Soli Comp Cation - VTU Edusat com

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Transcript of Soli Comp Cation - VTU Edusat com

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

1 23-04-12

Basics of Soil Compaction Methods & equipment

K.RamanathGeneral Manager & Dean RASTA

Road Machinery Business Line Volvo India Private Limited

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

2 23-04-12

Soil Compaction

Cost of earth work – 30% Cost of road project

Increase in heavy axle load application

Well compacted sub-grade results in economy of pavement thickness

Proper compaction has great economic implications

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

3 23-04-12

Road - cross section

40 mm80 mm80 mm

300 mm

300 mm

150 mm150 mm

200 mm

200 mm 200 mm

Asphalt concrete / wearing courseDBM } Aggregate 67%,stone dust 24%DBM } Sand 9% Bitumen 5%



GSB }GSB } Aggregate up to 80 mm

Soil } }

Soil } Muram }Soil }

10% Road thickness comprises of asphalt work - 65% of total value

Flexible pavement

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

4 23-04-12

Objectives Of Soil Compaction

Increase in strength

Reduction in compressibility

Reduction in tendency for subsequent

changes in moisture content

Reduction in erodability

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

5 23-04-12

Factors Influencing Compaction

Type of soil

Moisture content

Compactive effort - Energy applied per unit weight of soil

- Weight of rammer, height of fall, number of blows

- Weight of roller, number of passes

Thickness of lift and type of compacting equipment (for field compaction)

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

6 23-04-12

Moisture Content

Water acts as a lubricant

Too much

– takes up space

– does not allow bonding

Too little

– same compactive effort, lower compaction

OMC of fine grain soils is higher than coarse grain soils

OMC - The moisture content of the soil at which maximum density can

be achieved for a given amount of compactive effort

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

7 23-04-12

Moisture content - % by dry weight

Dry Density

Max Dry Density

Optimum Moisture content

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

8 23-04-12

Laboratory Compaction Tests

Dynamic Compaction

– IS light compaction / standard proctor test

– IS heavy compaction/ modified proctor test Static Compaction

Kneading Compaction

Vibratory compaction

usually static or dynamic compaction is adopted

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

9 23-04-12

Comparison Of Compaction Tests

Standard Proctor Test Modified Proctor Test

Soil passing 20 mm / 37.5 mm IS sieve Soil passing 20 mm / 37.5 mm IS sieve

Soil compacted in 3 layers, 25 blows / 55 blows

Soil compacted in 5 layers, 25 blows / 55 blows

Soil compaction by 2.6 kg hammer, 31 cm is height of fall

Soil compaction by 4.89 kg hammer, 45 cm is height of fall

Adopted for rural roads specifications Adopted for MORTH specifications

Used for Internal roads in urban areas and village roads

Used for NH, SH, MDR and arterial roads in urban area

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

10 23-04-12

Moisture-density Relationship For Different Types Of Soils

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

11 23-04-12

Field Control Of Compaction

Measurement of dry density

– Core cutter method (IS: 2720 (Part 29) - 1975)

– Sand replacement method (IS: 2720 (Part 28) - 1974)

– Nuclear density & moisture gauge (ASTM D- 2922)

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

12 23-04-12

Sand Replacement Method Sand Replacement Method

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

13 23-04-12

Nuclear Test

If calibrated

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

14 23-04-12

Field Control Of Compaction Contd…

Measurement of moisture content

–Oven Dry Method

–Sand bath drying method

– Infrared torsion balance method

–Speedy moisture meter (IS 2720 (Part 2 - 1973)

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

15 23-04-12

Rapid Moisture

Meter MethodInfra Red Torsion Moisture

Balance Meter

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

16 23-04-12

Soil Compaction

Soil Compaction is the process whereby soil particles are constrained to pack more closely through a reduction in air voids by mechanical means

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

17 23-04-12

What is Compaction?

The act of artificially densifying or increasing the unit weight of soil by application of external forces

Reducing the voids or pore spaces to a minimum

Increasing the solid particle content to a maximum.

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

18 23-04-12

Compactive Force

Water Air

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

19 23-04-12

Details of Compactive Effort ( Compaction methods )

Static Pressure - weight of the machine - Masstransmitted onto the ground.

Impact - blows like that of a hammer

Vibration - energy resonates the materialinto a state of equilibrium

Manipulation - mends, shears and kneads

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

20 23-04-12

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

21 23-04-12

Static Pressure

Compaction in Road Building is not just applying pressure

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

22 23-04-12

Compactive Effort: Static


Three Wheel Static Roller

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

23 23-04-12

Compaction Effect of 8 Ton Static roller

RH Rear Drum

LH Rear Drum

Static Load 2510 Kgs

Static Load 2510 Kgs

Static Load 2980 Kgs

Front Drum

Linear applied load - 47.24

Linear applied load - 47.24

Linear applied load - 29.33

508 mm 508 mm

1016 mm

After the first pass

• 38% Lower density on Front drum

• Higher density on Rear drum.

• Uneven mat finish.

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

24 23-04-12

Total applied force on rear drum = 4950 kgs ( Linear applied load = 41.25 )

Total applied force on Front drum = 4950 kgs ( Linear applied load = 41.25 ) Equal density over full

roller width. Even mat surface after first pass

Rear Drum

Front Drum

Tandem Roller - Compaction effectDrum width - 1200 mm

1200 mm Compacted width

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

25 23-04-12

Two Wheel Static roller

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

26 23-04-12

Compaction Effect - Impacts

Achieve compaction -

through a series of blows

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27 23-04-12

Compaction Effort: Vibration

More effective in overcoming internal friction and cohesion Higher in-place density

Proven the most cost effective

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

28 23-04-12


1.7 mm

Vertical Distance of Drum Travel

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

29 23-04-12



Defined: Number of complete cycles, (speed) of the rotating device, (weight) measured in vibrations per minute (vpm).


( 1 Impact every 20 - 25 mm of travel )


Impact Spacing

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

30 23-04-12


Compaction occurs from the bottom to thetop of the surface.

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

31 23-04-12

Compactive Effort: Vibration & Impact


Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

32 23-04-12

Material Natural Frequency

Soil type Graded sand

Graded sand, wet

Coastal sand, dry


Clay, dry, mixed w/gravel

Sandy gravel

Firm silt

Loose silt


1980 VPM (33hz)

1440 VPM (24hz)

1320 VPM (22hz)

1200 VPM (20hz)

1110 VPM (18.5 hz)

1500-1740 VPM (25-29hz)

1500-1740 VPM (25-29hz)

1260-1980 VPM (21-33hz)

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

33 23-04-12

Compactive Effort: Vibration & Manipulation

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

34 23-04-12

Pad foot Soil Compactor

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

35 23-04-12


1.IRC Special Report “ State of Art : Compaction of Earthwork and Subgrades”HRB , 1999

2.HMSO publication, Soil Mechanics for Road Engineers

3.Specifications for Road and Bridge Works, IV Edition, MoRTH, IRC Publication

Volvo Construction Equipment VTU _ Edusat Program

36 23-04-12

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