South Central Florida Professional Chapter Reliable Water Sources for Corail Lamothe, Haiti.

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Transcript of South Central Florida Professional Chapter Reliable Water Sources for Corail Lamothe, Haiti.

South Central Florida Professional ChapterSouth Central Florida Professional Chapter

Reliable Water Sources for

Corail Lamothe, Haiti

Presentation Overview

World Statistics Haiti Statistics and Challenges HERO Corail Lamothe Project How can my company help? Chapter Contacts Questions

World Statistics 1.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water 2.6 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation 4,600 people mostly women and children die every day from preventable

waterborne illnesses 25,000 people die every day from hunger and hunger-related illness 1.8 million children die every year from diarrhea and related illnesses

Sources: WHO/UNICEF, 2005; United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO), 2006

Project Area: Haiti

Population ~9MM Poorest country in the Western

Hemisphere 80% below poverty line 54% in abject poverty

Annual per-capita income ~$1,400 Life expectancy: 58 years Median Age: 18.5 years!

Haiti Challenges

Haiti is less than 2% forested causing flooding and erosion.

Because of deforestation, the government is unable to keep up with repairs and maintenance of the roads

Only a few cities have municipal electric

There is no running water or sewage system

There are over 600,000 orphans in Haiti.

80% of the population live under the poverty line and 54% in abject poverty

The cost of food has doubled in the last year. This may mean the choice between eating and sending the children to school

Families and orphanages are struggling to survive

Haiti Water Challenges Less than half of the population has access to safe drinking water!

The South Central Florida Professional Chapter of EWB-USA is partnering with HERO (Health Education Relief Organization) to help provide clean water to Corail Lamothe.


To provide clean water for 100,000 people which equates to providing water for 20 communities of 5,000 children and adults To provide schools that will educate 500,000 students which equates to 100 schools with 500 students each  To build more medical facilities with the objective of decreasing infant mortality rate by 1%. This equates to 14 clinics treating 2,000 patients per year over 10 years.

Corail Lamothe•Located in the Southeast Department of Haiti

•Community of several thousand people

•Water source is shared with approximately 5,000 people from neighboring communities

•Children walk several miles each way to the source to get water for their families

•Source is unprotected and is subject to contamination from washing and other unsanitary activities.

Project ObjectiveTo increase public health through education and sanitation improvements

Protect the existing water source Rehabilitate and optimize existing rainwater catchment storage and collection

systems Point-of-Use filtration at households and schools using slow sand filters, Construct new rainwater catchment storage and collection system Hygiene education in households and schools Implementation of household pit and composting latrines for sanitation facilities


Phased Implementation To gain the opportunity to observe implemented improvements in order to ensure that

resources are used wisely the project objectives will be completed in phases

Phase I Construct spring box to protect water source Installation of approximately 60-90 slow sand filters Training of 20-30 community leaders for use and maintenance of slow sand filters Rehabilitate selected rainwater catchment systems Implement pit latrines Hygiene education

Phase II Install additional slow sand filters Rehabilitate additional rainwater catchment systems Implement composting pit latrines Continued hygiene education Construct new cistern(s)

The hope is to have several Phase I activities completed by the end of 2010.

How can you Help?Sponsor/Donate

Website: Contact: Make checks payable to:

EWB-USA and Note: EWB-SCFL Corail Lamothe,

Haiti Mail checks to :

Jamie Docherty.

MWH Americas – Attn: Jamie Docherty490 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway,

Suite 300Sunrise, Florida, 33325

Special Thanks to: Bruce Goddard of HERO Dave Hoffman of EWB-MST

“… “… the difference between what we do the difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the would suffice to solve most of the

world’s problems..”world’s problems..”

-- Mahatma Gandhi

Chapter Contacts

President – Brooksie Barton,

Vice President – Rachel Jones,

Secretary – Andrew Eiland, Jr.,

Treasurer – Jamie


Questions ?

Thank you