Sound and meaning

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of Sound and meaning

SOUND AND MEANING Zoe Ramsdale-Clark


Diegetic sound is any sound, voice or piece of music that has come from within that scene of a televised programme or film. For example in the television drama clip that I analysed (Pretty Little Liars) when the girls were having a discussion, which is also known as dialogue, this is a form of diegetic sound because it has come from within the scene.


Non-diegetic sound is sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action. Some forms of non-diegetic sound are narrators commentary, sound effects and mood music. An example of when non-diegetic sound was used in the television drama clip that I analysed was when the blind girl Jenna was walking down the corridor. The non-diegetic sound was used to build tension which foreboded a sense of danger.


Synchronised sound refers to sound recorded at the time of the filming of movies. It usually appears to be matched to certain movements in a scene, for example when the sound of footsteps corresponds to a person walking


Asynchronous sound is sound which is indigenous (occurs naturally in a particular place) to the action but not precisely synchronized with the action.

Here is an example of when it was used:


A sound effect is a recorded or electronically produced sound that matches the visual action taking place onscreen. For example this may be used in a television drama when something breaks on the floor and we hear a loud ‘smash’.


A sound effect or combination of sound effects that are associated with a particular character, setting, situation or idea through the film. It will usually be used to prepare the audience for the entrance of this character.


A sound bridge is when at the start of a new scene, the sound from the previous scene is briefly carried over into the next one.


Dialogue is the conversation spoken between characters in a song, television programme or film. Virtually all television dramas will feature dialogue as this is what will keep the audience interested. For example in Doctor Who, the majority of the scenes are taken up by dialogue between the characters.


Voiceovers are narrations or non-synchronous dialog taking place over the action onscreen

MODE OF ADDRESS/DIRECT ADDRESS Mode of address is the way in which the form of media talks to the audience. This can be through the chosen style, genre or props used for a television drama.


The process during the post-production stage of a film or a television program in which the collection of recorded sounds are combined into one or more channels along with adjusting the many attributes of the sounds


A sound’s position in space as perceived by the viewer given by volume, timbre, and pitch


A sound track is the recording of the musical accompaniment for a movie or television programme


This is music that is original and specifically written for a movie or television programme, it is often a piece of music that is played in the background


Themes are a piece of music or a song which is often played at the beginning and end of a television programme. Nearly all television programmes will have something called a theme tune

Stings are formally known to be used as metaphorical ‘punctuation’ in a piece of music. For example a sting may be used to introduce a regular section of the show or at the end of a scene, or as a dramatic climax


Ambient sound is sounds that are frequently used in the backgrounds of a scene such as:




Office Noises

They perform functions such as providing audio continually, preventing an unnatural silence and establishing or reinforcing the mood