Solid source

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Solid source

Web projec

Requirements:  Create two web pages from existing pages.  The pages must be in English and Spanish  User availability for language change at any

time.  Make some animations in the current design of

the page (make world and gears turn.)  Insert a screen alive, in both pages, English

and Spanish. 

Create an interface that allows administrators of the page, make changes in it. 

Approach Preserve existing graphic line.  Modify the home page as follows: 

Insert the screen alive in a banner to made it highlight  Place a slogan or a message next to the screen alive  Place three or more buttons with the outstanding

information. Position buttons to the English site to site in Spanish. Keep the same appearance of the current web on

internals pages. For example, about us, profile, team, etc. 

Insert contact details on every pages of the site.  Just give animation to one of the elements or the

world or gears, to do not saturate the website. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

Currently the site is not indexing the information contained in the right way in various search sites on the network, as is the case: Google,  Yahoo and AOL. 

I propose to prepare the web page for browsers robots to index the information on our website.