Social Messages in Advertising

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Social Messages in Advertising


SOCIAL ADVERTISINGRepresents advertising formats that engage the social context of the user viewing the advertisement. Such ads are made to give the consumers some serious food for thought. The intention is to make every citizen aware of some inevitable responsibilities, wake up and act be it for their own good or for a common cause.


WHY BRANDS CHOOSE THIS PATH TO ADVERTISE? When media starts projecting recent stories in news then it feeds further awakening. Such advertising is always a reflection of and a response to social-cultural change. Makes communication very contextual and helps brands communicate better with the consumers. The young generation is much more aware and cannot be targeted easily. Lifts human spirits while lifting sales. Battle for supremacy among companies.

PRE-REQUISITES Find an issue that really works with the brand. If it doesn t, don t do it. Identify potential audience for marketing intervention. Advertise at a time when people are more sensitive to the idea and more conducive to the message. Take into account the level of knowledge, sophistication and maturity of the audience. Whenever possible, address itself to positive and beneficial social behavior such as friendship, kindness, honesty etc.

BENEFITS TO COMPANIES Such campaigns help the brand come across as socially responsible and mature. The brand creates a lasting impression on the mind of the consumers and is in the consumers mind for all the right reasons. Can contribute in the saturated market place of industrialized countries by causing a shift of brands within the same product groups. Advertising agencies love to win creative awards. Advertising which highlights sustainable issues is a great creative opportunity for agencies. Strengthens their brand value.

TARGETING THE PEOPLE OF YOUNGISTANWhether it is Ideas What an idea sirjee, Aircels Save our Tiger campaign, Tata Teas Jaago Re or Nokias Green Phone, every major giant is targeting the new generation consumers. New generation here means the people of YOUNGISTAN which believes in changing the world. The new generation is much more aware and cannot be targeted easily. So companies have changed the methodology of presenting their new product to the market.

COST REPAID It cannot be stressed too strongly that advertising only works when it earns more than it costs, whatever is spent. What is earned may take different forms, it may be in good sold or resources saved the saving of lives and reduction of injuries as a result of road safety campaign; for example. The beneficial effects whether social or commercial, must always outweigh the advertising cost in marketing mix.

GLOCALISATIONMany clients and agencies have now abandoned one sight, one sound as the holy grail of advertising in favor of what are called glocal solutions. Glocalisation allows them to control the development of their brands with a global core communication strategy but to execute it in ways which are locally and culturally relevant.

EXAMPLES OF GLOCALISTION People seeing MASTER CARD advertising in many countries think it is a campaign designed for them. However, if they step back to a global view they see one brand emerging. The IDEA ad shows Abhishek Bachchan using SMS to seek public opinion on a proposal to build a shopping mall on farmland and then informing his politician boss that the answer was negative.

LCBOs SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ADVERISING CAMPAIGNLCBOs social responsibility commercials asked audiences to consider why they wouldnt think twice about intervening to save a stranger from harm, but might hesitate to prevent someone they know from driving after drinking to avoid embarrassment.

Since 1995, the LCBO has used TV, radio, print, cinema, billboard ads and social media to bring social responsibility messages. Research tells that people view the LCBO as a responsible retailer and a good corporate citizen. The LCBO is considered a top fund raiser among government agencies and many employees arrange fund raising to help individuals, groups and communities.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) It is a framework for all types of issues where a company is seen having certain obligations towards society. Issues such as the environment, bio-diversity, business ethics, gender diversity, labor conditions and child labor are examples of areas that are included as elements in CSR. Many companies have discovered CSR as part of their brand value.

MEDIA LITERACY/ADVERTISING LITERACY It is generally understood to be conditioned by a mix of the amount of experience people have of receiving advertising messages and the cultural environment in which they are received. Affects the ability to comprehend social issues and the perception of likely effects of them on others. Not a first world/third world issue, but one which affects all societies to same extent.

STIMULATE CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY Consumer interest in corporate values is growing and financial analysts now regard this as an important part of valuation of companies. Companies should be given encouragements to pursue relevant sustainability claims in their advertising. With conflicting sustainability claims consumers may be confused, but they will soon learn to be discerning. This is a part of advertising literacy.

CORPORATE COMMITMENTCompanies need to invest in corporate communications on sustainability, and NGOs may need to let them do so without being immediately critical. There needs to be understanding and cooperation between the two. This can only happen by working together at the highest level, with NGOs showing the same level of responsibility as they demand from advertisers.

FIND CHAMPIONS FOR SUSTAINABILITYMost of the world is familiar with the way that the BENETTON brand has differentiated itself in advertising by association with issues and causes. This reflects a corporate commitment and it appeals to a wide range of consumers. It would be a very positive step if some famous and iconic brands around the world could be encouraged to more openly embrace sustainability as a pillar of their brand architecture

Well, the question for debate is WILL THESE COMPANIES DO JUSTICE WITH WHATEVER CAUSE THEY ARE PROMOTING? If Nokia is selling green phone will it help spread the message of Green Earth to the consumers. Or if a consumer buys a service on the name of a cause and later finds out that the company is doing nothing for the cause, then what?

Time will tell whether it is just another marketing funda or is it really a new revolution in the Marketing Industry. But, I am proud of the marketing industrys commitment to social responsibility. And proud of its commitment to find new and better ways to lift society to a higher level.

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