Social media in the uk

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Social media in the uk

Résultats étude sur l’usage des réseaux sociaux en Grande Bretagne

Social Media

Some figures

Generation Y only?



Return On Investment

Return On Engagement?Link =>

The70-20-10 social media formula

70% of the time - Share helpful information (more often from others) to help your community tackle and conquer their most critical issues. 20% of the time - Engage in conversations with your community. Ask questions, seek guidance, reply to tweets, comment on posts from others. 10% of the time - Promote something you're doing. If you've been a good social media citizen on the first 90%, your community will be more receptive to these types of messages.PS: Don't just tell me to "Like" you - earn that "Like" with good content.Source:
