Social Media and Organized Crime in Mexico

Post on 23-Aug-2014

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Transcript of Social Media and Organized Crime in Mexico

Social Media and Organized Crime in Mexico

bala = bulletbalazo = shot

#balacera = shootout


“It is sad to see this type of situation so close up. It is sad that Monterrey has become a mimicry of some video war game. Many have compared it to Call of Duty, others to Grand Theft Auto, Whichever you choose, it’s violence.”

La Compañia C.D.G

Narco-Censorship“¿Qué predomina en los periódicos: lo que se dice o lo que se calla?” - Diego Enrique Osorno

Blog del Narco

Blog del Narco

Blog del Narco

Blog del Narco

Blog del Narco

Blog del Narco

Blog del Narco

Blog del Narco

Anonymity = Cloak from fear, government regulation

"For the scanty details that they put on television, they get grenades thrown at them and their reporters kidnapped. We publish everything. Imagine what they could do to us."

- Blog del Narco

This is being produced by someone who is not doing it from a journalistic perspective. He is doing it without any ethical considerations."Carlos Lauría - Committee to Protect Journalists

Yet Another DivideAcademia vs. Journalism vs. Citizen Journalism

Leonarda Reyes“for criminals to share information among themselves”

NarcoTube"Canal oficial del Cartel del Golfo"

“I would describe journalism as the act of publishing photos or videos. People have a right to know why things have become so insecure in recent years. The violence that is happening in Mexico is not because the public reads about what is happening in The factors that provoke violence in Mexico are much more important, and ultimately they are economic.”

- Blog del Narco

NarcoCensura >> Internet Censorship?,8599,1981607,00.html

#balacera #saltillo


Mainstream media

“Ejecutometro” - @diegoeosorno

“#Saltillo y l@s tuiter@s” - @frankstrada

• Inform

• Seek information

• Criticize

What can be done?

“Queremos ponerles nombres, rostros. Dejar de banalizar la muerte.”

Menos Días Aquí -


oso@el-oso.nettwitter: @oso