Social Selling - LinkedIn B2B Lead Generation - Sofarbeyond

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Social Selling - LinkedIn B2B Lead Generation - Sofarbeyond

LinkedIn Optimisation

Nurture, engage & prospect


• 6 LinkedIn tips

• 4 tasks to complete now & after

• Summary

• Q&A

Tip 1 –Be seen online

Users with complete profiles are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities

Let’s optimise your profile

Tip 2 –Choose the right matches/connections

Buying Cycle

Answer the W’s

Source : Marketo

1. Why

2. Who

3. What

4. When

5. What next?

Identify connections

• Make a list of influencers to connect with

• Make a list of decision-makers to connect with

• Make a list of CXO’s and CIO’s to connect with

• Make a list of key IT team members to connect with

Tip 3 –Suspect, prospect, lead approach

4 things to consider…

1. Do you have a mutual connection/group?

2. What are they interested in?

3. Engage, inform, inspire, action

4. Build a relationship with shared interests/goals

Suspect approach

1. Make a list of suspects by vertical

2. Follow their company

3. Write and share relevant content publically

4. Build customer recommendations by vertical

5. Invite them to a webinar on the topic

6. Over time, suggest a call/meeting

Prospect approach

1. Invite to connect

2. Research the prospect role/objectives

3. Send relevant engaging information

4. Request a follow up phone call

5. Invite to follow the company page

Lead approach

1. Invite to connect

2. Send relevant industry content

3. Invite to follow the company page

4. Invite to webinars & events

5. View their profile

Let’s connect now

• Connect with 5 prospects

• Connect with 5 customers

• Connect with 5 influencers

• Connect with 5 leads

• Connect with 5 prospect CXO’s & CIO’s

Tip 4 –Cross-sell

Content Engagement

4 ways to cross-sell on LinkedIn

1. Become thought-leaders

2. Educate your audience via content

3. Invite to attend webinars, groups & events

4. Write and distribute factsheets/white papers

5. Invite users to the LinkedIn group

Tip 5 –Communicate in groups

How to search for groups

How to communicate in a group/forum

1. Be genuine

2. Be agnostic

3. Be helpful

4. Be relevant

5. Be informative

Connect to 5 groups now

• Think about your target audience

• Think about what the benefit would be

• Think vertically

Tip 6 –In-mail communication

Why In-Mail often fails

• Subconsciously communicate “me-me-me” to the recipient.

• Don’t compel the reader to talk with you after clicking “accept.”

• Accidentally help prospects decide to ignore the message

3 best practice recommendations

1. Avoid starting your message with the word “I”

2. Let’s decide – subject line

3. De-emphasis you and focus on the prospect

For example..

Hi _________ (first name), As a member of the _________ (LinkedIn group) group, I wanted to introduce myself. I’m _______________(title or background) with _______________ (company) and wanted to connect with area professionals. If you are not open to connecting, please ignore this invite. Thanks!

Better yet..

Hi _________ (first name),We both participate in the ____________ group and should know each other because ____________ (insert specific, mutual benefit). How can my network of colleagues help advance your ambitions or bring you closer to goals? Thanks for considering the connection. I look forward to helping and hearing from you

Why it works?

• Emphasizing the other person by removing most of the “I”s.

• Giving the recipient a reason to act. You’re clearly stating “the WHY.”

• “Bringing to life” an appealing idea: making your LinkedIn network available to advance their agenda.

• Creating interest. By asking a question we compel the recipient to consider answering. By asking the question we encourage the thought, “gee, how can this person’s network serve me right now?”

• Being polite without inviting deletion and increasing response

Define what success looks like

Engagement? Leads? In-mails?

B2B LinkedIn best practice


After today

• Connect with 5 new prospects each week

• Reach 500 + connections

• Join 3 vertical groups and strategically contribute

• Share weekly relevant content agreed with marketing in advance



1. Optimise your profile

2. Answer the w’s

3. Be engaging and relevant to connections

4. Be relevant, agnostic and genuine in groups

5. Write engaging in-mails to achieve meetings

6. Define what social media success is and measure