Soen 423 Project Report Revised

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Transcript of Soen 423 Project Report Revised

SOEN 423: Project Report in fulfillment of SOEN 423 fall 2009 – Ver. 1.2 project ID : 3 12/11/2009 Team Members

Date Rev. Description Author(s) Contributor(s)

10/12/2009 1.0 First Draft Ali Ahmed The Team

11/12/2009 1.2 Document Review Ali Ahmed The Team

Concordia University Montreal

Winter 2009

Concordia University Project Report SOEN 423 CS & SE Fall 2009

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Table of Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Problem Statement ................................................................................................................................ 3

3. Design Description ................................................................................................................................ 3

4. Implementation Details ......................................................................................................................... 5

4.1. Corba ............................................................................................................................................. 5

4.2. Client ............................................................................................................................................. 5

4.3. Front End ...................................................................................................................................... 6

4.4. Replica Manager ........................................................................................................................... 7

4.5. Branch Servers / Replicas ............................................................................................................. 9

4.6. Byzantine Scenarios ...................................................................................................................... 9

4.7. Reliable FIFO communication via UDP ..................................................................................... 12

4.8. Synchronization .......................................................................................................................... 13

4.9. Asynchronous call back in Corba ............................................................................................... 14

5. Test cases and overview ...................................................................................................................... 15

6. Team Organization and Contribution ................................................................................................. 21

7. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 21

Concordia University Project Report SOEN 423 CS & SE Fall 2009

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1. Introduction

This report is in fulfillment of the requirements for Soen 423 Distributed System Programming

Project for Fall 2009. It describes the problem specified, the design and implementation of our

solution and the resulting output from the system and verification by test cases

2. Problem Statement

We were required to implement a Distributed Banking System ( DBS ) , extending the core idea

of the individual assignments . Our project ( group of 3 ) was to have the following features

A failure-free front end (FE) which receives requests from the clients as CORBA invocations,

atomically broadcasts the requests to the server replicas, and sends a single correct result back

to the client by properly combining the results received from the replicas. The FE should also

keep track of the replica which produced the incorrect result (if any) and informs the replica

manager (RM) to replace the failed replica. The FE should also be multi threaded so that it can

handle multiple concurrent client requests using one thread per request.

A replica manager (RM) which creates and initializes the actively replicated server subsystem.

The RM also manages the server replica group information (which the FE uses for request

forwarding) and replaces a failed replica with another one when requested by the FE.

A reliable FIFO communication subsystem over the unreliable UDP layer for the communication

between replicas.

3. Design Description

Based on the requirements we saw a possible bottleneck, the fact that the methods parameters in

our assignment code had return types which would result in blocking and hence low performance.

Additionally Branch Servers had to be destroyed and re-instantiated hence we reference them through a

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Branch Server Proxy Object. Transfer operations were delegated to FE's and they split them into

deposit and withdraw requests since then may need to contact other FE’s. Each FE and associated group

of replicas deals with a subset of accounts. If in an account transfer both accounts are to referenced to

the same FE the first account is referenced to the correct FE to do the withdraw , then a message is sent

to the same FE to do the deposit operation.

Fig . High Level design overview of the implementation and deployment

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4. Implementation Details

4.1. Corba

All elements of the Corba were defined in our IDL file which is listed below. Things to be noted

are the call back object and void method declarations.

Our IDL File


module dbs


module corba


interface CallBack


void responseMessage(in string message);


interface FailureFreeFE


string sayHello();

void deposit(in long long accountNum,in float amount);

void withdraw(in long long accountNum,in float amount);

void balance(in long long accountNum);

void transfer(in long long src_accountNum,in long long

dest_accountNum,in float amount);

void requestResponse(in CallBack cb);

oneway void shutdown();





4.2. Client

The Client simply registers itself with the ORB daemon; it maps references of Front

ends with the Branch ID of requested accounts (first two digits). It also registers the call back

object with the FE when making the request, there is no blocking at any stage and the FE

response is asynchronous so multiple requests can be sent and the responses arrive later.

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4.3. Front End

Fig . High-level view of frontend components.

The frontend manages the communication between the clients and branch server replicas. It

provides clients with a failure free interface to branch servers allowing them to perform the

basic banking operations (deposit, withdraw, balance, transfer).

Clients are only required to know the location of the server running the ORB. They then obtain a

reference to the frontend hosting the account they wish to manipulate. Requests are sent via

CORBA invocations to the frontend who then messages to the FIFO UDP to broadcast to each of

its branch server replicas. Each replica does the requested operation on the account and returns

a result in the form of an account balance. The results are all compared and response that

reflects the correct result is sent back to the client.

The CORBA middleware provides us with transparent threading and concurrency control. Also

the UDP Server runs in its own thread and all its operations are hence asynchronous. Therefore

spawn additional threads per request was no longer needed.

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4.4. Replica Manager

Why replication is needed

Process failure should not imply the failure of the whole system

A distributed system needs to implement techniques guaranteeing the availability and the

correctness of the result provided to the client. We use active replication as per the specification

so that the system may provide a collection of results, which represents a consensus that the

client may rely on without the awareness of the inner process of replication.

A replica is a server process that carries the execution of a client request with peers processing

the request in its own memory space. This way we guarantee that a replicated process does not

alter the state of another replica.

But the replication comes at a cost. True or most up to date correct results must be maintained

by proper message ordering or simply avoidance of byzantine failure (malicious or non

malicious). In the best case all replicas hold the same correct value. In the worst case we expect

the value to be returned be reached by a majority vote.

We may expect the replicas to fail for arbitrary reasons. Hardware failure can be among the

most dramatic. Replicas in the same host that fail will result in the total system failure unless

you have a group that can take its place. In this project we do not make the assumption that

“replica group replacement” can exist or that replicas are in different hosts but we keep in mind

it can exist in some distributed systems.

To prevent failure we implemented replicas has entities who relieve some of the work from the

front end and insure that even if a replicated processes fails the front end can still manage a to

send correct answer to the client.

Inaccurate response should not be sent back to the client

Now we need to discuss why replication in general provides good guarantee that no incorrect

answer will be sent to the client. Suppose a single process is handling the request of a client.

Suppose this answer is incorrect. First the front end cannot know the answer is incorrect and

failure detection will be absent.

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Now we suppose we replicate a server process. In some case we may expect the replicas to send

a different answer to the front end. We assume that a consensus can be reached by a majority

vote. Else the server (replicas and front end) cannot proceed further and a replica must be

rebuilt or recovered to the last know good state.

In the project we make the assumption that replies sent by the replicas always reach a

consensus and that this consensus is truthful (not altered by some byzantine general).

The place of the replica and the replica manager within the system

Replica and branch server

The BranchServerProxy is the instance that holds reference to the replica (BranchServerImpl). A

replica is a copy of a branch server holding a private copy of the set of accounts within the

branch server. According to our assumption we assume two replicas will return the correct

result but a faulty replica will “lie“when it returns its result to the front end. For the sake of

simplicity we will assume a replica is an instance of a branch server.

Life of a replica

A branch server is expected to return correct results unless otherwise instructed. To keep the

implementation general a branch server can be created, killed and synched with a trusted

replica. A replica is kept alive while it is not generating three errors. If it does it is signaled to

stop and synched with a trusted replica data.

Killing a replica means the reference to the implementation along with private accounts are

removed for garbage collection. This is not a good way to proceed in a real distributed system

but since the set of accounts is no more than ten at any time this factor does not alter the

performance of the system in any way.

Once the reference to the implementation is collected by garbage collection it is synched with a

trusted branch server. We define synching as requesting a trusted replica account data set.

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The replicas do not communicate directly. Messages must be sent through a UPD server

contained in the front end and send the response back to the failed replica. Accounts in the

faulty replica are updated one by one until all accounts are updated to the correct values.

The replica manager

A replica manager is an entity in the system that manages the life of replicas. We expect the

replica manager to signal to a server holding replicated data to stop referencing incorrect

key/value pairs (id ,amount) defining bank accounts. It's job is to simply send a UDP message to

the failed branch server proxy to eliminate the reference to the old replicated data.

The replica manager does not play a bigger role in the system other than initiating the

replacement of replicated bank accounts. We have decided to integrate its functionality to other


4.5. Branch Servers / Replicas

Branch Servers exist with their own repository which is simulated by Synchronized hash

table and have methods to conduct operations on them; they don't have a transfer operation,

as they can't call methods from a replica server having a different group of accounts. They exist

as a reference to a Branch Server Proxy Object which handles udp messaging via its udp server

and passes respective messages to it. The proxy object also handles the replica failure scenario

by reinitializing the object.

4.6. Byzantine Scenarios

The requirement for the project states that our failure free frontend must also detect a single

non-malicious Byzantine failure and correct it using active replication. To achieve this we first

had to make one of the replicas return incorrect results, which we accomplished via a command

line parameter flag that when activate gave the replica high probability of producing these

incorrect results. The frontend must also keeps a hash table containing each replica and the

numbers of times they have consecutively sent false data to determine if it’s time to actively

replicate one.

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When the frontend examines each response from the replicas for a corresponding client request

it is able to detect the single Byzantine failure by comparing two results that agree. The one that

does not agree is obliviously the one that produced an incorrect result and must be dealt with.

The replica error hash table entry for this replica is checked and if its error count is 3 it must be

replicated and synced with clean data. The tasks of terminating the faulty replica, instantiating a

new one and repopulating it with known good data from another replica are then delegated to

the Replica Manager. Finally the frontend resets the error count of the new replica.

How we simulate byzantine failure

Under the conditions of the network where the software was tested no byzantine failure

(malicious or not) was not expected to happen but in real conditions this has to be taken into

account. Also if the network is reliable then we can expect byzantine failure due to message

loss. To handle byzantine failure we had to simulate a replica sending inaccurate data.

We were asked to implement a system were only one byzantine failure will occur at any time.

Under this condition we assume only one replica will generate incorrect result. To implement

this we have added an extra parameter to the replica indicating whether it will generate an

incorrect result or not.

This way we know only one byzantine replica will fail and we know we can determine which one

it is. But this approach has the limitation of testing the system under unlikely circumstances but

is sufficient for the scope of the assignment.

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Fig . Sequence Diagram of the Fail Case Scenario and the respective action taken by the replica

manage to handle the response.

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4.7. Reliable FIFO communication via UDP

One of the requirements of the project was to have reliable Communication in a fifo order

implemented over the unreliable UDP protocol. As per our design every entity requiring this

network access has an object reference of a udp server. In our project those elements are the

Branch Proxy and the Front End. The UDP server object runs in a thread and also maintains

another concurrent Re transmit thread object which runs in parallel.

To maintain FIFO ordering messages are held in queue and are numbered. Sequence number

pairs are uniquely held for each destination and subsequently at the udp receiver object. One a

packet is sent from the queue we await for a corresponding acknowledgment for that message.

Once received the next message is acted upon. Message numbering allows us to discard

messages arriving out of order and duplicate messages. The retransmit thread which runs a

check method at a specified interval monitors whether the current message sent has had its

Acknowledge returned if not he the same message is broadcast again. If the total retries exceeds

a value a system exception is thrown.

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Fig .Sequence diagram of a sample operation sequence for the FIFO UDP Subsystem.

4.8. Synchronization

This is extension of the process implemented in the assignments. The Front End uses

synchronized blocks to handle concurrency and also obtain fine grained control over the locking

mechanism for maximum performance. Additionally Concurrent data structures are used were

appropriate eg: Concurrent Queues in the UDP server, Hash tables for the account information.

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4.9. Asynchronous call back in Corba

Fig. A simple setup with return types specified in Corba methods

To avoid the above scenario we use void methods in our interface definitions but for each

operation we register a call back object, which can be used by the FE to respond asynchronously

without blocking the client and also can keep processing additional requests from the client.

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5. Test cases and overview

Fig .Terminal Screens of the project being initialized normally , instance shows three front

ends and associated 9 replica servers.

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Fig . Source tree overview of the project

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Fig. Output Consoles for the clients and replica serves running Driver Test1 ( Single thread test)

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Fig . Double threaded client (Branch 30)

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Fig . Double threaded client (Branch 20)

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Fig . Fifo UDP testing

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6. Team Organization and Contribution

As per the Project document roles were already specified for the three team members . That is

primarily how the team was organized there some overlap in areas in the later stages and the

documentation was done together in team setting.

Ali Ahmed - Primary responsibility to design and implement the FIFO UDP Message passing

system. Asynchronous call back in Corba , Design of the front end and Replica servers

*********** - Handling the Replication Manages and delegating responsibilities to the

relevant classes for the appropriate actions

7. Conclusion

Our implementation correctly implements the specifications and results are as expected, changing

variable values results in output variations in line with manual calculations. Hence we feel the

solution satisfies all criteria required in the scope of the assignment.