Software of cost 4

Post on 10-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Software of cost 4

Cost of Software Quality Luthfiya Ulinnuha - 5209100115

Cost of Software

Cost of Control

Prevention Cost

Appraisal Cost

Cost of failure of control

Internal failure Cost

External failure cost

What is?

• Cost of software is the economic assesment of software quality dvelopment and maintenance -is just another class of software quality metric, where financial values are used as the measuring tools.

Why must be?

Control organization-initiated costs regarding software error

Evaluation of the economic damages of software failures

Evaluation of plans to increase or decrease SQA

Cost of Control

• Costs of control include costs that are spent to prevent and detect software errors in order to reduce them to an accepted level.

Prevention Cost

• Prevention costs include investments in quality infrastructure and quality activities that are not directed to a specific project or system, being general to the organization.

Appraisal Cost

• Appraisal costs include the costs of activities performed for a specific project or software system for the purpose of detecting software errors.

Prevention Cost

• Investment in a new development

1. Procedures and work instructions

2. Support devices: templates, checklists, etc.

3. Software configuration management system

4. Software quality metrics.

• Reqular implementation SQA

1. Instruction of new employees

2. Instruction of employees in new and updated SQA.

3. Certification of employees

4. Consultations on SQA

Control of SQA

1. Internal quality reviews

2. External quality audits by customers 3. Management quality reviews.

Appraisal Cost

• Appraisal costs are devoted to detection of software errors in specific projects or software systems.


• Formal design reviews (DRs)

• Peer reviews (inspections and walkthroughs)

• Expert reviews.

Cost of software Testing

• Unit tests

• Integration tests

• Software system tests

• Acceptance tests

Cost of quality of external participants

Internal Failure Cost

• Internal failure costs are those incurred when correcting errors that have been detected by

- design reviews

- software tests

- and acceptance tests

performed before the software has been installed at customer sites.

Internal Failure Cost Type(cont’d)

Cost of redesign

Cost of re-progamming

Cost of repeated design review

External Failure Cost

• External failure costs entail the costs of correcting failures detected by customers or maintenance teams after the software system has been installed at customer sites.

External Failure Cost Type (con’td)

Rsolution of customer complaints

Correction of software bugs detected during regular operation

Type :

Another Extended Cost

Managerial Preparation and control cost

associated with activities per-

formed to prevent managerial failures or reduce prospects of their occurrence.

Costs of carrying out contract reviews

Costs of preparing project plans

Costs of periodic updating of project and quality plans.

Costs of performing regular progress control (internal)

Costs of performing regular progress control (external)

Another Extended Cost (cont’d) Managerial Failure cost

Unplanned cost

Damaged Paid for unrealistic schedule proposal

Damaged Paid for management’s failure to recruits

Domino effect