Social Media Do's and Don'ts -...

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Transcript of Social Media Do's and Don'ts -...


Social Media Do's and Don'ts

Sutton Group - Canwest


Social Media Marketing


If you're not using any of the top social media networks, you risk being left way behind & leaving commission dollars on the table!

Sutton Group - Canwest


•Best when social media marketing is used in conjunction with traditional marketing tools & branding activities.

•Social media allows you to connect with more people faster.

Sutton Group - Canwest

Principles and Best Practices

DO Realize that social marketing is not for everyone. DO Make it easy for people to find you. DO Realize that ROI can be slow. DO Create personalized profiles on each site. DO Go mobile.

Social Media Marketing DO's & DON'Ts

Principles and Best Practices

DON'T Replace money-generating activities with social media activities. DON'T Make it a one-way conversation. DON'T Keep your profile too simple or a secret. DON'T Focus on the numbers you connect with.

Social Media Marketing DO's & DON'Ts

Getting It Done

DO Develop a plan so you can manage time efficiently. DO Start with your website - then one of the top 3. DO Set goals for 6-12 months and measure results. DO Post about things your clients ask you about. DO Watch how other REALTORS are using social media and connect with them.

Social Media Marketing DO's & DON'Ts

Getting It Done

DON'T Give up on social media tools after only a short period of time. DON'T Write overly complicated posts.

Social Media Marketing DO's & DON'Ts

DO Socialize (Comments and Likes). DO Engage - share your life and experiences. DO Get personal (3:1 personal:business). DO Create a Business Page for your community. DO Use content that consumers will find interesting.

Social Media Marketing DO's & DON'Ts

DON'T Post only about real estate. DON'T Outright ask for business.

DON'T Force your conversations.

DON'T Target other agent's clients.

Social Media Marketing DO's & DON'Ts

DO Use Twitter to stay informed. DO Retweet interesting or valuable information. DO Focus on keeping posts short. DO Try to respond to messages you receive.

Social Media Marketing DO's & DON'Ts

DON'T Be passive. DON'T Over promote yourself or your business.

DON'T Only use a link as your post. Describe the link.

Social Media Marketing DO's & DON'Ts

SOCIAL MEDIA 'stations'

1. CalgarySutton

