Southern Colonies Virginia Founded by John Smith in 1607 Presented by: Lucas Haller and Tori Meyer.

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Transcript of Southern Colonies Virginia Founded by John Smith in 1607 Presented by: Lucas Haller and Tori Meyer.

Southern Colonies Virginia

Founded by John Smith in 1607

Presented by: Lucas Haller and Tori Meyer

Geographical Characteristics and Climate

• The Southern Colonies has rivers, bays, and wetlands.

• The climate and soil of the tidewater were excellent for farming.

• The southern Colonies had rich soil, had a long growing season, and had a warm and damp climate.


• The first colonists came to Virginia to search for gold.

• When they realized that there was no gold there many started plantations on the rich soil of the tidewater.


• The Virginia colonists were Anglicans.

• Going to church was an important affair.

• People think it should be a all day event.

• Puritans, Quakers, and others who were not Anglican had to leave the colony.


• As Virginia grew, colonists wanted to have a voice in the laws of the colony.

• In 1619, colonists created the first elected legislature in the colonies.

• Colonists elected the Burgesses but only planters and other white men who owned were allowed to vote or be elected.

• In 1632, the House of Burgesses made the Anglican Church the official church of Virginia.


• Most children were educated at home.

• Children learned how to read and write only if their parents could teach them.

• Their parents hired teachers to instruct the children in reading, writing, dancing, and music.


• They sold crops to earn money like tobacco, rice, wheat, and corn.

• They also grew indigo which was very hard to grow and had little success.

• Cash crops grew very well.


• In the backcountry their houses were simple wooden cabins to most farming families who lived west of the tidewater.

• Most of theirs belongings were made by hand or traded from others.

• The planters family usually lived in a grand mansion and they were often decorated with fine furniture.

• A plantation is a large farm on which crops are raised by workers who live on the farm.


• One of Virginia’s towns and cities is Jamestown.

• Another one of Virginia's towns and cities is Williamsburg.

• The last town and city in Virginia is Richmond.


• In 1607, Virginia became the first permanent English colony in North America.

• The children of wealthy planters lived fairly easy lives.

• Most plantation workers were indentured servants or enslaved Africans.

• Many plantation owners, or planters became wealthy by growing and selling cash crops such as tobacco and rice.


• John Smith and others were important people to know because they founded Virginia.

• Also, colonists were important people to know because they elected the Burgesses to make laws.