Social Media 101 for Pharma

Post on 07-May-2015

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Social media primer plus 14 real-world examples of how pharma product managers are using social media to create momentum for their brands

Transcript of Social Media 101 for Pharma

Social media is harder in highly regulated industries like ours (Doubtless you already know this)


Questions about


No clear guidance

Clash of values

Who’s responsible for adverse event reporting and off-label references?

The FDA has held hearings, but crystal-clear guidance may never come

Traditional healthcare culture demands caution and proven results; social media rewards speed and information that’s “good enough”

Meanwhile: Traditional advertising channels are losing effectiveness. Connecting with people en masse is harder than ever before.

50-50 428

17% 36% Of households can skip all television advertising with their DVRs

Chance Americans are spending their entertainment time in front a computer vs. a television

Of people say they trust what

they hear in advertising

Number of print magazines and

journals that folded in 2009

Edelman Trust Barometer, 2010 On-demand TV 2009: A Nationwide Study on VOD and DVRs, Leichtman Research Group, 9/2009, 12/2009 North American Technographics Report, Forrester, 2009

HCPs aren’t waiting to be detailed, they’re turning to the social web to educate themselves

60% of physicians either use or are interested in using social networks

65% of docs plan to use social media for

professional development

Manhattan Research 2009, 2010 Sermo,com

This doc-to-doc blogger has 53,000 readers this month + 20,000 Twitter followers

112,000 docs talk to each

other on Sermo.

And patients are finding their own way: People are turning to each other online to understand their health

50% 61% 41%

Of patients leave a physician’s office unsure of what they were told.

Of Americans go online to research health information

Of them read about other’s medical experiences on social websites or blogs.

We look for health information for ourselves online and for each other. Half of our health searches are on behalf of someone else. And two-thirds of us talk with someone else about what we find online.

The Social Life of Health Information, Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2009

But: What we find can be misleading or even dangerous

Do your best to take these at a consistent time but don't panic if you miss really is still effective

44 year old Female

Just be aware of the break-through bleeding and if they are on it to

control painful periods - the pain isn't any better. It is just less times a year. 38

year old Female

I feel it's necessary to switch brands after each

bottle to fully benefit from its full potential...I just think that it is good

for your body.

47 year old Female

A conversation about:

We have to find a way to make it work (Don’t worry, this won’t hurt a bit)

Today’s Agenda

1.  What is social media – easy definitions and real behavior

2.  Social samples – campaigns created by our peers

3.  Q&A – everything you’ve been wanting to ask

4.  Nifty new products – making it easy to start getting social

Defining social media How it’s changed our behavior and expectations

It’s not just a bunch of destinations

Social media is a change in expectations. Now: We can the get things we need from one another.

Instead of just from traditional institutions, like business, media or government.

Social media is a change in expectations. It’s how: We get the things we need from one another.

Instead of just from traditional institutions, like business, media or government.

•   Advice and recommendations

•   News and new ideas

•   Products and services

•   Tools and software

•   Support and resources

Social media = the social web (Where we all – even you - learn, connect, and find entertainment)

The Broad Reach of Social Technologies, Forrester Research, 2009

Alexa, real-time results, February 2010

Half of us use social networks where we connect with people around shared interests (Think: Facebook)

Almost all of us use social tools that include the opportunity for interaction and the perspectives of people like us (Think: reviews)

Of the top 20 most visited sites in America, eight are social networks and all use social tools

1.  Google

2.  Facebook

3.  Yahoo

4.  YouTube

5.  Wikipedia

6.  Myspace

7.  Blogger

8.  Live

9.  Amazon

10.  eBay

11.  Craigslist

12.  Twitter

13.  MSN

14.  AOL

15.  Go

16.  Bing

17.  LinkedIn

18.  CNN

19.  Wordpress

20.  Flickr

That combination of networks & tool creates a new context

We share things we


We create content

We answer


This is social context. It’s the personalization, credibility and relevance

we add to information and ideas.

•   Links

•   Status updates

•   Forwards

•   Reviews

•   Recommendations

•   Chat rooms

•   Blogs

•   Photos

•   Videos

Social Technographics Report, Forrester Research, 2010

A lot of us are creating it and even more are consuming it

54% share things

24% create content

37% answer


73% Read, buy and use all that

social context. Social Technographics Report, Forrester Research, 2010

But when it comes to our health we use social context a little differently

83% of online adults search for health information

66% look up a specific disease or problem

55% a certain medical treatment or procedure

45% information on prescription or over-the-counter drugs

35% alternative treatments or medicines

The Social Life of Health Information, Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2009

83% of online adults search for health information

66% look up a specific disease or problem

55% a certain medical treatment or procedure

45% information on prescription or over-the-counter drugs

35% alternative treatments or medicines

60% of them look for the experience of “someone like me”

The Social Life of Health Information, Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2009

But they find fewer peer voices

1 in 5



Are health influentials. They not only care about and take action on health issues,

they also act as channels for information to others

Of people who look for health information online have posted their own health thoughts on a blog

Have posted comments or questions about health or medical matters in an online discussion, listserv, or group forum

The Edelman Health Engagement Barometer, 9/2008

The Social Life of Health Information, Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2009

So they mashup what they find from people and from brands (and hope for the best)

No single source of information stands out or stands alone in the networked world of many health

consumers Just 41% of patients have the knowledge and confidence required to manage their health in this new world.

Center for Studying Health System Change

Edelman Health Engagement Barometer

The Social Life of Health Information, Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2009

Then they act

60% how to treat an illness

56% overall approach to maintaining health

53% what new questions to ask their doctor

38% whether or not to see a doctor

38% how to cope with a chronic condition

6:10 health searchers say their most recent search had an impact on their own health or the way they care for someone else

The Social Life of Health Information, Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2009

They way docs are using it may be even harder on our business

You already know, it’s more challenging than ever for our sales reps to get face time with docs

AccessMonitor™, a report from global consulting firm ZS Associates, 5/2010




A big part of the reason is that they’re educating themselves on the social web

Sermo, 2010 Manhattan Research, 4/2009

+50% get medical information from Wikipedia

Over 100,000 docs use SERMO to: 1.  Crowdsource diagnoses

2.  Talk about new drugs on the market and in the pipeline

3.  Complain about how fake TV doctors are (especially that guy on Royal Pains)

So what is social media? It’s how we get the things we need from one another rather than from traditional institutions.

It’s social places we go

People’s contributions we find there +

Make sense?

Access to social media has really changed what we expect

Today’s social media users have new demands:

They need diverse opinions Gut reactions

Real experiences Expert perspective

They want special access

Sneak peeks Valuable offers

Exclusive opportunities

They expect to make an impact

Listen to me Respond to me

Act on what you hear

Bottom line: It’s all about feeling confident. “I won’t be taken advantage of.” “I won’t miss an opportunity."

What pharma can do now Seven proven models that are adding value

What are we looking for: Experiences with an audience-centric view

We can’t advertise at people in social media. We need to build connections with them.

Successful social experiences create lasting relationships:


A audience-centric view starts with Embracing the ideals of the social web

Tip: Use this as a filter for idea generation and for evaluating the following examples

We always start with a balanced strategy



But what about this one? How can we add value? What do people want?

This one is pretty easy, right?

A successful social media strategy should provide:

How many pharma brands use social media? (seriously, not a trick question)


Our colleagues at WPP actually counted.

Dig around:


So what are pharma companies doing now?

There are valuable social tactics at every point on the risk/reward spectrum:

Where you can

CONTROL •  Unbranded sites

•  Private communities

•  One-way profiles

Where you can

INFLUENCE •  Targeted applications

•  Moderated content

•  Sponsored communities

Where you can

PARTICIPATE •  Social networks

•  Peer-to-peer reviews

•  Talk-leader summits

Today, pharma is mostly here

Make someone’s life easier

The toughest way to add value in social media is also one of the most effective: Give people something they need

•   Creates lots of conversation (You’ve got to try this!)

•   Builds positive brand perception and lasting attachment


Make their lives easier

Didget World by Bayer

•   The idea came from a parent (Paul Wessel) of a child with type 1 diabetes.

•   Paul’s son was constantly losing his blood glucose meter, he could always find his Game Boy.

•   That insight lead him to start his own company to create a device that would help his son manage his diabetes

•   Then, Bayer hired Paul to develop DIDGET™:

A first-of-its-kind blood glucose meter that connects directly to Nintendo DS™ gaming systems to help kids manage their diabetes by rewarding them for consistent testing habits


•   The overall strategy is for Sanofi-Aventis to forge closer bonds with prescribing physicians and patients who are working to manage their disease

•   One tool in their marketing effort is an iPhone app that includes some really valuable tools:

–   Restaurant finder that includes nutritional information

–   Daily food intake meter for calories, carbs, protein, etc.

–   Searchable database to plan and save meal choices

•   The company is even doing its customer service via Twitter, which helps it make its product more viral.

Make their lives easier

GoMeals by Sanofi-Aventis 1

Empower patient opinion leaders

It’s all about inspiring people to take your message into the places they already talk


•   Builds relationships with the 6 - 11% of ePatients who create peer content

•   Adds the credibility of an independent source

The Social Life of Health Information, Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2009

Empower POLs Step UpReach Out patient conference by Bayer

•   Bayer asks young hemophilia patients one question: Who speaks for you and the thousands of others like you in the world?

•   The answer they’re looking for is: YOU

•   Their Step UpReach Out patient conference draws together young men from around the world for learning, personal growth and collaboration.

•   The program makes sure they understand the issues and the communications tools to get the word out


Empower POLs Diabetes Directory by Roche


•   Last summer, Roche invited 29 diabetes specialists and bloggers to a social media summit

•   Together, they created a manifesto on what how pharma should engage in social media

•   They asked for centralized web directories for all diabetes sources

•   And, new patient-centric messaging, including a speakers bureau of high-profile patients

Listen for new insights

How do you get the best new ideas from the people who will actually use your product? Ask them

•   Creates more audience-relevant experiences

•   Leverages lasting attachment


Listen for new insights Community insight for NCCN and Memorial Sloan-Kettering

•   When Ellen Sonet, VP of marketing at Sloan-Kettering, was faced with the challenge of how to market the new cancer center, she turned to the people

•   Through a partnership with National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) she was able to host a private community on Communispace

•   There, they asked lots of questions, starting with: How do you choose where to get treated?

•   The answers changed their marketing. From patient-focused to primary-care physician focused. From print to search-rich online.

•   They also made marketing a go-to resource to execs and docs alike


•   Earlier this year, UCB launched an epilepsy community on PatientsLikeMe

•   In the first two weeks, over 400 patients joined. They expect thousands of patients in the next few months.

•   They’re looking for on-the-ground research with a wide-cross section of patients. What they learn about epilepsy will help improve drug safety and lead to new advances in care.

•   Doing it in this valuable public forum will help build affinity with patients

Listen for new insights PatientsLikeMe community from UCB


Be the go-to resource

Investing in the content people want most positions a brand as a dedicated advocate for their customers

•   Encourages repeated visits

•   Creates focus for search engine optimization


•   Project started with a patient focus: create a better experience for patients on drug therapy

•   The site is designed for both physicians and patients to help them work together to achieve improved health outcomes using web and social tools

•   Each member can create a personal plan - including daily activities, meals and fitness

•   The site delivers patient education, support and specific information guidance from physicians to patients on specific Merck medications

Be the go-to resource MerckEngage by Merck


Be the go-to resource by BioMarin


• is a lasting resource for families and physicians dealing with a PKU diagnosis

•   It includes quick-start information for parents

•   Communities and support for teens

•   And deep professional resources - including a peer-to-peer exchange for HCPs

•   This unbranded site has such powerful content that it appears on the first page of Google search results for the condition

Connect patients with one another

Sometimes being social is all about letting other people be social. One way: let your audience support one another

•   Very authentic use of the social web

•   Opens a window to your customers’ challenges and hopes


•   The main purpose of the site is to connect people who have been diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

•   Healthcare professionals and caregivers are also invited to participate

•   People create a simple profile and then can visually scan the world for people they want to meet or support

•   They can give three kinds of ambient support with one click

•   Or message a user directly to build a supportive relationship

Connect patients with one another

CML Earth by Novartis 5

Connect patients with one another

Advanced Breast Cancer Community by Bristol Meyers Squibb 5

•   In 2006, Living Beyond Breast Cancer published "Silent Voices,” the results of its survey of people living with advanced breast cancer.

•   The findings confirmed the need for a targeted approach to information and support for the advanced breast cancer patient

•   The group also found it difficult to navigate the numerous websites and locate the valuable information on clinical trials, treatments, and support services

•   Bristol Meyers Squibb stepped up to meet this unmet need: women living with advanced breast cancer had no place to call their own

•   They partnered with 13 of the leading breast cancer patient advocacy organizations to create the site that launched in 2008

Advocate a cause

People connect to things they believe in. Sponsoring - or even establishing - a cause can humanize a brand.

•   Focuses attention on an opportunity relevant to the brand

•   Invites people to take an active role in progress


•   The day was founded in 2007 to reduce the high levels of unintended pregnancy around the world

•   Bayer gathered NGO partners and invested in both DTC and HCP marketing

•   The day has a theme each year, like understanding your choices or making your voice heard

•   It intentionally brings in the voices of real people, mostly young people, who are most impacted by unintended pregnancy

Advocate a cause

World Contraception Day by Bayer Schering Pharma 6

Advocate a cause

Take a Step Against Cervical Cancer by Merck 6

•   Over 100,000 people have joined Gardisil’s cervical cancer fight on Facebook

•   There they donate their status update to spread the word

•   And, find tools to become an activist against cervical cancer in both big and small ways

•   The page also includes some uniquely valuable tools for the medium, like quizes and contests

Create a shareworthy experience

Not all social strategies start in the usual destinations, some don’t even start online. Instead, they’re designed to be irresistible to pass on.

•   Creates peer-to-peer sharing

•   Associates a sense of delight and discovery with a brand


What’s wrong with this picture? (it’s from a river-front music festival in Austin)


Not nearly as cool as Comfest, but still…

Create a shareworthy experience

Coin-Operated Scientist by Multiple Sclerosis Society 7

•   This live exhibit was designed to help raise money for MS Research

•   The box has an enclosed mini research laboratory with a coin slot in the front

•   Inside a real scientist sits slumped and motionless

•   When people make donations, he sits upright and conducts science experiments until he feels the money has run out

Create a shareworthy experience

Gilead gives away tickets, raises awareness 7

•   If you’re diagnosed with Hepatitis B, you’re likely to receive a drug created by Gilead (the new category leader)

•   Gilead targeted one under-diagnosed population (Asian Americans) with a ready-to-pass-on experience

•   Gave away passes to concerts in exchange for watching unbranded videos about the disease state

•   The bands (Kaba Modern, Happy Slip) also passed on information about B in interviews

•   Gilead posted information about B testing on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter

Q&A Answers to your social questions + Six tough questions product managers are asking about

Don’t we expose ourselves to more adverse events?

Only a tiny fraction of social media posts contain reportable AEs.

You may have seen this Nielsen map. It looks at 500 random posts:

A 494 messages mention an identifiable patient

B 100 messages mention a specific medication

C 56 messages mention an identifiable reporter

D 14 messages both mention a specific medication and an identifiable reporter

E 4 messages mention an adverse experience and include and identifiable patient and a specific medication

F 1 message also included an identifiable report

That’s a .2% chance Nielsen Online, “Listening to Consumers in a Highly Regulated Environment,”8/2008

Engagement {people spend time

with your brand} Influence

{it makes a difference} +•  Unique visitors •  Return visitors •  Comments/votes •  Members

•  New leads •  Satisfaction •  Referral likelihood

What about ROI?

The truth is, any good campaign is customized to help support your overall brand or campaign goals

•   Ex: Norelco launched a category

•   Ex: Dell changed sentiment

•   Ex: Zappos created enduring brand fans

But, generally, we track two kinds of metrics for any campaign:

•  Time on site •  Connections •  Frequency

•  Positive/negative noise •  Awareness (volume) •  Cost per prospect

What if someone says something else negative


On iGuard, WebMD, iVillage, Twitter, etc., etc.


People trust positive comments more when they also see negative

There will always be negative comments about your brand. Ultimately, it’s what you do about it - act on it, respond

to it, change it - that builds social media esteem

Can we just disable comments and push content out?

Halfway social isn’t social It has to work the way people expect it to work

What do you expect from the FDA?

Good news: The FDA understands the issue

A lot of it revolves around the five questions we posed … things like

accountability, responsibility, ownership

of the information and regulatory requirements.

[The codes] were written decades and

decades ago… people weren’t thinking about

Twitter back then.

Dr. Jean-Ah King, Special Assistant to the Director in DDMAC

What do you expect from the FDA? (CONTINUED)

Bad news: We’ve got a long way to go

Technology will keep changing

No guarantee of guidance

Comment period is still open

Any draft guidance has comment period

Feb 24 speech is just an update on what they’ve heard

One possible outcome is “status quo”

If it is written, look for a 90-day review + iteration

Any guidance won’t be technology-specific and won’t know the next evolution

Is it really worth it?

70% of consumers

believe pharma information from their non-expert peers is credible

48% of Americans trust

pharma less than they did five years



Could it be because we’re not part of the conversation? Push advertising isn’t going to change those numbers. Engaging and adding value is.

iCrossing, How America Searches: Health and Wellness, January 2008

DDB, Health is the New Wealth, 2009

Social products How can we empower and support our clients?


Social Listening

is curated social listening: Filtered analysis and insight

Delivered monthly or quarterly.

Periodic audits

Breaking conversation

alerts +

People have thousands of conversations every day that could impact your brand

Who has time to listen to all of them?

And, what are the regulatory implications of even trying to?


Social Listening

People have thousands of conversations every day that could impact your brand

Together, we create a FILTER that listens for just what you want to know

•   Understand why people choose one product over another

•   Create/test hypotheses about what people want or need

•   Be ahead of any challenges to your reputation

•   Find new kinds of accolades

•   Uncover where the most conversation is happening (and when)


Social Listening

So you get: INSIGHT (not noise)

People have thousands of conversations every day that could impact your brand

Together, we create a FILTER that listens for just what you want to know

Action plan:

•  Leverage opportunities

•  Combat threats

•  Make meaningful connections

Clear information:

•  What people think

•  What they want

•  Where you can reach them


Social Listening

Listening Presentation

•   Collect and organize all research

•   HCP communities •   Patient

communities •   Influencer

communities •   Social destinations

•   Focus research and formulate summaries and recommendations

•   Presentation to Client


•   Collect background and information from client

•   Competitors •   Environment

concerns and focus

•   Identify appropriate scope •   Who we’re listening

to •   What we’re looking


•   Set frequency


Social monitoring research and draft findings (for core team review)

2 weeks 1 week 2 weeks

Clear understanding of scope of the monitor

Research & Planning

Social monitoring report •  Executive summary •  Presentation of findings •  Recommendations for action

Recent Clients:

•  Gilead •  Millenium •  Seattle Genetics •  Biogen Idec •  GSK •  Amgen •  Allergan


$15,000 - $25,000 (initial) $5,000 - $10,000 (updates)


Social Listening

The Process:


Social Brand Workshop

is a collaborative workshop

That evaluates social media opportunity for your brand

Social media learning

Social media planning +

37% of brands say their main barrier going social is simply that they don’t know where to begin

These workshops point the way >>

What competitors are doing

What people

want and need

What assets and resources

are available

What the brand

wants to accomplish


Social Brand Workshop

With so many competing priorities, it can be difficult for an brand team to find the time and resources to evaluate if and how they should leverage social media. A social brand workshop facilitates that discussion in an efficient, hands-on one-day summit:






Social media opportunity


Social Brand Workshop

Sample agenda:

Morning session: Learning Afternoon session: Planning

1.  Social media 101

•   Definitions

•   Behavior

2.  How other brands are engaging

•   Our competitors

•   Best practice brands

3.  What our audience wants

•   Key behaviors

•   Current sentiments

4.  Defining our goals

•   What we want to achieve

•   How we’ll measure it

6.  Identifying assets

•   Content and context

•   Available resources

8.  Modeling campaigns

•   Social media test projects

•   Potential lasting programs

Workshop Documentation

•   Facilitate collaborative session with 5 – 10 brand leaders

•   Share social learnings •   Co-create social planning

•   Final presentation to client


•   Collect background and information from client

•   Competitors •   Environment

concerns and focus

•   Audit existing landscape •   Audience •   Brand •   Competition

•   Create workshop materials •   Agenda •   Activities •   Presentation


Full-day collaborative workshop

3 weeks 2-3 weeks 1 week

Planning and materials for full-day workshop


Documentation of social learnings Synthesis of social plans and recommendations


Social Brand Workshop

The Process: Recent Clients:

[Piloting with Palio in June]


$25,000 - $35,000

(thank you!) @leighhouse @iqlab