Social Year 6 Study Notes 2019/20 Malti6. Attakki fuq il-Birgu u L-Isla 1. It-Torok attakkaw...

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Transcript of Social Year 6 Study Notes 2019/20 Malti6. Attakki fuq il-Birgu u L-Isla 1. It-Torok attakkaw...

SocialStudy Notes

Year 62019/20


Settembru - Frar

Mr. Duncan Mallia

S6.2 Meta Missirijietna Ġew Attakkati (1565)

Mr. Duncan Mallia

1. Il-Bidu tal-Kavallieri

1. Fil-Palestina kien hemm grupp ta’ patrijiet li ddeċidew li jibdew jieħdu ħsieb il-morda.

2. Dawn bnew sptar u bħala patrun tagħhom għażlu lil San Ġwann. 3. Aktar tard saru kavallieri, biex ikunu jistgħu jiddefendu l-pellegrini

li jżuru l-Palestina.4. Ma setgħux jiżżewġu, baqgħu infermiera u wegħdu li jiddefendu r-

Religjon.5. Il-Musulmani keċċew l-Insara mill-Palestina u l-kavallieri spiċċaw f’

Rodi.6. Hemm bnew xwieni u bihom kienu jattakkaw vapuri Musulmani, l-

aktar Torok.7. Ir-re Tork keċċa l-Kavallieri minn Rodi u dawn spiċċaw bla dar.

2. Il-Kavallieri f’Malta

1. Ir-Re ta’ Spanja offra l-gżejjer Maltin lill-kavallieri.2. Meta waslu Malta l-kavallieri sabu l-Imdina, iċ-Ċittadella u l-Forti

Sant’ Anġlu.3. Huma riedu jgħixu ħdejn il-baħar allura bnew il-belt tal-Birgu u l-

Isla u l-fortizza San Mikiel.4. Aktar tard bnew il-Forti Sant’ Iermu li kien jiddefendi l-Port il-

Kbir u Marsamxett.5. Minn Malta l-Kavallieri kienu jattakkaw il-vapuri tal-Misilmin

fosthom it-Torok.6. Għalhekk, fl-1565, ir-Re Tork Sulejman iddeċieda li jattakka lil


3. Il-Wasla tat-Torok

1. Fit-18 ta’ Mejju 1565, dehru 200 vapur Tork mgħobbija b’xi 40,000 suldat.

2. Il-Maltin kienu pronti tefgħu l-velenu fil-bjar tal-Marsa, ħarqu djarhom, qabdu l-annimali u l-ikel u ħarbu lejn l-ibliet.

3. Dgħajsa telqet lejn Sqallija biex titlob l-għajnuna lill-Vici Re.4. Kien hawn xi 400 kavallier, 6000 Malti u xi 2000 suldat Sqalli u

baħrin.5. Għalhekk il-Gran Mastru de Valette ordna lill-kavallieri biex

jiġġieldu minn fuq is-swar minn ġol-ibliet u mhux joħorġu jattakkaw.

4. L-Ewwel Attakki

1. It-Torok kellhom il-ħsieb li wara li jirbħu lil Malta jattakkaw lil Sqallija u wara l-bqija tal-Ewropa. Attakkaw lil Malta ukoll għax kellhom Reliġjon differenti u għax il-Kavallieri kienu jattakkawlhom il-vapuri.

2. Mustapha Paxà kellu l-kmand tal-armata waqt li Piali Paxà kien imexxi l-flotta (vapuri) tat-Torok.

3. Dragut, li kien pirata (furban), kellu jasal aktar tard biex jgħin fl-attakki.

4. Piali Paxà ried li jattakka lil Sant’ Iermu biex ikun jista’ jdaħħal il-vapuri tiegħu f’Marsamxett, li kien aktar kenni minn Marsaxlokk fejn kienu qegħdin.

5. It-Torok ħasbu li Sant’ Iermu kien jaqa’ f’sebat ijiem u għalhekk bdew l-attakki fuqu.

5. Sant’ Iermu

1. It-Torok sabuha diffiċli biex jirbħu lil Sant’ Iermu għax il-kavallieri kienu jibagħtu suldati ġodda bil-lejl mill-Birgu.

2. Kien Dragut li nduna b’dan u poġġa xi kanuni u dgħajjes biex iwaqqaf din l-għajnuna.

3. B’hekk, is-suldati ta’ din il-fortizza ma kien baqgħalhom l-ebda tama.

4. Fit-23 ta’ Ġunju, lejlet il-festa ta’ San Ġwann, il-forti waqa’.5. F’dan l-attakk miet Dragut. 6. Dan il-forti li suppost intrebaħ f’ġimgħa, dam xahar biex jaqa’ u

għalhekk ħela ħafna ħin lit-Torok peress li kienet riesqa x-xitwa.

6. Attakki fuq il-Birgu u L-Isla

1. It-Torok attakkaw il-Birgu u l-Isla.2. Bejn il-Birgu u l-Isla il-kavallieri bnew pont bid-dgħajjes biex ikunu

jistgħu jibagħtu l-għajnuna minn belt għal oħra.3. Għalkemm it-Torok kienu kważi rebħu lill-Birgu u l-Isla, il-pjan

tagħhom falla fis-7 ta’ Settembru.4. Il-Viċi Re ta’ Sqallija, Don Garcia de Toledo, bagћat l-għajnuna minn

Sqallija. Xi 14,000 suldat niżlu fil-Mellieħa.5. It-Torok qatgћu qalbhom u telqu lejn pajjiżhom.6. Malti famuż fl-Assedju l-Kbir kien Toni Bajada li kien imur mill-

Birgu għall-Imdina bl-gћawm, biex iwassal il-messaġġi tal-Gran Mastru de Valette.

7. Wara l-Assedju l-Kbir, il-Birgu sar Vittoriosa u l-Isla Invicta.

S6.4 Belt Kapitali Ġdida għal Malta

Mr. Duncan Mallia

7. Il-Bini tal-Belt Valletta

1. Wara l-Assedju l-Kbir tal-1565, il-kavallieri riedu jibnu belt ġdida fuq l-għolja Xiberras.

2. Din il-belt setgħet tiddefendi ż-żewġt ibliet (Birgu u Isla) u lil Sant’ Iermu.

3. Iżda biex jibnu din il-belt kien hemm bżonn ta’ ħafna flus u ħaddiema.

4. Is-Slaten Ewropej bagħtu suldati, flus u ħaddiema għax f’ każ li Malta tintrebaħ, l-attakk li jmiss kien isir fuqhom.

5. Il-Papa Piju V (ћamsa) bagħat lill-perit Taljan Francesco Laparelli.6. Din il-belt kellha ħafna vantaġġi fosthom li kienet fuq għolja u minn

fuq l-art setgħet tiġi attakkata minn post wieħed biss, kif ukoll tiddefendi lill-portijiet ta’ Marsamxett u l-Port il-Kbir.

7. Iżda żvantaġġ kien li ma kellhiex ilma.

8. Laparelli u l-Belt Valletta

1. Laparelli ried li l-belt Valletta jkollha toroq dritti forma ta’ grada/gradilja.

2. B’hekk f’din il-belt ikun hemm sens ta’ ordni.3. Ma kienx hemm ‘Collachio’, żona riservata għall-kavallieri biss

bħalma kien hemm fil-Birgu.4. Kull dar ried ikollha bir. Kull kantuniera riedet tiżżejjen b’xi

statwa. Ħadd ma seta’ jkollu ġnien.5. Saret triq madwar il-belt biex is-suldati jaslu malajr fejn is-swar.6. Del Monte ordna lill-kavallieri biex imorru joqogħdu fil-belt

Valletta, għalkemm il-bini kien għadu mhux lest. Ix-xogħol tħaffef.7. Meta Laparelli telaq, ix-xogħol tiegħu tkompla mill-perit Malti

Ġlormu Cassar. Hu ppjana l-aktar bini importanti tal-belt Valletta fosthom il-Bereġ.

9. Bini fil-Belt Valletta

1. Fil-belt Valletta nsibu:• Il-Bereġ – kien hemm 7. Kienu palazzi fejn jgħixu l-kavallieri. Xi

bereġ huma tal-Italja, ta’ Aragona u ta’ Kastilja.• Sagra Infermerija – Kien l-isptar tal-kavallieri. • Palazz tal-Gran Mastru – Kien jgħix fih il-Gran Mastru. • Armerija – Parti mill-Palazz tal-Gran Mastru. Kienu jinżammu l-armi

tal-kavallieri fih.• Barakka ta’ Fuq u ta’ Isfel – Żewġ ġonna fejn il-kavallieri setgħu

jistrieħu.• Kon-Katidral ta’ San Ġwann – Knisja tal-kavallieri. Fiha hemm il-

kwadru tal-qtugħ ir-ras ta’ San Ġwann ta’ Caravaggio.

Ġ6.3 Nimmaniġġjaw l-Iskart

Mr. Duncan Mallia

10. Tniġġis

1. Il-fabbriki jipproduċu ħafna affarijiet importanti f’ħajjitna.2. Iżda jipproduċu ukoll ħmieġ fl-arja, irwejjaħ, għandhom dehra

kerha, kif ukoll jikkawżaw ħafna storbju.3. Il-karozzi jipproduċu ħafna ‘exhaust’ li jħammeġ l-arja u jikkawża

mard fil-bniedem.4. Il-ħsejjes tat-traffiku idejqu lil ħafna nies u d-dħaħen iħammġu l-

bini.5. Meta karozza tiġi biex tintrema, il-batteriji u t-‘tyres’ isiru

problema fejn se jitpoġġew.

11. Innaqqsu t-Tniġġis

1. Biex immorru f’postijiet fil-viċin, m’hemmx għalfejn nużaw karozza.2. Jekk nużaw it-trasport pubbliku, innaqqsu t-tniġġis u t-traffiku.3. Affarijiet żejda fil-karozza iġiegħlu l-magna taħdem aktar u

tħammeġ aktar.4. Ipprova evita r-‘rush hour’.5. Tista’ tiftiehem ma’ xi ħbieb u toћorġu b’karozza waħda.

12. Aħna x’nistgħu nagħmlu?

1. Meta nużaw l-ilma u l-elettriku, aħna nkunu qegħdin inħammġu l-ambjent. Sa ftit żmien ilu l-‘Powerstation’ kienet tipproduċi ћafna duћћan, li kien jagћmel ћafna ћsara lill-ambjent.

2. Għalhekk gћandna nitfu d-dawl u oġġetti elettroniċi meta m’aħniex nużawhom.

3. Ma nħallux ilma ħiereġ għalxejn u viti jqattru.4. Nistgħu nużaw ix-xemx biex insaħħnu l-ilma (solar water heaters) u

nipproduċu l-elettriku (solar panels).5. Nistgħu nużaw affarijiet bħal bozoz ‘energy saving’.6. L-elettriku nistgħu nipproduċuh permezz tar-riħ (wind farms).

13. L-Iskart

1. Qabel, l-iskart kien jintrema’ kollu ġo miżbla mingħajr ma jiġi magħżul.

2. B’hekk kienu jinħlew ħafna affarijiet bħall-plastik u metall.3. Ukoll, il-veleni tal-miżbla kienu jispiċċaw fil-baħar u fl-ilma tax-

xorb.4. L-irwejjaħ taż-żibel kienu jdejqu n-nies. 5. Ħafna ġrieden u nemus kienu jgħixu fil-miżbliet u madwarhom.6. Id-dehra tal-miżbla hija kerha u ħadd ma jixtieq jgħix qrib miżbla.7. Illum, iż-żibel jintefa’ ġo ‘landfills’ taħt l–art apposta fejn l-iskart

ma jkunx jidher u li jkunu miksija bil-‘membrane’ biex il-veleni ma joħorġux.

14. Ir-Riciklaġġ

1. Nistgħu nagħmlu użu minn ħafna affarijiet li narmu billi noħduhom fil-‘bring in sites’.

• Plastik – Jitqatta’ biċċiet u jinbiegħ barra minn Malta biex isiru affarijiet tal-plastik.

• Metall – Jinbiegħ biex jinħall u jerġa’ jsir metall.• Karta – Titpoġġa fl-ilma u ssir karta ġdida.• Ħġieġ – Jitfarrak u jitħallat mal-konkos u tarmak.

2. Ġebel, madum u materjal tal-bini jintefa’ ġo barrieri u jitgħatta bil-ħamrija u jsiru għelieqi.

3. Fdalijiet tal-ikel u ħxejjex isiru kompost (ħamrija).4. B’hekk inkunu qed nnaqqsu l-iskart, naħlu anqas, nsalvaw is-siġar u

nżommu pajjiżna aktar nadif.

15. It-Tliet R’s

1. It-tliet R’s huma ‘Recycle’, ‘Reduce’ u ‘Reuse’.• Recycle – Oġġett użat, flok jintrema’, jerġa’ jinħadem u jsir oġġett

ieħor, eżempju flixkun tal-plastik isir oġġett ieħor tal-plastik.• Reduce – Innaqqsu l-iskart, eżempju minflok nieħu borża gћall-ikel

kuljum l-iskola u narmiha, nieħu kontenitur tal-plastik u nibqa’ nużah.• Reuse – Nerġa’ nuża l-affarijiet, eżempju bott tal-ikel nagħmluh

‘pencil holder’.

2. B’hekk inkunu qegћdin innaqqsu l-problema tal-iskart.

Frar - Ġunju

Mr. Duncan Mallia

S6.1 Qabel il-Kitba

Mr. Duncan Mallia

16. Għar Dalam

1. Eluf ta’ snin ilu, l-Ewropa kienet miksija bis-silġ.2. Annimali bħal iljunfanti, ippopotami, ċriev u orsijiet niżlu ‘l isfel fl-

Ewropa jfittxu klima aktar sħuna.3. Dawn waslu Malta, għax il-livell tal-baħar kien baxx u bejn Malta u

l-Italja ma kienx hawn baħar.4. Meta s-silġ inħall, Malta saret gżira u dawn l-annimali nqabdu hawn.5. Ħafna minn dawn l-annimali bdew imutu, sakemm imbagћad biż-

żmien spiċċaw gћal kollox.6. F’Għar Dalam sibna l-fossili ta’ dawn l-annimali. 7. Għar Dalam hu importanti għax jurina li Malta kienet maqgħuda


17. L-Ewwel Nies f’Malta

1. L-ewwel nies f’Malta ġew minn Sqallija.2. Dawn aktarx li raw lil Malta matul il-ġurnata jew raw xi nar

imqabbad minn xi sajjetta bil-lejl.3. Ġew b’ dgħajjes jew xi ċattri.4. Ġabu magħhom annimali bħall-baqar, ħnieżer, nagħaġ u żerriegħa

bħall-qamħ.5. Ma kinux jafu jiktbu u jaqraw (Pre-Istorja).6. Kellhom għodda tal-ġebel u ma kellhomx ħadid (Żmien il-Ħaġar).7. Bdew joqogħdu ġo għerien u aktar tard bnew għerejjex (huts) bil-

ġebel.8. L-għerejjex insibuhom fi Skorba, l-Imġarr.

18. Ix-Xogħol tal-Ewwel Nies

1. Dawn in-nies kienu bdiewa għax kienu jiżirgħu l-qamħ.2. Kienu sajjieda għax sibna xi għadam tal-ħut u bebbux mal-fdalijiet

tagħhom.3. Kienu raħħala gћax kienu jrabbu n-nagħaġ, mogħoż, ħnieżer u baqar.4. Kienu jaqbdu għasafar u annimali, għalhekk kienu kaċċaturi.5. Bħala ikel kellhom tip ta’ ħobż, ħut, laħam u kienu jixorbu ilma u

ħalib.6. Kienu jilbsu ħwejjeġ magħmula mis-suf u l-ġilda tal-annimali u

jiżżejnu b’ġiżirajjen tal-bebbux, għadam u ġebel.7. Dan nafuh bis-saħħa tal-arkeoloġisti.

19. It-Tempji

1. L-ewwel nies f’Malta bnew tempji biex jaduraw l-alla tagħhom li kienet l-Mara l-Ħoxna, l-alla tal-Fertilita’.

2. Bnew ħafna tempji fosthom il-Ġgantija f’Għawdex u Ħaġar Qim, ‘Tarxien Temples’ u Mnajdra f’Malta.

3. Fit-tempji kienu joffru sagrifiċċji bħal annimali, frott u ħaxix.4. It-tempji huma ‘Megalitiċi’ jiġifieri mibnija b’ġebel kbir.5. Aktarx li t-tempji kellhom saqaf kif juruna xi mudelli żgħar li sibna.6. Kienu mżejna b’disinji mnaqqxa forma ta’ ċrieki u disinji ta’ annimali.

20. L-Ipoġew (Hypogeum)

1. L-Ipoġew ġie mħaffer taħt l-art b’għodda tal-ġebel.2. Parti mill-Ipoġew kien jintuża għad-dfin.3. L-isbaħ u l-aktar kamra qaddisa fl-Ipoġew hija s-‘Sancta

Sanctorum’ (Holy of Holies) li qisha tempju minn ġewwa.4. Kamra oħra hija l-‘Oraklu’ fejn hemm toqba li ġo fiha, leħen

jinstema’ jidwi ma’ kullimkien.5. Fl-Oraklu hemm is-siġra tal-ħajja mpinġija mas-saqaf.6. Sibna statwa tal-Mara l-Ħoxna rieqda li tista’ tfisser li wara l-mewt

hemm il-ħajja.7. Fl-Ipoġew, li jinsab Ħal Saflieni (Raħal Ġdid), sibna ukoll it-teżori

ta’ dawn in-nies li kienu statwi u ġiżirajjen tal-bebbux u għadam.8. L-Ipoġew, bħat-tempji, huwa ‘World Heritage Site’ tal-U.N.E.S.C.O.

21. Żmien il-Bronż

1. In-nies tat-tempji telqu minn Malta. Ma nafux għaliex. Jista’ jkun minħabba nuqqas ta’ ħamrija jew għax m’għamlitx xita.

2. Wara xi elf sena, waslu nies ġodda minn Sqallija.3. Dawn ġabu magħhom tip ta’ metall – bronż.4. Kienu jibnu l-villaġġi tagħhom fuq l-għoljiet u jiddefenduhom b’ħitan

għoljin. Dan jurina li dawn in-nies kienu ġellieda.5. Kienu jaħarqu l-mejtin, ipoġġu l-fdalijiet ġo ġarar u l-ġarar

ipoġġuhom taħt ġebel kbir ċatt (Dolmen).6. Waqqfu ukoll ġebel kbir wieqaf (Menħir). Dawn setgħu ntużaw bħala

tip ta’ kalendarju li juri l-istaġuni.7. Il-bronż huwa taħlita ta’ ram u landa.

Ġ6.1 Madwar il-Baħar Mediterran

Mr. Duncan Mallia

22. Fejn Ninsabu fid-Dinja – Il-Kontinenti

1. Id-dinja hi maqsuma f’sitt biċċiet kbar li huma: Amerika (fuq u isfel), Antartika, Ewropa, Afrika, Asja u Awstralja.

2. Hemm ukoll 5 oċeani (ibħra kbar) li huma: Atlantiku, Artiku, Paċifiku, Indjan u l-Oċean tan-Nofsinhar.

3. Malta tagħmel parti mill-kontinent tal-Ewropa.4. Fl-Ewropa hemm mal-40 pajjiż u xi wħud minnhom, fosthom Malta,

jiffurmaw parti mill-Unjoni Ewropea.5. Din l-għaqda tħalli jsir kummerċ bejn il-pajjiżi, taħdem biex ikun

hemm ambjent aktar nadif, tħalli l-membri tagħha jivvjaġġjaw u jaħdmu f’pajjiżi oħra bla tfixkil.

6. Ħafna mill-pajjiżi fl-UE jużaw il-munita Ewro.

23. Oċeani, il-Baћar Mediterran u ibћra oћra

1. Il-Mediterran huwa baħar żgħir u magħluq, għalhekk huwa baħar li faċilment jitniġġes.

2. Fih tliet daħliet li huma:• Fliegu ta’ Ġibilta’ - bejn Spanja u Marokk. Jinfed għall-Ocean

Atlantiku.• Kanal ta’ Swejz - jinsab fl-Eġittu. Ġie mħaffer mill-bniedem.

Jinfed għall-Baħar l-Aħmar u wara għall-Oċean Indjan.• Dardanelli - jinsab fit-Turkija. Jinfed għall-Baħar l-Iswed.

3. Xi ibħra fil-Mediterran huma l-Adrijatiku, it-Tirren, l-Aġejan u ta’ Marmara’.

24. Gżejjer fil-Mediterran

1. Dawn huma l-gżejjer li nsibu fil-Baћar Mediterran:

• Malta – pajjiż indipendenti• Ċipru – pajjiż indipendenti• Gżejjer Baleariċi – Ibiza, Maiorca, Menorca (Spanja)• Korsika (Franza)• Sardinja u Sqallija (Italja)• Kreta (Greċja)

2. L-Arċipelagu Malti jikkonsisti minn numru ta’ gżejjer. Fuq tlieta minn dawn il-gżejjer joqogħdu n-nies – Malta hija l-akbar gżira, Għawdex huwa t-tieni l-akbar fid-daqs u l-gżira żgħira ta’ Kemmuna. Insibu ukoll gżejjer oħra żgħar – Kemmunett, Filfla, il-Gżejjer ta’ San Pawl u Manoel Island.

25. Il-Baħar Mediterran u t-Tniġġis

1. ‘Mediterran’ tfisser il-baħar tan-nofs.2. Peress li l-Mediterran huwa baħar magħluq, jitħammeġ malajr. Il-

ħmieġ li jitfgħu pajjiżi differenti jaffettwa lill-pajjiżi kollha ta’ madwar il-Mediterran.

3. Il-baħar Mediterran jgħaddi minnu ħafna kummerċ. Tankers taż-żejt, vapuri bil-kontejners u oħrajn tal-merkanzija jaqsmu dan il-baħar fi triqthom lejn l-Asja, l-Afrika jew l-Ewropa. Dan iżid it-tniġġis.

4. Problemi oħra huma:• ‘overfishing’ - sajd bla rażan;• drenaġġ – ħafna minnu jispiċċa fil-baħar;• ‘global warming’ - il-livell tal-baħar qiegħed jogħla;• tniġġis ieħor – basktijiet, fliexken u plastik li jispiċċa fil-baħar.

Ċ6.1 Ngħixu Flimkien

Mr. Duncan Mallia

26. Il-Lingwa Maltija – L-Ilsien Malti

1. L-ilsien Malti huwa semitiku, jiġifieri ġej mill-Gћarbi.2. Il-Malti ћa ћafna kliem mil-lingwi Latini, fosthom it-Taljan. Nużaw

ukoll ћafna kliem meћud mil-Lingwa Ingliża.3. Malta gћandha żewġ lingwi uffiċjali li huma l-Malti u l-Ingliż.4. L-ismijiet tal-gżejjer Maltin, jiġifieri Malta, Gћawdex u Kemmuna

huma ismijiet semitiċi.5. Xi kliem mit-Taljan huwa kaċċa, grazzi u ċaw.6. Il-Malti fih ukoll ħafna Ingliż bħal friġġ, kuker u kompjuter.

27. Il-Bandiera Maltija

1. Il-bandiera Maltija hija bajda mal-arblu u ħamra.2. Fuqha hemm il-‘George Cross’.3. Il-‘George Cross’ hija midalja li ngћatat lil Malta mir-Re George VI

(sitta), gћall-kuraġġ u l-qlubija li urew il-Maltin matul it-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija ta’ bejn l-1939 u l-1945.

4. Fuq il-midalja hemm miktub il-kliem, ‘For Gallantry.’

28. L-Innu Malti

1. L-Innu Malti nkiteb fl-1922 minn Dun Karm Psaila, il-Poeta Nazzjonali.

2. Robert Samut kiteb il-mużika ta’ dan l-innu.3. Indaqq l-ewwel darba fit-3 ta’ Frar 1923, fit-Teatru Manoel.4. L-Innu Malti jindaqq qabel xi logħba nazzjonali tal-futbol, fil-festi

nazzjonali u okkażjonijiet meta jkun hemm preżenti l-President.5. L-Innu Malti huwa talba lil Alla biex jieħu ħsieb lil art twelidna.

29. L-Arma ta’ Malta

1. L-arma ta’ Malta magћmula minn:

• Tarka bil-kuluri tal-Bandiera Nazzjonali Maltija (abjad u aћmar).• Żewġ friegћi, waћda taż-żebbuġ u oћra tal-palm. Dawn il-friegћi

huma simbolu tal-paċi.• Swar forma ta’ kuruna li jfakkruna fiż-żmien li Malta gћamlet bћala

fortizza f’nofs il-Mediterran.• In-naћa t’isfel hemm miktub, ‘Repubblika ta’ Malta’.

30. Drawwiet fil-Festi Maltin

• Il-Milied - purċissjoni mit-tfal tal-MUSEUM bil-Bambin, presepji, ikla tal-Milied (dundjan), priedka tat-tifel, quddies ta’ nofsillejl.

• Il-Karnival - prinjolata, perlini, karrijiet tal-karnival, nilbsu ta’ maskarati, jibda qabel Ras ir-Randan.

• Il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira – purċissjoni bil-vari, wirjiet tal-mejda tal-appostli.

• L-Għid il-Kbir – ġirja bl-istatwa ta’ Kristu Rxoxt, tberik fid-djar, figolli.

• L-Istrina – l-ewwel tas-sena, tfal jingħataw flus mill-qraba.• Imnarja - festa ta’ San Pietru u San Pawl, tiġrijiet bil-bhejjem fis-

Saqqajja taħt ir-Rabat, purċissjoni mill-Katidral tal-Imdina sal-knisja ta’ San Pawl fir-Rabat, wirja ta’ frott, annimali u ħxejjex agrikoli fil-Buskett, għana.

31. Il-5 Festi Nazzjonali Maltin

1. Il-ћames festi nazzjonali Maltin huma: Jum l-Indipendenza, Jum ir-Repubblika, Jum il-Ħelsien, is-Sette Giugno u Jum il-Vitorja.

• Nhar il-21 ta’ Settembru 1964 Malta ma baqgħetx kolonja tal-Ingilterra għax ħadet l-Indipendenza.

• Malta saret Repubblika nhar it-13 ta’ Diċembru 1974. Meta Malta saret Repubblika, il-kap tal-Istat sar il-President.

• L-aħħar suldati Ingliżi telqu minn Malta nhar il-31 ta’ Marzu 1979. Dan il-jum bqajna niċċelebrawh bћala Jum il-Ħelsien.

• Fis-7 ta’ Ġunju 1919 nqala’ nkwiet kbir fil-Belt Valletta u mietu xi nies. Dan il-jum huwa magħruf bħala Sette Giugno.

• Fit-8 ta’ Settembru niċċelebraw il-Vitorja. F’dan il-jum issir it-tifkira taż-żewġ assedji.

32. Simboli tal-Pajjiż

1. Is-simboli tal-pajjiż jistgħu jiġu maqsuma fi tlieta, li huma:• Uffiċjali: Il-bandiera, l-innu, l-arma.• Nazzjonali: Tempji Meġalitiċi, Ipoġew, Belt Valletta. • Lokali: eż. Mina ta’ Hompesch (Ħaż Żabbar), Santwarju tal-Madonna

(Mellieħa), Ir-Rotunda (Mosta), eċċ.2. Xi simboli lokali jistgħu jkunu ukoll simboli nazzjonali. Eżempju, l-Kon

Katidral ta’ San Ġwann huwa simbolu lokali għall-belt Valletta u simbolu nazzjonali għal Malta.

3. Il-Unesco iddikjarat tliet siti nazzjonali bħala Wirt Dinji Storiku (World Heritage Site), li tfisser li huma importanti għan-nies tad-dinja kollha mhux għall-Maltin biss. Dawn huma l-Ipoġew, it-tempji kollha u l-belt Valletta.

4. Kull pajjiż għandu s-simboli nazzjonali tiegħu. Fosthom insibu,Italja – Kolossew; Greċja – Akropoli; Eġittu - Piramidi

33. Kulturi Differenti fil-Gżejjer Maltin

1. F’Malta hawn ћafna nies li ġejjin minn pajjiżi differenti, l-aktar minn pajjiżi oħra Ewropej jew mill-Afrika ta’ Fuq.

2. Dawn in-nies iħaddnu kulturi u reliġjonijiet differenti.3. ‘Multi-kulturali’ tfisser li f’pajjiż jew post (belt, skola) ikun hemm

kulturi differenti.4. F’pajjiżna daћlu ћafna drawwiet minn dawn il-pajjiżi. Drawwa li

daħlet minn barra hi dik tal-‘Halloween’.5. Bћala ċittadini Maltin, aћna gћandna l-obbligu li nuru rispett lejn

kulturi u reliġjonijiet differenti.

34. Malta u d-Dinja: Id-Dimensjoni Globali ta’ Malta

1. Il-gżejjer Maltin u l-poplu Malti saru aktar magħrufin madwar id-dinja.2. Meta sirna ċittadini tal-Unjoni Ewropea, sirna aktar magħrufa mal-pajjiżi

Ewropej.3. Fil-Parlament Ewropew, il-Malti huwa lingwa uffiċjali.4. Sar aktar faċli li nivvjaġġaw f’pajjiżi membri tal-Unjoni Ewropea.5. Fil-passat, eluf ta’ Maltin emigraw lejn il-Kanada, Awstralja, Ingilterra u l-

Amerika biex isibu x-xogħol. B’hekk illum baqa’ ħafna Maltin jgħixu hemm.6. Hemm ukoll xi 600 Malti li jgħixu Brussell għax jaħdmu ġo xi uffiċċju tal-UE.7. Il-lingwa Ingliża għenet biex il-Maltin imorru jgħixu f’pajjiżi differenti.8. Peress li Malta hija fiċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran, hija post ta’ ħafna kummerċ, li

għen biex isem Malta jixxerred mad-dinja kollha.9. It-turiżmu u r-riklamar ta’ pajjiżna fuq ‘websites’, televiżjoni, eċċ. ukoll għen

biex Malta ssir aktar magħrufa.10. Programmi u attivitajiet bħal ‘Eurovision’, logħob tal-futbol, eċċ. jgħinu biex

iżidu l-ammont ta’ nies li jafu dwar pajjiżna.

35. Komunikazzjoni Reali u Virtwali

1. Il-komunikazzjoni tista’ tkun ‘Reali’ jew ‘Virtwali’.2. Reali hija meta tkellem lil xi ħadd wiċċ imb’wiċċ. B’hekk ikun hemm

kuntatt personali bejn min qed jitkellem.3. Iżda hu impossibbli tkellem qraba jew ħbieb li jgħixu ‘l bogħod

b’komunikazzjoni reali. Għalhekk nużaw komunikazzjoni virtwali. Virtwali tfisser li tuża apparat elettroniku eżempju kompjuter jew telefon, biex tikkomunika ma’ xi ħadd.

4. Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, eċċ, huma xi uħud minn dawn il-mezzi ta’ komunikazzjoni.

5. Pero’ żvantaġġi tal-komunikazzjoni virtwali huma, li jkun hemm nuqqas ta’ kuntatt bejn in-nies u ħin twil quddiem il-kompjuter mingħajr eżerċizzju fiżiku.

Year 62018/9


SocialStudy Notes

September - February

Mr. Duncan Mallia

S6.2 When our ancestors were attacked (1565)

Mr. Duncan Mallia

1. The Knights of St John

1. The Knights of St John started as nurses in Palestine.2. They used to take care of sick pilgrims visiting the Holy Land.3. They built a hospital and they chose St John as their patron saint.4. They became rich because some rich people gave them the money

to take care of their hospital and to buy more land.5. Then these nurses became soldiers (knights) to defend Christianity

and the Christians in Palestine.6. They were forced to leave Palestine by the Muslims and went to

stay in Rhodes.7. They built big ships and became good sailors. 8. The knights started to attack Muslim ships, especially Turkish


2. The Knights of St John in Malta

1. After about 200 years in Rhodes, the Turks beat the knights and sent them out of Rhodes.

2. The King of Spain offered the Maltese islands to the Knights.3. The knights arrived in 1530.4. They found the city of Mdina, the Citadel (Ċittadella) – the

fortified city of Gozo and fort St Angelo (Forti Sant’Anġlu) defending the islands.

5. The knights never wanted to live in the capital city of Mdina because it was far from the sea.

6. So, they built the city of Birgu (Vittoriosa) and Isla (Senglea).7. Later, the knights built Fort St Elmo to defend the Grand Harbour

and Marsamxett Harbour, from Muslim and Turkish Ships.8. In 1565, the Turkish Sultan Soleyman decided to attack Malta.

3. Why did the Turks attack Malta?

1. Malta is in the middle of the Meditteranean Sea – a good strategic position. From Malta the Turks could attack other European countries.

2. On the 18th of May 1565, the Turkish fleet approached the Maltese islands. Two hundred Turkish vessels made their way towards the southern fishing village of Marslaxlokk. The Turkish Armada consisted of some 200 galleys and 40,000 men.

3. The Maltese entered the city of Mdina and Birgu and took as much food as they could.

4. They burnt the rest of the food so that the Turks would find none.5. They also threw poisonous plants and dead animals in water wells so that

the Turks won’t find any drinking water.6. In Malta, there were around 400 knights, 6,000 Maltese people and 2,000

Sicilian soldiers and sailors.7. Grandmaster de Valette ordered the knights to attack the Turks from

behind the bastions and the fortified cities.

4. The First Attacks

1. The Turks wanted to win Malta and eventually attack Sicily and the rest of Europe. They attacked the Maltese islands because the Maltese had different religious beliefs and also because the Knights of St John always attacked their fleets.

2. Admiral Piali Pasha was to be in charge of the fleet (ships), while Admiral Mustapha Pasha was to be in command of the army.

3. Since the Turks realised that Birgu was strongly defended, they decided to attack Fort St. Elmo, at the tip of ‘Sciberras’ Peninsula.

4. Soon afterwards, the Turkish Sultan Soleyman, sent his general Dragut.

5. When Dragut arrived in Malta he was entrusted to be in command of all the Turkish operations both on land and at sea.

5. The Attack on St Elmo

1. The Turkish commander Piali Pasha wanted the Marsamxett Harbour for the Turks. He planned to attack Fort St Elmo. This was the beginning of the Great Siege.

2. The Turks thought it would be easy for them to win this defence.3. But the knights under their Grandmaster, Jean de Valette fought them

bravely.4. Dragut, realised that the knights were getting help during the night and

stopped this.5. Almost all the knights and soldiers defending the fort died. On the 23rd

of June 1565, the Turks succeeded to win Fort St. Elmo after fighting for more than a month.

6. Dragut was killed during these attacks. The Turks could now bring their galleys from the bay of Marsaxlokk to the sheltered Marsamxett Harbour.

6. The Attacks on Birgu (Vittoriosa) and Isla (Senglea)

1. The Turks attacked Birgu (Vittoriosa) and Isla (Senglea). 2. They wanted to win these cities before winter time.3. But these cities had very strong bastion walls and the knights and the Maltese soldiers

fought the Turks bravely.4. The women and children used to help by giving food and drink to the soldiers from over

the bastion walls.5. The men used to fight alongside the knights. A famous Maltese swimmer, Toni Bajada

used to swim across the harbour (from Birgu to Mdina) as a messenger for de Valette.6. Some help for the knights arrived from Sicily on the 7th of September. Some 14,000

soldiers arrived in Mellieћa. 7. The Turks were now afraid because the knights had more soldiers and so they left Malta

and went back to Turkey.8. Malta became very famous throughout Europe for this victory. 9. After the Great Siege of Malta Birgu was renamed Citta' Vittoriosa (the victorious city),

whereas Isla received the title of Citta' Invicta (the unconquered city). 10. Malta celebrates the 8th September as a National Day to mark the lifting of the Great

Siege, which coincides with the feast of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

S6.4 A new Capital City for Malta

Mr. Duncan Mallia

7. The Building of a New City

1. After the Great Siege of Malta in 1565, Grandmaster de Valette thought of building a new city for the knights. De Valette decided to construct an entirely new fortified city on Sciberras (also known as Xebb ir-Ras) Peninsula.

2. De Valette didn’t have enough money, after the battle against the Turks.3. European kings were ready to help the victorious Grandmaster de Valette in

reconstructing damaged fortifications and fortify the Maltese islands more.4. The European kings and princes, and even the Pope himself acclaimed the

courage shown by the knights in holding Malta during the siege. Their success meant they had not let the Turks continue to win more lands in the Mediterranean.

5. Pope Pius V sent his military engineer Francesco Laparelli (one of the best in Europe at the time) to help in the design of the new city and gave the Knights of St John a great deal of money for the building of their new city.

6. King Philip II of Spain also sent money and about 6,000 soldiers. 7. Other princes sent weapons.

8. Laparelli and the building of Valletta

1. The work proceeded under the direction of the famous and great Italian architect, Francesco Laparelli, who had already drawn up the first plans of the city before the Great Siege.

2. The new fortified city on Mount Sciberras:• would defend Marsamxett Harbour and the Grand Harbour;• would defend Cospicua, Senglea and fort St Elmo;• could only be attacked from one side on land (Floriana side).3. Laparelli designed this new city in a unique, grid-iron, street alignment, planned to allow the breezes

free entry to the city, in order to lower the heat during the summer time. 4. In this new city there wasn’t going to be a place reserved for the knights only (Collachio). In fact the

7 Auberges built, were scattered throughout the city.5. After Laparelli left for Italy, the Maltese architect Ġlormu Cassar continued the work on the city. 6. Houses couldn’t have gardens, not to waste land.7. Every house had to have its own well.8. Buildings had to be in a straight line.9. In every street corner there had to be a statue.10. The first stone of this new city was laid by Grandmaster de Valette in 1566. 11. Many maltese left the countryside and went to live in this new city where they could find new jobs.12. After the death of de Valette, the new Grandmaster Del Monte ordered the knights to leave Birgu

and move to the new city, although their palaces weren’t ready yet.13. This new city was named after Grandmaster de Valette and is known as Valletta.

9. Important buildings in Valletta

1. The 7 Auberges: These are palaces where the knights lived. Three of these auberges are Auberge d’Italie, Auberge d’Aragon and Auberge de Castille.

2. The Holy Infirmary (Sacra Infermeria): It was the knights’ hospital. Today, the building houses, the Mediterranean Conference Centre. It is one of the most attractive and popular conference centres in Europe. Here, you can also see an excellent audio-visual presentation about the history of Malta – ‘The Malta Experience’.

3. The Grandmaster’s Palace: This is where the Grandmaster lived. 4. The Armoury at the Grand Master's Palace in Valletta ranks among the greatest

collections of arms and armour in the world.5. The Upper Barracca and the Lower Barracca: two famous gardens, built by the

knights, were they could go and have some rest.6. St John’s Co-Cathedral: It was built by Ġlormu Cassar and is considered his

masterpiece. It was dedicated to St. John the Baptist, who was the Patron Saint of the Knights of St John. ‘The Beheading of St John the Baptist’, a painting by Caravaggio can be seen in the Cathedral's Oratory.

G6.3 Managing Waste

Mr. Duncan Mallia

10. Pollution

1. Factories are very important to us because many of the food, clothes and appliances we use are made in factories.

2. But factories also produce:• smoke and pollution in the air and sea• nasty smells• noise• eye sores• a lot of rubbish3. Cars and vehicles burn fuel to run and this fuel is changed to exhaust.4. This exhaust is poisonous and causes asthma and other sickness.5. Vehicles also produce a lot of noise.6. The exhaust damages buildings and dirties them.7. Car batteries, tyres and old cars have to be thrown away into car dumps.

11. How to have less car pollution

1. Try to use public transport because a bus carrying 50 people will produce less exhaust than a large number of private cars.

2. The heavier a car is, the more exhaust it emits, so try to avoid filling a car booth with unnecessary objects.

3. ‘Car pooling’ - when a group of people agree to use one car in turn.4. Walk short distances instead of using a car.5. Try avoiding traffic jams and rush hours.

12. How to have less Pollution from Power Stations

1. When we use electricty we are increasing pollution in our environment because power stations, which produce electricty use fuel to function.

2. It’s important not to waste electricty so that we won’t have more pollution.

3. Also, most of the water we drink comes from Reverse Osmosis Plants and these also burn fuel to work.

4. We mustn’t waste water so we won’t have more pollution.5. Try to use energy saving light bulbs.6. We can help reduce the pollution in our environment by using sun energy

to heat up water (solar water heaters) and also to produce electricity (solar panels).

7. Windmills which turn turbines also produce electricity.8. This way electricity can be cheaper and safer for the environment.

13. Rubbish

1. Some years ago all rubbish was dumped into a big heap (Magћtab).2. All this rubbish harmed the sea water, underground water, it produced a

lot of nasty smells and was an eye sore to the environment.3. Things made of plastic, metal, glass and paper were all dumped together.4. Nowadays everyone is encouraged to seperate rubbish. Paper, metal and

plastic go in a grey bag, while all other rubbish goes in a black bag. These bags are collected seperately.

5. Instead of rubbish dumps we have landfills which are then turned to fields or recreative parks.

6. Civic Amenity Sites are centres for bulky waste. Here we can throw tyres, fridges, furniture, mattresses, electronic products, clothes, cooking and engine oils and garden waste.

14. Recycling

1. We can make proper use of our waste by using the bring-in site bins and recycle materials:

• Metal – it is melted and turned into new metal (black recycling bin).• Plastic – it is crushed and exported to be turned into plastic again (blue

recycling bin).• Paper – it is mixed with water, chemicals and wood shavings to be made into

recycled paper (white recycling bin).• Glass – it is crushed and used in the making of roads and concrete (brown

recycling bin).2. Stones, tiles and other construction materials are dumped into stone quarry

barriers and covered with soil. 3. Organic material is used as a fertilizer for growing plants (compost). By

composting we can change leaves, garden trimmings and kitchen scraps like fruit and vegetable peels into a mixture (fertilizer) that can be used to help the soil make our crops grow.

15. The 3 Rs

1. Most of our rubbish can be Recycled, Reduced or Reused.• Recycle – recycle materials such as metal, plastic, paper and glass.• Reduce – try to take your school lunch in a lunch box, rather than

in a plastic bag you have to throw away. When going to the shop take a bag made of cloth and not a plastic bag that you have to throw away.

• Reuse – we can use magazines to make Christmas decorations. With metal tins we can make pencil holders.

2. In this way, we are safeguarding our environment. We must all try to keep our environment healthy and clear of all rubbish.

February - June

Mr. Duncan Mallia

S6.1 Prehistory

Mr. Duncan Mallia

16. Gћar Dalam

1. Thousands of years ago, Europe was covered in ice.2. Animals like elephants, hippopotami, deer and bears travelled down to

Europe to find a warmer climate.3. These animals crossed over from other countries when the sea level was

very low (shallow). After a lot of rain, the sea level increased, Malta became an isolated island and these animals were trapped here.

4. These animals lived here before man ever existed.5. Many animals died and others became small in size (dwarves).6. Fossils of animals like bears, deer, elephants and hippopotami were found in

a big cave known as Għar Dalam in Birżebbuġa.7. The fossils found in the cave are important because they show us that

Malta was once part of Sicily.8. A famous archaeologist, Sir Temi Zammit, together with Giuseppe Despot,

escavated the cave and taught us much about the history of Malta before man even existed.

17. The First People in Malta

1. The first people who lived in Malta were in the Prehistoric times. Prehistory is the time when people still didn’t know how to read and write.

2. These first people came to Malta from Sicily.3. They only used stone and wood to make their tools because they

hadn’t discovered metal yet.4. They could have discovered Malta on one fine clear day by seeing it

from Sicily or else it could have been discovered by fisherman.5. These people lived in caves or very simple huts made of wood and

rocks.6. A place where such huts were found is in Skorba, Mġarr.

18. What did the First People do?

1. Malta was covered in trees at that time and the habitat was beautiful.

2. The first people in Malta were fishermen because archaeologists found fish bones and snail shells.

3. They were farmers because they used to raise their own animals like sheep, goats, cows and pigs.

4. They were hunters and used to hunt for birds and animals.5. They used to eat fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, bread and drink

water and milk.6. The first people used to wear clothes made of animal skins and

wear necklaces made of snail shells, bones and stones.7. We know these facts about the prehistoric people, thanks to the

archaeologists’ discoveries and findings.

19. The Megalithic Temples

1. In these temples the prehistoric people used to adore gods such as the Mara l-Ħoxna (the Fat Lady), the God of Fertility.

2. They built many temples such as, Ġgantija Temples in Gozo and Ħaġar Qim, Tarxien Temples and Mnajdra Temples in Malta.

3. They used to offer sacrifices of animals and fruit.4. They also carved designs on the huge temple walls.5. It is believed that these temples were built with a roof because we

found small models of temples with roofs.6. They are called ‘Megalithic’ because they were built with huge

(mega) stones (lithos).7. The first people didn’t have any machinary made of metal but all

their tools were made of stone and wood.

20. The Hypogeum

1. The first prehistoric people believed that there was life after death.2. So they used to bury their dead together with clay pots full of food and

water.3. In Ħal Saflieni, Raħal Ġdid they found this hypogeum which is dug under

ground.4. In the Oracle Chamber (room), when someone with a deep voice spoke, it was

heard throughout the whole hypogeum.5. On the ceiling of the hypogeum was found a ‘tree of life’ made of spiral

designs which meant that life goes on.6. Another important room in the hypogeum is the Sancta Sanctorum – a sacred

room.7. In the Hypogeum (Ħal Saflieni, Paola) there was also found a statue of the

Sleeping Lady (il-Mara r-Rieqda) and also treasures of jewellery made of shells.

8. The Hypogeum is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

21. The Bronze Age

1. The people who lived in the age of the temples could have died or left Malta because of little or no rain.

2. After hundreds of years, another group of people came to Malta from Sicily.3. They brought with them tools made of a newly discovered metal – bronze (a

mixture of copper and tin).4. These people didn’t build any temples because they used the ones they found

on the island.5. They didn’t bury their dead but cremated (burnt) them.6. They started to form the first villages by building walls around a number of

huts.7. They also put up vertical stones known as ‘Menhir’, which they could have

used to calculate seasons.8. They also put horizontal stones known as ‘Dolmen’, under which they buried

the ashes of their dead in clay pots.

G6.1 Around the Mediterranean Sea

Mr. Duncan Mallia

22. Where is Malta? – The Continents

1. The world is divided into 6 continents which are: America (North and South), Antartica, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.

2. There are also 5 oceans which are: Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific, Indian and the Southern Ocean.

3. Malta forms part of Europe.4. In Europe there are about 40 countries and some of these

countries, including Malta, form part of the European Union (EU).5. The union allows commerce between European countries to take

place. It also works hard for a cleaner environement, allows its members to emigrate into European countries and to work there too without difficulty.

6. Most of the countries in the European Union (EU) use the Euro money (currency).

23. Islands in the Mediterranean Sea

1. The Mediterranean Sea is a small enclosed sea. It is surrounded by variuos countries.

2. It also has 3 major entrances which are:• The Strait of Gibraltar – between Spain and Marocco. It flows

into the Atlantic Ocean.• The Suez Canal – is found in Egypt. It is man-made. It flows into

the Red Sea and further on into the Indian Ocean.• The Dardanelles – is found in Turkey. It flows into the Black Sea.

3. Some seas found in the Mediterranean sea are the Adriatic, the Tyrrhenian and the Aegean Seas.

24. Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea

1. These are the islands found in the Mediterranean Sea:

• Malta – independent country• Cyprus – independent country• Balearic Islands – Ibiza, Majorca and Minorca (Spain)• Corsica – France• Sardinia and Sicily – Italy• Crete – Greece

2. The Maltese Archipelago is made up of a number of islands. Three of these are inhabited - Malta, the largest, which may be considered as being to some extent the ‘mainland', Gozo - number two in terms of size, and tiny Comino. There are other islands - Cominotto, Filfla, St. Paul's Islands and Manoel Island, which are even smaller and uninhabited.

25. The Mediterranean Sea

1. The word ‘Mediterranean’ means ‘the sea in the middle’.2. Since the Mediterranean sea is an enclosed sea, it easily gets

polluted. Many countries pollute the sea and it affects the whole Mediterranean region.

3. Many ships, oil tankers and cruise liners pass through the Mediterranean sea on their way to Asia, Africa or Europe. This adds to more pollution.

4. Some other problems are:• Over-fishing – especially when trawlers fish with huge nets and

catch numerous types and amounts of fish.• Sewage – most sewage waste ends into the sea.• Global Warming – the sea level is rising due to all the ice melting

from the mountain regions.

C6.1 Living Together

Mr. Duncan Mallia

26. The Maltese Language

1. The Maltese language is mainly Semitic (Arabic).2. It also has many words derived from English and Italian.3. Malta has two official languages, Maltese and English.4. The names of the Maltese islands, ‘Malta’, ‘Gћawdex’ and ‘Kemmuna’

are Semitic words.5. The words ‘kaċċa’, ‘grazzi’ and ‘ċaw’ are derived from the Italian

language.6. The words ‘friġġ’, ‘kuker’ and ‘kompjuter’ are derived from the

English language.

27. The Maltese Flag

1. The Maltese flag is white and red. The white in the hoist and red in the fly.

2. On it we find the ‘George Cross’.3. Malta is renowned worldwide for the bravery shown by its people

during World War II. In fact, King George VI (6) of Britain gave the islanders the George Cross to honour their heroism during the Second World War (1939-1945). The George Cross was added to the flag of Malta in the 1943, in the top left hand corner.

4. On the George Cross there is the inscription "FOR GALLANTRY" meaning it was given to Malta by the British as an honour for resilience during the bombing by a German-Italian troops during the World War II.

28. The Maltese National Anthem

1. The National Anthem was written in 1922 by the National poet Dun Karm Psaila.

2. Robert Samut wrote the music.3. It was played for the first time on 3rd February 1923 at the

Manoel Theatre, Valletta.4. The National Anthem is played before every football match of the

Maltese national team, on National Feast Days and on all occasions when the President of Malta is attending.

5. The National Anthem is a prayer to God.

29. The National Emblem

1. The National emblem consists of:

• The Maltese flag (white and red) on a shield.• Olive and palm branches around it. The branches symbolise peace. • On the top is a crown.• At the bottom there is written ‘Repubblika ta’ Malta’

(Republic of Malta).

30. Customs during Feasts

• Christmas – processions organised by the MUSEUM, Christmas lunch (turkey), altar boys sermon, midnight mass.

• Carnival – traditional prinjolata (sweet) and perlini, comes just before the beginning of Lent.

• Good Friday – procession with large statues, exhibitions of the Last Supper.

• Easter Sunday – procession with the statue of the Risen Lord, figolli (sweet).

• L-Istrina (New Year’s Day) – children are given (monetary) money gifts on this day.

• L-Imnarja – the feast of St Peter and St Paul – horse and donkey races, vegetables and fruit exhibitions are organised in Rabat (Malta).

31. The 5 Maltese National Feasts

1. The five Maltese National Feasts are: Independence Day, Republic Day, Freedom Day, Sette Giugno and Victory Day.

• On the 21st September 1964 Malta became an independent country and not part of the British Empire.

• Malta became Republic on the 13th December 1974 and had its first Maltese President.

• On the 31st March 1979 the British army and navy left the island.• On 7th June 1919 there was fighting between English soldiers and some

Maltese men. Some Maltese men lost their lives in these battles. This day is known as Sette Giugno.

• On the 8th of September we celebrate Victory Day. We commemorate the 2 victories – The Great Siege and the Second World War.

32. Important Symbols

1. Three types of symbols:• Official Symbols: the flag, the national anthem, the national

emblem.• National Symbols: Megalithic Temples, Hypogeum, the city of

Valletta.• Local Symbols: Hompesch Arch (Ħaż-Żebbuġ), the Sanctuary of

Our Lady of Mellieћa (Mellieћa), Mosta Dome (Mosta), etc.

2. The UNESCO has declared the Megalithic Temples in Malta as World Heritage Sites.

3. Every country has its own national symbols. Here are some examples: England – Big Ben; Italy – Colosseum; Greece – Acropolis; Egypt – Pyramids.

33. Different Cultures in the Maltese Islands

1. In Malta we find many people coming from different countries, especially from other European countries and North Africa.

2. These people have different traditions and religious beliefs.3. Malta is a ‘multicultural’ country - it contains several cultural and

ethnic groups within its society.4. In Malta, we find different traditions from other countries

(Halloween). 5. Maltese citizens must respect people who have different customs

and traditions.

34. The Global Dimension of Malta

1. The Maltese Islands and the Maltese people have become very popular around the world in the last few years.

2. Malta joined the European Union (EU) on 1 May 2004.3. The Maltese language is an official language in the European Union and is

used in the European Parliament.4. In the past, many Maltese emigrated to Australia, Canada or America to

find new jobs there. 5. Nowadays, many Maltese people live and find jobs in Europe. There are

some 600 Maltese people living and working in Brussels (Belgium). Brussels hosts a number of principal EU institutions.

6. Since the Maltese people speak English fluently, they travel abroad to find new jobs and to continue their studies, in other European countries.

7. Adverts on magazines, newspapers, websites, international sports events, song contests (ESC) and other international competitions, promote Malta worldwide.

35. Means of Communication

1. Communication can be either real or virtual.2. Real communication is when you speak to a person face to face.3. It is difficult to speak face to face with those who live far away,

so that’s when we use virtual communcation. Virtual communication technology refers to any technology people use to communicate with each other when they can't be face to face. It favours the ability to see and hear one another in real time, simulating the experience of a physical visit. Such technology has been around for quite a few years. (Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Emails, etc.)

4. If we do frequent use of virtual communication and not real communication, we risk to lose social contact.