Social issue evaluation

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Transcript of Social issue evaluation

PowerPoint Presentation

Social issues Evaluation


Logo EvaluationAre your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?Yes, my logo is meant to identify that I made a product, as this logo is unlike any others then it accomplishes its purpose. I was unsure of what I wanted to do at first, but I knew that I wanted something that would blend in anywhere but was still linked into the theme of the company that it was representing, I think I made a fine balance but everyone still likes everything else.Do they communicate your message clearly?My campaign is about how too much time on todays technological media can be bad for you. And the logo clearly emphasizes this by the image, you have the image of the blood bag, clearly defined in red, something which we associate with keeping people alive, and the charger wire that comes out of the bottom seems to continue the drip, and then the charger goes into the arm as if giving it this life sustaining virtual blood.Are they appropriate for your target audience?As my questionnaire was filled out by only those in my target audience, then I believe it is as most of them said that their favourite thing was the logo, as shown to the right.

Logo progression

Merchandise: Phone Cases

Merchandise: Company T-shirts

Merchandise: Frisbees

Merchandise EvaluationThe phone cases are thermal, so as you hold them, then new layers of the cover change colour. This is shown on the phone slide by the no. of minutes that holding a phone would take. The T-shirts arent necessarily meant to be sold to the public as people would be less inclined to buy it because of the words. However, for events or organizations this would be worn by the staff or those assisting, to help spread the message, as the purpose of them arent to make money but to raise awareness. It might be that they are given out as free handouts.The Frisbee's are there as an alternative to being on your phone, as it is all well and good telling people to get off their phone without incentive. And that is what the Frisbee's are, to encourage people to do things active together.Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?Yes, the purpose of my campaign is to raise awareness of the overuse of technological media. My t-shirts and Frisbee's both give information not only about the use of technological media but also what happens because of the overuse plus on my phone cases I have what could people could have spent their time on other than their phone.Do they communicate your message clearly?I believe that they do help communicate the message, but perhaps not as clearly as I would like as I have repeated a lot of information. But the information is out their and theoretically they should be moving about so that many people can see them.Are they appropriate for your target audience?Yes, while my style is appropriate for almost any age group, my questionnaire has asked if people think the style suits my campaign, and as shown they do. I have used four continued styles that go along with each project, styles that I think will appeal to the public, blue is circles, orange is waves, black is half tone and white is tribal.

Posters: Cartoon

Posters: Typography.

Poster EvaluationAre your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?The posters are meant to go in a bit deeper to the idea of technological media overuse. I think this worked well, as in the 1st and 2nd poster, you get a lot of things that we often do but dont think about, and it shows the viewer. The 3rd and 4th poster, delves more into the effects of overusing technological media. Do they communicate your message clearly?The first posters send a message of what life could be like, if technological media did become foremost in our lives. Whereas the second set literally shows the audience the problem. At first all they see is the phone, its not till they look in at it closer that they realise the problems that the phone can cause, this is one of my favourite pieces because of that symbolism. The first poster talks about the problem of what happens if people get distracted by their phones, people probably think its no big deal, and thus miss the rapid progression of the problem, so I have highlighted it by comparing it to death, which shocks their systems into taking it on board, I have reinforced this by making the tombstones I phones. The second is all about simplicity, raising the point of destroying relationships. The third and fourth are two editions of a poster that highlights what bad things overusing your phone can do, the first is done to look like the logo, whereas the second is more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.Are they appropriate for your target audience?The posters do not contain anything graphic or foul so it is appropriate for almost all audiences. However because of the style of typography and its image I do think that it reaches my audience of teens to adults very well.




Animated Video EvaluationAre your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?Again the purpose is to raise awareness about this issue as it is often dismissed as consequences of changing times. I believe I did a very efficient job at this as people thought the purpose is as shown right, which is, mostly about raising some form of awareness.Do they communicate your message clearly?Yes, as I got the facts and figures into the videos, but since I displayed it in such a easy to view manner with different little animations it was much easier to stomach and the public will be more willing to accept it and perhaps even make a change. The cherry happy guitar music helps by making the video and the message seem unthreatening rather than forcible. To reinforce this I have used a universal colour scheme that is soft yet vibrant and looks nice. The animations in the videos are add-ons, they dont take away attention from the text until a time where the reader has almost always finished reading it. It gives it a nice balance so that the viewer doesn't have to sit their just watching some words flying about the screen.Are they appropriate for your target audience?I think that they are, and even my audience think so, as I am trying to reach teens to adults, the audience have chosen exactly the same boxes, with most going to 16 to 20 year olds.

Aesthetically speaking they are similar to most of my other products as they have a strong use of typography in them as well as shapes. I wanted it to be cheerful and that is why all of the transitions and moving words and letters and objects are made to be smooth and entertaining

Logo Comparison

This logo has a few shades of one colour, is very simple and it clearly says the company that it is Apple.This logo has two colours in it, is relatively distinguishable. And it has strong symbolic meanings. As described on slide 3.My logo, is extremely distinguishable, you would be able to tell that it was my organization from a glance. However, because it is quite symbolic and relevant it may take the viewers eyes away from the main article and towards the logo which is unwanted however I think this is acceptable as it says exactly what I want it to, and is one of my audiences favorite pieces of work, and as they like it why would I want to remove it.

Merchandise Comparison

The main difference about these phone cases are the tone, while my cases are their to show people what time they are wasting, the other is making more of a joke about modern phone life. Mine is initially less astatically pleasing as the product on the right had a font and style that centers the text to look efficient. However my product has the bonus of thermal pigments that make the words change colour over time as shown in the black model. While it may not have the quality of more well known brands, I think that the theatricality and ingenuity that it possesses will get any potential buys to sway in the favor of my case as it is far more unique.

Poster Comparison

These posters are very similar but work upon different topics, I view this as a good thing as that means my work is reaching a more professional level. There are some differences, for example, my work doesn't have any extra information, such as the website and logo, other than the punch line. I dont necessarily think that mine is better as they both talk about different subjects and are equally effective in raising awareness about their specific subject. But in a more general sense I would like to think that my poster if effective and good enough so that it would be viable to be put out onto the streets and in different areas without it looking ridiculous.

Original Intentions To Final Product OutcomesMy designs are more or less how I envisioned them. There are some changes, I was hoping that I would get some more interesting facts that would suit my t-shirts better so that they would be viable for sale, however the facts stop them from being desirable enough to wear, and so they would only be worn by staff members or given out as free promotional packages. Other than this, the only other thing that I would like to change is to increase the detail and quality of my videos, they use mostly basic shapes and the quality isn't always that good as shown to the left. But that was due to lack of time.Another thing that did change was some of my designs, at first I wasn't sure what sort of posters I had imagined doing, so I tried three different styles, which can be seen on slides 8 and 9. I decided that I liked my third slide the best, but I thought that the original two could still be used down different revenues. While I liked the 3rd poster the most, I still wasn't happy and thus I made some refinements that gave me the last poster that you can see which I am extremely pleased with.I had originally intended to do a single video, that contained the facts and style of my first two videos, however I decided that I would split them up and then make another when I still had some time to spare.

Impact On Public & EffectI believe that this did have good impact upon the public. In my questionnaire I asked if people, after viewing my campaign, would change their habits? Some said no, but some said yes, and others even said what they would change as shown. So evidently this did have a good impact upon the public. However looking at the world as a whole gave me this result, shown on the right. Internet use is still going up there has ben a massive increase on phones and in peoples own rooms especially, So while the content is effective enough to change a few people, firstly, what's to say that they will or wont and secondly even if they do, how is a few people spending less time on the internet going to compare to the well over 200 million that do live in the world and have internet access.

Technical And AestheticAs a common theme throughout my campaign, I did not want to use any real images, I wanted it all to be animated or cartoon designed; as photographs are quite common in raising social issues, and I wanted to be unique in my design.As a form I went with large letters, in a typographical style. With some, I just had the words done in an Impact font and that was it, however with others I have used typography in a much more symbolic sense using it to create things such as phones as can be seen in my 2nd set of posters. As a tone I have tried to go between a mix of a bit techie, as it is a strong part of my campaign, and a cherry friendliness, as no one will accept a message in any other way if they dont agree with it at the time. This can be seen by the mix between things like the previously mentioned posters and the short animated videos that I have created.for the images I have tried to keep things detailed but simple, I didnt want any shades to make things look curved and lots of sunlight and shadows. I wanted it simple. This did change a bit when it cam to the videos as it was hard to get the detail I wanted with the actions timing and movements that I wanted without running out of time.

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