Spanish flan

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Spanish flan

Spanish flan

INGREDIENTS:- 4 eggs.- 4 small glasses of milk- 4 dessert spoons of caramel- 8 dessert spoons of sugar

1.In a metal flan mould, burn the desert spoon of sugar with one dessert spoon of water. Stir over strong heat until the sugar and the water becomes a brown coloured caramel.

2. Beat the eggs with the 2 dessert spoons of sugar. Beat well, add the glass of milk, and beat some more.

3.Puor the mixture into the metal mould over the caramel, and put the mould, into a pan of simmering water. Make sure the level of water is lower than the moulds, so that no water spills into the flan mixture. Let the flan cook like this until it is ready. To test put a sharp knife into the middle of the mixture.

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