solusi manual advanced acc zy Chap006

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Transcript of solusi manual advanced acc zy Chap006

Chapter 06 - Intercompany Transfers of Services And Noncurrent Assets




Q6-1   Profits on intercorporate sales generally are considered to be realized when the affiliate that has purchased the item sells it to a nonaffiliate. For depreciable or amortizable items that are used by the affiliate in its operations, profits are considered to be realized as the purchaser depreciates or amortizes the asset.

Q6-2   An upstream sale occurs when a subsidiary sells an item to the parent company. If the asset is not resold before the end of the period, the parent is the company holding the asset and any unrealized profits are recorded on the books of the subsidiary.

Q6-3   If the purchaser records the services received as an expense, both revenues and expenses will be overstated in the consolidated income statement in the period in which the intercorporate services are provided. In the event the services are capitalized by the purchaser, the cost of the asset will be overstated, depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation will be overstated if the services are assigned to a depreciable asset, and service revenue will be overstated.

Q6-4   (a)  Unrealized profit on an intercorporate sale generally is included in the reported net income of the seller.

(b)  All unrealized profit on current-period intercorporate sales must be excluded from consolidated net income until realized through resale to a nonaffiliate.

Q6-5   Profits on intercompany sales are included in consolidated net income in the period in which the items are sold to a nonaffiliate. If there are unrealized profits on the books of one of the companies at the start of the period and the item is sold to a nonaffiliate during the current period, the intercompany profit is included in the computation of consolidated net income for the current period.

Q6-6   The profits continue to be unrealized in this case and therefore must be eliminated from both the beginning and ending asset and retained earnings balances when consolidated statements are prepared. There should be no income statement effect for the current period.

Q6-7   A downstream sale is a sale from the parent to one of its subsidiaries. If the asset is not resold before the end of the period, the subsidiary is the company holding the asset at year-end and any unrealized profits are recorded on the books of the parent company.


Chapter 06 - Intercompany Transfers of Services And Noncurrent Assets

Q6-8   The entire balance of unrealized profits is eliminated in all cases. While the direction of the sale will affect the allocation of unrealized profits between companies, it does not change the total amount of profit eliminated.

Q6-9   Consolidated net income is reduced by the amount of unrealized profits assigned to the shareholders of the parent company. When a downstream sale occurs, all the profit is on the parent's books and consolidated net income is reduced by the full amount of any unrealized profit. On the other hand, when an upstream sale occurs, all the intercorporate profit is recorded on the books of the subsidiary and the amount of income assigned to both the parent company shareholders and the noncontrolling shareholders is reduced by a proportionate amount of any unrealized profit.

Q6-10  The amount of intercorporate profit realized in the current period from prior years' sales to the parent is added to the reported net income of the subsidiary in computing income assigned to the noncontrolling interest.

Q6-11  Income assigned to noncontrolling interest for the current period will be less than a proportionate share of the reported net income of the subsidiary. In determining the amount of income to be assigned to the noncontrolling interest in the consolidated income statement, the net income reported by the subsidiary must be adjusted to exclude any unrealized gain recorded during the period on the sale of depreciable assets to the parent. On the other hand, if an unrealized loss had been recorded, the basis used in assigning income to the noncontrolling interest would be greater than the reported net income of the subsidiary. Such adjustments must be made to assure that the income assigned to noncontrolling interest is based on the contribution of the subsidiary to consolidated net income rather than the amount the subsidiary may have reported as net income.

Q6-12  All other factors being equal, the income assigned to noncontrolling interest will be larger if the sale occurs at the start of the current period. Some part of the gain will be considered realized in the current period as the parent depreciates the asset if the sale occurs before year-end. None of the gain will be considered realized in the period of transfer if the sale occurs at year-end.

Q6-13  As in all other cases, income from the subsidiary recorded on the parent's books must be eliminated in preparing the consolidated income statement and an appropriate amount of subsidiary net income must be assigned to the noncontrolling interest if the parent owns less than 100 percent of the subsidiary's stock. The gain recorded on the parent's books also must be eliminated.


Chapter 06 - Intercompany Transfers of Services And Noncurrent Assets

Q6-14  Depreciation expense recorded by the subsidiary is overstated from the viewpoint of the consolidated entity when the subsidiary pays the parent more than book value for the asset at the start of the period. As a result, an eliminating entry is needed to reduce depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation by the amount of excess depreciation recorded during 20X3.

Q6-15  Following an intercorporate sale of a depreciable asset, the eliminating entries should adjust the balance in the asset account to reflect the original purchase price to the first owner and accumulated depreciation should be adjusted to reflect the balance that would be reported if the asset were still held by the first owner. In the case of an intercorporate sale of an intangible asset, only the unamortized balance normally is reported and an eliminating entry is needed to adjust the carrying value to that which would be reported if the asset were still held by the first owner.

Q6-16  Profit on an intercorporate sale of land is considered realized at the time the purchaser sells the land to a nonaffiliate. Profit on equipment normally is considered realized as the asset is used and depreciated on the books of the purchaser. Equipment typically is considered to be used up in the production process and therefore is charged to expense over its remaining economic life, while land is not.

Q6-17  A portion of the profit is considered realized each period as the asset is depreciated by the purchaser. Thus, the net amount considered unrealized decreases each period and a smaller debit to beginning retained earnings is needed.

Q6-18A The balance in the investment account will depend on which method the parent uses to account for its investment in the subsidiary. If the parent uses (a) the cost method or (b) the basic equity method, no adjustments are made on the parent company's books for unrealized intercompany profits and the balance in the investment account will be the same as if there were no unrealized profits. If the parent uses (c) the fully-adjusted equity method, the balance in the investment account will be reduced by the full amount of the unrealized profit when the profit is on the parent's books and by a proportionate share of the unrealized profit when it is on the subsidiary's books.


Chapter 06 - Intercompany Transfers of Services And Noncurrent Assets


C6-1 Correction of Elimination Procedures


To: ControllerPlug Corporation

From:                                                 , CPA

Re: Elimination of Intercompany Profit on Equipment

This memo is in response to our review of the elimination procedures used in preparing the consolidated statements for Plug Corporation at December 31, 20X2. You have correctly identified the need to eliminate the effects of the intercorporate sale of equipment. In preparing your consolidated statements, all intercompany balances and transactions should be eliminated. [ARB 51, Par. 6]

Your eliminating entry recorded at December 31, 20X2, was:

E(1) Equipment 150,000 Loss on Sale of Equipment 150,000

This entry correctly eliminates the $150,000 loss recorded by Coy January 1, 20X2, on the sale of equipment to Plug and adds $150,000 to the equipment account. By adding back $150,000 to equipment, the balance is adjusted to $1,000,000 ($850,000 + $150,000). This represents the carrying value of the equipment on Coy’s books at the time of sale but does not reflect the purchase price paid by Coy ($1,200,000) or the accumulated depreciation at the time of sale ($200,000). Moreover, eliminating entry E(1) understates depreciation expense for the year. The correct eliminating entry at December 31, 20X2, is:

E(2) Equipment 350,000Depreciation Expense 15,000 Accumulated Depreciation 215,000 Loss on Sale of Equipment 150,000


Chapter 06 - Intercompany Transfers of Services And Noncurrent Assets

C6-1 (continued)

A debit of $350,000 to equipment is required to raise the balance from $850,000 recorded by Plug to $1,200,000, the initial purchase price to the consolidated entity. Depreciation expense must be increased by $15,000 from $85,000 ($850,000/10 years) recorded by Plug to $100,000 ($1,200,000/12 years) based on the initial purchase price. Accumulated depreciation must be credited by $215,000 to adjust from the $85,000 [($85,000/10 years) x 1 year] reported by Plug to $300,000 [($1,200,000/12 years) x 3 years]. As previously noted, the $150,000 loss recorded by Coy must be eliminated. If the amounts included in eliminating entry E(2) are omitted, consolidated net income for 20X2 and the retained earnings balance at December 31, 20X2, will be overstated and the balances for equipment and accumulated depreciation will be understated.

Primary citation:ARB 51, Par. 6


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

C6-2 Elimination of Intercorporate Services


To: Chief AccountantDream Corporation

From:                                                 , CPA

Re: Elimination of Legal Services Provided by Parent Company

This memo is in response to our discussion regarding the elimination of intercompany services in preparing consolidated financial statements for Dream Corporation. It is my understanding that at present Dream Corporation does not eliminate such services. In preparing consolidated financial statements all intercompany balances and transactions should be eliminated. [ARB 51, Par. 6]

The legal services provided by Dream Corporation to Classic Company and Plain Company are intercompany transactions that should be eliminated. If the revenues recorded by the parent are equal to the expenses recorded by the subsidiaries and both are properly recorded, elimination of these transactions will have no impact on reported net income but will reduce consolidated revenues and expenses by equal amounts. Financial statement readers will receive a more accurate picture of operations of the consolidated entity if the appropriate amounts are reported. The legal services provided to Classic Company in 20X3 should be eliminated with the following entry:

E(1) Legal Services Revenue 80,000 Legal Services Expense 80,000


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

The information on intercorporate services provided to Plain Company indicates that an additional adjustment is needed in the consolidation process. Although Plain Company recorded its $150,000 payment to the parent as a legal expense, it should have been recorded as an investment in land to be used in future development of its strip mine. This error should be corrected on the books of Plain Company. If it is not, the eliminating entry prepared at December 31, 20X3, should include an adjustment to reflect the appropriate investment in land and would be recorded as:

E(2) Legal Services Revenue 150,000Land 100,000 Legal Services Expense 150,000 Wage and Salary Expense 100,000

Care must be taken to capitalize only the cost of legal services in this case. The eliminating entry should contain a debit of $100,000 ($150,000/1.50) to land since Dream Corporation bills its services to the subsidiaries at 150 percent of the cost of services provided. Had Plain Company debited land for its $150,000 payment to Dream, the eliminating entry at December 31, 20X3, would have been:

E(3) Legal Services Revenue 150,000 Land 50,000 Wage and Salary Expense 100,000

No eliminating entry would be required at December 31, 20X4, on the legal services provided to Classic Company in 20X3. The conditions of the intercorporate transfer of services to Plain Company require an eliminating entry at December 31, 20X4, and in following years, as long as Plain Company owns the strip mine. The entry at December 31, 20X4, would be:

E(4) Land 100,000 Retained Earnings 100,000

Had Plain Company debited land for its $150,000 payment to Dream in 20X3, the eliminating entry at December 31, 20X4, would require a $50,000 debit to retained earnings and a $50,000 credit to land.

Primary citation:ARB 51, Par. 6


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

C6-3 Noncontrolling Interest

a.  When there are no unrealized profits on the subsidiary's books, a pro rata portion of the reported net income of the subsidiary is assigned to the noncontrolling interest, adjusted for the noncontrolling interest’s share of any amortization or write-off of differential.

b.  When there are no unrealized profits on the subsidiary's books, the noncontrolling interest is reported in the consolidated balance sheet at an amount equal to a pro rata portion of the book value of the net assets of the subsidiary plus the noncontrolling interest’s share of any remaining differential.

c.  The effect of unrealized intercompany profits depends on which company has recorded the profits. Those recorded on the books of the parent do not affect the income assigned to the noncontrolling interest. When subsidiary net income includes unrealized intercompany profits, the portion of consolidated net income assigned to the noncontrolling interest is reduced by its portion of the unrealized profit in the period of the intercorporate sale.

(1) On a sale of land, the intercompany profit remains unrealized until the land is sold to a nonaffiliate. When the land is resold, the profit is added to the reported net income of the subsidiary in computing the portion of consolidated net income assigned to the noncontrolling interest.

(2) On an intercorporate sale of a depreciable asset, a portion of the intercompany profit is considered realized each period as the purchaser depreciates the asset. Thus, in the period of the intercorporate sale, the adjustment to subsidiary net income for unrealized profits is based on the gain or loss less any portion considered realized before the end of the period. Each period thereafter, a portion of the profit or loss is considered realized and treated as an adjustment to subsidiary income in determining the portion of consolidated net income assigned to the noncontrolling interest.

d.  Noncontrolling shareholders of a subsidiary generally will not gain a great deal of useful information from the consolidated financial statements. Their primary focus must continue to be on the income, assets, and liabilities of the subsidiary in which they hold direct ownership. In the event there are a number of transactions with the parent or other affiliates, the success of the operations of the entire economic entity may provide information useful to the noncontrolling shareholders. Debt guarantees or other assurances by the parent may also lead to an examination of the parent company and consolidated statements.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

C6-4 Intercompany Sale of Services

a.  When preparing consolidated financial statements, Schwartz's revenue from the sale of services to Diamond and Diamond's expenses associated with the services acquired from Schwartz must be eliminated. The expenses related to the janitorial and maintenance activities that will be reported in the consolidated income statement will be the actual salary and associated costs incurred by Schwartz to provide the services to Diamond. The eliminations have no effect on consolidated net income because revenues and expenses of equal amount are eliminated in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements.

b.  Intercompany profits from the sale of services to an affiliate normally are considered realized at the time the services are provided. Realization of intercompany profits on services normally is considered to occur as the services are consumed, and services such as maintenance and repair services normally are considered to be consumed by the purchasing affiliate at the time received.

C6-5 Intercompany Profits

Answers can be found in the companies' 10-K filings with the SEC and in their annual reports. Note that financial statements are often included in the Form 10-K by reference to the company’s annual report. In such cases, the financial statements are often shown in a separate exhibit rather than in Item 8 of the Form 10-K.

a.  Century Telephone Enterprises, Inc. (, and its subsidiaries bill one another for services and materials provided in such amounts as to provide a reasonable return on investment. When preparing consolidated financial statements, the company eliminates intercompany profits on transactions with unregulated subsidiaries, but profits on transactions with regulated subsidiaries are not eliminated, as permitted by FASB Statement No. 71. This statement is applicable because phone companies are regulated as public utilities.

b.  Verizon ( eliminates all intercompany profits. It discontinued the use of regulatory accounting as provided by FASB 71 in 1994 and now no longer applies the provisions of FASB 71.

c.  All of Harley-Davidson’s ( intercompany transactions are eliminated except some occurring between the Motorcycles and Financial Services segments. Some interest and fees recognized as income by Financial Services and expense by Motorcycles are not eliminated. This leads to higher finance income and higher expenses, but net income is unaffected.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


E6-1 Multiple-Choice Questions on Intercompany Transfers [AICPA Adapted]

1. c

2. d

3. b

4. a

5. b Depreciation expense recorded by Pirn $40,000 Depreciation expense recorded by Scroll     10,000  Total depreciation reported $50,000 Adjustment for excess depreciation charged by Scroll as a result of increase in carrying value of equipment due to gain on intercompany sale ($12,000 / 4 years)   (3,000 )Depreciation for consolidated statements $47,000 

E6-2 Multiple-Choice Questions on Intercompany Transactions

1. d When only retained earnings is debited, and not the noncontrolling interest, a gain has been recorded in a prior period on the parent's books.

2. a The costs incurred by Bottom to develop the equipment are research and development costs and must be expensed as they are incurred (FASB Statement No. 2, par. 12). Transfer to another legal entity does not cause a change in accounting treatment within the economic entity.

3. b The $39,000 paid to Gold Company will be charged to depreciation expense by Top Corporation over the remaining 3 years of ownership. As a result, Top Corporation will debit depreciation expense for $13,000 each year. Gold Company had charged $16,000 to accumulated depreciation in 2 years, for an annual rate of $8,000. Depreciation expense therefore must be reduced by $5,000 ($13,000 - $8,000) in preparing the consolidated statements.

4. a TLK Corporation will record the purchase at $39,000, the amount it paid. Gold Company had the equipment recorded at $40,000; thus, a debit of $1,000 will raise the equipment balance back to its original cost from the viewpoint of the consolidated entity.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-2 (continued)

5. b Reported net income of Gold Company $  45,000 Reported gain on sale of equipment $15,000 Intercompany profit realized in 20X6 (5,000 )     (10,000 )Realized net income of Gold Company $  35,000 Proportion of stock held by noncontrolling interest x             .40  Income assigned to noncontrolling interests $     14,000  

6. c Operating income reported by Top Corporation $  85,000 Net income reported by Gold Company         45,000  

$130,000 Less: Unrealized gain on sale of equipment ($15,000 - $5,000) (10,000 )Consolidated net income $120,000 

E6-3 Elimination Entries for Land Transfer

a. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X4:

E(1) Gain on Sale of Land 10,000  Land 10,000 

Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X5:

E(1) Retained Earnings, January 1 10,000  Land 10,000 

b. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X4:

E(1) Gain on Sale of Land 10,000  Land 10,000 

Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X5:

E(1) Retained Earnings, January 1 6,000 Noncontrolling Interest 4,000  Land 10,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-4 Intercompany Services

a.  Consolidated net income will not change.

b.  One hundred percent of the intercompany services must always be eliminated. Thus, a change in the level of ownership of the subsidiary will not have an impact on the amount eliminated or on consolidated net income.

c.  $38,000 = $70,000 - $32,000

E6-5 Elimination Entries for Intercompany Services

Two eliminating entries are required:

E(1) Delivery Service Revenue 76,000  Delivery Service Expense 76,000

E(2) Accounts Payable 18,000  Accounts Receivable 18,000

E6-6 Elimination Entries for Depreciable Asset Transfer: Year-End Sale

a. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X6

E(1) Truck 5,000 Gain on Sale of Truck 10,000  Accumulated Depreciation 15,000

b. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X7:

E(1) Truck 5,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 10,000  Depreciation Expense 1,000 Accumulated Depreciation 14,000

Accumulated depreciation adjustment:Required [($45,000 / 15 years) x 6 years] $18,000 Recorded [($40,000 / 10 years) x 1 year]   (4,000 )Required increase $14,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-7 Transfer of Land

a. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X2:

E(1) Gain on Sale of Land 45,000  Land 45,000

Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X3:

E(1) Retained Earnings, January 1 31,500 Noncontrolling Interest 13,500  Land 45,000

b. Eliminating entries, December 31, 20X3 and 20X4:

E(1) Retained Earnings, January 1 30,000  Land 30,000

E6-8 Transfer of Depreciable Asset at Year-End

a. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X5:

E(1) Truck 90,000 Gain on Sale of Truck 30,000  Accumulated Depreciation 120,000

Computation of gain on sale of truck:Price paid by Minnow $210,000 Cost of truck to Frazer $300,000Accumulated depreciation ($300,000 / 10 years) x 4 years (120,000) (180,000)Gain on sale of truck $ 30,000 

b. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X6:

E(1) Truck 90,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 30,000  Depreciation Expense 5,000 Accumulated Depreciation 115,000

Accumulated depreciation adjustment:Required [($300,000 / 10 years) x 5 years] $150,000 Recorded [($210,000 / 6 years) x 1 year]     (35,000 )Required increase $115,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-9 Transfer of Depreciable Asset at Beginning of Year

a. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X5:

E(1) Truck 55,000 Gain on Sale of Truck 35,000  Depreciation Expense 5,000 Accumulated Depreciation 85,000

Computation of gain on sale of truck:Price paid by Minnow $245,000 Cost of truck to Frazer $300,000Accumulated depreciation ($300,000 / 10 years) x 3 years ( 90,000) (210,000 )Gain on sale of truck $ 35,000 

Accumulated depreciation adjustment:Required [($300,000 / 10 years) x 4 years] $120,000 Reported [($245,000 / 7 years) x 1 year]     (35,000 )Required increase $     85,000  

b. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X6:

E(1) Truck 55,000  Retained Earnings 30,000  Depreciation Expense 5,000 Accumulated Depreciation 80,000

Accumulated depreciation adjustment:Required [($300,000 / 10 years) x 5 years] $150,000 Reported [($245,000 / 7 years) x 2 years]     (70,000 )Required increase $   80,000  

E6-10 Sale of Equipment to Subsidiary in Current Period

a. Journal entry to record sale:

Cash 84,000 Accumulated Depreciation 80,000  Equipment 150,000 Gain on Sale of Equipment 14,000 Record the sale of equipment: $84,000 = $150,000 - $80,000 + $14,000 $80,000 = ($150,000 / 15 years) x 8 years


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-10 (continued)

b. Journal entry to record purchase:

Equipment 84,000  Cash 84,000

Journal entry to record depreciation expense:

Depreciation Expense 12,000  Accumulated Depreciation 12,000

c. Eliminating entry at December 31, 20X7, to eliminate intercompany sale of equipment:

E(1) Equipment 66,000 Gain on Sale of Equipment 14,000  Depreciation Expense 2,000 Accumulated Depreciation 78,000 Eliminate unrealized profit on equipment.

Adjustment to equipment

Amount paid by Wainwrite to acquire building $150,000 Amount paid by Lance on intercompany sale       (84,000 )Adjustment to buildings and equipment $     66,000  

Adjustment to depreciation expense

Depreciation expense recorded by Lance Corporation ($84,000 / 7 years) $  12,000 Depreciation expense recorded by Wainwrite Corporation ($150,000 / 15 years)     (10,000 )Adjustment to depreciation expense $       2,000  

Adjustment to accumulated depreciation

Amount required ($10,000 x 9 years) $ 90,000 Amount reported by Lance ($12,000 x 1 year)     (12,000 )Required adjustment $   78,000  

d. Eliminating entry at January 1, 20X8, to eliminate intercompany sale of equipment and prepare a consolidated balance sheet only:

E(1) Equipment 66,000 Retained Earnings 12,000  Accumulated Depreciation 78,000 Eliminate unrealized profit on equipment.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-11 Upstream Sale of Equipment in Prior Period

a. Consolidated net income for 20X8:

Operating income reported by Baywatch $100,000Net income reported by Tubberware $40,000Amount of gain realized in 20X8 ($30,000 / 12 years)     2,500 Realized net income of Tubberware     42,500 Consolidated net income $142,500

b. Consolidated net income for 20X8 would be unchanged.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-11 (continued)

c. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X8:

E(1) Buildings and Equipment 30,000Retained Earnings, January 1 20,000Noncontrolling Interest 5,000 Depreciation Expense 2,500 Accumulated Depreciation 52,500 Eliminate unrealized profit on building.

Adjustment to buildings and equipment

Amount paid by Tubberware to acquire building $300,000 Amount paid by Baywatch on intercompany sale   (270,000 )Adjustment to buildings and equipment $   30,000  

Adjustment to retained earnings, January 1, 20X8

Unrealized gain recorded January 1, 20X6 $  30,000 Amount realized following intercompany sale ($2,500 x 2)           (5,000 )Unrealized gain, January 1, 20X8 $  25,000 Proportion of ownership held by Baywatch x           .80  Required adjustment $     20,000  

Adjustment to Noncontrolling interest, January 1, 20X8

Unrealized gain at January 1, 20X8 $  25,000 Proportion of ownership held by noncontrolling interest x           .20  Required adjustment $         5,000  

Adjustment to depreciation expense

Depreciation expense recorded by Baywatch Industries ($270,000 / 12 years) $  22,500 Depreciation expense recorded by Tubberware Corporation ($300,000 / 15 years)       (20,000 )Adjustment to depreciation expense $         2,500  

Adjustment to accumulated depreciation

Amount required ($20,000 x 6 years) $120,000 Amount reported by Baywatch ($22,500 x 3 years)       (67,500 )Required adjustment $     52,500  


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-12 Elimination Entries for Midyear Depreciable Asset Transfer

a. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X3:

E(1) Equipment 2,000 Gain on Sale of Equipment 10,500 

Depreciation ExpenseAccumulated Depreciation 1,500


Purchase price paid by parent $30,000 Purchase price paid by subsidiary   (28,000 )Required increase $ 2,000 

Purchase price paid by subsidiary $28,000 Purchase price paid by parent $30,000 Less: Accumulated Depreciation ($5,000 x 2 1/2 years) (12,500)Book value at time of sale   (17,500 )Gain on sale of equipment $10,500 

Depreciation recorded by subsidiary ($28,000/3 ½ years) x ½ year $4,000 Depreciation recorded by parent ((E30,000/6 years) x ½ year (28,000)Required decrease $ 1,500 

Accumulated depreciation adjustment: Required [($30,000 / 6 years) x 3 years] $15,000  Recorded [($28,000 / 3 1/2 years) x 1/2 year]       (4,000 ) Required increase $11,000 

b. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X4:

E(1) Equipment 2,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 9,000 

Depreciation Expense 3,000Accumulated Depreciation 8,000

Unrealized gain, July 1, 20X3 $10,500 Realized in 20X3     (1,500 )Unrealized balance, January 1, 20X4 $     9,000  

Accumulated depreciation adjustment: Required [($30,000 / 6 years) x 4 years] $20,000  Recorded [($28,000 / 3 1/2 years) x 1 1/2 years]   (12,000 ) Required increase $     8,000  


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-13 Consolidated Net Income Computation

a. Downstream sale of land: 20X4   20X5  

Verry’s separate operating income $ 90,000  $110,000 Less: Unrealized gain on sale of land (25,000 )          Verry’s realized operating income $ 65,000  $110,000 Spawn’s realized net income 60,000   40,000  Consolidated net income $125,000  $150,000 Income to noncontrolling interest: ($60,000 x .25) (15,000) ($40,000 X .25)         (10,000 )Income to controlling interest $110,000  $140,000 

b. Upstream sale of land: 20X4   20X5  

Verry’s separate operating income $ 90,000  $110,000 Spawn’s net income $60,000 Less: Unrealized gain on sale of land (25,000)Spawn’s realized net income 35,000   40,000  Consolidated net income $125,000  $150,000 Income to noncontrolling interest: ($35,000 x .25) (8,750) ($40,000 x .25)         (10,000 )Income to controlling interest $116,250  $140,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-14 Elimination Entries for Intercompany Transfers

a. Operating income of Grand Delivery $65,000 Net income of Acme Real Estate Company $40,000 Less: Unrealized profit on land sale (25,000 )Acme’s realized net income 15,000  Consolidated net income $80,000 

b. Journal entries recorded by Speedy Delivery:

(1) Cash 8,000  Investment in Acme Real Estate Stock 8,000 Record dividends from Acme Real Estate:$10,000 x .80

(2) Investment in Acme Real Estate Stock 32,000  Income from Subsidiary 32,000  Record equity-method income: $40,000 x .80

c. Eliminating entries:

E(1) Income from Subsidiary 32,000  Dividends Declared 8,000  Investment in Acme Real Estate Stock 24,000  Eliminate income from subsidiary.

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 3,000  Dividends Declared 2,000  Noncontrolling Interest 1,000  Assign income to noncontrolling interest: $3,000 = ($40,000 - $25,000) x .20

E(3) Common Stock — Acme Real Estate Company 300,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 100,000  Investment in Acme Real Estate Stock 320,000  Noncontrolling Interest 80,000  Eliminate beginning investment balance.

E(4) Gain on Sale of Land 25,000  Land 25,000  Eliminate unrealized gain on land.

E(5) Service Revenue 15,000  Delivery Expense 15,000  Eliminate courier services performed by Speedy Delivery Service.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-15 Sale of Building to Parent in Prior Period

a. Turner will record annual depreciation expense of $25,000 ($300,000 / 12 years).

b. Split would have recorded annual depreciation expense of $20,000 ($400,000 / 20 years).

c. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X9:

E(1) Buildings and Equipment 100,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 42,000 Noncontrolling Interest 18,000  Depreciation Expense 5,000 Accumulated Depreciation 155,000 Eliminate unrealized profit on building.

Adjustment to buildings and equipment

Amount paid by Split to acquire building $400,000 Amount paid by Turner on intercompany sale   (300,000 )Adjustment to buildings and equipment $100,000 

Adjustment to retained earnings, January 1, 20X9

Unrealized gain, December 31, 20X8 [$300,000 - ($400,000 - $160,000)] $  60,000 Proportion of ownership held by Turner x           .70  Required adjustment $     42,000  

Adjustment to Noncontrolling interest, January 1, 20X9

Unrealized gain, December 31, 20X8 $  60,000 Proportion of ownership held by noncontrolling interest x           .30  Required adjustment $     18,000  

Adjustment to depreciation expense

Depreciation expense recorded by Turner Company ($300,000 / 12 years) $  25,000 Depreciation expense recorded by Split Company ($400,000 / 20 years)       (20,000 )Adjustment to depreciation expense $       5,000  

Adjustment to accumulated depreciation

Amount required ($20,000 x 9 years) $180,000 Amount reported by Turner ($25,000 x 1 year)       (25,000 )Required adjustment $155,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-15 (continued)

d. Income assigned to noncontrolling interest for 20X9:

Net income reported by Split Company $  40,000 Amount of gain realized in 20X9 ($60,000 / 12 years)         5,000  Realized net income for 20X9 $  45,000 Proportion of ownership held by noncontrolling interest x           .30  Income assigned to noncontrolling interest $     13,500  

e. Amount assigned to noncontrolling interest in 20X9 consolidated balance sheet:

Split Company net assets, January 1, 20X9 ($350,000 - $150,000) $200,000 Net income for 20X9 40,000 Dividends paid in 20X9 (15,000)Unrealized profit on sale of building to Turner Company ($60,000 - $5,000)     (55,000 )Realized book value December 31, 20X9 $170,000 Proportion of ownership held by noncontrolling interest x       .30  Amount assigned to noncontrolling interest in December 31, 20X9, consolidated balance sheet $ 51,000 

E6-16 Intercompany Sale at a Loss

a. Consolidated net income for 20X8 will be greater than Parent Company's income from operations plus Sunway's reported net income. The eliminating entries at December 31, 20X8, will result in an increase of $16,000 to consolidated net income.

b. As a result of purchasing the equipment at less than Parent's book value, depreciation expense reported by Sunway will be $2,000 ($16,000 / 8 years) below the amount that would have been recorded by Parent. Thus, depreciation expense must be increased by $2,000 when eliminating entries are prepared at December 31, 20X9. Consolidated net income will be decreased by the full amount of the $2,000 increase in depreciation expense.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-17 Eliminating Entries Following Intercompany Sale at a Loss

a. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X7:

E(1) Buildings and Equipment 156,000  Loss on Sale of Building 36,000  Accumulated Depreciation 120,000  Eliminate unrealized loss on building.

b. Consolidated net income and income to controlling interest for 20X7:

Operating income reported by Brown $125,000 Net income reported by Transom $  15,000 Add: Loss on sale of building         36,000  Realized net income of Transom 51,000  Consolidated net income $176,000 Income to noncontrolling interest ($51,000 x .30) (15,300 )Income to controlling interest $160,700 

c. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X8:

E(1) Buildings and Equipment 156,000 Depreciation Expense 4,000  Accumulated Depreciation 124,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 25,200 Noncontrolling Interest 10,800 Eliminate unrealized loss on building.

Adjustment to buildings and equipment

Amount paid by Transom to acquire building $300,000 Amount paid by Brown on intercompany sale   (144,000 )Adjustment to buildings and equipment $156,000 

Adjustment to depreciation expense

Depreciation expense recorded by Transom Company ($300,000 / 15 years) $  20,000 Depreciation expense recorded by Brown Corporation ($144,000 / 9 years)       (16,000 )Adjustment to depreciation expense $       4,000  

Adjustment to accumulated depreciation

Amount required ($20,000 x 7 years) $140,000 Amount reported by Brown ($16,000 x 1 year)       (16,000 )Required adjustment $124,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-17 (continued)

Adjustment to retained earnings, January 1, 20X8

Unrealized loss recorded, December 31, 20X7 $36,000 Proportion of ownership held by Brown x       .70  Required adjustment $25,200 

Adjustment to Noncontrolling interest, January 1, 20X8

Unrealized loss recorded, December 31, 20X7 $36,000 Proportion of ownership held by noncontrolling Interest x       .30  Required adjustment $10,800 

d. Consolidated net income and income assigned to controlling interest in 20X8:

Operating income reported by Brown $150,000 Net income reported by Transom $40,000 Adjustment for loss on sale of building       (4,000 )Realized net income of Transom 36,000  Consolidated net income $186,000 Income assigned to noncontrolling interest ($36,000 x .30) (10,800) Income assigned to controlling interest $175,200 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-18 Multiple Transfers of Asset

a. $145,000

b. No gain or loss should be reported.

c. Swanson Corporation operating income $150,000 

Sullivan Corporation net income $120,000 Loss on sale of land ($145,000 - $130,000)     15,000  Realized net income of Sullivan Corporation $135,000 Proportion of stock held by Swanson x         .80    108,000 

Kolder Company net income $  60,000 Gain on sale of land ($180,000 - $130,000)       (50,000 )Realized net income of Kolder Company $  10,000 Proportion of stock held by Swanson x         .70    7,000 

Clayton Corporation net income $  80,000 Gain on sale of land ($240,000 - $180,000)       (60,000 )Realized net income of Clayton Corporation $  20,000 Proportion of stock held by Swanson x         .90       18,000  Income assigned to controlling interest $283,000 

Alternate Computation:

Swanson Corporation operating income $150,000 Sullivan Corporation net income 120,000 Kolder Company net income 60,000 Clayton Corporation net income     80,000  Combined income $410,000 

Unrealized loss recorded by Sullivan Corp. $ (15,000)Unrealized gain recorded by Kolder Company 50,000 Unrealized gain recorded by Clayton Corp.   60,000         (95,000 )Realized income available to all shareholders $315,000 

Income assigned to noncontrolling interest: Sullivan Corp. ($120,000 + $15,000) x .20 $  27,000  Kolder Company ($60,000 - $50,000) x .30 3,000  Clayton Corp. ($80,000 - $60,000) x .10       2,000       (32,000 )Income assigned to controlling interest $283,000 

d. Eliminating entry:

E(1) Gain on Sale of Land 110,000  Loss on Sale of Land 15,000  Land 95,000  Eliminate gains and loss on land transfer: $110,000 = $50,000 + $60,000 $95,000 = $110,000 - $15,000


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-19 Elimination Entry in Period of Transfer

a. $300,000 = $276,000 + $24,000

b. 15 years = $300,000 / ($60,000 / 3 years)

c. E(1) Trucks 24,000Retained Earnings, January 1 21,600Noncontrolling Interest 14,400 Depreciation Expense 3,000 Accumulated Depreciation 57,000 Eliminate unrealized gain on trucks: $21,600 = $36,000 x .60 $14,400 = $36,000 x .40 $57,000 = ($20,000 x 4 years) - ($23,000 x 1 year)


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-20 Elimination Entry Computation

a. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X6:

E(1) Equipment 90,000 Gain on Sale of Equipment 60,000  Depreciation Expense 6,000 Accumulated Depreciation 144,000

Depreciation expense adjustment: Recorded ($360,000 / 10 years) $  36,000  Required [($450,000 - $150,000) / 10 years]       (30,000 ) Required decrease $       6,000  

Accumulated depreciation adjustment: Accumulated depreciation, January 1, 20X6 $150,000  20X6 depreciation required     30,000   Required balance $180,000  20X6 depreciation recorded       (36,000 ) Required increase $144,000 

b. Eliminating entry, December 31, 20X7:

E(1) Equipment 90,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 37,800 Noncontrolling Interest 16,200  Depreciation Expense 6,000 Accumulated Depreciation 138,000

Retained earnings adjustment: Unrealized profit, January 1, 20X6 $  60,000  Realized in 20X6           (6,000 ) Unrealized profit, January 1, 20X7 $  54,000  Proportion of stock held by Stern x           .70   Share of unrealized profit $     37,800  

Accumulated depreciation adjustment: Accumulated depreciation, January 1, 20X6 $150,000  Depreciation based on historical cost [($300,000 / 10 years) x 2]     60,000   Required balance $210,000  Depreciation recorded [($360,000 / 10) x 2]       (72,000 ) Required increase $138,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-21 Using the Eliminating Entry to Determine Account Balances

a. Pastel owns 90 percent ($9,450 / ($9,450 + $1,050) of the stock of Somber Corporation.

b. The subsidiary was the owner. The sale was from the subsidiary to the parent, as evidenced by the debit to noncontrolling interest in the eliminating entry.

c. Intercompany transfer price:

Amount paid by Somber Corporation $120,000 Increase to buildings and equipment in eliminating entry     (53,500 )Amount paid by Pastel to Somber for equipment $     66,500  

d. Income assigned to noncontrolling interest for 20X9:

Net income reported by Somber $  25,000 Amount of gain realized in 20X9 ($10,500 / 7 years)       1,500  Realized net income for 20X9 $  26,500 Proportion of ownership held by noncontrolling interest x         .10  Income assigned to noncontrolling interest $       2,650  

e. Total depreciation expense of $22,500 ($15,000 + $9,000 - $1,500) will be reported by the consolidated entity for 20X9.

f. Eliminating entries at December 31, 20X9:

E(1) Income from Subsidiary 22,500 Dividends Declared 5,400  Investment in Somber Corporation Stock 17,100 Eliminate income from subsidiary:$22,500 = $25,000 x .90$5,400 = $6,000 x .90

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 2,650 Dividends Declared 600  Noncontrolling Interest 2,050  Assign income to noncontrolling interest: $2,650 = ($25,000 + $1,500) x .10 $600 = $6,000 x .10

E(3) Common Stock — Somber Corporation 300,000Retained Earnings, January 1 200,000 Investment in Somber Corporation Stock 450,000  Noncontrolling Interest 50,000  Eliminate beginning investment balance.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-21 (continued)

E(4) Buildings and Equipment 53,500Retained Earnings, January 1 9,450Noncontrolling Interest 1,050 Accumulated Depreciation 64,000  Eliminate unrealized gain on upstream sale of equipment.

E(5) Accumulated Depreciation 1,500 Depreciation Expense 1,500  Eliminate excess depreciation.

E6-22 Intercompany Sale of Services

a. Eliminating entries, 20X4:

E(1) Consulting Revenue 138,700 Consulting Fees Expense 138,700  Eliminate intercompany revenue and expense.

E(2) Accounts Payable 6,600 Accounts Receivable 6,600  Eliminate intercompany receivable/payable.

b. Consolidated net income and income to controlling interest for 20X4:

Norgaard's separate operating income $2,342,000 Bline's net income 631,000  Consolidated net income 2,973,000 Income to noncontrolling interest ($631,000 x .25) (157,750 )Income to controlling interest $2,815,250 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-23A Fully Adjusted Equity Method and Cost Method

a. Fully Adjusted equity-method journal entries, 20X4:

(1) Cash 13,000 Investment in TV Sales Company Stock 13,000 Record dividends from TV Sales Company: $20,000 x .65

(2) Investment in TV Sales Company Stock 45,500 Income from Subsidiary 45,500 Record equity-method income: $70,000 x .65

(3) Income from Subsidiary 11,000 Investment in TV Sales Company Stock 11,000 Remove unrealized gain on sale of land.

(4) Investment in TV Sales Company Stock 5,200 Income from Subsidiary 5,200 Recognize portion of gain on sale of equipment: $8,000 x .65

Eliminating entries, December 31, 20X4:

E(1) Income from Subsidiary 39,700 Dividends Declared 13,000 Investment in TV Sales Company Stock 26,700 Eliminate income from subsidiary.

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 27,300 Dividends Declared 7,000 Noncontrolling Interest 20,300 Assign income to noncontrolling interest: $27,300 = ($70,000 + $8,000) x .35

E(3) Common Stock — TV Sales Company 300,000Retained Earnings, January 1 145,000 Investment in TV Sales Company Stock 289,250 Noncontrolling Interest 155,750 Eliminate beginning investment balance.

E(4) Gain on Sale of Land 11,000 Land 11,000 Eliminate unrealized gain on land.

E(5) Investment in TV Sales Company Stock 26,000Noncontrolling Interest 14,000 Equipment 40,000 Eliminate unrealized gain on upstream sale of equipment.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

E6-23A (continued)

E(6) Accumulated Depreciation 8,000 Depreciation Expense 8,000 Eliminate excess depreciation.

b. Cost-method journal entry recorded by Newtime Products:

(1) Cash 13,000 Dividend Income 13,000 Record dividend income from TV Sales Company.

Cost-method eliminating entries, December 31, 20X4:

E(1) Dividend Income 13,000 Dividends Declared 13,000 Eliminate dividend income from subsidiary.

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 27,300 Dividends Declared 7,000 Noncontrolling Interest 20,300 Assign income to noncontrolling interest: $27,300 = ($70,000 + $8,000) x .35

E(3) Common Stock — TV Sales Company 300,000Retained Earnings, January 1 100,000 Investment in TV Sales Company Stock 260,000 Noncontrolling Interest 140,000 Eliminate investment balance at date of acquisition.

E(4) Retained Earnings, January 1 15,750 Noncontrolling Interest 15,750 Assign undistributed prior earnings of subsidiary to noncontrolling interest: $45,000 x .35

E(5) Gain on Sale of Land 11,000 Land 11,000 Eliminate unrealized gain on land.

E(6) Retained Earnings, January 1 26,000Noncontrolling Interest 14,000 Equipment 40,000 Eliminate unrealized gain on upstream sale of equipment.

E(7) Accumulated Depreciation 8,000 Depreciation Expense 8,000 Eliminate excess depreciation.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


P6-24 Computation of Consolidated Net Income

a. Separate operating income of Petime Corporation $34,000 Reported net income of United Grain Company $19,000 Unrealized profit of sale of land       (7,000 )Realized income for 20X4 $12,000 Amortization of differential ($10,000 / 10 years) ( 1,000 )

$11,000 Proportion of ownership held by Petime x       .90  Income attributable to controlling interest     9,900  Income to controlling interest $43,900 

b. Separate operating income of Petime Corporation $34,000 Reported net income by United Grain Company $19,000 Amortization of differential ($10,000 / 10 years) ( 1,000 )

$18,000 Proportion of stock held by Petime x       .90   

Income attributable to controlling interest 16,200 Unrealized profit on sale of land       (7,000 )Income to controlling interest $43,200 

Reported income will decrease by $700. In the upstream case the unrealized profit ($7,000) is apportioned to both majority ($6,300) and noncontrolling ($700) shareholders. In the downstream case, it is apportioned entirely to the majority shareholders ($7,000).

P6-25 Subsidiary Net Income

a. Toll Corporation’s reported net income for 20X4 was $94,400: Income assigned to noncontrolling shareholders $17,500  Add: Unrealized profit on building ($20,000 x .25) 5,000  Amortization of differential ($4,400 x .25) 1,10

0  Income assigned to noncontrolling interest before adjustment


Proportion of stock held by noncontrolling interest ÷ .25  Reported income of Toll $94,400 

Computation of annual amortization: Fair value of consideration given by Bold $348,000  Fair value of noncontrolling interest 116,000   Total fair value $464,000  Book value of Toll’s assets: Common stock $150,000  Retained earnings 270,000   Total book value (420,000) Differential paid by Bold $ 44,000  Number of years in amortization period ÷ 10  Annual amortization $4,400  


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-25 (continued)

b. Consolidated net income for 20X4 is $304,000:

Bold Corporation’s operating income $234,000 Toll Corporation’s net income 94,400 Amortization of differential ($44,000 / 10 years) (4,400)Unrealized profit on building     (20,000 )Consolidated net income $304,000 

c. Income assigned to controlling interest is $286,500:

Consolidated net income $304,000 Income assigned to noncontrolling interest (17,500 )Income assigned to controlling interest $286,500 

Alternate computation:Operating income of Bold $234,000 Income from Toll: Net income of Toll $94,400  Unrealized profit on building (20,000) Amortization of differential (4,400 ) Realized income $70,000  Portion of ownership held x .75  52,500  Income to controlling interest $286,500 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-26 Transfer of Asset from One Subsidiary to Another

Bugle Cook Products ConsolidatedCorporation Corporation Entity

Depreciation expense $    ---   $  3,000 $  2,000

Fixed assets — Warehouse ---   45,000 40,000

Accumulated depreciation ---   3,000 12,000

Gain on sale of warehouse 15,000 ---   ---  

P6-27 Consolidated Eliminating Entry

a. Master paid Rakel $460,000 ($600,000 - $140,000).

b. Accumulated deprecation at January 1, 20X7, was $168,000, computed as follows:

Purchase price paid by Rakel $600,000  Amount paid by Master $460,000  Gain recorded by Rakel     (28,000 ) Book value at date of sale   (432,000 ) Accumulated depreciation at date of sale $168,000 

c. Annual depreciation expense recorded by Rakel was $28,000($168,000/6 years).

d. The estimated residual value was $40,000, computed as follows:

Purchase price paid by Rakel $600,000  Amount to be depreciated by Rakel ($28,000 x 20 years) (560,000 ) Estimated residual value $   40,000  

e. Master Corporation recorded depreciation expense of $30,000 in 20X7 [($460,000 - $40,000) / 14 years).

f. Reported net income of Rakel $  80,000 Unrealized gain on sale of building ($28,000 - $2,000)     (26,000 )

$  54,000 Proportion of stock held by noncontrolling interest x         .40  Income assigned to noncontrolling interest $   21,600  

g. Reported net income of Rakel $  65,000 Portion of gain on sale of building realized in 20X8       2,000  

$  67,000 Proportion of stock held by noncontrolling interest x         .40  Income assigned to noncontrolling interest $   26,800  


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-28 Multiple-Choice Questions

1. d

2. c

3. a

4. a

5. d

P6-29 Intercompany Services Provided to Subsidiary

The eliminating entry at December 31, 20X4, would be:

Service Revenue 110,000 Building 30,000 Wage Expense 80,000

The eliminating entries at December 31, 20X5, would be:

Retained Earnings 30,000 Building 30,000

Accumulated Depreciation 1,200 Depreciation Expense 1,200

P6-30 Consolidated Net Income with Intercorporate Transfers

a. Entry to record intercompany transfer of equipment, 20X6:

Cash 240,000Accumulated Depreciation 140,000 Equipment 350,000 Gain on Sale of Equipment 30,000 Record sale of equipment to Subsidence Mining: $140,000 = ($350,000 / 10 years) x 4 years


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-30 (continued)

b. 20X7 eliminating entries related to intercorporate transfers:

E(1) Land 60,000 Loss on Sale of Land 60,000  Eliminate unrealized loss on land: $60,000 = $560,000 - $500,000

E(2) Equipment 110,000Retained Earnings, January 1 25,000 Accumulated Depreciation 130,000  Depreciation Expense 5,000  Eliminate unrealized profit on equipment: $110,000 = $350,000 - $240,000 $25,000 = $30,000 - $5,000 $130,000 = ($35,000 x 6) - ($40,000 x 2) $5,000 = $40,000 - $35,000

c. Subsidence Mining's 20X7 net income was $90,000:

Subsidence Mining's income to noncontrolling shareholders $  39,000 Noncontrolling interest's share of subsidiary income ÷         .30  Subsidence Mining's income before adjustment $130,000 Add: Amortization of differential: ($200,000 / 10 years) 20,000 Less: Unrealized loss on intercompany sale of land       (60,000 )Subsidence Mining's 20X7 net income $     90,000  

d. Bower’s operating income was $826,000:

Consolidated net income $961,000 Less: Income to noncontrolling interest (39,000 )Income assigned to controlling interest $922,000 Income from Subsidence Mining: Reported net income $ 90,000  Unrealized loss on land 60,000  Amortization of differential ($200,000 / 10 years) (20,000 ) Realized income $130,000  Portion of ownership held x .70  Bower’s share $ 91,000  Realized profit on equipment ($30,000 / 6 years) 5,000   (96,000 )Bower’s 20X7 income from its separate operations $826,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-31 Computation of Retained Earnings following Multiple Transfers

Consolidated retained earnings, January 1, 20X8:

Great Company’s retained earnings, January 1 $450,000 Unrealized profit on land ($16,000 x .80) (12,800)Unrealized profit on depreciable assets [$22,000 - ($2,200 x 2)]       (17,600 )Consolidated retained earnings $419,600 

Consolidated retained earnings, December 31, 20X8: Consolidated retained earnings, January 1 $419,600  Great Company’s operating income for 20X8 $65,000  Less: Dividends paid in 20X8 (45,000) Increase in retained earnings from Great’s operations 20,000  Meager’s net income for 20X8 $ 30,000  Less: Amortization of differential assigned to equipment: ($325,000 - $290,000) / 10 years (3,500) Impairment of goodwill (17,500 ) Realized income $ 9,000  Proportion of ownership held x .80  7,200  Realization of gain on sale of building ($22,000 / 10 years) 2,200   Consolidated retained earnings $449,000 

Alternate computation of retained earnings balance:

Great Company’s retained earnings, January 1 $450,000  Operating income for 20X8 65,000  Dividends paid in 20X8 (45,000) Investment income from Meager Company for 20X8: Meager's net income $30,000  Proportion of ownership held x       .80   

Proportionate share of Meager’s reported net income 24,000  Amortization of differential assigned to equipment: [($325,000 - $290,000) x .80] / 10 years (2,800) Goodwill impairment loss ($17,500 x .80)       (14,000) Great Company’s retained earnings $477,200 Unrealized profit on land ($16,000 x .80) (12,800)Unrealized profit on depreciable assets [$22,000 - ($2,200 x 3)]       (15,400 )Consolidated retained earnings $449,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-32 Preparation of Consolidated Balance Sheet

a. Consolidated balance sheet workpaper:

Lofton Company and Temple CorporationConsolidated Balance Sheet Workpaper

December 31, 20X6

Lofton    Temple   Eliminations Consol-                                        Item                                             Company       Corp.               Debit                     Credit                 idated        

Cash and Accounts Receivable 101,000 20,000 121,000Inventory 80,000 40,000 120,000Land 150,000 90,000 (2) 10,000 250,000Buildings and Equipment 400,000 300,000 (3) 9,000 709,000Investment in Temple Corporation Stock 150,000               (1)150,000                                 Debits 881,000 450,000 1,200,000

Accum. Depreciation 135,000 85,000 (3) 24,000 244,000Accounts Payable 90,000 25,000 115,000Notes Payable 200,000 90,000 290,000Common Stock 100,000 200,000 (1)200,000 100,000Retained Earnings, 356,000 50,000 (1) 50,000 (2) 6,000

(3) 15,000 347,000Noncontrolling Interest (1)100,000

                                                                            (2) 4,000   104,000 Credits 881,000 450,000 284,000   284,000 1,200,000


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-32 (continued)

Eliminating entries:

E(1) Common Stock — Temple Corporation 200,000 Retained Earnings 50,000  Investment in Temple Corporation Stock 150,000  Noncontrolling Interest 100,000  Eliminate investment account balance.

E(2) Land 10,000  Retained Earnings 6,000  Noncontrolling Interest 4,000  Eliminate unrealized loss on sale of land.

E(3) Buildings and Equipment 9,000 Retained Earnings 15,000  Accumulated Depreciation 24,000  Eliminate unrealized gain on sale of equipment.

Accumulated depreciation adjustment: Required [($100,000 / 10 years) x 5 years] $  50,000  Recorded [($91,000 / 7 years) x 2 years]       (26,000 ) Required increase $     24,000  

Gain recorded by Temple Corporation, January 1, 20X5 $  21,000 Realized in 20X5 and 20X6 ($3,000 x 2 years)           (6,000 )Unrealized balance, December 31, 20X6 $     15,000  


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-32 (continued)

b. Consolidated balance sheet:

Lofton Company and SubsidiaryConsolidated Balance Sheet

December 31, 20X6

Cash and Accounts Receivable $121,000 Inventory 120,000 Land 250,000 Buildings and Equipment $709,000 Less: Accumulated Depreciation   (244,000 )     465,000  Total Assets $956,000 

Accounts Payable $115,000 Notes Payable 290,000 Stockholders’ Equity:   Controlling Interest: Common Stock $100,000  Retained Earnings     347,000   Total Controlling Interest $447,000  Noncontrolling interest     104,000  Total Stockholders’ Equity     551,000  Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $956,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-33 Consolidation Workpaper with Intercompany Transfers

a. Eliminating entries:

E(1) Income from Subsidiary 19,500 Dividends Declared 3,250 Investment in Blank Corp. Stock 16,250 Eliminate income from subsidiary: $19,500 = $30,000 x .65 $3,250 = $5,000 x .65

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 6,265 Dividends Declared 1,750 Noncontrolling Interest 4,515 Assign income to noncontrolling interest: $6,265 = ($30,000 - $13,200 + $1,100) x .35 $1,750 = $5,000 x .35

E(3) Common Stock — Blank Corporation 60,000Retained Earnings, January 1 85,000 Investment in Blank Corp. Stock 94,250 Noncontrolling Interest 50,750 Eliminate beginning investment balance: $85,000 = $110,000 - ($30,000 - $5,000) $94,250 = $110,500 - $16,250 $50,750= ($110,000 + $60,000 - $25,000) x .35

E(4) Sales and Service Revenue 24,000 Other Expenses 24,000 Eliminate intercompany services.

E(5) Gain on Sale of Land 4,000 Land 4,000 Eliminate gain on sale of land to Blank Corporation.

E(6) Gain on Sale of Building 13,200 Depreciation Expense 1,100 Buildings and Equipment (net) 12,100 Eliminate gain on sale of building to Mist Company.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-33 (continued)

b. Mist Company and Blank CorporationConsolidation Workpaper

December 31, 20X4

Mist      Blank    Eliminations Consol-                             Item                                     Company       Corp.                     Debit                       Credit                     idated      

Sales and Service Revenue 286,500  128,500  (4) 24,000 391,000 Gain on Sale of Land 4,000  (5) 4,000Gain on Sale of Building 13,200  (6) 13,200Income from Subsidiary     19,500                               (1) 19,500                            Credits 310,000  141,700  391,000 Cost of Goods Sold 160,000  75,000  235,000 Depreciation Expense 22,000  19,000  (6) 1,100 39,900 Other Expenses     76,000       17,700   (4) 24,000     69,700  Debits (258,000) (111,700) (344,600)Consolidated Net Income 46,400 Income to Noncon- trolling Interest                                                         (2) 6,265                                       (6,265 )Income, carry forward     52,000       30,000     66,965   25,100     40,135  

Ret. Earnings, Jan. 1 198,000  85,000  (3) 85,000 198,000 Income, from above     52,000       30,000   66,965 25,100     40,135  

250,000  115,000  238,135 Dividends Declared (25,000) ( 5,000) (1) 3,250

                                                                                        (2) 1,750   (25,000 )Ret. Earnings, Dec. 31, carry forward 225,000  110,000  151,965   30,100 213,135 

Cash 32,500  22,000  54,500 Accounts Receivable 62,000  37,000  99,000 Inventory 95,000  71,000  166,000 Land 40,000  15,000  (5) 4,000 51,000 Buildings and Equipment (net) 200,000  125,000  (6) 12,100 312,900 Investment in Blank Corporation Stock 110,500  (1) 16,250

                                                        (3) 94,250                            Debits 540,000  270,000  683,400 

Accounts Payable 35,000  20,000  55,000 Bonds Payable 180,000  80,000  260,000 Common Stock 100,000  60,000  (3) 60,000 100,000 Retained Earnings, from above 225,000  110,000  151,965 30,100 213,135 Noncontrolling Interest (2) 4,515

                                                                                        (3) 50,750     55,265  Credits 540,000  270,000   211,965   211,965 683,400 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-33 (continued)

c. Mist Company and SubsidiaryConsolidated Balance Sheet

December 31, 20X4

Cash $  54,500 Accounts Receivable 99,000 Inventory 166,000 Land 51,000 Buildings and Equipment (net)   312,900  Total Assets $683,400 

Accounts Payable $  55,000 Bonds Payable   260,000 Stockholders’ Equity: Controlling Interest: Common Stock $100,000 Retained Earnings   213,135 Total Controlling Interest $313,135 Noncontrolling Interest 55,265 Total Stockholders’ Equity     368,400  Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $683,400 

Mist Company and SubsidiaryConsolidated Income StatementYear Ended December 31, 20X4

Sales $391,000 Cost of Goods Sold $235,000Depreciation Expense   39,900Other Expenses   69,700 Total Expenses   (344,600 )Consolidated Net Income $  46,400 Income to Noncontrolling Interest       (6,265 )Income to Controlling Interest $   40,135  

Mist Company and SubsidiaryConsolidated Retained Earnings Statement

Year Ended December 31, 20X4

Retained Earnings, January 1, 20X4 $198,000 Income to Controlling Interest, 20X4     40,135  

$238,135 Dividends Declared, 20X4       (25,000 )Retained Earnings, December 31, 20X4 $213,135 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-34 Consolidation Workpaper in Year of Intercompany Transfer

a. Eliminating entries, December 31, 20X6:

E(1) Income from Subsidiary 32,000  Dividends Declared 4,000 Investment in Lane Company Stock 28,000 Eliminate income from subsidiary.

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 4,400  Dividends Declared 1,000 Noncontrolling Interest 3,400 Assign income to noncontrolling interest: $4,400 = ($40,000 - $18,000) x .20

E(3) Common Stock — Lane Company 100,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 105,000 Differential 50,000  Investment in Lane Company Stock 204,000 Noncontrolling Interest 51,000 Eliminate beginning investment balance.

E(4) Goodwill 50,000  Differential 50,000 Assign differential to goodwill.

E(5) Goodwill Impairment Loss 18,000  Goodwill 18,000 Recognize impairment of goodwill.

E(6) Retained Earnings, January 1 8,000 Noncontrolling Interest 2,000  Land 10,000 Eliminate unrealized gain on land.

E(7) Buildings and Equipment 5,000 Gain on Sale of Equipment 20,000  Depreciation and Amortization Expense 2,000 Accumulated Depreciation 23,000 Eliminate intercorporate sale of equipment.

Depreciation expense adjustment: Depreciation recorded ($70,000 / 10 years) $ 7,000  Depreciation required ($75,000 / 15 years)     (5,000 ) Required decrease $ 2,000 

Accumulated depreciation adjustment: Required balance ($5,000 x 6 years) $30,000  Balance recorded ($7,000 x 1 year)     (7,000 ) Required increase $23,000 

E(8) Accounts Payable 7,000  Accounts Receivable 7,000 Eliminate intercorporate receivable/payable.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-34 (continued)

b. Prime Company and Lane CompanyConsolidation Workpaper

December 31, 20X6

Prime    Lane     Eliminations Consol-                            Item                                         Company     Company                 Debit                       Credit                     idated        

Sales 240,000  120,000  360,000 Gain on Sale of Equip. 20,000  (7) 20,000Income from Subsidiary     32,000                               (1) 32,000                                  Credits   292,000   120,000    360,000  Cost of Goods Sold 140,000  60,000  200,000 Deprec. & Amortization 25,000  15,000  (7) 2,000 38,000 Goodwill Impairment Loss (5) 18,000 18,000 Other Expenses       15,000       5,000       20,000  Debits (180,000) (80,000)     (276,000 )Consolidated Net Income 84,000 Income to Noncon- trolling Interest                                                               (2) 4,400                                         (4,400 ) Income, carry forward   112,000       40,000         74,400       2,000     79,600  

Ret. Earnings, Jan. 1 338,000  105,000  (3)105,000(6) 8,000 330,000 

Income, from above     112,000       40,000   74,400 2,000     79,600  450,000  145,000  409,600 

Dividends Declared (30,000) (5,000) (1) 4,000                                                                                                (2) 1,000       (30,000 )

Ret. Earnings, Dec. 31, carry forward   420,000   140,000    187,400       7,000   379,600  

Cash and Receivables 113,000  35,000  (8) 7,000 141,000 Inventory 260,000  90,000  350,000 Land 80,000  80,000  (6) 10,000 150,000 Buildings and Equipment 500,000  150,000  (7) 5,000 655,000 Investment in Lane Company Stock 232,000  (1) 28,000

(3)204,000Differential (3) 50,000 (4) 50,000Goodwill                                                               (4) 50,000 (5) 18,000     32,000  Debits 1,185,000  355,000  1,328,000 

Accum. Depreciation 205,000  45,000  (7) 23,000 273,000 Accounts Payable 60,000  20,000  (8) 7,000 73,000 Bonds Payable 200,000  50,000  250,000 Common Stock 300,000  100,000  (3)100,000 300,000 Retained Earnings, from above 420,000  140,000  187,400 7,000 379,600 Noncontrolling Interest (6) 2,000 (2) 3,400

                                                                                                (3) 51,000     52,400  Credits 1,185,000  355,000    401,400   401,400 1,328,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-34 (continued)

c. Prime Company and SubsidiaryConsolidated Balance Sheet

December 31, 20X6

Cash and Receivables $    141,000 Inventory 350,000 Land 150,000 Buildings and Equipment $655,000 Less: Accumulated Depreciation   (273,000 ) 382,000 Goodwill     32,000  Total Assets $1,055,000 

Accounts Payable $    73,000 Bonds Payable 250,000 Stockholders’ Equity: Controlling Interest: Common Stock $300,000 Retained Earnings 379,600 Total Controlling Interest $679,600 Total Noncontrolling Interest 52,400 Total Stockholders’ Equity 732,000  Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $1,055,000 

Prime Company and SubsidiaryConsolidated Income StatementYear Ended December 31, 20X6

Sales $  360,000 Cost of Goods Sold $200,000 Depreciation and Amortization Expense 38,000 Goodwill Impairment Loss 18,000 Other Expenses   20,000  Total Expenses       (276,000 )Consolidated Net Income $    84,000 Income to Noncontrolling Interest         (4,400 )Income to Controlling Interest $     79,600  

Prime Company and SubsidiaryConsolidated Retained Earnings Statement

Year Ended December 31, 20X6

Retained Earnings, January 1, 20X6 $   330,000 Income to Controlling Interest, 20X6     79,600  

$   409,600 Dividends Declared, 20X6       (30,000 )Retained Earnings, December 31, 20X6 $   379,600  


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-35 Intercorporate Sales in Prior Years

a. Eliminating entries, December 31, 20X8:

E(1) Income from Subsidiary 21,000 Dividends Declared 8,000 Investment in Skate Company Stock 13,000 Eliminate income from subsidiary.

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 5,250 Dividends Declared 2,000 Noncontrolling Interest 3,250 Assign income to noncontrolling interest: $5,250 = ($30,000 - $2,500 - $1,250) x .20

E(3) Common Stock — Skate Company 30,000Additional Paid-In Capital — Skate Company 20,000Retained Earnings, January 1 150,000Differential 63,750 Investment in Skate Company Stock 211,000 Noncontrolling Interest 52,750 Eliminate beginning investment balance: $63,750 = $75,000 – [($50,000 / 20 years) + ($25,000 / 20 years)] x 3 years

E(4) Patents 42,500Buildings and Equipment 25,000 Accumulated Depreciation 3,750 Differential 63,750 Assign differential: $42,500 = $50,000 - [($50,000 / 20 years) x 3 years] $3,750 = ($25,000 / 20 years) x 3 years

E(5) Amortization Expense 2,500Depreciation Expense 1,250 Patents 2,500 Accumulated Depreciation 1,250 Amortize differential.

E(6) Buildings and Equipment 60,000Retained Earnings, January 1 15,000 Depreciation Expense 1,500 Accumulated Depreciation 73,500 Eliminate unrealized profit on buildings: $60,000 = $125,000 - $65,000 $15,000 = $65,000 - ($125,000 - $75,000) $ 1,500 = ($65,000 / 10 years) - ($125,000 / 25 years) $73,500 = ($5,000 x 16 years) - ($6,500 x 1 year)


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-35 (continued)

E(7) Retained Earnings, January 1 10,400Noncontrolling Interest 2,600 Land 13,000 Eliminate unrealized profit on land.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-35 (continued)

b. Pond Corporation and Skate CompanyConsolidation Workpaper

December 31, 20X8

Pond    Skate     Eliminations Consol-                                 Item                                       Corp.               Co.                       Debit                       Credit                   idated        

Sales 450,000  250,000  700,000 Income from Subsidiary 21,000  (1) 21,000Interest Income   14,900                                   14,900  Credits 485,900   250,000    714,900  Cost of Goods Sold 285,000  136,000  421,000 Other Operating Expenses 50,000  40,000  90,000 Depreciation Expense 35,000  24,000  (5) 1,250 (6) 1,500 58,750 Interest Expense 24,000  10,500  34,500 Miscellaneous Expenses 11,900  9,500  21,400 Amortization Expense                                                           (5) 2,500     2,500  Debits (405,900) (220,000)   (628,150 )Consolidated Net Income 86,750 Income to Noncon- trolling Interest                                                             (2) 5,250                                         (5,250 )Income, carry forward   80,000     30,000       30,000       1,500     81,500  

Ret. Earnings, Jan. 1 241,400  150,000  (3)150,000(6) 15,000(7) 10,400 216,000 

Net Income, from above   80,000       30,000   30,000 1,500     81,500  321,400  180,000  297,500 

Dividends Declared (30,000) (10,000) (1) 8,000                                                                                              (2) 2,000     (30,000 )

Ret. Earnings, Dec. 31, carry forward 291,400   170,000    205,400     11,500   267,500  

Cash 68,400  47,000  115,400 Accounts Receivable 130,000  65,000  195,000 Interest andOther Receivables 45,000  10,000  55,000 Inventory 140,000  50,000  190,000 Land 50,000  22,000  (7) 13,000 59,000 Buildings and Equipment 400,000  240,000  (4) 25,000

(6) 60,000 725,000 Investment in Skate Company Stock 224,000  (1) 13,000

(3)211,000Investment in Tin Co. Bonds 134,000  134,000 Bond Discount 3,000  3,000 Differential (3) 63,750 (4) 63,750Patents                                                               (4) 42,500 (5) 2,500     40,000  Debits 1,191,400  437,000  1,516,400 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-35 (continued)

Pond     Skate     Eliminations Consol-                                      Item                                                 Corp.                   Co.                             Debit                               Credit                           idated          

Accum. Depreciation 185,000 94,000 (4) 3,750(5) 1,250(6) 73,500 357,500

Accounts Payable 65,000 11,000 76,000Interest and Other Payables 45,000 12,000 57,000Bonds Payable 300,000 100,000 400,000Common Stock Pond Corporation 150,000 150,000 Skate Company 30,000 (3) 30,000Additional Paid-In Capital 155,000 20,000 (3) 20,000 155,000Retained Earnings, from above 291,400 170,000 205,400 11,500 267,500Noncontrolling Interest (7) 2,600 (2) 3,250

                                                                                        (3) 52,750 53,400 Credits 1,191,400 437,000 449,250   449,250 1,516,400


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-36 Intercorporate Sale of Land and Depreciable Asset

a. Income assigned to noncontrolling interest:

Net income of Morris $ 30,000 Gain on sale of equipment to parent $9,600 Gain realized prior to 20X5   (1,200 ) (8,400)Amortization of differential: Buildings and equipment ($25,000 / 10 years) (2,500) Copyright ($17,000 / 5 years) (3,400 )Realized income $15,700 Portion of ownership held x .30 Income to noncontrolling interest $ 4,710 

Gain on sale of equipment to parent:Sale price to Topp $91,600 Purchase price $100,000 Accumulated depreciation [($100,000 - $10,000)/10 years] x 2 years (18,000 ) (82,000)Gain on sale $ 9,600  

b. Reconciliation between book value and investment balance at December31, 20X5:

Underlying book value of Morris Company stock: Common stock outstanding $100,000  Retained earnings, January 1, 20X5 100,000  Net income for 20X5 30,000  Dividends paid in 20X5       ( 5,000 ) Net book value $225,000  Portion of ownership held by Topp x .70   Net book value of ownership held by Topp $157,500 Unamortized differential: Buildings and equipment [($25,000 x 7/10 years) x .70] 12,250  Copyright [($17,000 x 2/5 years) x .70]       4,760  Investment in Morris Company stock $174,510 

c. Eliminating entries:

E(1) Income from Subsidiary 16,870  Dividends Declared 3,500  Investment in Morris Company Stock 13,370  Eliminate income from subsidiary: $16,870 = ($30,000 x .70) - $1,750 - $2,380 $3,500 = $5,000 x .70

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 4,710  Dividends Declared 1,500  Noncontrolling Interest 3,210  Assign income to noncontrolling interest.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-36 (continued)

E(3) Common Stock — Morris Company 100,000Retained Earnings, January 1 100,000Differential 30,200 Investment in Morris Company Stock 161,140 Noncontrolling Interest 69,060 Eliminate beginning investment balance: $30,200 = ($25,000 x 8/10) + ($17,000 x 3/5)

E(4) Buildings and Equipment 25,000Copyright 10,200 Accumulated Depreciation 5,000 Differential 30,200 Assign beginning differential.

E(5) Depreciation Expense 2,500Amortization Expense 3,400 Accumulated Depreciation 2,500 Copyright 3,400 Amortize differential.

E(6) Retained Earnings, January 1 11,000 Land 11,000 Eliminate unrealized gain on land.

E(7) Equipment 8,400Gain on Sale of Equipment 9,600 Depreciation Expense 1,200 Accumulated Depreciation 16,800 Eliminate intercorporate sale of equipment: $8,400 = $100,000 - $91,600 $9,600 = $91,600 - ($100,000 - $18,000) $1,200 = ($81,600 / 8 years) - ($90,000 / 10 years) $16,800 = ($9,000 x 3 years) - ($10,200 x 1 year)


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-36 (continued)

d. Topp Corporation and Morris CompanyConsolidation Workpaper

December 31, 20X5

Topp Morris    Eliminations Consol-                               Item                                   Corp.               Co.                       Debit                   Credit                   idated          

Sales 450,000  190,400  640,400 Other Income 28,250  28,250 Gain on Sale of Equipment 9,600  (7) 9,600Income from Subsidiary     16,870                               (1) 16,870                                  Credits 495,120  200,000      668,650  Cost of Goods Sold 375,000  110,000  485,000 Depreciation Expense 25,000  10,000  (5) 2,500 (7) 1,200 36,300 Interest Expense 24,000  33,000  57,000 Other Expenses 28,000  17,000  45,000 Amortization Expense                                                         (5) 3,400       3,400  Debits (452,000) (170,000)     (626,700 )Consolidated Net Income 41,950 Income to Noncon- trolling Interest                                                         (2) 4,710                                         (4,710 )Income, carry forward     43,120       30,000       37,080       1,200     37,240  

Ret. Earnings, Jan. 1 176,240  100,000  (3)100,000(6) 11,000 165,240 

Income, from above     43,120       30,000   37,080 1,200     37,240  219,360  130,000  202,480 

Dividends Declared (30,000) (5,000) (1) 3,500                                                                                          (2) 1,500     (30,000 )

Ret. Earnings, Dec. 31, carry forward 189,360  125,000    148,080       6,200   172,480  

Cash 15,850  58,000  73,850 Accounts Receivable 65,000  70,000  135,000 Interest and Other Receivables 30,000  10,000  40,000 Inventory 150,000  180,000  330,000 Land 80,000  60,000  (6) 11,000 129,000 Buildings and Equipment 315,000  240,000  (4) 25,000

(7) 8,400 588,400 Bond Discount 15,000  15,000 Investment in Morris Company Stock 174,510  (1) 13,370

(3)161,140Differential (3) 30,200 (4) 30,200Copyrights                                                         (4) 10,200 (5) 3,400       6,800  Debits 830,360  633,000  1,318,050 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-36 (continued)

Topp Morris   Eliminations Consol-                                         Item                                               Corp.           Co.                           Debit                               Credit                       idated        

Accum. Depreciation Buildings and Equip. 120,000 60,000 (4) 5,000

(5) 2,500(7) 16,800 204,300

Accounts Payable 61,000 28,000 89,000Other Payables 30,000 20,000 50,000Bonds Payable 250,000 300,000 550,000Common Stock Topp Corporation 150,000 150,000 Morris Company 100,000 (3)100,000Additional Paid-In Capital 30,000 30,000Retained Earnings, from above 189,360 125,000 148,080 6,200 172,480Noncontrolling Interest (2) 3,210

                                                                                (3) 69,060     72,270 Credits 830,360 633,000   321,880   321,880 1,318,050

P6-37 Consolidation Workpaper in Year following Intercompany Transfer

a. Reconciliation of underlying book value and balance in investment account:

Net book value reported by Lane Company Common stock outstanding $100,000 Retained earnings balance, January 1, 20X7 $140,000  Net income for 20X7 45,000  Dividends paid in 20X7     (35,000 ) Retained earnings balance, December 31, 20X7     150,000

$250,000Proportion of stock held by Prime Company x         .80

$200,000Add: Goodwill (50,000 x .80)     40,000 Balance in investment account $240,000


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-37 (continued)

b. Eliminating entries, December 31, 20X7:

E(1) Income from Subsidiary 36,000  Dividends Declared 28,000 Investment in Lane Company Stock 8,000 Eliminate income from subsidiary.

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 9,000  Dividends Declared 7,000 Noncontrolling Interest 2,000 Assign income to noncontrolling interest: $9,000 = $45,000 x .20

E(3) Common Stock — Lane Company 100,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 140,000 Differential 50,000  Investment in Lane Company Stock 232,000 Noncontrolling Interest 58,000 Eliminate beginning investment balance: $50,000 = ($160,000 + $40,000) – ($50,000 + $100,000) $232,000 = $240,000 - $8,000 $58,000 = ($100,000 + $140,000 + $50,000) x .20

E(4) Goodwill 25,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 20,000 Noncontrolling Interest 5,000  Differential 50,000 Assign differential to goodwill.

E(5) Retained Earnings, January 1 8,000 Noncontrolling Interest 2,000  Land 10,000 Eliminate unrealized profit on land.

E(6) Buildings and Equipment 5,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 18,000  Depreciation and Amortization Expense 2,000 Accumulated Depreciation 21,000 Eliminate unrealized profit on equipment.

Accumulated depreciation adjustment: Required balance ($5,000 x 7 years) $ 35,000  Balance recorded ($7,000 x 2 years)   (14,000 ) Required increase $   21,000  

E(7) Accounts Payable 4,000  Accounts Receivable 4,000 Eliminate intercorporate receivable/payable.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-37 (continued)

b. Prime Company and Lane CompanyConsolidation Workpaper

December 31, 20X7

Prime     Lane     Eliminations Consol-                            Item                                   Company     Company               Debit                     Credit               idated          Sales 250,000  150,000  400,000 Income from Subsidiary     36,000                               (1) 36,000                                  Credits   286,000   150,000    400,000  Cost of Goods Sold 160,000  80,000  240,000 Deprec. and Amortization 25,000  15,000  (6) 2,000 38,000 Other Expenses     20,000       10,000       30,000  Debits (205,000) (105,000) (308,000 )Consolidated Net Income 92,000 Income to Noncon- trolling Interest                                                               (2) 9,000                                   (9,000 )Income, carry forward     81,000       45,000         45,000       2,000     83,000  

Ret. Earnings, Jan. 1 420,000  140,000  (3) 140,000(4) 20,000(5) 8,000(6) 18,000 374,000 

Income, from above     81,000       45,000   45,000 2,000     83,000  501,000  185,000  457,000 

Dividends Declared (60,000) (35,000) (1) 28,000                                                                                                  (2) 7,000         (60,000 )

Ret. Earnings, Dec. 31, carry forward   441,000   150,000      231,000     37,000   397,000  

Cash and Receivables 151,000  55,000  (7) 4,000 202,000 Inventory 240,000  100,000  340,000 Land 100,000  80,000  (5) 10,000 170,000 Buildings and Equipment 500,000  150,000  (6) 5,000 655,000 Investment in Lane Company Stock 240,000  (1) 8,000

(3)232,000Differential (3) 50,000 (4) 50,000Goodwill                                                               (4) 25,000     25,000  Debits 1,231,000  385,000  1,392,000 

Accum. Depreciation 230,000  60,000  (6) 21,000 311,000 Accounts Payable 60,000  25,000  (7) 4,000 81,000 Bonds Payable 200,000  50,000  250,000 Common Stock 300,000  100,000  (3)100,000 300,000 Retained Earnings, from above 441,000  150,000  231,000 37,000 397,000 Noncontrolling Interest (4) 5,000 (2) 2,000

                                                              (5) 2,000   (3) 58,000     53,000  Credits 1,231,000  385,000      422,000   422,000 1,392,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-38 Incomplete Data

(a) $100,000

(b) $140,000

(c) $250,000 = $593,000 - $343,000

(d) $100,000 = ($126,000 - $35,000) + [($25,000 + $85,000) - $101,000]

(e) $4,500 = [($106,200 + $70,800) - ($50,000 + $70,000 + $30,000)] / 6 years

(f) Investment in Shadow Company Stock:$106,200  Purchase price, January 1, 20X4

30,000  Undistributed earnings from January 1, 20X4, to January 1, 20X7 [($80,000 - $30,000) x .60]

6,000  Undistributed income for 20X7 ($10,000 x .60)(10,800) Amortization of differential

                                [($27,000 / 6 years) x 4 years] x .60$131,400  Balance in investment account at December 31, 20X7

(g) $7,000 = ($70,000 + $90,000) - $153,000

(h) $-0-

(i) $510,000 = $345,000 + $150,000 + ($60,000 - $45,000)

(j) $278,000 = $180,000 + $80,000 + [($60,000 / 5 years) x 4 years]- [($45,000 / 3 years) x 2 years)

(k) Consolidated retained earnings at January 1, 20X7:$379,400  Retained earnings reported by Mound Corporation

Mound's share of unrealized profit on sale of equipment$9,000 Gain recorded: [$45,000 - ($60,000 x 3 / 5)](3,000) Amortized in 20X6: ($9,000 / 3)$6,000 Unamortized gainx .60 Mound's proportionate share

    (3,600 ) $3,600 Reduction of Mound’s retained earnings$375,800  Consolidated retained earnings

(l) Income to noncontrolling shareholders:$ 30,000  Shadow's 20X7 net income ($250,000 - $195,000

- $10,000 - $15,000) 3,000  Realized profit on 20X6 sale of equipment to Mound

(4,500) Amortization of differential$ 28,500  Realized net incomex .40 $ 11,400  Income to noncontrolling shareholders


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-39 Intercompany Sale of Equipment at a Loss in Prior Period

a. Eliminating entries:

E(1) Income from Subsidiary 54,000 Dividends Declared 18,000  Investment in Block Corporation Stock 36,000  Eliminate income from subsidiary.

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 5,700 Dividends Declared 2,000  Noncontrolling Interest 3,700  Assign income to noncontrolling interest: $5,700 = ($60,000 - $3,000) x .10

E(3) Common Stock — Block Corporation 50,000Retained Earnings, January 1 150,000 Investment in Block Corporation Stock 180,000  Noncontrolling Interest 20,000  Eliminate beginning investment balance.

E(4) Buildings and Equipment 42,000Depreciation Expense 3,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 16,200  Noncontrolling Interest 1,800  Accumulated Depreciation 27,000  Eliminate intercorporate sale of equipment.

Adjustment to depreciation expense

Depreciation based on original cost ($90,000 / 10 years) $  9,000 Depreciation based on intercompany sale price ($48,000 / 8 years)       (6,000 )Adjustment to depreciation expense $     3,000  

Adjustment to retained earnings

Book value of equipment at time of sale [$90,000 - ($9,000 x 2 years)] $72,000 Intercompany sale price   (48,000 )Loss recorded by Block on sale $24,000 Partial realization of loss [($9,000 - $6,000) x 2 years]       (6,000 )Loss not yet realized for consolidated statement purposes $18,000 Foster's proportionate share x       .90  Adjustment to retained earnings $16,200 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-39 (continued)

Adjustment to noncontrolling interest

Loss not yet realized for consolidated statement purposes $18,000 Proportion of ownership held by noncontrolling interest x       .10  Adjustment to noncontrolling interest $   1,800  

Adjustment to accumulated depreciation

Accumulated depreciation based on original cost [($90,000 / 10 years) x 5 years] $45,000 Accumulated depreciation recorded by Foster [($48,000 / 8 years) x 3 years]   (18,000 )Adjustment to accumulated depreciation $27,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-39 (continued)

b. Foster Company and Block CorporationConsolidation Workpaper

December 31, 20X9

Foster     Block    Eliminations Consol-                                   Item                                     Co.                   Corp.                   Debit                   Credit               idated          

Sales 680,000  385,000  1,065,000 Other Income 26,000  15,000  41,000 Income from Subsidiary   54,000                               (1) 54,000                                  Credits 760,000   400,000  1,106,000 Cost of Goods Sold 500,000  250,000  750,000 Depreciation Expense 45,000  15,000  (4) 3,000 63,000 Other Expenses     95,000       75,000     170,000  Debits (640,000) (340,000)     (983,000 )Consolidated Net Income   123,000 Income to Noncon- trolling Interest                                                               (2) 5,700                                       (5,700 )Income, carry forward     120,000       60,000       62,700   117,300  

Ret. Earnings, Jan. 1 235,000  150,000  (3)150,000 (4) 16,200 251,200 Income, from above   120,000       60,000   62,700   117,300  

355,000  210,000  368,500 Dividends Declared (40,000) (20,000) (1) 18,000

                                                                                    (2) 2,000     (40,000 )Ret. Earnings, Dec. 31, carry forward   315,000   190,000    212,700 36,200   328,500  

Cash 82,000  32,400  114,400 Accounts Receivable 80,000  90,000  170,000 Other Receivables 40,000  10,000  50,000 Inventory 200,000  130,000  330,000 Land 80,000  60,000  140,000 Buildings and Equipment 500,000  250,000  (4) 42,000 792,000 Investment in Block Corporation Stock 216,000  (1) 36,000

                                                              (3)180,000                                  Debits 1,198,000  572,400  1,596,400 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-39 (continued)

Foster   Block    Eliminations Consol-                          Item                                       Co.               Corp.                 Debit                   Credit               idated        

Accum. Depreciation 155,000 75,000 (4) 27,000 257,000Accounts Payable 63,000 35,000 98,000Other Payables 95,000 20,000 115,000Bonds Payable 250,000 200,000 450,000Bond Premium 2,400 2,400Common Stock Foster Company 210,000 210,000 Block Corporation 50,000 (3) 50,000Additional Paid-In Capital 110,000 110,000Retained Earnings, from above 315,000 190,000 212,700 36,200 328,500Noncontrolling Interest (2) 3,700

(3) 20,000                                                                                      (4) 1,800     25,500

Credits 1,198,000 572,400 304,700 304,700 1,596,400


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-40 Comprehensive Problem: Intercorporate Transfers

a. Computation of differential as of January 1, 20X8:

Original differential at December 31, 20X1 $   150,000 Less: Portion written off for sale of inventory             (30,000 )Remaining differential, January 1, 20X8 $     120,000  

b. Verification of balance in Investment in Schmid Stock account:

Schmid retained earnings, January 1, 20X8 $1,400,000 Schmid net income, 20X8: Sales $985,000  Cost of goods sold (525,000) Depreciation and amortization (88,000) Other expenses (227,000) Other income (loss)     (35,000 ) Net income 110,000 Schmid dividends, 20X8         (20,000 )Schmid retained earnings, December 31, 20X8 $1,490,000 

Schmid stockholders' equity: Common stock $1,000,000  Additional paid-in capital 1,350,000  Retained earnings, December 31, 20X8     1,490,000   Stockholders' equity, December 31, 20X8 $3,840,000 Rossman's ownership share x           .75  Book value of shares held by Rossman $2,880,000 Remaining differential at January 1, 20X8 ($120,000 x .75)       90,000  Balance in Investment in Schmid Stock account, December 31, 20X8 $2,970,000 

c. Elimination entries:

E(1) Income from Subsidiary 82,500  Dividends Declared 15,000  Investment in Schmid Stock 67,500  Eliminate income from subsidiary.

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 36,500  Dividends Declared 5,000  Noncontrolling Interest 31,500  Assign income to noncontrolling interest: $36,500 = [$110,000 + $40,000 - ($40,000 / 10)] x .25


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-40 (continued)

E(3) Common Stock — Schmid 1,000,000Additional Paid-In Capital 1,350,000Retained Earnings, January 1 1,400,000Differential 120,000 Investment in Schmid Stock 2,902,500 Noncontrolling Interest 967,500 Eliminate beginning investment balance: $2,902,500 = $2,970,000 - $67,500 $967,500 = ($1,000,000 + $1,350,000 + $1,400,000 + $120,000) x .25

E(4) Land 56,000Goodwill 64,000 Differential 120,000 Assign differential.

E(5) Retained Earnings, January 1 23,000 Land 23,000 Eliminate unrealized gain on land.

E(6) Buildings and Equipment 185,000Depreciation and Amortization 4,000 Accumulated Depreciation 149,000 Other Income (Loss on Sale of Equipment) 40,000Eliminate unrealized loss on equipment:$185,000 = $435,000 - $250,000$4,000 = ($435,000 / 15) - ($250,000 / 10)$149,000 = [($435,000 / 15) x 5] + $4,000$40,000 = $290,000 - $250,000

E(7) Other Income 80,000 Other Expenses 80,000 Eliminate intercompany sale of services.

E(8) Current Payables 20,000 Current Receivables 20,000 Eliminate intercompany receivable/payable.

E(9) Current Payables 3,750 Current Receivables 3,750 Eliminate intercompany dividend owed: $5,000 x .75


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-40 (continued)

d. Rossman Corporation and Schmid Distributors Inc.Consolidation Workpaper

December 31, 20X8

Eliminations Consol-                            Item                                     Rossman       Schmid               Debit                         Credit                   idated      

Sales 4,801,000  985,000  5,786,000 Income from Subsidiary 82,500  (1) 82,500Other Income (Loss)     90,000       (35,000 ) (7) 80,000 (6) 40,000       15,000  Credits 4,973,500    950,000   5,801,000 Cost of Goods Sold 2,193,000  525,000  2,718,000 Depreciation and Amortization 202,000  88,000  (6) 4,000 294,000 Other Expenses 1,381,000    227,000   (7) 80,000 1,528,000 Debits (3,776,000) (840,000) (4,540,000)Consolidated Net Income 1,261,000 Income to Noncon- trolling Interest                                                                     (2) 36,500                                         (36,500 )Income, carry forward 1,197,500    110,000       203,000 120,000 1,224,500 

Retained Earnings, Jan. 1 1,497,800  1,400,000  (3)1,400,000

(5) 23,000 1,474,800 Income, from above 1,197,500    110,000   203,000 120,000 1,224,500 

2,695,300  1,510,000  2,699,300 Dividends Declared (50,000) (20,000) (1) 15,000

                                                                                                          (2) 5,000     (50,000 )Retained Earnings, Dec. 31, carry forward 2,645,300  1,490,000  1,626,000   140,000 2,649,300 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-40 (continued)

Eliminations Consol-                           Item                               Rossman       Schmid                 Debit                       Credit                   idated      

Cash 50,700 38,000 88,700Current Receivables 101,800 89,400 (8) 20,000

(9) 3,750 167,450Inventory 286,000 218,900 504,900Investment in Schmid Stock 2,970,000 (1) 67,500

(3)2,902,500Land 400,000 1,200,000 (4) 56,000 (5) 23,000 1,633,000Buildings and Equipment 2,400,000 2,990,000 (6) 185,000 5,575,000Goodwill (4) 64,000 64,000Differential                                                               (3) 120,000 (4) 120,000                               Debits 6,208,500 4,536,300 8,033,050

Accumulated Depreciation 1,105,000 420,000 (6) 149,000 1,674,000Current Payables 86,200 76,300 (8) 20,000

(9) 3,750 138,750Bonds Payable 1,000,000 200,000 1,200,000Common Stock Rossman Corporation 100,000 100,000 Schmid Distributors 1,000,000 (3)1,000,000Additional Paid-In Capital 1,272,000 1,350,000 (3)1,350,000 1,272,000Retained Earnings, from above 2,645,300 1,490,000 1,626,000 140,000 2,649,300Noncontrolling Interest (2) 31,500

                                                                                                          (3) 967,500   999,000 Credits 6,208,500 4,536,300   4,424,750   4,424,750 8,033,050


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-41A Fully Adjusted Equity Method

a. Adjusted trial balance:

            Prime Company                     Lane Company                                   Item                                     Debit               Credit               Debit           Credit      

Cash and Accounts Receivable $ 151,000 $ 55,000Inventory 240,000 100,000Land 100,000 80,000Buildings and Equipment 500,000 150,000Investment in Lane Company Stock 216,000Cost of Goods Sold 160,000 80,000Depreciation and Amortization 25,000 15,000Other Expenses 20,000 10,000Dividends Declared 60,000 35,000Accumulated Depreciation $ 230,000 $ 60,000Accounts Payable 60,000 25,000Bonds Payable 200,000 50,000Common Stock 300,000 100,000Retained Earnings 394,000 140,000Sales 250,000 150,000Income from Subsidiary                                                             38,000                                                                         Total $1,472,000 $1,472,000 $525,000 $525,000

b. Journal entries recorded by Prime Company:

(1) Cash 28,000 Investment in Lane Company Stock 28,000 Record dividend from Lane Company: $35,000 x .80

(2) Investment in Lane Company Stock 36,000 Income from Subsidiary 36,000 Record equity-method income: $45,000 x .80

(3) Investment in Lane Company Stock 2,000 Income from Subsidiary 2,000 Recognize portion of gain on sale of equipment: $20,000 / 10 years


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-41A (continued)

c. Eliminating entries, December 31, 20X7:

E(1) Income from Subsidiary 38,000  Dividends Declared 28,000 Investment in Lane Company Stock 10,000 Eliminate income from subsidiary.

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 9,000  Dividends Declared 7,000 Noncontrolling Interest 2,000 Assign income to noncontrolling interest: $9,000 = $45,000 x .20

E(3) Common Stock — Lane Company 100,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 140,000 Differential 50,000  Investment in Lane Company Stock 232,000 Noncontrolling Interest 58,000 Eliminate beginning investment balance: $50,000 = ($160,000 + $40,000) – ($50,000 + $100,000) $232,000 = $240,000 - $8,000 $58,000 = ($100,000 + $140,000 + $50,000) x .20

E(4) Goodwill 25,000 Retained Earnings, January 1 20,000 Noncontrolling Interest 5,000  Differential 50,000 Assign differential to goodwill.

E(5) Investment in Lane Company Stock 8,000 Noncontrolling Interest 2,000  Land 10,000 Eliminate unrealized profit on land.

E(6) Buildings and Equipment 5,000 Investment in Lane Company Stock 18,000  Depreciation and Amortization Expense 2,000 Accumulated Depreciation 21,000 Eliminate unrealized profit on equipment.

Accumulated depreciation adjustment: Required balance ($5,000 x 7 years) $35,000  Balance recorded ($7,000 x 2 years)   (14,000 ) Required increase $21,000 

E(7) Accounts Payable 4,000  Accounts Receivable 4,000 Eliminate intercorporate receivable/payable.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-41A (continued)

d. Prime Company and Lane CompanyConsolidation Workpaper

December 31, 20X7

Prime Lane Eliminations Consol-                              Item                                     Company     Company           Debit                       Credit                 idated        

Sales 250,000  150,000  400,000 Income from Subsidiary     38,000                               (1) 38,000                                  Credits   288,000   150,000    400,000  Cost of Goods Sold 160,000  80,000  240,000 Deprec. and Amortization 25,000  15,000  (6) 2,000 38,000 Other Expenses     20,000       10,000       30,000  Debits (205,000) (105,000)     (308,000 )Consolidated Net Income 92,000 Income to Noncon- trolling Interest                                                                   (2) 9,000                                             (9,000 )Income, carry forward       83,000       45,000           47,000           2,000     83,000  

Ret. Earnings, Jan. 1 394,000  140,000  (3) 140,000 374,000 (4) 20,000

Income, from above       83,000       45,000   47,000 2,000     83,000  477,000  185,000  457,000 

Dividends Declared (60,000) (35,000) (1) 28,000                                                                                                  (2) 7,000     (60,000 )

Ret. Earnings, Dec. 31, carry forward   417,000   150,000      207,000         37,000   397,000  

Cash and Receivables 151,000  55,000  (7) 4,000 202,000 Inventory 240,000  100,000  340,000 Land 100,000  80,000  (5) 10,000 170,000 Buildings and Equipment 500,000  150,000  (6) 5,000 655,000 Investment in Lane Company Stock 216,000  (5) 8,000 (1) 10,000

(6) 18,000 (3) 232,000Differential (3) 50,000 (4) 50,000Goodwill                                                               (4) 25,000     25,000  Debits 1,207,000  385,000  1,392,000 

Accum. Depreciation 230,000  60,000  (6) 21,000 311,000 Accounts Payable 60,000  25,000  (7) 4,000 81,000 Bonds Payable 200,000  50,000  250,000 Common Stock 300,000  100,000  (3)100,000 300,000 Retained Earnings, from above 417,000  150,000  207,000 37,000 397,000 Noncontrolling Interest (4) 5,000 (2) 2,000

                                                              (5) 2,000 (3) 58,000     53,000  Credits 1,207,000  385,000      424,000   424,000 1,392,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-42A Cost Method

a. Journal entry recorded by Prime Company:

Cash 28,000 Dividend Income 28,000 Record dividend from Lane Company.

b. Eliminating entries, December 31, 20X7:

E(1) Dividend Income 28,000 Dividends Declared 28,000 Eliminate dividend income from subsidiary.

E(2) Income to Noncontrolling Interest 9,000 Dividends Declared 7,000 Noncontrolling Interest 2,000 Assign income to noncontrolling interest: $9,000 = $45,000 x .20

E(3) Common Stock — Lane Company 100,000Retained Earnings, January 1 50,000Differential 50,000 Investment in Lane Company Stock 160,000 Noncontrolling Interest 40,000 Eliminate investment balance at date of acquisition: $50,000 = ($160,000 + $40,000) – ($100,000 + $50,000) $40,000 = ($100,000 + $50,000 + $50,000) x .20

E(4) Retained Earnings, January 1 18,000 Noncontrolling Interest 18,000 Assign undistributed prior earnings of subsidiary to noncontrolling interest: ($140,000 - $50,000) x .20

E(5) Goodwill 25,000Retained Earnings, January 1 20,000Noncontrolling Interest 5,000 Differential 50,000 Assign differential at beginning of period.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-42A (continued)

E(6) Retained Earnings, January 1 8,000Noncontrolling Interest 2,000 Land 10,000 Eliminate unrealized profit on land.

E(7) Buildings and Equipment 5,000Retained Earnings, January 1 18,000 Depreciation and Amortization Expense 2,000 Accumulated Depreciation 21,000 Eliminate unrealized profit on equipment.

E(8) Accounts Payable 4,000 Accounts Receivable 4,000 Eliminate intercorporate receivable/payable.


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets

P6-42A (continued)

c. Prime Company and Lane CompanyConsolidation Workpaper

December 31, 20X7

Prime Lane Eliminations Consol-                             Item                                         Company     Company             Debit                 Credit                 idated        

Sales 250,000  150,000  400,000 Dividend Income     28,000                               (1) 28,000                                  Credits   278,000   150,000    400,000  Cost of Goods Sold 160,000  80,000  240,000 Deprec. and Amortization 25,000  15,000  (7) 2,000 38,000 Other Expenses           20,000       10,000             30,000  Debits (205,000) (105,000)     (308,000 )Consolidated Net Income 92,000 Income to Noncon- trolling Interest                                                               (2) 9,000                                         (9,000 )Income, carry forward     73,000       45,000       37,000       2,000     83,000  

Ret. Earnings, Jan. 1 348,000  140,000  (3) 50,000(4) 18,000(5) 20,000(6) 8,000(7) 18,000 374,000 

Income, from above     73,000       45,000   37,000 2,000     83,000  421,000  185,000  457,000 

Dividends Declared (60,000) (35,000) (1) 28,000                                                                                              (2) 7,000     (60,000 )

Ret. Earnings, Dec. 31, carry forward   361,000   150,000  151,000     37,000   397,000  

Cash and Receivables 151,000  55,000  (8) 4,000 202,000 Inventory 240,000  100,000  340,000 Land 100,000  80,000  (6) 10,000 170,000 Buildings and Equipment 500,000  150,000  (7) 5,000 655,000 Investment in Lane Company Stock 160,000  (3)160,000Differential (3) 50,000 (5) 50,000Goodwill                                                               (5) 25,000     25,000  Debits 1,151,000  385,000  1,392,000 

Accum. Depreciation 230,000  60,000  (7) 21,000 311,000 Accounts Payable 60,000  25,000  (8) 4,000 81,000 Bonds Payable 200,000  50,000  250,000 Common Stock 300,000  100,000  (3)100,000 300,000 Retained Earnings, from above 361,000  150,000  151,000 37,000 397,000 Noncontrolling Interest (5) 5,000 (2) 2,000

(6) 2,000 (3) 40,000                                                                                              (4) 18,000     53,000  

Credits 1,151,000  385,000  342,000     342,000 1,392,000 


Chapter 06 - Intercorporate Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets
