Sosu Pres - selling to Stakeholders

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Can you sell, articulate your worth as a sourcer to stakeholders?

Transcript of Sosu Pres - selling to Stakeholders

  • 1. ORThe Google wont do THAT for me! ORShhh Dont make eye contact its the Geeks

2. Dan Nuroo General Manager, Recruitment for IMA Managementand Technology (Its OK if you havent heard of us.Look us up) Started in Recruitment back in 1997 Worked in both Agency land and in-house Blog: Twitter: @dannuroo LinkedIn: Im sure you can all find me here. 3. Why does the world need Socerers (OK sorry) Peopleto do Sourcing? Articulating the worth and Value-add you can bring Why does Sourcing deserve a seat at the table? 4. How do your parents explain to their friends what you do? 5. They work with computers 6. They see.. 7. This cool person from Criminal Minds 8. If these people dont know? How do you expect your company or clients too? 9. Can you articulate WHATS! ON! OFFER! 10. Well, HE GOT FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11. Jerry GOT FIRED Was he wrong? Or. Did he just not pitch to his audience 12. The door of the CEO is always open for the rightinformation Simon Carsis, Founder PageUp Therefore: Information is power? Sshhhhhh, little tip here: YOU OWN THE INFORMATION! Share your dataporn! 13. Traditional stuff Time to hire Cost of hire Cost of open positions Quality of hire 14. Blah blah blah blah 15. Your market Competitive Analysis Who is doing what, where, when and how! What trends are you noticing in the market, and will they affect your company? You have data on this right? Building external succession plans Identify companies to be acquired Can you measure external brand awareness Employment and corporate brands SOLVE BROADER BUSINESS ISSUES 16. Things need to change! Shy, nerdy stereo type needs to change! Evangelists are required The stealth approach does not work. 17. SORRY! 18. Headhunters rule! Can you WOO! Bring genuine business benefit to your role Let it be known And dont forget