Sorry day powerpoint

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sorry day celebration

Transcript of Sorry day powerpoint

Sorry Day26th May 2010

I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land, the Ngunawal People and call on the Spirit Ancestors to walk with us today, as we share and learn together.

This flower is the national emblem of the Stolen Generations. It is found widely across Australia and it is a survivor .

For the mothers and children of the Stolen Generation.

As we light this candle we remember the Stolen Generation. We look

forward to true reconciliation and healing for the future generations.

Be Still Be still, wait, do not rush things.

Let life happen by itself.Work with it, trust in the spirituality and wisdom that is around you.With confidence, we wait for God too.His time is 'right time'.Wait for Him to make His Word clear.'Right time', gentle time, don't rush.Sometimes waiting is painful.Sometimes it's a struggle.But,Circle is always turning.'Right time' will come.Be patient.Be still.Listen.

Psalm 46:10

Be still and know that I am God.











Psalm 46:10

Be still and know that I am God.


Dadirri is about taking time to listen and to be renewed. The Indigenous

peoples have experienced dadirri for over 40,000 years.

We can learn from these traditions and experience them today .

Let us share some of our reflections from our dadirri experiences.

Our Students

Let us pray

• Leader: We honour the memory of the people of this land from long ago. All: We hear their cry and pray for healing. Leader: We are mindful of the dispossession of these people from their land. All: We hear their cry and pray for healing. Leader: We leave here today ready to work towards Reconciliation with the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people. All: We hear their cry and pray for healing.

Please extend your hand in a blessing to others as I read our blessing prayer.

In the name of the Father….

Creator Spirit, God of the Dreaming, God of this ancient land, you who see the good in all your people, we thank you for the gift of our many different cultures. We come together with our hearts ready and open to your Spirit of peace and healing. We ask you to fill us with the love and understanding that can help us to accept the wrongs that have been done to our brothers and sisters. Help us now to do all that we can to be one in your love and peace. We make this prayer in the name of Jesus who is our hope of healing. Amen.

In the name of the Father…..

Australian Blessing

May you always stand tall as a treeBe as strong as the rock Uluru

As gentle and still as the morning mist Hold the warmth of the campfire in

your heartAnd may the Creator Spirit

Always walk with you.E.Pike 97