Song of Solomon 6:4-13 Results of Revival

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Song of Solomon 6:4-13 Results of Revival

Lesson Fifteen

Song of Solomon 6:4-13

*The point is that, though the fellowship had been strained, the relationship had not been damaged.

*One of the biggest blessings the Christian may possess is the knowledge that God only sees Christ in us.

* As we look to the Lord in love and adoration, but in earnest desire and expectation for our needs, He is overcome with compassion and desire to fulfill our heart’s request.

*We do not all produce the same fruit or the same quantities; but we should all produce spiritual fruit for the cause of Christ.

*As we draw ever closer to the Lord, the world around us will be drawn to Christ, and Christ will draw them back to us.

*As we draw ever closer to the Lord, the world around us will be drawn to Christ, and Christ will draw them back to us.