Social Media For Investment Advisors: What You Need To Know

Post on 10-May-2015

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Is social media right for your firm? Where do you even start? Find out what it takes to launch a successful social media program for your firm.

Transcript of Social Media For Investment Advisors: What You Need To Know

Is social media

a smart

for investmentinvestment


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Advent and the ADVENT logo are registered trademarks of Advent Software, Inc. All other products or services mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective companies. Information subject to change without notice.

Social media’s

potential valueenormous.

to investment advisors is

Copyright © 2013 Advent Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Social media’s

potential valueenormous.

to investment advisors is

Source: LinkedIn, Financial Advisors Use of Social Media and Affluent Investors Use of Social Media, May 2012

affluent investors already use social media to research financial decisions.


5 million

Copyright © 2013 Advent Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Social media’s

potential valueenormous.

to investment advisors is

More than

50%of financial advisors expect social media to play a significant role in their marketing this year.

Source: LinkedIn, Financial Advisors Use of Social Media and Affluent Investors Use of Social Media, May 2012

affluent investors already use social media to research financial decisions.


5 million

Copyright © 2013 Advent Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

The trend isclear…

But so are theconcerns.

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Is a “Like” a recommendation?

Copyright © 2013 Advent Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Is a retweet an endorsement?

Is a “Like” a recommendation?

Copyright © 2013 Advent Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Is a retweet an endorsement?

Is a “Like” a recommendation?

Is a blog post atestimonial?

Copyright © 2013 Advent Software, Inc. All rights reserved.


outpacedhas always

and social media is no exception.


Copyright © 2013 Advent Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

corporate social media policy.


Regulatorshave issued


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Now you just need a plan.

5 rulesHere are

for developing asocial media policy.

Copyright © 2013 Advent Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Create a written

Employees permitted to use social media should be trained in it and sensitized to potential problem areas.

1social media policy consistent with the law and your firm’s own procedures and values.

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Name a

to monitor compliance.


Someone responsible for keeping the firm up to date on regulations.

Someone who reviews for compliance all “static” material before it’s posted, and all “interactive” material after it’s posted.

compliance officerchief

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specific employeesto use social media.


If your firm is not able to monitor a particular social media channel, employees should not be allowed to use it in their work.

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But don’t assume that records of social media activity might not become discoverable evidence in administrative or legal proceedings.

keeping recordsof all social media activity.


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There are companies designed to monitor, archive, and filter social media communications in accordance with your firm’s policies

and federal regulations. Work with one.

Leverage technologyto ensure compliance.


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If it’s something you wouldn’t say face-to-face to a client, do not post, share, or retweet it.

Alwaysuse good judgment.

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Make your social media efforts

a smartinvestment.

Copyright © 2013 Advent Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learn more about Social Media in Investment Management.Download the free white paper from Advent Software.

Copyright © 2013 Advent Software, Inc. All rights reserved.