Social Media Summer School - Session 1 (intro to social networks)

Post on 08-May-2015

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An introduction to the landscape - who are the big players? Learn about Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest and Google plus.

Transcript of Social Media Summer School - Session 1 (intro to social networks)


#SMSummerSchool | @rareresults | @smeducator

Rare CommunicationsSocial Media Summer School

• Social network pros and cons

• Social Network demographics

• My customers on social media

• Questions

• Next week overview

Todays session will cover:

Social Network Pros & Cons


• largest social network with 1.2 billion active monthly users

• 80% of users view Facebook on their mobile phone

FacebookA Facebook business page makes your business discoverable, connected, timely and insightful. You can post text, images, videos, upcoming events, and sponsored posts.


• private network, content has to be backed with advertising budget

• Facebook recently changed their home feed algorithm, making it harder to appear in your followers feed. There is no guarantee that your followers will see the post.

Small Business example:



• large, “real time”, and open network allows you to connect with all your demographic

• posts are limited to 140 characters, ensuring tweets are short and sweet

• hashtags (#) make it easy for Twitter users to find new content and access it

TwitterOn Twitter, people talk about what they care about and what’s happening around them right now, including your business.


• content is constant, if you’re inactive you will get lost

TwitterSmall Business example:


• best place to share images and short videos

• using hashtags makes content easily accessible to anyone on Instagram

• Ikea used Instagram to create an entire website catalogue

InstagramShare your brand’s unique point of view with Instagram's engaged community, visual medium and beautiful environment.


• not “salesy” does require good, creative, image-based content

InstagramSmall Business example:


• network heavily skewed towards business and business professionals

• LinkedIn is now the internet’s most accessed website for business content

• very trusted networks of people

LinkedInCreate a LinkedIn company page to raise brand awareness, promote career opportunities, and educate potential customers on your products and services.


• users may not be as active as they are on other networks

LinkedInSmall Business example:


• second largest search engine in the world

• most powerful, yet under-utilized social media and marketing medium

• excellent for SEO (search engine optimization)

YouTubeVideo can be a very powerful tool for businesses of any size, but YouTube’s free to use model, ease of use and mass market audience means it’s a great channel for small businesses.


• requires good quality video content which is expensive and time consuming

YouTubeSmall Business example:


• very visual platform, ideal for businesses that sell product

• under-utilized social network with huge potential for businesses with an affluent female demographic

PinterestGet discovered by millions of people looking for things to plan, buy and do.


• very time consuming and the content has to be engaging to get any pick up

• your brand needs to engage with other individuals and brands on Pinterest in order to achieve effective results

PinterestSmall Business example:

Social Network Demographics

Social Network Demographics

Social Network Demographics

Social Network Demographics

Social Network Demographics

Social Network DemographicsYouTube

My Customers on Social Media

His/her age?

• how old is your average, most valuable customer?

My Customers on Social Media


• what level of education do they have?


• what is there occupation or what type of business do they own?

Income/financial situation?

• how much money do they make per year?

What motivates them?

• what motivates your customer to buy? ex: convenience, value, personal attention, ease of buying, honesty and integrity.

What do they connect with online?

• which social networks are your customers on? which brands are they already a fan of?

Next week:An Introduction to Social Media

StrategyWhat are MY networks?

What is MY voice?
