SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN INSTAGRAM · This type of fundraising can be shared via social media and has...

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Transcript of SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN INSTAGRAM · This type of fundraising can be shared via social media and has...

PR Fundraising & Events Group Project #1 “Lone Star P.R.”

Group Names: Miranda Ferris, Carter Ferris, Tara Owens & Megan Anderson Research:

➢ How does crowdfunding work in a PR campaign? ○ Crowdfunding works by gaining a large amount of supporters that donate small

amounts of money. ➢ What is the average dollar amount given?

○ According to the Pew Research Center, average people donate up to $50.00 for crowdfunding campaigns

○ ➢ What are 3-4 different platforms that can be used for this type of fundraising?

Describe each one. ○ Crowdfunding platforms include sites such as GoFundMe, Kickstarter, and

Crowdfunder. ○ GoFundMe: This crowdfunding source allows individuals to create fundraising

campaigns for personal benefits such as medical, graduation, trips, honeymoons, weddings, and more. This type of fundraising can be shared via social media and has the ability to be shared in multiple countries.

○ Kickstarter: This crowdfunding source allows creative projects to come to life. It is a global platform that allows people to receive funding for their creative projects.

○ Crowdfunder: This crowdfunding platform sources and funds early stage ventures and start-up companies.

Step Up For State Analysis:

➢ Give a brief summary of Step Up for State based off the information you’ve been given.

○ Step Up for State is a short-term crowdfunding opportunity for alumni, students, faculty and staff at Texas State University. Donors can contribute funds to projects or departments online for 1,899 minutes to support the University.

➢ What do you think will be successful with Texas State’s Step Up for State? ○ Since this is the second year of Step Up for State, we believe that the campaign

will be more successful than last year since it has gained recognition. This year, participants and donors from last year are more likely to promote the event since it is more established across the University. The client has significantly increased

their social media promotion this year compared to last year. We believe that the use of social media will make this year’s Step Up for State a major success.

➢ What areas do you think they can improve on? ○ Step Up for State could improve on their activity-based awareness. By setting up

booths and games in the Quad, student-awareness would increase, therefore leading to an increased amount of donations. We believe that social media promotion is important, but overall, people need to be interactive in a way that gets them involved in their campus community. Alumni may find it easier to donate online since most of them do not live in the immediate San Marcos area anymore, but in terms of student involvement, we find the use of games and activities to be crucial for the fundraising event.

➢ What are future recommendations for Texas State? ○ One recommendation to increase awareness for Step Up for State is encouraging

professors in each college to make an announcement to their classes. When students are given advanced notice, it gives them the opportunity to plan ahead financially, which can increase participation for the event. Another recommendation is using incentive programs. If the client provides games and activities, students can pay to play, and the winner can receive University Bookstore coupons, University merchandise, restaurant coupons, and more. The rewards encourage students to play, which ultimately leads to an increased donation pool.


Instagram Post #2:


Tweet #2:

Tweet #3:

Tweet #4:

FACEBOOK POSTS: Facebook Post #1:

Facebook Post #2:

Facebook Post #3:


For 1,899 minutes, the future of Texas State University is up to you. Starting September 20, the entire Texas State Community will come together to Step Up for State with a massive fundraising event. If you are out of town you can donate to any of the great programs at

VIDEO SCRIPTS: 1.) Video Script from Emergency Relief Recipient:

Interview Script – Former University Star Member, Emily Morgan. Hi, my name is Emily Morgan, and I am a former reporter for the University Star. I am choosing to Step Up for State because I want to keep organizations, scholarships, and other aids available to students on campus. As an alumni of the University, I often reminisce on my days as an undergraduate student. I would look forward to participating in events and activities on campus, and when I joined various organizations, it made my college experience feel complete. However, Texas State is not just a college; it serves as a support system for all of its students indefinitely. Upon graduation, I moved to Kyle, Texas. When the floods in 2015 devastated my home, Texas State was my helping hand. The University contributed to my damage costs, which helped my financial situation greatly. Now, I want to make sure that students today are given the same (or more) opportunities than I was. I am stepping up for state online during the 1,899 minutes of giving to support my fellow bobcat brothers and sisters. Eat em’ up cats!

2.) Video Script from Texas State graduate & Business owner:

Interview - Texas State graduate and owner of San Marvelous SMTX, Rio Rodriguez. Why do you donate to TXST Alumni Association? Rio: I joined because Texas State helped me to be the person I am today. I wanted to

give back to the place that gave me everything. Without TXST I wouldn’t have been able to make my business and been successful. Do you donate to any other programs? Rio: Yes I do I donate to The Disaster Relief Program because the floods in this area

are devastating and I want the students to have the opportunities and resources to complete college.

ONLINE AMBASSADOR RECRUITMENT: We will utilize a drip campaign to send out emails to Texas State alumni. This tactic will keep alumni up to date with University events and give us a solid platform to spread the word about donation opportunities. Emails will include the following:

1. Top Texas State news for the week a. University Star articles, upcoming events, major staff/faculty/student

accomplishments 2. Spotlight one of Step Up for State’s programs that people can donate to

a. Scholarships, departments, organizations 3. Include details of how they can donate

a. When, where, how, why 4. Include information for becoming a member of the Alumni Association (which is on sale

for $18.99 during Step Up for State) OUTLINED PLAN:

1. Identify potential ambassadors a. Alumni, students, faculty and staff

2. Engage potential ambassadors a. Email an interest form and sign-up sheet

3. Connect with them on social media 4. Be clear about the expectations 5. Give them a job 6. Train ambassadors effectively 7. Maintain loyalty

1. Identify potential ambassadors: Identify a core group of ambassadors, or target audience. Make sure you first directly send your recruitment message to your existing online ambassadors so they can advocate on your behalf. Research which social networks your target audience uses (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat). If you have a substantial budget, there’s software that can be used to scan your email database and will tell you which of those emails are connected to social media accounts. New software is not necessary to be successful though. At the very least, start your ambassador program with about two dozen reliable digital influencers. To define your top-line ambassadors, take a three-step approach:

1.) Select those you assume might be ambassadors. 2.) Select those you observe who appear to be ambassadors. 3.) Find ambassadors through ambassadors; Online ambassadors often know others who

would make good ambassadors. Ask them to recruit their connections to grow your program. According to a Bentz Whaley Flessner study, during online ambassador-led giving day efforts, 40 percent of the donors who gave were new. New donors are either first time or long-lapsed donors to the institutions. Also, for younger donors, a peer recommendation is one of the most important factors in making a gift/donation. A large majority of Internet users first learn of a new cause to support through their online friends’ activity.

2. Engage potential ambassadors: Pick up the phone. Some of the best performing programs are built on person-to-person invitations.

3. Connect with them on social media: Begin a social media relationship by conversing with potential ambassadors on their social network(s) of choice. This is useful if you don’t have an email or phone number. Be cautious, you don’t want to use social media to spam or make them uncomfortable. Before asking them to be an ambassador, warm up the conversation by retweeting them, commenting on their blog posts, or share their Facebook photos. Get to know potential ambassadors before using social media to ask for their support as an ambassador. 4. Be clear about expectations: After developing a list of strong online influencers, the next step is inviting them into your program. They must then accept their responsibilities as ambassadors. Be clear what you’ll be asking of them. Tell them about how many emails you’ll send, software they’ll use, and reinforce their importance by stating how impactful their activity can be. Set rules - If there’s a minimum amount of posting activity to remain in the program, make sure they know. Additionally, have an incentive program in place to help entice future recruits. 5. Give them a job: Once an ambassador has agreed to be part of your program, give them a job or task as soon as possible. This will help them mentally reiterate that the program is a part of their daily digital routine. Don’t let too much time lapse between engagements because ambassadors might forget their purpose and not perform their tasks.

6. Maintain loyalty: Stay in contact with your ambassadors. Keep in touch via social media interactions and emails. Provide updates on progress and how they are personally helping your cause. Also, make ambassadors feel valued. Give them access to your resources to help them feel connected with your organization. Share content, like stats and videos exclusively before the public. Most importantly, make sure they understand their value.

THANK YOU LETTER TO DONORS: Dear John Smith, Thank you very much for your recent donation to Step Up for State at Texas State University. As you know, this donation is going towards a lot of good causes on campus, but more importantly, to the Student Emergency Fund to help students who were affected by Hurricane Harvey. Your generous donation will help students continue their education without the fear of money being an issue. Texas State University takes education very seriously and we as a community feel that no fellow bobcat should be turned away in a time of need. To help Texas State University and to continue to help your fellow bobcats, sign up with the Texas State Alumni Association to get emails about upcoming events around campus. Texas State hopes you will stay in touch. Best regards, The Texas State University community

EMAIL TO TXST GRADS: Dear Texas State graduate, Step up for State will be hosting its second annual fundraiser for 1,899 minutes of giving on September 20-21.

Step Up for State helps various organizations around campus, but this year’s main focus is the Student Emergency Fund. The Student Emergency Fund helps students continue their education in times of disaster.

Hurricane Harvey affected families all across the Texas coast, and some of your bobcat peers, past and present, need your help.

The Student Emergency Fund ensures that disastrous situations do not affect students in school. All donated funds go towards tuition, books and housing for students affected by emergency situations.

We hope that you will support the success of students affected by the Hurricane by donating during the 1,899 minutes of giving at Your support towards the community will be greatly appreciated. Best regards, Texas State University

GROUP PERSONAL PROMOTIONS Miranda Ferris - Promotion on Personal Social Media:

Megan Anderson - Promotion on Personal Social Media:

Carter Ferris - Promotion on Personal Social Media:

Tara Owens - Promotion on Personal Social Media:


Bibliography Step Up for State - Texas State University, “Kickstarter.” Kickstarter, “Crowdfunder.” Crowdfunder, ww Smith, Aaron. “4. Collaborative: Crowdfunding Platforms.” Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, 18 May 2016,