Southland Vine - Clover...

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Transcript of Southland Vine - Clover...

Southland Vine The

October 22, 2014 1630 W. Republic Road * Springfield, MO 65807

417.881.7405 *

Southland Christian Church ...

equipping you to LIVE OUT your faith

as you ENCOUNTER God, CONNECT with others,

GROW DEEP and BUILD UP one another.

What’s Inside …

2-4 General Reminders & Info

5 "WE DO!"

6 What MATTers to Me 7-8 Les’ Latest ... (Children/Youth)

9-10 southlandwomen

11-12 Encounter

13-14 Connect 14 Grow Deep

15-16 Build Up

17 November Serving Schedule

18 Live Out

Upcoming Leadership Meetings:

November 6 @ 6 PM Elders/staff/all ministry leaders

November 20 @ 6 PM Elders

We will publish the next edition of The Southland Vine on November 19.

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It’s that time of year … The G6:10 Ministry will again be sponsoring this annual project during the month of November. See the “LIVE OUT” section (page 18) for the details you will need to know and help us build 66 baskets to bless others this Thanksgiving season.

November 2, 2014

We will publish the next edition of The Southland Vine on November 19.


GGeenneerraall RReemmiinnddeerrss aanndd IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ......

Welcome to our newest Southland member!



Congratulations to

Ian Deckard on

being immersed into

Christ on Sunday,

September 28.

STAFF ADDITION UPDATE … We are making progress in our search for another full-time ministry staff member and we want to make sure we keep you updated on the process.

The opening has been posted in all the right places. We have also made some contacts to seek names of potential candidates to pursue. As a result, we have already gathered (and will continue to do so) many resumes and inquiries regarding the position. It’s a promising pool of candidates and we anticipate it will grow along the way. We have already begun gathering information on these candidates and doing all the necessary preliminary work so we can start the actual interviews soon.

Just as a reminder (we mentioned these specifics in the last Vine), we are looking for the right person to come in and become a part of our student ministries team, specifically to lead our grade school and middle school student ministries. With this, Les will be maintaining his leadership of the high school ministry as well as transitioning to lead a college-age ministry, an area that will receive renewed and intentional focus because of this whole process.

Overall, the leadership feels that the end result will be an enhancement of our student ministries here at Southland as we strive to equip even our young people to LIVE OUT faith. We look forward to seeing how this unfolds and ask that you join us in prayer as we proceed.

“International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church” … Sunday, November 9

Many believers around the world today “share our faith, but not our freedom.” Pressure that we may feel in our culture seems small in comparison to what is a constant and far more intense reality for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe. Especially because it involves our fellow citizens in His Kingdom, this is not a problem we can ignore. That’s why we participate each year in this special day when we make sure we are aware of this reality and, most importantly, pray – expressing our oneness with them.

That’s why on Sunday, November 9, we will devote time to this during ENCOUNTER, but especially in our CONNECT Groups. It will be a time to open our eyes to God’s global Kingdom and express our solidarity in Christ with our fellow believers. In spite of the experience of believers historically in our country, opposition from the world is a reality that we are told to expect as followers of Jesus in this world – there will be persecution (see John 15:18-21; 2 Timothy 3:12 and 1 Peter 4:12-19). Above all, we will pray for the faithful endurance of God’s people in the midst of this opposition so that the Good News of Christ may continue to spread! Please make sure you join us for this special morning.


Each year, Ozark Christian College in Joplin hosts their “Living Christmas Tree” performance … this year’s production is called A Strand of Pearls.

This is a music and drama production set in modern-day. It tells the tale of a family trying to celebrate Christmas amongst the conflict of family issues and the world around us. You are invited to join the O’Malley family as they learn the reason God sent His Son to earth and celebrate His unconditional love and forgiveness.

There are 6 Performances to choose from:

Thursday, December 4 7:30 p.m. Friday, December 5 7:30 p.m. Saturday, December 6 4:00 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday, December 7 4:00 and 7:30 p.m.

Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for children under 12 or for the overflow seats. Tickets may be purchased beginning Monday, October 27 at the ticket desk in the OCC Chapel foyer, by phone at (417) 626-1221 or

online at

Ticket office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The 2014 Children of Praise Christmas

production will be Sunday, December 14

at 6 PM. Make sure you have the date marked

on your calendars.



Vernon and Edith Moody have a new mailing address: 4319 S. National #241 Springfield, MO 65810

Their physical address remains the same (2311 E. Cardinal)

ALSO … Edith has a new cell phone number: (417) 827-7977


We are excited about this ministry tool we are using at Southland! It’s already getting some rave review. In case you are not aware of what this is about, read on …

Right Now Media gives us digital access to a vast library of Biblical content through online video streaming. It’s kind of like NETFLIX … Jesus-style!

In addition to all the ways we will be able to use this in our ministries here at Southland, we are most excited about what it makes available to everyone connected to the SCC family. Through our subscription, you can have your own log-in with FREE access to all the content wherever and whenever you have an online connection (via smart phone, computer or any other connected electronic device).

Remember, if you haven’t yet, please send a request via e-mail to the church office ( and we will help you get set-up.

We are excited to be utilizing the YouVersion “app” for tablets, smart phones, and other electronic devices during our Sunday services. Among other things, it's a great way to follow along with the sermon and even take electronic notes. You can even send your own notes to your e-mail account from right there within the app! See the posters around the building for specific instructions on how to find our LIVE event using this app each week: “SCC – Sunday ENCOUNTER.”

FINANCIAL UPDATE ... September 2014 (the most recently completed month)

We want to provide this basic info to keep you aware of what's happening. Keep in mind, this is a snapshot of one month. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have through the office staff.


Regular tithe for the month - $38,275.00 (total for Sept. 2014 - Aug. 2015 = $38,275.00)

Average weekly tithe for the month - $9,568.75 (for Sept. 2014 - Aug. 2015 = $9,568.75)

Weekly Goal for Sept. 2014 on - $10,000 (This is based on an estimated annual budget of $520,000 ... NOTE: This is our target; we adjust as necessary along the way. This will be going up for September and beyond).

Love Offerings - $1,395

We encourage you to take advantage of Southland's online presence ... check out our website to

listen to sermons, check out upcoming events, etc. Don't forget: you can also get updates and

information by "liking" our "Southland Christian Church" Facebook page.

To share a prayer requests with the Southland church family, you can send an e-mail to us at or call the church office.

PRAYER Got Questions?

While we work hard to communicate information, there may be additional questions you have about Southland. If so, please contact the office and someone on staff will help you. To e-mail:

Just another friendly reminder that Daylight Savings Time ends early on

Sunday morning, November 2. Remember to set your clocks back or

you’ll be here (GASP!) really early … and we wouldn’t want that!


One of the great privileges and joys of following Jesus is being joined together with other believers as His

church. Here at Southland, we express that vital connection in part through our “Membership Covenant.” It

provides the basic parameters for belonging to the church family here – the commitments we have made to

Christ and one another as His people. Now, these are not just our own ideas. Rather, they are our attempt to

communicate the teaching of God’s Word when it comes to His Church – just what is required of us to belong

to His Body? In this section of the Vine, we will be reviewing these commitments, specifically focusing on the

membership section (as you can see below, we will also be listing leadership commitments as well). It’s a way

for us to keep fresh in our hearts and minds just what it means to be connected to one another as His church

here at Southland.

GENERAL LEADERSHIP COMMITMENT (for both elders and staff) … We covenant to demonstrate the kind of

character fitting for one who is leading in His church – living the kind of life that is worthy of being followed.

ELDERS’ COMMITMENT … We covenant to protect against false teachings by guarding the Truth as it is

communicated in God’s Word.

STAFF COMMITMENT … We covenant to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance for how we creatively implement His

plans in our specific areas of ministry.

MEMBERS’ COMMITMENT … As members, we covenant to support the doctrine established by the leadership,

affirming it in any teaching capacity and choosing not to be divisive in a potential disagreement with these


One of the main responsibilities of church leadership is to guard the flock from false teachings (hence the

elders’ commitment above). As Paul instructs the elders from Ephesus, elders as shepherds are to guard

against those ways that others will distort the teaching of the Good News (see Acts 20:28-31). It’s why

Southland’s elders work to communicate sound doctrine and protect against erroneous teaching.

Out of that leadership responsibility comes this membership commitment – to affirm what the leadership has

established as Southland’s doctrine. The basic teaching that is laid-out in our membership covenant identifies

our core beliefs. For Southland to maintain its identity as a church faithful to Scripture, its members must

care about this kind of doctrinal integrity. That’s why this commitment matters. On one level, that specifically

involves any type of teaching capacity. Within our ministries, there must be consistency in what is being

taught. On the other hand, that also involves all members adhering to the basics of our faith as believers.

Throughout the NT, there is a significant emphasis on the importance of what we believe. There is certainly

room for respectful differences of opinions on some issues. But when it comes to these core beliefs, just as

leaders are to guard this doctrine, so too members are to embrace it.


What MATTers to me … Even if you aren’t a baseball fan at all, you might be aware of a little more hubbub than normal this time of year. Sure, the St. Louis Cardinals with their legions of devoted fans (the “best fans in baseball,” supposedly) are used to success as we move into the month of October. World Series appearances are nothing new for them. But this year, it’s the team from the other side of Missouri that is enjoying a quite rare, but incredible run in playoff baseball. How rare you may ask? Well, if you don’t know the details, let me put it this way … the last time the Kansas City Royals were even in the playoffs (not just the World Series, but in the playoffs), I was Nathaniel’s age. Nate’s our middle child … he is 7. Now, I know some of you think I’m young, but that was 29 years ago now! It adds a little perspective to why there is all the commotion for a team making it to the postseason and having the kind of run the Royals are having.

Now, for you non-sports fans, this really isn’t about baseball (okay, it is a little – this has been incredibly cool for our family as Royals fans!). There’s something about this experience that provides a beautiful picture of what is a key element of a life of faith. And no … I’m not saying God has anything to do with the Royals success.

See, with every Spring comes a kind of HOPE for baseball fans. As Spring Training gets underway in February and March, it is a time of great expectations. Even if a particular team is not anticipating a good year, there’s still something about the start of a new season where anything seems possible, especially to fans. Even when the odds of a good season seem like a total long-shot, there’s hope in the Spring. For almost three decades, that hope was merely wishful thinking for Royals fans. And yet, each year, we would be filled with thoughts that “maybe this is the year.” Kristie chalks up my steadfast loyalty to the Royals as some kind of noble characteristic – devoted and faithful. Many times, I’ve thought it something much different – a delusional longing for something I wasn’t sure I’d ever see, the kind of fandom that causes others to look with both pity and surprise: “you’re actually a Royals fan?” And yet, maybe that’s part of what makes the experience of this recent run so sweet. Long-awaited hopes have become reality. Years of listening on the radio to games played by bad Royals’ teams have given way to the experience of watching them succeed in an exciting and rather surprising way. When great expectations have been consistently dashed, it raises the level of joy and fulfillment when they finally become reality.

So we get to the spiritual application … in many ways, the life of faith is a life of waiting in anticipation. For the Israelites, it was waiting more than 400 years for God to come to their rescue and deliver them from their slavery, held captive by the Egyptians. Later in its history, it was Israel waiting for generations and generations for the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah. We too are a WAITING people – WAITING for Jesus to return from His heavenly glory and bring the fulfillment of our hope of eternal life (Philippians 3:20-21) … WAITING for Jesus to appear a second time and bring the fullness of our salvation (Hebrews 9:28). Ever since His ascension to heaven, we as His people are WAITING for the time when the One who has gone up comes back down (Acts 1:9-11). From all that God’s Word communicates to us, this much is clear: just as the joy of the recent Royals’ run has been filled with sweetness because of the long wait, the incredible greatness of what God has in store for us upon Jesus’ return will be more than sufficient reward for those who have been waiting faithfully and devotedly for Him.

Waiting and hope go hand-in-hand together in Scripture. In fact, hope encourages us to wait with confident expectation for what we know is coming. That is our posture in Christ – as we wait, we cling tenaciously to the promise He has made available to us. It’s what our HOPE is all about.

There are a couple of big differences between the Royals and spiritual waiting. On the one hand, no guarantee assured Royals fan that this kind of experience would ever happen – at times, it seemed impossible. And yet, for us in Christ, we are waiting confidently for the fulfillment of a promise from a faithful God. He will certainly deliver! And then there’s this … in the grand scope of eternity, a baseball team’s run (fun though it may be now) will not matter one bit. But, Christ’s return and the fulfillment of God’s promise will introduce a joy and satisfaction that will endure forever in His presence. When that long-awaited hope becomes reality, it will certainly prove to have been well worth the wait!


Cornfield Maze Follow-up

As the sun was setting on a brisk October night, many memories were beginning to form over a crackling camp fire. For years, Southland's youth group has repeated the steps of unpacking coolers, passing out roasting sticks and savoring the melted goodness of s'mores.

Before the evening slips away, youth and adults assemble in small groups to test their sense of direction through the iconic cornfield maze of Verona, Missouri. From the squeals and excited conversations on the ride home, it's clear that everyone had a good time. Special thanks to our drivers and chaperones: Katy Carmichael, Dan Gray, Derek Moreau, Shane and Emily Sampson.

Friends Against Hunger

Sunday, November 16 (noon - 5 PM)

Come and make a difference in world hunger by packaging food supplies. We’ll join several other church groups in assembly line fashion. Help us to package our goal of ONE MILLIION MEALS!

Bring money for a fast food lunch.

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UUppddaatteess ffrroomm tthhee CChhiillddrreenn’’ss && YYoouutthh MMiinniissttrriieess GROUP HUDDLE BIBLE STUDY * SUNDAY NIGHTS


This semester in Group Huddle, our students have opened God's Word to see how faith in Christ can give us the ability to live courageous lives. Each Sunday night, we offer young people the opportunity to worship, study, fellowship over great food and be strengthened by small group discussion.

Here's what's happening in the next few weeks:

Sunday, Nov. 2 * Sunday, Nov. 9 * Sunday, Nov. 23

It is our annual Costume Party! Come dressed as

your favorite movie character or super hero!

School spirit night! Paint your face with your school colors, wear your sports uniform or dress as your school mascot.

Camouflage Bash! Wear your camo, and blend in with the environment.


Be sure to come to our Children’s Fall Carnival this Sunday evening! Young people will enjoy playing games like

The Duck Pond Pumpkin Dunking Snack Cake Walk

and many more. This year, our fun fall event for children has been combined with the chili cook-off, so bring a healthy appetite.

“Children of Praise” Christmas Program

Rehearsal schedule:

Sunday, October 26 – no practice because of the Kids’ Fall Festival and Chili Cook-off

All Sundays in November – practice from 5-6 PM for ages 4 and up (all partipants)

Saturday, November 22 – drama practice from 10 AM – 12:30 PM

Special practice on Sunday, December 7 (full rehearsal) from 4-6 PM.

Dress rehearsal on Saturday, December 13 from 11 AM – 1:30 PM.

Children's Fall Carnival Sunday, October 26

Chili Dinner at 5 … Games Begin at 5:40


Each month in the Showcasing a Servant section of The Vine we highlight one of the many people here at

Southland who are helping us move from “good” to “great” by giving of their time and talents. To be sure,

God has blessed our church with people who have a wide diversity of talents and passions. That is a good

thing because it takes many people to do the work that God has called His church to do.

This month, however, one section of Showcasing a Servant is not enough – so I have chosen to dedicate my

article space to another servant. Just so you know, I had another topic in mind for this month, but one phrase

kept running through my mind as I was trying to form the other article in my thoughts: “Give honor where

honor is due.” As I considered this thought which was repeated over and over in my heart, I realized that my

original topic could wait. This month – Pastor Appreciation Month – we need to spend some time honoring a

shepherd that God has given to our church.

It takes a tremendous amount of wisdom, insight and energy to help lead a church. Everything from

preaching and teaching to managing staff to budgeting to counseling to vision-casting fall under Matt’s job

description. It is rare that a church is blessed with a pastor who can do all of those things well. Many times a

man is more talented in either the administrative side or in the pastoral side of ministry. God has blessed us

with a lead pastor who truly excels at both. His shepherd’s heart is burdened for the struggles of his flock –

his logical heart knows that the business of God’s church is also important if we are to honor Him. In the

midst of creating a spread sheet for the next year’s budget, Matt is able to take a phone call from a church

member who is distressed – and he handles both with the same level of attention and consideration. That is a

unique ability.

In the midst of the day to day activities there is always the next Sunday coming up. No matter what has gone

on during the week – hospital visits, phone calls, counseling sessions, administrative issues or meetings –

come 9:00 on Sunday morning, a sermon must be ready. What that means on a practical level, is that in the

midst of all that other stuff, there must be hours set aside to study and listen to the Holy Spirit as a sermon is

shaped and written. Every Saturday night, while most of us are sitting in front of the television or enjoying

family time, Matt is here at the church putting the finishing touches on a sermon and praying. PowerPoint

slides and You Version notes must be prepared and updated; sermon note handout sheets must be typed up;

a final mental “walk through” of the next morning must be done. Behind the four hours of Sunday morning

are hours and hours of prayer, planning, and preparation. It is so easy to come in, listen and leave without

giving any consideration to the pouring out that has taken place on our behalf.

With Matt, all this shepherding happens in concert with a very, very busy family life. When you have 5 kids,

there is not much down time! Even in the midst of evening meetings and church activities, there are baseball

and basketball games, volleyball tournaments, school activities and LOTS of homework. It would probably

make most of our heads spin if we saw a cumulative calendar of events for the Martin home and Southland!

While we are on the subject of family life, this is a good place to mention the blessing that Kristie is to

Southland also. Ministry spouses are often the unsung heroes of the church. Together, Matt and Kristie share

a heart for ministry and the sacrifices that go along with that calling. To be sure, it would be very difficult for

Matt to serve as he does were Kristie not on board. She too, gives up much as Matt spends hours and hours

away from home to lead at Southland.



Box Top Girls The next meeting of BTG will be

Friday, November 7 @ 6:30 PM

Moms Set Apart

M. S. A. Mornings – the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month (9:30-11:30 AM).

Contact Danielle Keeton …

M. S. A. Nights – the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month (7:00-8:30 PM).

Contact Kristie Martin…

Finally, the thing that stands out the most about Matt, is his love of God and his dedication to the truth of the

Word. Those two things guide every decision and response he has. There is a standard of excellence that he

holds himself to – a humility that keeps him continually going to God in self-assessment and contemplation. It

would be so easy to see Southland as “his” church and a call to ministry as a source of pride, and yet, Matt

never loses sight of the fact that Southland is God’s church and that ministry truly happens only as we submit

ourselves to God in humility.

On a personal level, I am beyond blessed to have the privilege to be mentored and led by Matt. It is easy to

follow a leader who holds himself to the same standard (or an even greater standard) than he holds those

under him to. As a member of Southland, I am blessed to be a part of a church that teaches truth – even

when it is hard and unpopular. There are two Scriptures that instruct us specifically about how we are to

relate to the shepherds God has placed over us:

“… Those who direct the affairs of the church are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work

is preaching and teaching” (1 Timothy 5:17).

“Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an

account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage

to you” (Hebrews 13:17).

May we be a church that honors our pastor; that makes Matt’s work and the work of other leaders here a joy

and not a burden. May we be sensitive to the fact that he pours himself out for us week after week. May we

be a church that encourages rather than discourages. Most importantly, may we be a church that lets Matt

know that we recognize the great blessing we have in him!


Jon’s Top Ten Worship Songs Series, continued … part 3. I am approached by people who ask me, “Jon, what is your favorite worship song?” Well, that list is HUGE and I don’t think it would be possible for me to narrow it down to just one song. However, for the next several Vines, I’m sharing with you ten songs that are likely at the top of my list.

For this edition, we continue on with this one …

Song #3: “Lord, I Need You” by Matt Maher

Once again, it is very difficult for me to choose a “Top Ten” list of songs. Honestly, I don’t know if I really sat down and reviewed the thousands of worship songs out there, if this would be on my top ten list. However, if I were to look at recent songs that have had an impact in my spiritual development, this one would most definitely be up there at the top. Here’s why:

One of the most difficult things for us to admit as Americans, especially if you’re an American male, is that we are insufficient. There’s something about our culture – it’s ingrained in us from birth – an idealism that screams, “YOU are in control of your own destiny!” or “If you put your mind to it, YOU can accomplish anything you desire!” There is some truth to those phrases, but there is something quite dangerous about them, as well.

Here is the danger – when we begin to buy into the idea that we are a self-sufficient people and that everything we accomplish or everything we “earn” is a direct result of our own effort and our own genius, we tend to carry that idealism into our spiritual life. And yet, that is in direct conflict with the message of the gospel. In fact, when one reads Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7), one will discover that the whole point of the three chapter sermon is that we are in desperate need of a Savior. Of course, there are several other points to Jesus’ message, but take a look at 5:20 where Jesus states “For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Really, Jesus? How in the world do you expect us to live up to that standard?

In the next couple of chapters that follow, Jesus exposes the truth about righteousness. He explains to us that in order for us to achieve righteousness we mustn’t go the path of the Pharisees who took the path toward false righteousness, a self-sufficient righteousness … a self-righteousness, maybe? Toward the end of his sermon, in 7:13-14 he says, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” It seems to be like another hard saying. First, He says we must be more righteous than the Pharisees, and now He’s saying that the gate is extremely small and only a few will find it? If achieving righteousness before God is that difficult than I think most of our church, including myself, are in a heap of trouble. But I think we may be missing His point. After all, what is the gate? In John 10:9 Jesus explains, “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved …”

Those words bring such peace. We are not made righteous before God through outdoing or outperforming others around us. It’s not our own personal holiness that sets us at rest in God’s presence. There is not ANYTHING that we can do, say or accomplish that will allow us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Well, there is one thing we can say. We have to be able to recognize and say with sincerity, “Lord, I need You.” Once we recognize our own insufficiency that’s exactly when Christ can say to us, “My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made great in weakness (2 Cor 12:9).”

C.S. Lewis wrote a book called The Four Loves and in it he explains one of the loves he calls “Need Love.” His explanation is simple. Love is often a result of our need. Out of need comes desire. We need Christ, and once we recognize that need, our ….

Weekly ENCOUNTER ... a time to gather in God's presence together.


During the months of October and November, we are focusing on being a MEGA-church … “God’s Church at Its Greatest.” It’s not just about size (how big), but about quality (how well!). Because of who God is, it should be our goal to be all that He desires us to be. That’s true not just of each one of us individually, but also of who we are collectively as His church! During these two months, we are looking at the New Testament book of Acts. It tells the story of the early church as it expanded during those earliest years. As we look at this story, we will be considering what we can learn about His Church at its greatest. Each week, we will be identifying a specific theme from Acts that will help us reflect on how we can become the GREAT church He desires. Here’s where we will be headed in this series specifically during the month of October …

October 26 Becoming GREAT by Relying on the Holy Spirit’s Power

November 2 Becoming GREAT by Cultivating a Passion for the Salvation of Others

November 9 Becoming GREAT by Courageously Standing Firm in the Face of Opposition

November 16 Becoming GREAT by Remaining Committed to Truth

November 23 Becoming GREAT by Embracing the Privilege of “Life Together”

NOTE: During this series, we encourage you to be reading through the book of Acts.


desire for Christ follows. Many of us experience this type of love at least once in our encounter with God, but Lewis argues that this recognition of need and our desire for Christ should never be anything we “grow” out of as followers of Jesus. Why? Because out of desire develops a love that Lewis calls “Gift love.” When you desire someone (e.g. your spouse or your child), you want to gift them with service. If we never recognize that initial need, however, a desire to serve Christ is really hard to develop, except for maybe out of pride, obligation, self-recognition or self-righteousness, which is an unacceptable gift, to say the least.

If you miss a sermon, you can catch it online! Go to the "Sermons & Media" tab on the home page of our website. Once there, click "Launch

Sermon Player" to find the one you want to hear.

"Lord, I Need You" by Matt Maher

Verse One: Lord, I come, I confess

Bowing here I find my rest Without You I fall apart

You're the One that guides my heart

Chorus: Lord, I need You, oh, I need You

Every hour I need You My one defense, my righteousness

Oh God, how I need You

Verse Two: Where sin runs deep Your grace is more Where grace is found is where You are

And where You are, Lord, I am free; holiness is Christ in me And where You are, Lord, I am free; holiness is Christ in me!


Bridge: Teach my song to rise to You

When temptation comes my way And when I cannot stand I'll fall on You

Jesus, You're my hope and stay



CONNECT Groups are an important part of who we are here at Southland. We believe that God’s Word

(especially the New Testament) emphasizes the idea of community. We do not follow Jesus best in

isolation, but connected with other believers. It’s in the midst of these relationships where together

we can be encouraged, challenged and equipped for our life of faith. That’s what SCC CONNECT

Groups are all about!

Here’s what we’re doing in CONNECT Groups during the entire

“MEGA … God’s Church at Its Greatest” series in October and

November (see page 12 for details about the individual sermons in

this series). Each week, the content will be paralleling the theme

we are reflecting on in our sermons. Because of that, there

becomes one dominant emphasis throughout our ENCOUNTER and

CONNECT time on any given Sunday. We have also found this to

be a good way to maintain focus church-wide as all groups are

addressing the same basic content.

Here’s how it is working. We are putting together curriculum using some of the video materials found in

our Right Now Media ministry tool. The materials will work together with our sermon content to

somehow supplement the discussion. Maybe it will help us reflect on another dimension of the theme.

Maybe it will help us more fully apply the theme to our life situations. In one way or another, our

CONNECT Group time will reinforce the same basic idea as we strive to be His church at its greatest.

Sometimes, it will simply be about how each one of us can better LIVE OUT faith – as we do that

individually, we are better collectively.

These are the specific points of focus for the rest of this series:

October 26 … how can we follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our lives?

November 2 … how can we participate in sharing the Good News of salvation through Jesus?

November 9 … focus on “The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.”

November 16 … how can we remain committed to God’s Truth in the midst of a “whatever” world?

November 23 … how can we better experience God-designed Christian community?

CONNECT Ministries ... a place to discover Christian community.

We have designed our CONNECT Ministries to help people discover Christian community. They provide the right kind of place to build relationships with other believers, pray with and for one another as we strive to follow Jesus faithfully and consider how God’s Word applies to our lives. Please see the "CONNECT Counter" in the foyer for information about where these groups meet weekly (mainly 9 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings), and for more details about any upcoming events (also listed below).


Starting in October, we have been offering a couple of new D-Group opportunities for men. Here are those options:

There are going to be men’s D-Groups meeting at Southland on Sunday evenings. Contact Terry Ochs (417) 844-8355 or Pat Little (417) 459-0861 for details.

“After Hours” on Wednesdays at 8 PM (we started Wednesday, October 8). A D-Group time designed especially for younger men (and those who feel young-at-heart). If you have a family, eat supper with them and help move the kids toward bed. Then, come to Southland at 8 PM for a time of GROWING DEEP in your faith with other guys.

We realize that these timeframes will not work for everyone. But, we wanted to be more intentional about this priority. To be a part of a “D-Group,” please fill out one of the GREEN CARDS found at the Welcome Center, and we

will make sure we contact you about the opportunity. We’ll even work to figure out how to adjust if these times don’t work. It’s a great way to GROW DEEP in your faith as a follower of Jesus!

Thanksgiving Dinner November 14 @ 6:30

Bring a covered dish or dessert. Sign up in the foyer, call Shirley, or email to RSVP

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Effective October 1: Wednesday breakfasts back at Hy Vee – 9 AM

Shirley 773-8094 * Dorothy 827-6997 * Sue 883-8536

Serving a meal at Ronald McDonald House October 25 @ 6:30

At Southland, a significant way we help people grow is through our Deeper Life Groups (a.k.a. "D-Groups"). While we occasionally offer other teaching opportunities, this is our primary way of helping people plant DEEP roots into Christ and God's Word (see Colossians 2:6-7).

G ROW DEEP Ministries ... an opportunity to plant deep roots in Jesus and God's Word.



Below, we have listed some areas where we specifically need volunteers. If you are willing and able to help in any of these areas, please contact the people we have listed or simply use one of the blue “BUILD UP” response cards.

We need some ladies or couples who would be willing to serve in the nursery as part of a rotation. Please contact Amanda Miller or call the office if you can help in this area – at this point, it’s during one service a month. (If we have more volunteers, you could actually end up serving less than once a month!)

We need couples who are willing to come in and fix communion on Sunday mornings. This opportunity is a simple, behind the scenes way to serve. And yet, it is also one that is essential to our ENCOUNTER time each and every Sunday. Couples serve one month at a time on a rotating basis. Contact Deb in the office to volunteer for this area of service.

This section of the Vine provides a central place for you to be informed about how to become active in service at Southland. One of our major priorities is to be a place where God's people BUILD UP one another. In fact, according to Ephesians 4:16, the overall health of the church (the Body) depends upon each part doing its "own special work." Through our acts of service, God uses us to help others grow. At the same time, here’s what is beautiful about God's design: what we do for the benefit of others even has benefits for our own growth as followers of Jesus. That's why we share this section with you. While we cannot include every potential opportunity to serve, we want to (1) highlight some specific areas where we have a need for help, (2) make you aware of special opportunities to serve and (3) provide a place to thank some of our volunteers.

Opportunities to BUILD UP ... a way to serve others and even help ourselves grow.

To volunteer to serve in any area of ministry, please fill out one of the BLUE "Build Up" response cards at the Welcome Center. We will pass your name along to the appropriate leader.

“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and

full of love.”

- Ephesians 4:16



Occasionally, I (Deb) have the opportunity of trying to find the right

person to plug into an area of ministry here at the church. Because of

that, I can tell you that it is a great blessing when someone’s response

to my “Would you consider serving in …?” is an immediate and

enthusiastic “YES!” No hesitation. No “Let me think about it.” No

excuses. Just “YES!”

So it was when I asked Sara Emmerton to step in as the Pre-K coordinator. I know Sara is an

excellent teacher and that she has a true love of children. I have watched her teach in Li’l Cruisers

and have seen how well the kids respond to her. I have seen her creativity and ability to handle the

“curve balls” that 3 and 4 year olds can inevitably throw you. So, when it was decided that we

needed to have a person over the Pre-K classes, Sara was a natural choice.

From the moment she accepted this area of responsibility, Sara began working to sift through

curriculum and create a vision for what the Pre-K area could be. Her desire to equip the teachers

with everything they need is evident as she chose a curriculum that is geared to the age and yet is

challenging. From the very start, Sara’s heart was to guide these little ones into a love for God that

would go with them even after they left class.

As the volunteer coordinator of the Pre-K Ministry, Sara joins the Women’s Ministry team where

we are all looking forward to her input and ideas. Sara is a great blessing to me, but far more than

that, she is a great blessing to our church. Thank you, Sara, for your passion for sharing the gospel

with our pre-schoolers and for your heart to serve!

… to Judy Schiller for volunteering to teach in Wee Cruisers once a month.

… to Catherine Correll for cleaning and re-setting the communion trays while Bill and Pam Foster were

on vacation (the Fosters normally take care of this area of service each week).

…Our middle school and high school girls who faithfully serve as teacher’s assistants in the Wee

Cruisers, Lil Cruisers and Nursery classes on Sunday mornings.


SERVING SCHEDULE – November 2014

Communion Prep: Ritz Family (1st 2 Sundays)/Karen & Truman Haynes


Empty Nesters (8:45-9:10) The Refuge (10:15-10:40)

Keith & Christy Wall (8:45-9:10) Mike Seal/Mike Lippert (10:15-10:40)

AJ & Terra Gegg (8:45-10:15) Pam & Bill Foster (10:15-11:45)

11/9/14 - 1ST 11/9/14 - 2ND

10:30 Free At Last (8:45-9:10) 9:00 Branch (10:15-10:40)

Dennis & Kay McCann (8:45-10:15) Steve and LeeAnn Marsh (10:15-10:40)

Ben & Debbie Jennings (8:45-10:15) Ken & Debbie Nelson (10:15-11:45)

11/16/14 - 1ST 11/16/14 - 2ND

Empty Nesters (8:45-9:10) 242 (10:15-10:40)

Shirley Bloss/Sue Malina (8:45-9:10) Edna Houser (10:15-10:40)

Bob & Liz Wood (8:45-10:15) Ernie & Charlotte Emmerton (10:15-11:45)

11/23/14 - 1ST 11/23/14 - 2ND

10:30 Free At Last (8:45-9:10) 9:00 Branch (10:15-10:40)

Pat Burge/Dorothy Marti (8:45-9:10) Dustin and Lacey Shumaker (10:15-10:40)

Terry & Brenda Ochs (8:45-10:15) Dennis & Kay McCann (10:15-11:45)

11/30/14 - 1ST 11/30/14 - 2ND

Empty Nesters (8:45-9:10) The Refuge (10:15-10:40)

BJ Harvill (8:45-9:10) Cary & Linda Jones (10:15-10:40)

Mike & Carolyn Owen (8:45-10:15) Warren & Carolyn Burros (10:15-11:45)

SERVERS 1ST SERVICE 2ND SERVICE 11/2/14 Various People Austin Presko Team

11/9/14 Various People Doug Graves Family

11/16/14 Various People Ben Jennings Team

11/23/14 Various People Les Londeen & Youth Ministry

11/30/14 Various People Les Londeen & Youth Ministry


11/2/14 Stacy Gambill Amanda Miller

11/9/14 Erica Shaw Debbie Gray

11/16/14 Gabrielle Carroll Jill Cobb

11/23/14 Jill Sims Susan Graves

11/30/14 Pam Sewell Pat Burge


11/2/14 Dustin & Lacey Shumaker/Stacy Gambill Millers & Stewarts

11/9/14 Joy Shearin/Linda Jones/Erica Shaw Debbie Gray/Jenelle & Ezri Smith

11/16/14 Gabrielle Carroll/Donna Lillard Jill Cobb/Amanda Butler

11/23/14 Cheryl McAnally/Jill Sims Graves Family

11/30/14 Pam Sewell/ Pat Burge/Sue Malina

Wee Cruisers’ LEADER Li'l Cruisers’ LEADER Cruisers’ LEADER

11/2/14 Judy Schiller Allison Ritz

Sara Emmerton Shelby Ritz


11/9/14 Debbie Jennings Brittney Shearin

Brad and Marsha Foster Victoria Kubitschek

Brad and Ashley Worthy

11/16/14 Danielle Keeton

Elizabeth Kubitschek Ceci Drake

Linsey Drake Les

11/23/14 Amanda Hamilton

Linsey Drake Sara Emmerton

Elizabeth Kubitschek Brad and Ashley Worthy

11/30/14 Kristin Londeen

Emily Weber Sara Emmerton Brittney Shearin


COMPUTER 1ST SERVICE 2ND SERVICE 11/2/14 Katy Carmichael Sonya Simpson

11/9/14 Dan Gray Dan Gray

11/16/14 Jordan Marsh Jay Butler

11/23/14 Carl Simpson Sonya Simpson

11/30/14 Jon’s Choice Jon’s Choice


To keep you informed about Southland’s foreign missions partners, we strive to provide updates when available in the alcove of the auditorium (by the map). This is really the only way one of our partners can communicate with us. Their location makes any online presence too risky from a security standpoint. We do make their newsletters available as they come in.

There is a website for the “Central India Christian Mission.” Check out for more information about some of the global Kingdom work we get to partner in here at Southland. You can also “like” their Facebook page for ongoing updates.

LIVE OUT Ministries

... a path for putting faith into action.

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

- Galatians 6:10

If you want to participate, it’s easy! Here’s what you need to do (this will also begin on Sunday, November 2) …

1. At the south end of the auditorium, there will be cards for different grocery items needed to fill the 66 baskets. We encourage you to be generous based on your circumstances when selecting cards of the items you will purchase.

2. Purchase the items (on the cards which you have selected) as soon as possible.

3. Bring your items to the church and place on the designated tables by Sunday, November 23. From there, the G6:10 team will make sure the baskets get to a family in need for Thanksgiving.

Thanks for participating with us and living out your faith in a practical way as together we “do good!”

This year, the G6:10 Ministry has set a goal of 66 baskets to help families in need this

Thanksgiving season!!!

Obviously, to make this happen, we need everyone’s help.