Software Carpentry

Post on 08-Nov-2015

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A Book About SoftwareCarpentry

Transcript of Software Carpentry

  • Sunil Mohan Adapasunil at medhas dot org

    Software Carpentry

    Some content derived from Software Carpentry Lecture Material

    This work and the original are under Create Commons Attribution 3.0 License

  • About the Tutorial Introductory Hands on Interactive Software Carpentry for academics and

    research in any discipline Makes software work easier Enables new kinds of work Gets work done faster

  • Summary The Unix Shell Regular Expressions Make Version Control Python

  • Unix Shell

  • About Shell Why use command line when we have GUI Typical shell: bash Terminal programs: gnome-terminal, Konsole,

    xterm, putty

  • Example Use Cases Mr. A wishes to retrieve all files modified last

    week and replace the phrase this week with next week in those files.

    Everyday, Mr. B wishes to automatically retrieve all files modified on that day and back them up to different location.

    Mr. C likes to rename files so that their extensions are removed

    Mr. D likes to combine to merge fives sets of user lists into a single one

  • File system ls to list the files in the directory

    ls -l to list files with extra information pwd to show the current directory cd to switch to a directory cd to switch to home directory / is the top most directory. It is also the path separator . is the current directory .. is the parent directory. /home/user/work/.. is same

    as /home/user

  • File System Structure /root and /home store user data /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin and /usr/sbin store executable commands /usr stores files related to user applications /usr/local contains applications compiled by the user /var contains (variable) files that usually grow over time /lib contains libraries /tmp contains temporary files /proc is a virtual file system containing kernel information /mnt and /mount contain file system mounts

  • Manipulating Files cp copies one file to another file or directory mv renames a file or moves it to another

    directory, overwriting rm deletes files rm -rf deletes files and directories mkdir creates a directory rmdir removes an empty directory

  • File Permissions ls -l shows ownership and permissions of a file chmod changes the permissions chown changes the ownership su switches the current user by launching a

    new shell

  • Redirection ls > out stores the output of ls into out file cat concatenates files and input given to it cat < out reads the contents of out file and

    provides as input to cat sort < out > sorted sorts a contents of out file

    and stores it in the sorted file | (a pipe) redirects the output of one command

    to another: ls | sort > sorted

  • Some More Commands du to find the size occupied by file on disk less and more for paginated display find to recursively find files matching a complex criteria xargs to convert input into arguments grep to match a pattern/regular expression in a file head and tail to see part of a file sort to sort data in a file uniq to find items after sorting wc counts number of chars, words and lines in a file

  • Jobs Control-C terminates a program Backgrounding a program

    Control-Z and bg & at the end of the command

    jobs list current jobs fg foregrounds a program ps lists processes kill kills a process

  • References Bash Manual Page: man bash GNU/Linux Man Pages: man Learning the Shell:

  • Regular Expressions

  • What are Regular Expressions? A concise and flexible means for matching

    strings of text Like *.txt means all files with .txt extension Parts of matches can be extracted Matched text can be replaced

  • Example Use Cases Mr. A has list of 1000 phrases in a text file. She

    would like to add a full-stop at the end of each line.

    Mr. B has a list of percentages of various categories in Wikipedia and their growth in X (Y) format. He would like to covert it X/Y format.

    Mr. C would like find out all words in a file containing 3 to 5 alphabets.

  • Example Use Cases (contd.) Mr. D would like to list all hexadecimal numbers

    in a file. Mr. E would like to convert all American

    formatted dates in a file to ISO date format. Mr. F would like to retrieve all the sentences

    starting with 'Which' from a file. Mr. G would like to retrieve all words in a

    document containing two Hindi consonants joined by a halant.

  • Where are RegExps Used? Editors: Vim, Emacs, Eclipse, Notepad++ etc. Programming Languages

    Inbuilt: Perl, Ruby, Javascript etc. As library: C, C++, Java, Php, Python etc.

    Unix command line: rename, grep, sed, perl etc. Lot more:

    Configuring Apache Web Server Syntax Highlighting in editors Even Google Search (well... not really. Just code search)

  • Basics A normal alpha-numeric character in regex

    matches that character in target string hello matches the text hello

    . matches any character * repeats the previous expression zero or more


  • Example Applications Unix command line: grep Editor: Vim Programming: Perl

  • Metacharacters . matches any character

    a. matches as, ab etc. ^ matches the beginning of a line $ matches the end of a line | alternation

    H|h matches h or H () grouping

    H|hello matches H or hello (H|h)ello matches Hello or hello

    \ escapes any metacharacter Mr. matches Mr. and Mrs Mr\. matches Mr. and not Mrs

  • Character Classes [Hh] means (h|H) [0-9] means (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9) [0-9a-z] means ([0-9]|[a-z]) [^ab] matches any characters but not a and b \x{0915} matches devanagari \n matches a new line \r matches a return \t matches a tab

  • Character Classes (Perl) \w matches a word \W matches a non-word \s matches a whitespace \S matches a non-whitespace \d matches a digit

  • Quantifiers * matches 0 or more times + matches 1 or more times ? matches 0 or 1 time {7} matches 7 times {5,} matches at least 5 times {2,5} matches at least 2 times but no more than

    5 times

  • Greedy vs. Stingy In text "XYZ" to "PQR" ".*" will match "XYZ" to "PQR" ".*?" will match "XYZ" ? applies to all other quantifiers also

  • Substitutions s/hello/Hello/ will substitute Hello with hello s/(H|h)ello/Hi/ will substitute Hello or hello with

    Hi () will extract a match \1, \2 etc. hold the value of the match s/([0-9])([0-9])/\2\1/ matches two digits and

    reverses them

  • Modifiers i means case-insensitive match

    /Hello/i will match hello, Hello or HELLO g means global matching m means multi-line string

  • References Perl Regular Expressions: man perlre

  • Build Tools

  • Building a Project

    file3.c file4.c

    file3.o file4.o

    file1.c file2.c

    file1.o file2.o library2.somain.c



  • Make Needs a dependency graph Operates on files and time stamps Executes shell commands Other uses

    Any set of tasks with dependency graphs Automated testing Building documentation Even booting an operating system!

  • Writing Makefileshello: hello.o

    gcc hello.o -o hello

    hello.o: hello.cgcc hello.c -c -o


    clean:rm -f hello.o hello

  • Using Make $ make

    $ make clean

  • Basics

    hello: hello.ogcc hello.o -o hello

    hello.o: hello.cgcc hello.c -c -o


    clean:rm -f hello.o hello




  • Bigger Projecthello: main.o filel.o file2.o

    gcc main.o file1.o file2.o -o hello

    main.o: main.c file1.h file2.hgcc main.c -c -o main.o

    file1.o: file1.c file1.hgcc file1.c -c -o file1.o

    file2.o: file2.c file2.hgcc file2.c -c -o file2.o

    clean:rm -f hello main.o file1.o file2.o

  • Improving: Step 1hello: main.o filel.o file2.o

    gcc $^ -o $@

    mail.o: file1.h file2.hmain.o: main.c

    gcc $^ -c -o $@

    file1.o: file1.hfile1.o: file1.c

    gcc $^ -c -o $@

    file2.o: file2.hfile2.o: file2.c

    gcc $^ -c -o $@

    clean:rm -f hello main.o file1.o file2.o

  • Improving: Step 2hello: main.o filel.o file2.o

    gcc $^ -o $@

    mail.o: file1.h file2.hfile1.o: file1.hfile2.o: file2.h

    %.o: %.cgcc $^ -c -o $@

    clean:rm -f hello main.o file1.o file2.o

  • Improving: Step 3TARGET = helloOBJECTS = main.o file1.o file2.o

    main.o: file1.h file2.hfile1.o: file1.hfile2.o: file2.h

    $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) gcc $^ -o $@

    %.o: %.c gcc $< -c -o $@

    clean: rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS)

  • Improving: Step 4TARGET = helloOBJECTS = main.o file1.o file2.o

    main.o: file1.h file2.hfile1.o: file1.hfile2.o: file2.h

    $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) gcc $^ -o $@

    $(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c gcc $< -c -o $@

    clean: rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS)

  • Phony Targets Try this:

    $ touch clean

    $ make clean

    What happened and why? Declaring a target as phony addresses the

    problem .PHONY: clean

  • Improving: Step 5TARGET = helloOBJECTS = main.o file1.o file2.o

    main.o: file1.h file2.hfile1.o: file1.hfile2.o: file2.h

    $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) gcc $^ -o $@

    $(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c gcc $< -c -o $@

    .PHONY: clean

    clean: rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS)

  • Even Better Build System Autoconf

    Detect system environment and build accordingly M4

    Write macros for Autoconf Automake

    Automatically generate makefiles Libtool

    Automatically handle different library formats in different OSes

  • References GNU Make Manual: info make GNU Automake Manual: info automake GNU Autoconf Manual: info autoconf

  • Version Control

  • Why? Keep track of changes Release management Work as a group Identify regressions easily Maintain personal changes to code elsewhere

  • RevisionsInitial Version

    Added feature 1

    Added feature 2

    Fixed bug 1

    Latest version

  • Release ManagementInitial Version

    Added feature 1

    Fixed bug 1

    Version 1.1

    Added feature 2

    Fixed bug 1

    Version 2.0

  • Work as a GroupInitial Version

    Added feature 1

    A's Feature


    B's Feature

    Latest Version

  • Identify RegressionsBug free version

    Latest version contains a bug

    Bug introduced

  • Personal ChangesFree Software Project

    on the Internet

    Version 2.0

    Version 3.0

    Version 4.0

    My research work

    Idea 1

    Idea 2

    Version 1.0

    Idea 3

  • Getting Started with Git Basic configuration:

    $ git config --global "Your Name Comes Here" $ git config --global

    Creating a repository: $ git init

    Adding files to the repository: $ git add file1.c

    Committing the changes $ git commit

  • Editing Edit your file

    $ nano file1.c Mark for commit

    $ git add file1.c Commit the changes

    $ git commit

  • Reviewing Changes Edit and review changes

    $ nano file1.c $ git diff

    Current status $ git status

  • Reviewing Changes (contd.) Changes between two revisions

    $ git diff r1..r2 History of changes

    $ git log

  • Exchanging Patches The diff format Patch file Producing a patch file

    $ git diff r1..r2 > my_feature.patch Applying a patch

    $ patch -p1 < my_feature.patch Better ways

  • Tagging What are tags? Creating a tag

    $ git tag VERSION_1 Deleting a tag

    $ git tag -d VERSION_1 Retrieving older versions

    $ git checkout -b VERSION_1

  • More Topics of Interest Branching and Merging Pushing and Pulling from repositories Rebasing Bisecting Stashing changes

  • Graphical Tools

  • References Git: Official Git Tutorial:

    ProGit Book: Git Manual Pages: man git

  • Python

    Content derived from Official Python Tutorial

  • Why Python? Easy for beginners Yet powerful Rapid development Scalable for large and complex project Object oriented Cross platform Large set of libraries for performing various


  • First Python Program$ python>>> 2 + 35>>>

  • Hello, World!$ python>>> print "Hello, World!"Hello, World!>>>

  • Hello, World! in a File#!/usr/bin/python

    print "Hello, World!"

  • Python as Calculator>>> 2+24>>> (50-5*6)/45

  • Variables>>> a = 2>>> b = 3>>> print a * b6

  • Strings>>> hello = "Hello">>> world = "World">>> print helloHello>>> print worldWorld>>> print hello + worldHelloWorld>>> print hello + ", " + world + "!"Hello, World!

  • Lists>>> a = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234]>>> a['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234]>>> a[0]'spam'>>> a[3]1234>>> a[-2]100>>> a[1:-1]['eggs', 100]>>> a[2] = a[2] + 23>>> a['spam', 'eggs', 123, 1234]

  • More on Lists>>> a = [66.25, 333, 333, 1, 1234.5]>>> print a.count(333), a.count(66.25), a.count('x')2 1 0>>> a.insert(2, -1)>>> a.append(333)>>> a[66.25, 333, -1, 333, 1, 1234.5, 333]>>> a.index(333)1>>> a.remove(333)>>> a[66.25, -1, 333, 1, 1234.5, 333]>>> a.reverse()>>> a[333, 1234.5, 1, 333, -1, 66.25]>>> a.sort()>>> a[-1, 1, 66.25, 333, 333, 1234.5]

  • More on Lists>>> mat = [... [1, 2, 3],... [4, 5, 6],... [7, 8, 9],... ]

  • Tuples>>> t = 12345, 54321, 'hello!'>>> t[0]12345>>> t(12345, 54321, 'hello!')>>> # Tuples may be nested:... u = t, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)>>> u((12345, 54321, 'hello!'), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5))

    >>> t = 12345, 54321, 'hello!'>>> x, y, z = t

  • Dictionaries>>> tel = {'jack': 4098, 'sape': 4139}>>> tel['guido'] = 4127>>> tel{'sape': 4139, 'guido': 4127, 'jack': 4098}>>> tel['jack']4098>>> del tel['sape']>>> tel['irv'] = 4127>>> tel{'guido': 4127, 'irv': 4127, 'jack': 4098}>>> tel.keys()['guido', 'irv', 'jack']>>> 'guido' in telTrue

  • If .. else>>> x = int(raw_input("Please enter an int: "))Please enter an integer: 42>>> if x < 0:... x = 0... print 'Negative changed to zero'... elif x == 0:... print 'Zero'... elif x == 1:... print 'Single'... else:... print 'More'

  • For>>> # Measure some strings:... a = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate']>>> for x in a:... print x, len(x) 3window 6defenestrate 12

  • For>>> range(10)[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]>>> a = ['Mary', 'had', 'a', 'little', 'lamb']>>> for i in range(len(a)):... print i, a[i]

  • Break>>> for i in range(10):... if i > 5:... break... print i... 012345

  • Continue>>> for i in range(10):... if i == 5:... continue... print i... 012346789

  • Comments>>> # This is single line comment>>> """ This is a ... multiline... comment"""

  • Functions>>> def fib(n): # print Fibonacci series... """Print a Fibonacci series up to n."""... a, b = 0, 1... while a < n:... print a,... a, b = b, a+b...>>> # Now call the function we just defined:... fib(1000)0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987

  • References Python Programming Language Official

    Website: The Python Tutorial: The Python Standard Library: The Python Language Reference:

  • Feedback & Further Assistance:sunil at medhas dot org

  • Thank you

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