South African & African Digital Stats PUB QUIZ

Post on 22-May-2015

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People think they know what's going on in the digital industry in terms of numbers, figures, audience sizes and technology types. They don't. This is a pub quiz to help you get better at it.

Transcript of South African & African Digital Stats PUB QUIZ

(South) African Digital Stats

The Quiz Master is

always right.

(even when he’s almost right)

Hat  %p:  Arthur  Goldstuck  and  World  Wide  Worx  for  the  South  Africa  digital  stats    

(especially  the  es7mates!)      

Hat  %p:  Andrew  McHenry  and  Jonathan  Hoehler  for  their  curated  African  stats    



Most  stats  from  Arthur  Goldstuck’s  World  Wide  Worx  Research.  Precious  few  are  made  up.  

South Africa

How  many  people  in  South  Africa?  

South  Africa  has  about    50  million  people.  

How  many  people  browse  the  Internet  in  South  Africa?  

About  8.1  million  browse  the  internet  (including  email  use,  

cellphone  browsing  but  excluding  applica7ons  like  MXIT).  

How  many  South  Africans  use  apps  on  their  mobile  phones?  

About  12.5  million  people  access  independent  applicaCons  on  their  

mobile  phones    (eg.  MXIT,  Java  Apps,  iPhone  Apps,  Android  Apps  etc)  

How  many  MXIT  users  are  there  in  South  Africa?  

10.5  million  acCve  users    (many  more  registered)  

How  many  Facebook  users  do  we  have?  

There  are  around    +-­‐  5  million  FaceBook  users.  

How  many  TwiAer  users  do  we  have?  

About    1.2  million  TwiAer  “users”.  

Let’s  talk  mobile!  Ac%ve  SIM  cards  vs  cellphone  users?  

59  million  acCve  SIM  Cards  40  million  cellphone  users!  

What’s  the  %  split  between  Pre  Paid  and  Contract?  

80%  Pre  Paid.  20%  Contract.  

What  is  the  churn  of  sim  cards  per  month?  

About  15  million  sim  cards  per  month  *es7mate  

 (Vodacom  churn  in  2011  was  30%  of  26  million  =  7.8  million)  

How  many  Please  Call  Me’s  do  you  think  get  sent  every  month?  

South  Africans  send  MORE  than    1  billion  Please  Call  Me’s  per  month.  

1  billion!    

How  many  SmartPhones  will  there  be  in  SA  by  end  2011?  

Around  8  million!  

Top  3  mobile  sites  in  SA?  

Facebook  Google  Mxit  

(followed  by  Wikipedia  &  YouTube)    

What  do  you  no+ce  about  the  US?  

And  lastly,  just  for  wow  value…  

Most  stats  from  Arthur  Goldstuck’s  World  Wide  Worx  Research.  Precious  few  are  made  up.  


How  many  people  in  Africa?  

1  billion.  

How  many  cellphones  in  Africa?  

620  million.  

Name  the  top  4  African  countries  by  mobile  penetraCon?  

Libya  170%  Tunisia  108%  

South  Africa  105%  Morocco  100%  

African  country  with  the  most  number  of  mobile  subs/sims?  

Nigeria  with  89  million.  

Name  the  top  3  “cheap”  smartphone  brands  for  Africa?  

Huawei.  ZTE.  Mi-­‐fone.  

How  many  of  the  Top  20  African  “Sites  viewed  on  a  mobile  device”  

can  you  get?  

Google’s  share  of  mobile  search?  


Gartner  predicts  that  the  mobile  web  will  be  bigger  than  the  

“desktop”  web  by  which  year?  


Most  stats  from  Arthur  Goldstuck’s  World  Wide  Worx  Research.  Precious  few  are  made  up.  

Facebook (SA)

So  we  know  there  are  about  5  million  South  African  FaceBook  

users.  What  do  you  think  the  gender  split  is?  

2,386,600  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  are  male  

2,518,960  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  are  female  

47% plays 53%!

%  of  SA  Facebook  users  over  the  age  of  30?  


3,043,460  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  age  30  and  older  

Let’s  say  we  were  targejng  content  or  products…  Rugby  vs  Cricket?  

365,900  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  like  #rugby  

242,200  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  like  #cricket  

Gays  vs  Lesbians?  

30,480  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  are  male  §  who  are  interested  in  men  

509,400  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  are  female  §  who  are  interested  in  women  

Pester  Power  PotenCal?  

74,220  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  are  in  category  Parents  (child:

0-­‐3yrs,  4-­‐12yrs  and  13-­‐15yrs)  

Expec%ng  parents?  

4,460  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  are  in  category  Expec%ng  Parents  

Anyone  else  find  this  a  liPle  creepy?  

How  many  South  Africans  use  Facebook  on  a  mobile  device?  

4,055,800  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  are  in  category  Mobile  (All)  

Facebook  iPhone  users    vs    

Facebook  BlackBerry  users?  

140,020  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  are  in  category  iPhone  

1,630,280  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  are  in  category  Blackberry  

Small  Business  Owners?  

109,000  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  are  in  category  Small  Business  


And  my  personal  favourite…  DeloiAe  vs  Accenture    

(as  a  recruitment  agent  of  course!)  

1,460  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  work  at  DeloiAe  

960  people  §  who  live  in  South  Africa  §  who  work  at  Accenture  

Most  stats  from  Arthur  Goldstuck’s  World  Wide  Worx  Research.  Precious  few  are  made  up.  

Facts & Figures Part 3 (International)

If Facebook were a country it would be the 3rd most populated in the world

78% of Internet users conduct product research online

Web-based email usage has dropped by 59% among 12-17 year olds

Twitter has 250 mil+ users generating 1 billion Tweets per week

57% of businesses have acquired a customer through their company blog

Companies that blog get 55% more web traffic

Top three Twitter cities in the world…

1. London 2. LA 3.Chicago

9  out  of  10  Internet  users  visited  a  Social  Networking  site  in  2010  

Every  month,  more  than  250  million  people…  

engage  with  Facebook  on  external  websites  

People  spend  over  700  billion  minutes  per  month  on  FaceBook.  

SNAP!  SNAP!  Instagram  grew  to  1  mil  users  in  10  weeks.  4  mil  in  7  months.  10  photos  per  second  

Sina  Weibo  =  140  mil  users  in  China.  10  mil  accounts  per  month  

Social  Network  penetra+on  in  La+n  America?  88%  of  all  Internet  Users!  

But  FaceBook  s+ll  dominates.  How  about  the  30  billion  pieces  of  content/month  being  shared?  

And  now  you  know!