Social justice ppt

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Transcript of Social justice ppt


One Laptop per Child Project

By: Martha Tessitore Siena College April 26, 2013


What is the One Laptop per Child Project

Social justice issue




Technology’s role

Who can improve it

One Laptop per Child

Founded by Nicholas Negroponte

Try and provide each child in the world with a laptop Hardware and software for collaboration and self-

empowered learning Children engaged, share, create

Equal education opportunities

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Map of Countries with Laptops

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Social Justice Issue

100 million kids around the world can’t go to 1st grade

Unequal education opportunities Lack of access to information No shoes or clothes for school

Increase the literacy rates

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Important because technology gap is widening

Need to be educated citizens to make important decisions

Video of a child, Zimi who has a laptop Zimi is getting to learn


Happens in less developed countries No shoes Stay at home to work

Teachers not being able to keep up with changes No time to learn new theory Research of social justice material


Isn’t that children aren’t capable, just lack resources and opportunity

With laptop children can transform where they live

Have access to more materials

Technology’s Role

Laptop for children creates a way for them to be connected

No longer limited to things only around them

Chance to learn and be engaged

Who can improve it




Equal Education is an important topic

It is evident that we need to work on helping everyone gain an education


Jane , Wakefield. "World wakes up to digital divide." BBC News . n. page. Print. <>.

"Learning without schools." World Future Society. N.p.. Web. 17 Apr 2013. <

Marshall, Catherine, and Maricela Olivia. Leadership for Social Justice Making REvolutions in Education. Boston: Pearson, 2006. 1-20. Print.

Moore, Mary. "One Laptop Per Child weighs going for-profit." Boston Business Journal. n. page. Print. <>.

"One Laptop Per Child." One Laptop Per Child . N.p.. Web. 16 Apr 2013. <>.