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Transcript of SOC THEORY PART 1

Kiazhane Chavez

SOC 3310 Social Theory

Part One

Weber The Protestant Ethic and the Spirt of Capitalism

In Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism he focusses on the

relationship between the emergence of the spirit of modern capitalism and ethics of ascetic

Protestantism. Figuring out what is the motivation behind human actions and social means.

Could it be God, the individual, wealth, worldly calling, or self-control. In essence all those

points come together to form his analysis on finding a motivation for early capitalism (Marx)

and how Calvinism had a major role in creating modern capitalism. Weber’s analysis also

goes in detail of Baxter’s 17th century Puritans role of wealth and their views of the worldly

calling stemming from Calvinism.

Calvinism had the most interesting characteristic dogma. Mainly believing in

predestination; that God has already determined who is saved and damned. Even for the

followers is it only natural to wonder what your predestination is. Teaching absolute

sovereignty of God’s will, the knowing of being saved or dammed is irresistible that a man

can do nothing to effect this salvation. In the developing stages there was a need for clues

about whether one was actually saved or not. Calvinists could only determine this by looking

into their success stemming from worldly activities for those hidden clues. Success brings in

profit and power so they came to value material success as signs of God's favor. To

physically show that you have been blessed and/or chosen to be saved. This could be the

reason Weber argues that the religious ideas of groups such as the Calvinists played a role in

creating motivation for modern rational capitalism.

Weber viewed Marx stages of modern capitalism as lacking a motivation that is

crucial to the early stages of capitalism. Marx believed civilization had become organized by

the mode of production and distribution; using the division of labor to dominate. “Thus the

process of economic selection, the capitalism that today dominates economic life… both

owner of the business and worker”. Division of labor consist of breaking down a process into

multiple simple tasks and assign the task to different people. Completely deleting the art of

having a craft and creating wage labor. We all know that capitalism has a formula of M – C –

M and it is invested. And a non-capitalist M – C – P pocket the money for inner motives of


“It is Benjamin Franklin who preaches to us in these sentences … the spirit of

capitalism is here manifested in Franklins worlds”. Weber “provides a provisual illustration

of the activity implied … by spirit of capitalism ... remember that time is money... credit is

money… money is the prolific, generating nature … remember the saying: the good

paymaster is the lord of another mans purse”. Its shown that Weber’s view of inner motives

for the capitalistic spirit are closely connected with the general nature of capitalism. His

intent was to explore religion as a potential cause of the modern economic conditions. Tying

in social and occupational. By being productive and adding value to yourself, utilizing your

duty to have credit, and investing are religious factors that were exercised. It is influenced by

pursuing profit as virtuous, showing your success as a sign of Gods Favor.

Weber broke down Calvin’s theology into three parts to further investigate the

motivation for modern capitalism. Those parts are the role of God, the humans individual,

and the worldly calling (mercy). “God does not exist for the people; rather people exist to

serve the will of God … to service the goal: the glorification of Gods majesty”. God holds

all the power. He is mighty beyond the reach of human understanding. “God and God alone

can make his decrees comprehensible … if he finds good to do so” has decided the fate of

every individual and his decrees cannot change. It could be possible that their destinies in life

where not fair according to Weber that like an animal crying and wanting to be born a man.

You simply leave everything up to God and glorify him till your death. It is

unlikely/unthinkable that there is any co-deciding of someone’s destiny, even considering

someone faults to God. There are absolutely no changes stemming from human influences.

The individual himself has his own must “pursue their life journey in solitude… the

destiny they would encounter … had been unalterably set for them since eternity”.

Completing your journey to predestination requires more work than just occasional good act

showing signs of Gods favor to seek clues toward salvation. You need self-control and self-

confidence. The act of self-control is a major key because every moment is chosen and you

don’t want to indulge in temptation and not glorify God. With your control come confidence;

to keep self-confidence always participate in worldly activity. It is seen to be highly suitable

and it alone gets rid of religious doubts and gives the certainty of God’s grace.

“Predestination can actually be understood as only the most extreme form of the exclusive

trust in God”

As a Calvinist you must have mercy, hope and faith. It all boils down to eternal

salvation and your worldly calling. To see and receives God’s grace and success in your

calling to visible show and receive signs from God. Your “calling: one task is given by God

… the concept of the calling is a product of reformation”. The protestant view creates a

concept of "calling," and gives worldly activity a religious character. “The fulfillment … the

calling became viewed as the highest expression that moral activity could assume.” Weber’s

analysis connects and emerges Protestantism with changes necessary (Calvinism and other

religious view) to allow for the development of the spirit of capitalism. That is “devoting

oneself to a calling was that unavoidable result of the idea of attaching religious significance

to daily work … which derive from the [social & occupational] positions of each person”.

Weber shows that it is only natural for your calling to form a capitalist society. Hence the

spirit of capitalism because Calvin didn’t see the creation of wealth (from your calling) as a

barrier to the church.

Dealing with Protestants and Calvinist Weber also analyzed the 17th century Puritans

views of wealth and their idea of this worldly calling. “Wealth as such is a serious danger

and its temptations are consistent… signifying God… the pursuit of wealth is seen as both

senseless and morally suspect”. It is senseless because the creation of wealth forms a want of

consumption that is brought on by the endless temptations. Consumption is problematic due

to its accumulation (due to resting) and enjoyment is a distraction. They believe “a person

must work … to the will of God … only activity not idleness and enjoyment, serves to

increase his glory”. “Puritanism… provides the most consistent foundation for the idea of a

vocational calling”. To stay away from an “unclean life” the calling is orientated toward

achieving a religious moral life. There calling has to do with all aspects of asceticism

(sexual, vegetarianism, cold baths, and diets) and working. “an unwillingness to work is a

sign that one is not among saved”. It doesn’t matter what your economic status is everyone

must pull their weight and work within the guidelines of the calling.

Reading and trying to completely understand Weber analysis I feel he made a

connection in figuring out the capitalist spirt and motivations about modern rational

capitalism. From my understanding the underlining motivation is not submitting yourself to

God but his contributing guidelines. The most important guideline is time is valuable, if

you’re not using your time to glorify God then you should be using it to stay productive.

Being productive adds value to anything you are doing but you don’t want to get caught in

the temptation surrounding you that can hinder calling. Your calling is your productiveness

the skill and assets that God has predetermined for you. Weber’s strength was the analysis of

Baxter’s Puritans views of wealth and worldly callings. It was most interesting to me because

Puritans formed out of Calvinism but their views on everything were opposite. A weakness

of the analysis could be under explaining of the human individual besides him worshiping

God and doing work. What other responsibilities does the human have that can contribute to

capitalism (if any) since he cannot decided his faith.