvaard volgens onze standaard verkoopvoorwaarden die kunnen worden verkregen bij Federal-Mogul Aftermarket en Federal-Mogul Corporation. Artikelnummers, voertuigmodellen en motorgegevens wijzigen soms. De informatie in de catalogi werd naar beste vermogen opgenomen en was accuraat op het ogenblik van de samenstelling en publicatie van deze catalogi. Federal-Mogul kan niet verantwoordelijk worden gesteld voor eventuele onnauwkeurigheden van en latere wijzigingen aan de verstrekte informatie.
CONDICIONES COMERCIALES. Todos los pedidos están sujetos a las condiciones generales de venta disponibles de Federal-Mogul Aftermarket y Federal-Mogul Corporation. Las referencias, modelo de vehículo y detalles del motor están sujetos a cambios y modificaciones sin previo aviso del constructor, aunque la información contenida en este catálogo es, según nuestro leal saber y entender correcta a la hora de su recopilación y publicación, Federal-Mogul no acepta responsabilidad alguna por cualquier inexactitud o cambios subsiguientes a la información provista.
CONDIZIONI GENERALI DI VENDITA. Ogni ordine è soggetto alle condizioni generali di vendita di Federal-Mogul Aftermarket e Federal-Mogul Corporation. Sebbene le informazioni contenute in questo catalogo siano state verificate, Federal-Mogul non si assume responsabilità per eventuali errori o modifiche successive relativamente alle informazioni fornite.
. Federal-Mogul Aftermarket Federal-Mogul. , , , Federal-Mogul .
WARUNKI SPRZEDAY. Zamówienia s przyjmowane zgodnie ze standardowymi Warunkami Sprzeday oferowanymi przez Federal-Mogul Aftermarket i Federal-Mogul Corporation. Dane dotyczce modeli pojazdów i silników oraz numery czci mog si zmienia w czasie i cho informacje zawarte w naszych katalogach zostay umieszczone zgodnie z nasz najlepsz wiedz i dokadnoci w czasie ich zbierania i publikowania, to Federal-Mogul nie moe zaakceptowa jakiejkolwiek odpowiedzialnoci wynikajcej z niecisoci czy póniejszych zmian w stosunku do dostarczonych informacji.
OΡΟΙ ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ. Οι παραγγελες γνονται αποδεκτς σμφωνα με τους Επσημους ρους Πλησης οι οποοι εναι διαθσιμοι απ την Federal-Mogul Aftermarket και την Federal-Mogul Corporation. Οι κωδικο αριθμο των εξαρτημτων, τα μοντλα των οχημτων και τα στοιχεα των κινητρων αλλζουν κατ διαστματα. Αν και οι πληροφορες οι οποες περιλαμβνονται στους καταλγους, ταν σμφωνα με τις γνσεις μας κατ το καλτερο δυνατ ακριβες κατ την διρκεια της σνταξης και της δημοσευσης, η Federal-Mogul δεν μπορε να δεχτε την ευθνη για οποιεσδποτε ανακρβειες και επμενες αλλαγς στις παρεχμενες πληροφορες.
ÜZLETI FELTÉTELEK. A rendeléseket a Federal-Mogul Aftermarket és Federal-Mogul Corporation normál értékesítési feltételei alapján fogadjuk. A cikkszámok, a jármvek típusjelzései és a motorok adatai idrl idre változnak. Éppen ezért, habár a katalógusainkban foglalt információk a legjobb tudomásunk szerint a kiadás napján helyesek voltak, a Federal-Mogul nem vállalhat felelsséget a pontatlanságokért és az ezekbl ered változásokért.
TERMOS DE NEGÓCIO. As encomendas são aceites sujeitas às Condições de Venda padrão que se encontram disponíveis no Aftermarket da Federal-Mogul e na Federal-Mogul Corporation. As referências de peças, modelos de veículos e detalhes do motor são alterados periodicamente e apesar das informações contidas nos catálogos serem, de acordo com o nosso melhor conhecimento, precisas na altura da compilação e publicação, a Federal-Mogul não aceita responsabilidade por quaisquer imprecisões e subsequentes alterações às informações fornecidas.
OBCHODNÍ PODMÍNKY. Objednávky jsou pijímány v souladu se standardními Prodejními podmínkami, které jsou dostupné u spoleností Federal-Mogul Aftermarket a Federal-Mogul Corporation. ísla díl, informace o modelech vozidel a motorech se as od asu mní, a pestoe byly informace obsaené v katalozích podle našich nejlepších znalostí v okamiku sestavení a uveejnní pesné, spolenost Federal-Mogul nepijímá odpovdnost za ádné nepesnosti a následné zmny poskytnutých informací.
Z306 12F-HPURW 16 M 12x1,25 0,9 Audi/VW 653
Z354 14FR-5LPUOX 16 M 14x1,25 1,1 Honda 653
Z359 12F-5NPUR2T 16 M 12x1,25 0,8 Mercedes-Benz 653
Nm Nm max.
GE117 137,1 24 M 10x1,25 10 mm 18 4 mm - Opel/Vauxhall 598
GE121A 112 28 M 8x1,0 8 mm 10 4 mm - Citroen 598
GE122 148,5 35,5 M 10x1,0 10 mm 15 M4 2 Ford 598
GE123 134 28 M 8x1,0 8 mm 10 4 mm - Volvo 598
GE124 162,7 26 M 10x1,0 10 mm 15 4 mm - Renault 598
GE125 92,7 29,5 M 8x1,0 8 mm 10 4 mm - Opel/Vauxhall 598
GE126 146 31,4 M 10x1,0 10 mm 15 4 mm - Opel/Vauxhall 598
PSG005 158,35 31,4 M 10x1,0 12 mm 12 - - Opel/Vauxhall 602
PSG006 179,95 35 M 9x1,0 12 mm 11 - - Opel/Vauxhall 602
GR081 Audi 711
GSE114 Mercedes-Benz 712
GSE116 Mercedes-Benz 713
GSE140 Mercedes-Benz 713
GSE141 Mercedes-Benz 713
GSE142 Opel/Vauxhall 713
GSE143 Opel/Vauxhall 714
GSE144 Opel/Vauxhall 714
GSE145 Opel/Vauxhall 714
ZS445 Toyota 693
ZS446 Volvo 693
ZS447A Chevrolet 693
ZS452 Jeep 693
ZSE155 VW - Only for Export South America 704
ZSE156 Nissan 704
ZSE157 Infiniti 704
ZSE158 Nissan 704
ZSE159 Cadillac 705
ZSE161 Renault 705
ZSE164 Toyota 705
ZSE165 Toyota 705
ZSE166 Honda 705
ZSE167 Toyota 705
ZSE168 Toyota 705
ZSE169 Honda 705
ZSE170 Honda 705
ZSE171 Toyota 705
ZSE175 Honda 706
ZSE176 Honda 706
ZSE177 Chevrolet 706
ACURA INTEGRA 1.6 4 D16A1, D16A3 74/99 01/85→12/90 ZS276 [1] 1.6 i 4 D16A8 88/118 01/85→12/90 ZS276 [1] 1.8 4 F18A2 77/103 10/90→09/93 ZS278
LEGEND II 3.2 6 C32A, C32A2 151/202 08/91→08/96 Z16 1.1 UXT11 3.2 LPG 6 C32A, C32A2 151/202 08/91→08/96 Z340 0.7 UXT12
LEGEND III 3.5 6 C35A2 151/202 08/96→ Z228 1.0 UXT11 3.5 LPG 6 C35A2 151/202 08/96→ Z221 [168] 1.0 UXT14
SLX 3.2 4WD 6 6VD1 140/188 11/95→09/99 Z343 1.1 UXT11 3.2 4WD LPG 6 6VD1 140/188 11/95→09/99 Z206 0.7 UXT10
ALFA ROMEO 6 2.0 6 AR 01932 99/133 07/81→12/86 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 09/83→ 09/83→ 2.5 i.e. 6 AR 01928 110/148 10/83→12/86 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 2.5 i.e. 6 AR 01928 116/156 04/79→06/84 Z1 0.7 UXT2 / UXT6 →08/83 →08/83 Z11 [168] 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 09/83→ 09/83→ 2.5 TD 5 VM-HR 588 HT 77/103 07/81→05/86 GV657 GR066 11V 06/83→ 06/83→
33 1.2 4 AR 30585 50/67 06/83→12/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 →03/88 →03/88 1.3 4 AR 30502, AR 30586 55/74 06/83→12/89 Z22 0.7 UX56 ZS283 →03/88 →03/88 Z42 0.8 UX56 04/88→ 04/88→ 1.3 4 AR 30502 58/78 05/83→12/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZS283 1.3 4 AR 30168, AR 30587 63/84 10/84→12/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZS283 1.4 4 AR 30587 66/89 01/84→12/88 Z51 0.8 UX56 ZS283 1.4 i.e. 4 AR 30753, AR 30755 65/87 06/91→09/94 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZS283 →12/91 →12/91 Z12 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 01/92→ 01/92→ 1.4 i.e. 4 AR 30753, AR 30755 66/89 06/91→09/94 Z12 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 ZS283 1.5 4 AR 30143 62/83 06/83→12/85 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 →10/84 →10/84 1.5 4 AR 30504 62/83 06/83→12/85 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 ZM001 →10/84 →10/84 1.5 4WD 4 AR 30504 62/83 11/83→12/84 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 ZS115 [1][11] ZM001 1.5 4 AR 30520 66/89 06/83→12/86 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZM001 11/84→ 11/84→ 1.5 4 AR 30520 66/89 09/84→12/86 Z42 0.8 UX56 1.5 4WD 4 AR 30520 66/89 09/84→12/86 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 ZS115 [1][11] 1.5 4WD 4 AR 30520 66/89 01/85→09/86 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZM001 1.5 4 AR 30182, AR 30514 70/94 05/83→12/93 Z42 0.8 UX56 1.5 4 AR 30588 75/101 07/86→12/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 1.5 4 AR 30588 75/101 12/86→12/89 Z51 0.8 UX56 1.5 4WD 4 AR 30588 75/101 12/86→12/89 ZS115 [1][11] 1.5 4 AR 30146, AR 30588, 77/103 12/86→04/93 Z51 0.8 UX56 AR 30734 1.5 4 AR 30508 77/103 12/86→12/89 Z51 0.8 UX56 ZM001 03/88→
013-087 Beru Apps 1.indd 13 08/05/2015 10:29:10
… ALFA ROMEO … 33 1.5 4 AR30508 77/103 01/90→04/93 ZM003 1.5 4WD 4 AR 30146 77/103 09/86→12/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZS115 [1][11] 1.5 4WD 4 AR 30508 77/103 12/86→03/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZM001 03/88→ 1.5 4WD 4 AR 30588 77/103 09/86→12/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZS115 [1][11] ZM003 09/88→ 1.5 i.e 4 AR 30751 71/95 01/90→09/94 Z42 0.8 UX56 →03/92 →03/92 Z22 0.7 UX56 04/92→ 04/92→ 1.5 i.e. 4 AR 30750 74/99 07/90→08/91 Z51 0.8 UX56 ZM001 1.5 QV 4 AR 30146, AR 30588 77/103 06/84→12/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 →08/86 →08/86 Z51 0.8 UX56 09/86→ 09/86→ 1.5 QV 4 AR 30508 77/103 06/84→12/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZM003 →08/86 →08/86 09/88→ Z51 0.8 UX56 09/86→ 09/86→ 1.7 4 AR 30550 87/117 01/86→12/89 Z51 0.8 UX56 1.7 4 AR 30550 87/117 03/88→12/89 ZM001 1.7 4 AR 30550 95/127 01/86→12/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 1.7 16V 4 AR 30747 95/127 01/90→09/94 Z130 1.0 UXT14 1.7 16V 4 AR 30747 97/130 01/90→09/94 Z130 1.0 UXT14 1.7 16V 4 AR 30746 101/135 01/90→09/94 Z188 0.7 UXT10 1.7 i.e. 4 AR 30558 77/103 09/88→12/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZM003 1.7 i.e. 4 AR 30737, AR 30737 A 77/103 04/92→09/94 Z22 0.7 UX56 ZM026 1.7 i.e. 4WD 4 AR 30558, AR 30737 77/103 09/88→12/89 Z47 0.8 UX56 ZM003 1.7 i.e. 4 AR 30736, AR 30737 79/106 01/90→09/94 Z42 0.8 UX56 1.7 i.e. 4 AR 30736, AR 30737 79/106 01/90→03/92 ZS115 [1][11] ZM001 1.7 i.e. 4WD 4 AR 30736, AR 30737 79/106 01/90→03/92 Z51 0.8 UX56 ZM001 1.7 QV 4 AR 30550 84/113 03/88→12/89 Z51 0.8 UX56 1.8 TD 3 VM 82 A 54/72 01/86→06/90 GV657 11V 02/90→ 1.8 TD 3 VM 96 A 62/83 01/86→12/89 GV657 11V 1.8 TD 3 VM 96 A 62/83 07/90→09/94 GV657 11V →03/94
75 1.6 4 AR 61101 76/102 05/85→09/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 1.6 4 AR 06100 81/109 05/85→09/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZM001 1.6 4 AR 61101 81/109 05/89→02/92 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZS115 [1][11] 1.8 4 AR 06202 85/114 09/85→06/89 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZM001 1.8 4 AR 06168, AR 61102 88/118 09/88→02/92 Z42 0.8 UX56 1.8 4 AR 61201 90/121 08/89→02/92 Z42 0.8 UX56 1.8 4 AR 67101 95/127 08/89→02/92 Z42 0.8 UX56 1.8 Turbo 4 AR 06134 110/148 09/86→02/92 Z22 0.7 UX56 ZM001 →01/90
1.8 Turbo i.e. 4 AR 06158 114/153 02/86→01/90 Z22 0.7 UX56 2.0 4 AR 06212 94/126 05/85→10/88 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZM001 2.0 T.S. 4 AR 06166, AR 06224 107/143 01/87→02/92 Z29 0.8 UXT5 ZM037 2.0 T.S. 4 AR 06224 109/146 05/85→02/92 Z29 0.8 UXT5 ZM037 2.0 TD 4 VM 80 A 70/94 05/85→09/92 GV657 11V 2.4 TD 4 VM 81 A 82/110 01/89→02/92 GV657 11V 2.5 V6 6 AR 01648 113/152 09/86→04/89 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 2.5 V6 6 AR 01646 115/154 05/85→08/86 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 2.5 V6 6 AR 01911 115/154 05/85→08/86 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 ZM001 02/86→ 3.0 V6 6 AR 06120 136/182 01/87→12/90 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 ZS115 [1][11] ZM001 3.0 V6 6 AR 06124 136/182 01/87→02/92 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 ZM001
013-087 Beru Apps 1.indd 14 08/05/2015 10:29:11
… ALFA ROMEO … 75 3.0 V6 6 AR 61503 141/189 02/90→02/92 Z42 0.8 UX56
90 1.8 4 AR 06202 85/114 10/84→07/87 Z42 0.8 UX56 ZS115 [1][11] 1.8 4 AR 06202 89/119 10/84→07/87 Z42 0.8 UX56 2.0 i.e. 4 AR 01713 94/126 10/84→07/87 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 2.0 i.e. 4 AR 06212 94/126 10/84→07/87 Z42 0.8 UX56 2.0 i.e. 6 AR 06210 97/130 10/84→07/87 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 2.4 TD 4 VM 81 A 81/109 10/84→07/87 GV657 GR066 11V →01/87 →01/87 2.5 i.e. V6 6 AR 01646 110/148 10/84→07/87 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 ZM001 →01/87
2.5 i.e. V6 6 AR 01911 110/148 10/84→07/87 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6 ZM001 02/86→ 2.5 i.e. V6 6 AR 01646, AR 01911 114/153 10/84→07/87 Z11 0.8 UXT2 / UXT6
145 1.4 i.e. 4 AR 33501 66/89 07/94→12/96 Z51 0.8 UX56 ZS283 1.4 i.e. LPG 4 AR 33501 66/89 07/94→12/96 Z42 0.8 UX56 1.4 i.e. 16V T.S. 4 AR 33503, AR 38501 76/102 12/96→01/01 Z237 (IN) 1.6 ZLE288 Z210 (EX) 0.6 02/99→ 1.4 i.e. 16V T.S. 4 AR 33503<W3 M1> 76/102 12/96→01/01 ZS309 02/99→ 1.6 i.e. 4 AR 33201 76/102 10/94→12/96 Z51 0.8 UX56 ZS234 1.6 i.e. LPG 4 AR 33201 76/102 10/94→12/96 Z42 0.8 UX56 1.6 i.e. 16V T.S. 4 67601<W3 M5> 88/118 12/96→01/01 ZS309 02/99→ ch. 3174688→ 1.6 i.e. 16V T.S. 4 AR 38201, AR 67601 88/118 12/96→01/01 Z237 (IN) 1.6 ZLE288 Z210 (EX) 0.6 02/99→ 1.7 i.e. 16V 4 AR 33401 95/127 10/94→12/96 Z188 0.7 UXT10 ZS234 1.7 i.e. 16V LPG 4 AR 33401 95/127 10/94→12/96 Z340 0.7 UXT12 1.8 i.e. 16V 4 AR 32201 106/142 03/98→01/01 Z237 (IN) 1.6 ZLE288 Z210 (EX) 0.6 02/99→ 1.8 i.e. 16V 4 AR 32201<W3 M10> 106/142 03/98→01/01 ZS309 02/99→ 1.8 i.e. 16V T.S. 4 AR 38401, AR 67106, 103/138 12/96→12/98 Z237 (IN) 1.6 AR 67199 Z210 (EX) 0.6 1.9 JTD 4 AR 32302 77/103 02/99→01/01 GN017 11V →eng. 1716459 GN041 11V eng. 1716460→ 1.9 TD 4 AR 33601, AR 67501 66/89 10/94→02/99 GN013 [2][222] 11V GN908 11V 2.0 16V Quadrifoglio 4 AR 32301 114/153 03/98→01/01 Z237 (IN) 1.6 ZS309 ZLE288 Z210 (EX) 0.6 2.0 16V T.S. 4 AR 67204 110/148 10/95→01/01 Z237 (IN) 1.6 ZLE288 Z210 (EX) 0.6
146 1.4 i.e. 4 AR 33501 66/89 12/94→12/96 Z51 0.8 UX56 ZS283 1.4 i.e. LPG 4 AR 33501 66/89 12/94→12/96 Z42 0.8 UX56 1.4 i.e. 16V T.S. 4 AR 33503, AR 38501 76/102 11/96→01/01 Z237 (IN) 1.6 ZLE288 Z210 (EX) 0.6 02/99→ 1.4 i.e. 16V T.S. 4 AR 33503<W4 M1> 76/102 11/96→01/01…