Song of Solomon 8v13-14 Make Hast My Beloved

Post on 23-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Song of Solomon 8v13-14 Make Hast My Beloved

Lesson Twenty

Song of Solomon 8:13-14

The Song of Solomon ends in a manner similar to how the last book of the Old Testament ends, and how the last book of the New Testament ends – with a promise for the soon coming of the Saviour.

*One of the oxymorons of the Christian life is that we long for Jesus to return, but not until our friends have gotten saved.

*It has been a recurring thing beginning way back in chapter 5:8 that she has addressed the “daughters of Jerusalem” concerning her beloved.

*We, who are believers, do not and are not supposed to live in a vacuum.

*Earnest Christians want others to be saved and want to be a part of God’s plan to see them saved.

I want to have some “hands on” experience with winning souls.

*I want to personally support some of those missionaries in other countries

*I want to pray for, encourage and help my church in its soul winning work and

*I want to win souls my own self

*The hope of the Christian is not that we will have a world revival and not that our governments will become better.

*The hope of the Christian is not for the right man to be elected next time.


The hope of the Christian is for Jesus Christ to come again.