… · THE...

Post on 01-Nov-2020

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Transcript of… · THE...

THE WA.TEREOBD . NEWS."ESTABLISHED—1817. . . . - . ' ,

(Udonu BBDXOXB, Proprietor.) , . .¦


Published ef trtf Tri&aylvming, at No. 49 King Btrut(drronti; TB * fKi/ 'viKpt/t II»K.J , '] ! ' •

r*ici TnREKjijicE; TBAW-Tf (n» ADVAMCS) i3a,5BJ POST. YEABLY, 15s.. W ADVAXCB . . . ':

. Agents for Stfe" of, ttHE HEWS:- , ] . -¦if A.TEB.FOB.D—!JT. W. Kx££\> LiU.le George'a-atreet.TRAMORE-Utiss CL&RCT, Refreshment Rooms, fa .1

8trand.Btreet. ; ' •« 1:. -. . . . , . .. - ..-j , , ¦ :i.i ;[.";]EA88ADE BAST—The Miaes Lovx, Hotel, 8quare;i>:

Ij CiBWaK -gCI^ I'i .^WHt.kewBj ge^- . tONDON -v- (Far. Advts.Jv.Mr. WM/OIBMLL; 183,' : n LotwbboroVroad (North), Briiton. . . .. ,., i W¦ DUBLIN—ADTMtiuso 'Aaxmi . Mesirs., W.{ H.'¦< <.: fimra 4 Son, Abbey* street...) > • ,., ..- ,., . ,:..:, , <"1

:' iDDNQABVAH*-Mr. £DWA*3,BUU«UI«, SUtiober,i -:i; i .t *B.;fi)«v« tT«legr»ph,Offlo«/ Tho .Sqoaz*. I " ,{,» \iUjaKHr-Ofr.JOB* iMJJita»;j.BoM,,I«ij»-rtn>et.ftJ

\--' lW*iwr»i> Bttt^oWV-Q*4**1 "W*«*»» SuLWit,6. •,

¦ : -.- ¦ -.i « i> !-. ¦( •oi .t t(ia;Mni»oM>\3ttiT«Ki->i^-" «)« ¦« j '¦ "¦¦ In cooDeetionwiththa *AT«»io«D Ain)Lii{niOKtoa

¦J ,.-*.'W.inB7ou>iJJiD 0xOTX*a!I*s&lii> liineaj ; .7


M' B«j?M» Trnwi. on ifeu^FMt HajgJ yfc3, '

. ,;. . . .¦: -. , r .fiieanMn. 1 i •.:¦:. . >.. .i ...sSHfifiuifi(OsnwjKny WiMnsm and" <tafj»'<»nftf) «wry ««*|<ajy£Ho C/L'ITZiB.

'SHEEP,« ?IQS,'C«ttriea >ry tijeeeBoaj^r ''l ) OYrN.Jj tAn 'lA) VMH. (P»idtagbm) »t 5.15 pjal'

and Assrm >AT "WATHUCBD (weather and,¦ > cixcramataaoes permitting) atont eleven ajn., in. . . . ,..,tiiae> lor the.Xroina. f o a thfl,{Waierfard' and

. . .. JJmeriok'.and Central JrelanA lanes. > . .¦ . , . rjp,—Lesre .WiintBTOBD at ;130t ?•?*•• °° ""al °*.

.- . USin tw from Xnnerick, Kbd 10 5 e»m.' ,a>«ki from»^>>orcisli,'AB3llviHOtoXDHi>ON% ' . '! (wMtifatfiuid'dfcnin'rtances permitting:)'it 12.10

• noon; following day. ' ; '" ¦ ' • ' • ;|

' No Cargo can be' received 'on board ' after 415 pjn.,whan the stages will be removed, to enable the Sjteamersto aepattPDNOTUALLT at tho Appointed time: '< •t-<(9T Speoial Bo&t* -nfll (weather and oirtmmstaneeattmfttang) aailwith Live Stock from Watarfordta Newbaford xm. such days aa may barequired.. . For hours<rf Seizing*. £<!» eee «peai&l Bills. •. - ¦ i • . ¦ / -. sT&K - Wj iERFORD A f D LOtWON : ;..8tKau(avsiUble for 5 Days)lst Class and Saloon; 466 Od¦¦ • " ;, • : • ' ¦ 2ridClaa« &ridSaloon,35(i 6d¦'• ¦"¦ - • ¦ ' ',, 8rd Claw ana Fore Cabin, 20a TOB'BTUSIIS (»V»ilivblBfor 1 month) lstClasa & 8aloanj?6t

„ - „ " V , ¦ • 2nd CUM A Saloon, »».. . „ .. '„ . 3rd Class and iFaroC»bnvSSs.6d... .ParUier iDforBiatton aanbe obtained from Mr. J. W.Jtowwy,B»aw«y Termuins, limerick jMr WD, MCNA.jtuuAdplphi "Wharf, .'Wlteriord.; OieBXDUCXD FASSSbetween other unporWt Stations, tbe Time Tables, andTtomsh

¦£«.!« te Gtjods, &<s., caa Ira obtained ot Mr.

W. T. BnsssKt; the Great Western Eaflway Company'BZa»tri(*i««irt,'iide3pW'WJi«rf,iW»terford. ¦' " •- OnGocxlPridaythd Steamers will- run as on Sunday*,and on Saturday, March 81st, a» oniMondajSi...1: : : ¦ . .( v J. GEJEESONi GflneraT Manager.

u.Fulduigtou.. Terminus.' 4; . . , ¦„. •,. . . ; .. - . • t .


• VT.HITE STAB 'LINE'.'1 " ,UNITED STATES UAItl "STEAMERS:'¦'•'' '. £.OtOTuD» lSDTiVei). Si,000Slow -)«j*»i, )

' "/J^S^Sfe^i ' Liverpool fot "Kew iYork¦ aBiijffiSsSMbijV ""J 1 UDnpd»/;lroa.-.QUEEN8-

ljWBMMWW^ggig-TOWN /e«iAtwfr yf>d«r. /(>|.

•Piii«i£en io »n p»r»i ol iW Oshtd&itM.andCanada, iKclatointi Irom Nfw YOIK erery Riloratj. ¦ .(; -

. Th« »ill-known foiUM»il. Stet,<ner»af,tkii line, all con-attutcd hi #«frtviliIUM> *( Wow, of Bellut, takath.Uu» r>ontfk,iccumts«tu<ra bj Liwt. j Mxcrr, on bolhOot»aid'asi Homnt.rd PuVaiM.' '.Tbe$ till at bndtr :—¦

; ¦ f romVrnnwh *— ' . "¦" - .• •¦'CEJiTIO ' '" ..;; Tlinr»>doy,.'™ ."M«r. S9th

' GERMANIC .".; Tboreday, ... ' April 6kh¦; BALTIC ' * ... ' Tiaredafi J ..:' April lath" "^

' • '' ADBIATIC ... Thursday, .'.. Apr. lBth • ' '' •¦

' BBlTANNICi.. Tburtday, .'.. April.S6tK •, ; . - . . . . . ., - i , .

ynoU HXW TOMi- : ¦' ¦•¦¦¦¦ " -ynMATIO '¦'"'• Saturday. - .'.; <.1Iar'.'81»t • -

1 ! JhtM »«w '»odjpiendid 1T«M«la wines the (inn to rte¦ llrwUlt poMitleVnor, and »*>rd to rawraftn tbi igbwV

*" ««ctt «l conifcr» l)ir>«iu> »iislBiWe»i•*». :..- • v ' - > «

- f - l««ac> Pmmgrjla Sammrr, Si imf ; .Wioltr, BJ dijf...>gi(>b.&*Ml!a c<in<tnctet) .in.7 «t«-tifil po»p*rln>euli,

" ... i;Tl>»^S»»»aOl», »re 'qnp»oi1|y.i»p»cio». •«IM<sbi«ll„ ,ftbtijaf^,»n,a Wjffei, snd .PawB/rapf tW dMt r»c..»e

tbt otmo.tcj?ibu,«(i »H>-n<"iD, A? nilimilwl mpply of' "SwVedl'Piotiiiopt. • i >'Klic»l - eottitStW- fret of cbttgt.1 "HUUuititH ti 'Vtqj nit tb-»itaid tbe 'Wdmto sod Obildno.

ertwWs Fare aVsWuMa .Bali 1 I'. ' "• '¦¦ :: ' • •'•• • -V • ' :'

:i-f l ifhi *bi hnlbm'p»r \icaUTt , *pv\y »i. tl« OBlcfi• . «f Ibe Ckmipiojri S7j:Briiadwsy,. M«w Yoik|,in |Q«nni.

-. ., i JflMAY, 1»?1B *Ca( 10,;«titLk«»»rfi.

' ° : T. aUABVEY. litli^Otwgyi'ilrf«, sna ; . 1,

¦V-SfM.^BPHtyllfc •Mnr.l.Mj'CarrUiHrtfSnir.- »-JOaj i *ALt, Jos,,J)ong«rMn. • ' -|

j : JOHN HOIJ ^HAN; Cutlwomer. , ¦, , : ' , .. .JAMES WATTS. Bowsibop. . . . . ;! , ,„ ¦ i "'

.:• . ': ¦< '.. - ¦. ¦¦ '¦¦ •- !- "" M^'AMERICAN LINK:' [ '"'''''Ym, . UNITED bTATB^'MAIU 8TEAMERS.

1 ''jMt.. i •• ¦¦ Liyerpool to Philadelpiia ; ';,, JHKKBI Calling at Qu«nitown ersry TBDUDAT. '

/ . ,55*<)~T»ll'PC'f»n»l, lfo? Hlfaffi»b .api iiitfd to

— yKNHsYfcYAK^ Apr il jlLUSOIS:..;. ....jMaj i 8'IMDUNA :.... ;;;} 9\OH IO :.'.v.;.4r;...._|. „. , , »»<J Ih'ttfmMiue Puxnprititniid on TOjr»gti mtr td tboi"

Tb» only Tfno»iAHiD«ie 'Line ««ilin< omln- llu> Pniirf.¦i '-• eui»FI«r. ibd csnyiBt tb« AaJ«ric«> -lUfU ftr HTWg

¦ - .. ' 1'iir.bMidra tbi muil rwnplratot ol WebosU, and .B eltta• .;¦: ) «oBia«r:oMJleIVM«rms;JrhB»ixomniod»tioUtor»lftIss«rt

. o t pimn«crii» ,«qu^.ti>s»y of tie Eutopeau 6tnmibip

. . l Dca... S»crr Htrtmtr wrtiwa SprgeoD *od 8li«rda>. j :¦' ' ' PaiMD»ei«>nd (j«xli ate landed at PbUadrlpbik AB ,IUe¦Wburl <jf«b* haur'Ksoia Kailrotd Compioy, Tbicb li»ska aboitot >nd isottdutct roat'e.Ca 'all plattf in the Wtlt.«»BU>IM; J • ¦ > ¦¦ ¦

'¦¦ °"; ' ¦,

v - '. :_ H . :. '

FafMOSM«iij tb»;lin« CMI r»»» *'«*» into. th« j RtilroadC«r» without lu»W fli« LsDdiuKiWlurf .i .aiid under' the

i aam» toof^Ui*r» it» lUhubnienlKoom,Uailtd StMn Lft-|. ,. Ui But, Tel&iipb.. .Ot&ce, Kjcliau.o Office, *ud Buggtjv

' " £ xf ns» Pffiee. . . . ¦ . ; . . . . ..¦ ., - . J,. '.1 - p

, , . . . , tABii PAMAOK, 10 to 1 goit»a«. Return Tiekets at¦¦ . MdocW«»««. ¦ , ' . ' . " ¦

. '> '. ; ' ' ' ' ; , ; ¦• • i-»

" • ¦' ! ','¦¦ ' Sri«Jtitf»

¦ TjlMie* •• low ' as by »uy other f»»t line,

¦• :<; ' • • iodoaiog'*n~ ample "»nppl) 'of good-Picritiouf. ( tit«*ran«Ptwengtn are forwarded to Mew York or Boitoa ffjlbout

'•dditiooal'ebir,*..'-- '' ; ¦ '' .¦ • < '¦- ¦•'• ¦' "j!-- j ,. . " " . .- ' . tl iintaiDun PiMiat, iaclodioc Bedi,- Bedding:, and

, . . , ,»U o«c«»Mrj,,IJt«.W« aoJ ir(>aritB:T«blt/ 8 8«. ' , ¦ ' r j¦ ¦¦'. •""¦ is .,Ar» >rs '!•« Plul«<tr ||iliin..U». Fir** ..fV juast l * 8o»»i', ,' "¦'

.- «eoer»l;A»int«.S07.Wulin.t-«tieetj in<Jocen«towii, loH.'•'• ; ""» * ,'J. Coiii'MiBiollwiM and in Litrvpool. to > - l v / :. i:' • r <?- 1 1 " - f KICHA lUlSON. SPENCE 'aCo,,^

• ' . i"..4f- ¦. : ¦¦ .•- - ; -n Wod lQ. W»teMtr«t-, ; ., :; . ., , „

: ' ¦• ! l - ••• •J Oflfc -DEVEBEDXi. <}ul.y, iWatiBribrd..»,'¦ ¦ ¦WIIiI,UU-WIQHTMAK ,;Keyller<t,104

• • • ¦ • . • !- 4;' Cuitom-b6uierQoay.'Waterford. ..t „

. ; . , . - NATIONAL JiIHErto HEWi YOEK. . 1!r

. ';¦ " '.,-. j LABGBSTt- PABBEliiQEIlitBTBMBHlPS. w

." . ¦ a i wik v. !.¦/'¦•*' li"" ' (•?••¦

'ti'i't "* "'*!SS" ' ' "MTT} Oronn_~ <0M g»oix»p,Thonpspa tfOO!> '• ¦•¦ «fprS''trS r.;.~V.». 400O- THBQtnEra.BriH C .**«.

,':;:T| Ss=i HflEliSl-''¦ ¦ ' " "'JV Lrmwoi/

fo N«#-Y<»»i"»w(ry 1f« Jn«dafcw'¦'•• ' • '

¦ < JTroin QCBWSTOwH, THtntt8DAY »'Vroioflioj»DpK,to

i,- , .i. .. ; ¦- » « } • ; u*y To*x every BATOBDAT.' „<* v«Ui.!J l . .-: ) i 'o aaloon'rans, JO. W.'and 16GnJnesi,atco.dleg to afoqpj;

;i. ' na ' ijiongt^flti. 'i»ein»n xic*«»"# •»» ¦*•« •- • ^ 7. .». *#' %» * vit.-.I ,. J rf i.v!vS«Bn to K«*'F«*k.'«"»!«» »: •«»'"" 'fe' f, -

I ' I I PnllJ^llH 'f^ ' '" l ' •• '* : '• ' I ' ' '< l < i t : i *ftl*J ' ' ' ¦

CJ: *J iv"K1 'iBBK'JilAH'JUJ^PUy^Bprronitrnn.a 8treet.f ¦.

W ''¦ 'JtiltBrHY.Ci.rftaCuD.b ir >v'Hfc«A»D Lvtpr,

»«-'». .''llifcriiftjftfav 'j¦¦«BlCBrti' PBtU*. »ro*oi.tiect, Fort-

jJT.wlX bl PflI)i,»»a6<11J<»»»»1M"»rr, OtoWr,lhii>fsryin j or,to,,,jiftt**-»t i««miJlft WK»;t—< J.-Xhl*m»abad Bloai>Oi»e»uilo»p.. ..;

•0 L YD B"''-B'fl-JWHI G 0 O M P AN Y., ;¦; ,v..-.r! , ._nJi|iB0 ;.i877.- :<-M;. v> .-: i . j ..¦'., "BJjff iSBTB tiff ij lQZTi 'w&tSfa* ':,W A T E E FnaR^and/I.- oi?D .0 M ..

'Via" Btratbimpton, ir loodlMi »ndfloothWe»t«n» BMlwij,!;j T 6 tt>i^:$6t> «i Nlfrid%(?wrH of.«/ UIiA£(JUW.: i*if qsii5>iy'A"ts."-N'(»-i'ri.t*i?( «"rJ-' | :

->V :\li' -ilTIHBiiiaVsatjdlBoWariBlSemriStesmer*JLab i 1 uCOPBii*i),fft)WABIt,8AHDA,

caWWw ei«9<s*JUai0W lnSr£0BX t2)£ are'f«Ai3*i<»7Sa MONJtWimtWr-. pioa>Mlii£«BlMii>ra.^DiMbys«y'aBiW»>n'ikxiiiita^MbMUiiiMtoiioXow'Veseeitl'abd »(M*afi3tolW»ti)**«rtah avietAw, fn on.^nt W ItVcfa»MUf6««torU p*e*felanyi«bdr t»t4rjo,'et for »By.««*»wjrS«*5|Nr.i5J'«.tiiiJ|':!-iitri . "

L- , ¦: pnoifwnnirtmi w QLatodw; iriday S^ p^&|JB Jj Wl *'Be: fut. ,

[,S(ar iY%il?''r ^ w'ft J'V'rje'Wjf^" ' l'|

^®4JyHT«H ' " fll; pjrt -»a d3n*i» •¦ ¦ ¦. 'v''WeiottHBy. Iltttf 'S'*' ," 1' P»# < vla'lCoA.''.' -: t •I*rfe.y\!r*!l*Wtt "i !lJ. 'ul>;5?«'vi»?0()r1r*¥d: B«lffit.' (ttraiy,-t!''inH ''S^'-1'l<5.5n 1i-lArie» ¦?¦«-'¦ ", T Safuidsy, l,"J .17tn i;.J -a .V.Bi.V''Vla:Bdrast.'

¦ •• I —•;W«ifes(!ay < «sVI

1V-'1 - 11!PM., ': Via Dublie;: • ¦'< ¦ \

!We«t*n!ayJ'1Slrt •¦u ';;'>1 -l'y.ta;,"virCot«, "; • •• j '

PridaT1, ; aa3rd'",,":;;"1,''»ia'Qort'»ii€ 'B«lrait-'•8«(urdiy;i"'!Wtlr'iV- '"l ^aiv'-TrHtwJ." •"¦'•• ¦¦¦• i •

Sstbrday, - i!.«th :„•¦' "8 p.m,';.v*Bsifiat.- " ¦ i •' Wtdi«*l»7/:'28iht ¦?' •V- > - V f: j B. - MMmr ¦'"' jl\f taniid/r? th- r.»' ! > l:b.m::-l *ia C<il'k:n . . . .Fridiy;'-<-"80tV „ :1 ; 1 l-p.ui'.,- .";vii©mk sBa B«»firt ,, ,

SittMsy;-', .J81tt lI % i ",:i; 6- .;; vW'tWfsit; ' ••

v ^BbtfdUlSQOV* !tO ' WATfcRFOBD.'• E»«>-UONDAT; TUKspiY,'W EDNESDAY, ins'r FRIDAY, at ,I fcinrfHsil to Greenock, 0 p.m. ' '¦ •'¦

Moti."—Tbeot'cttstrt 'eo Tandsy »fd: Ptldit go tii Cork:1 t '< ' ' >jtOM 1W'ATKK»-O«l>TO 'BKljV'At>T; , .',. jETefy'yR7DAYi Vi«'Cork, .' ' . • ' . - . I «t; p.m.

1 E»ery bATUSUAY;direct.' ¦¦¦ > ¦ . - .¦ -. •:. „i :. at 1 1 p.m/> < ' BEL>A8T I TO I WATEBJORD, direct. • "

K«rjTHDH8DAT «ni op MONDAYS, tUbas »ihi• ' ¦

i . .¦; ¦ i ^ - i ;. . \ i -...M«rcb. : . > ' . l : ¦••


(Ffoin .WAtERFORU TO DUBLIN, direct! ••Sury yVEDVK SDAY. ... ' ' ^. • all PJD.,

, ' DVBLtN to WATBnFOBD, TU Cork. ,' I Erwy ' WEDMESUAY «d v »ATDBDAY.i ' ;,

' ' KKOM H'ATKhKORl) TO COKK. ' i ' •'fitery WBDNliiSDAT,' . ' > • • !/ . at I pja;E«er} KRJDAY, i • . ' . .- .. - . ; atl p.nj.¦• ¦ : • »KO 11 CORK TO WATKKPOBDjdiract.l , . .

. . ,Etery TUK8DArand . KKlDAY. . . ;¦'¦ ,;•. : . . . WATEBJOBD TO .^ONDON; . . "

11 .Stapler to boutbsoiptob, thtoet by London and SouthWnir'rD rt»..'»«v tn.KiDt K]uu 8l«tiOD ,'»tTbrno(ih!Katei>,

. Eutj BATUKUAY »nd WEDNE8lTAY8. 7tb and .. ,. ,

LONDON TO WATEI(KOKD-E»ery TCEHDAY, '' ' 6ood> - Hetriird ttmiiy oHbe^CecrininrJHui) ie"bf tbtl.oodoii 1 H tut i '&wth W'Hero Kiilray Coopaoy, Jand stN!nei£Jnj» blst twu op lofl^O j.m. ,. ¦ ¦. .; .,' , |


• . . .WAIKHfOKl J lOil'LYMOUTU. direct , .¦„(::< Etsry SAlUliUAY.aud WEDNESDAYS, 7tli »nd,.^y

21»V Jlnicb, it 4 p.m, ' ' ; I¦ILYMOUT U ' 70" ^ATBItFOKD, directi '

, Eteiy' apjn; ' - 'WAl'KHFOUD loiSOOTHAMPTON, via PlymouUi, iu Evtrj 8ATUKUAY nod on WEDNESDAYS, 7tb and

: • '¦ i ' 21tt'M>vcfa,i >Ci pjD. . i ..\' , " ,SOUTHAMPTON TO WAlEKKORD.via Plymoutb,¦

•- . . • ,. Emr « EDME6DAY, at Noon. . r¦ .Tima.SKamcrt bats excellent accocnmodittou for p«MD-

,ger». . PASSAGE-MONEY. . / , . • ¦ 'Oabis/Batsnt. Deoi

Waltr.'ord (o (ilnntor or Belfast 17». Od.' Sttl lOt.i(Vrk ... 9« i Mil 6t-¦¦ '

¦' DuMin; ... lOi. 15»i .6s .- ,

. ' Plymouth and Southampton SOi. ) 80»J 10i. ,¦ ¦ ' • >:(iondoo, . ... .: ; , 86s. . . i : «r| 16i.Children aboveS and under 12 year* of age, half-fare.•¦ ifcT -NOTE.—Tbe Cijdo Bhippinj Corappuy Insure allGoodf Bbipptd b/. tbeae Lines of bttiHun/nt 8» id. perceDt'to 2V«d«r» 1/arisg- rearljr acre*mroU, and St p v'eeox torx *'caiionil 8Lipptn->iJues deelirid it time kf llilp.'tnent. Forun and ill Information to b»1iid" it'tb* QOCNI, for Katei of Kreigbt.Ac, iipply to -J. C. 'Pi»x»«vrbv''Belfast j Hnir J. Wiinro. PJyruoiitb ;|U.,.Yf«WtLUa*«, London tod Sootb-WcKterD RailwaytA^ptpr,,

'Elfttr BuiMingi, Artbur-«tr«ttjW'rtt,<nd t*«ifritjerivir j -Houies tbros«boat London ; Cijda tjbippirn ptw4<4 V p f zC«ei{-aUcat,,Liiii<rickt SoOlhamptoo |87^d«n;tliu<r4Jia«iiiB. snd Psirick's Qttsy.Coai. ..,. . ., •;. . , ! «rfa f»* , . XhXDH SKIPPING COMPAifY, " j ..f>>*-

, , . . . , . ,, ,' CoitoBi ;Ilo'ns«'Qttay; WateH«rd< '{,. Special Fora's of Bills of Ladinx' retalted Vj/ tile Clidt6V)ppiBg Coropwjyto *>• b»d 'rom tnvAiEMrts. ; -A-nrix t

WAl!2E^M|8rEiJIS^ 0ipA Yii'

; ; , , . ^ii'v j'iaiiiiiiMt 'K . . :? ; ^^^QIPSY. LABA, fll^ d APOEtiX).;*CLIO•i'Td ''>'¦' \TPTiCE'.--.Th5vja.tirfipr«isJte imibip

«i«fc<|s^r;iljiiConipanyj»ceiT«JCoodaJ Xor,:.8 liflnwfas^ ^ r«n ltt»e,roU«wiaa;X«»f,fS1?.?7?h<' '"•"T"

.V«ui'i,ir)ib JlbsHy tpjoir^bjpi u«d call »>r,ttl vffp tl*snetwilj notpfl aoamnMl>|eTorMnnes'tetoafeearii uftin,delVj, i&aeoto:oribe 8«as;'lUTera Ftte/tbeQ* B> SB»>mittidefectlT. Navi tiod^raseidnairoa.'uy i'dbs."nor [or»By l<Juwhtcital*bl KnvebeenioMrsdbyla.arsncj,ttDr for'UtV^Biaaa^&i tio^QsUU^'toreonftaaW'any Parcel* o? Packagw,. unlais apecisUjf «ot«ied, aid/MffoJ'orem Freigbl paid. '¦ Goods not moored to bjBtoWa* the"

ritk^nd eipenteot tbi Consiffnees. ,,..<! \if f o-lrC^v?'... i . . \V A^K.BFQBP n ANU,, BBISTMLVH r"1'Krom Waterford to Bristol s , \ JiomDrtstol to WaUXbriK;• ¦• ', ' ¦Dtaicr'V- "'" - ' " ¦ '- ' toaet: j M av«lTuesday, Feb. S . . 11 HomlTTrnrsday^ Maiilu.l TiKocsiTuudar, ! ;*.'i3 —"¦* .AffnlTharjday.i . W U« »il MoraTntolaT,. „, 30 ... ,11, Korn Tlmrxtay, ..; IS -i« < MoraTueadaj . J! .27 J\i- Afr/ntoaaayJ' 'M'.-flO-lS*--r—~. . r ,,, -- . . .. ~. . n^Bnaay -.' a* •-.Jtea-i! .i. ..: •.,. :•.. ! . . . -^poJBZio'or OWO^i'JJil'*.-! •iuof^

ftom*W«Urtord to Brtatol Frvm Bristol to WaUrfocd,¦•- '¦ . '• ¦ •¦¦'"'Diwrtj '; -••'•'•¦¦'« i eaUi»i'a».Pe»broa# P»ek.;vf;Wday Mar/- ;I«II :.; ,« ;I» roffca«jay,,l(ajr.; « ,. Wl'Jto»

Friday ,7' » ~!i *: AWrrtSadaK «<J « Alttal

'trlday"iV->rf » -»"8i Mouv r Vj' .lj rtJ' itiiii :.>i>t3K»'¦¦ ( On esriy Momrtfe Baiiioft,tbt Cabin ol.t uSUaurq

ers will bi Open to receive PaiatBpntmvilicfro Dlondonb, tb. JlfkbtilaUTraiB ,^»i^Vv«'Ha.*U "V

i'' -7. Cabin.J>r», It* W.1 f8»nwtpj ITriTilBai,! lib ?M>k

liis). aBd:.CIiildiu.lU|. Od^.B irn Js^W tojIojMtwomfinlbs/, %., iChi dreji ni oj tw.)re, ),4V> th BW* 'to returu rirotti Dublin? fcorky or Vaxiord, !«8sJ ICbildreiiond.r (*elf». ^KS(twlrd f rMcltta^r:l


( il.O(l..FemeW i'lifn^tbe L'sdies'CnbKiJ f;**'*1

!- ":u.*,iu bk-hBrtinaloB of tine granted on an ivtttstlaketica tbe Wlow-,,

.For e. JortpiKbtr-?*.NUd..,| (andifjrjyWjjSi "gjj***,•:>• . .!•! ¦ ,, w.^v:i- i|5/«i5>»»»'t»*»vn»(i-v;jii:( |j.> v..v<;.i;"i¦-. .' HV A'T E K If OBDI*A«J)i iL.l,y.*B. P q'

uOXrj \,.-, • . i¦ -.: >u>x wiTik»o»j>;a i(0 W%iH»*»*ooi-1 ,',*».;!j -MI».. . liar. 2 -rr U KanBaterdav.. Kar.r-OSBidVn1

frUar • " » ";i™ M"« •*5KJt«'1vl4B ! - 8 Alt*.Mondar, ; , . li - 11 Mora WtiatO»T,; J.i -10 MenS A"i8^aBB?dk^?»Wda7 ' '' .."a ^"« Sori lal!wi5J%?'W»3-: «.A«JVenae? .?"j',r <H -'••ll.Mori Wed«esiay, w t«B|j-^*gs*i

^ ,e. s#^ i||fii«iGoodt rabahad at Clifw^MwptW, i«Vit. i

tmuH IHB


fAIC rV/ir /SfB X<<B££S . JOJ? MAB0B


! Ths ibortesl ronU Irojsi .Watir'ford aw) Xilktnny toSn la,Atbloot, r< itanna, Panca«town',«f nsasju, li tlaMirubcio'.

t (''13s Imftowd <ml«k sod, t(iroagb dalt|r.eemmaB(saUoa bo--waaa-iU/itciDfltJijSadjOWlir ilfi(ODf tO_Wai«rfonl, thinoin<If»ir Mllford taLemdoa and all •tatwrwaVik* 8reat watt.

'efarallikajol Eailand.' i v l i .¦¦"¦ " ( ' •¦• | > '- > ' i n I " ' 'i i /Tbe &9D'D0Tfn andoVWp.m. UpEiOttnlonTralnijdi*eontiaaed. . ' ' , ; . n , ,

• — ..:... I*OH.WAI«*TOJID. - ¦ ,. -,.. ., • .¦

I >,''" •"• I T»»l»ir QW win T»JTS'. ' ¦»»»«<

.' _ OI" I la a IknlUlla?! lSA3|lf4»iTiTioae. ciait Olata. Olal., Olaai. 01 i« Okia,' ' "" *.»» r.Mi.' >.«;• r>jk nih.0 °pf o:.¦ ' •'. ; » m n m Km lb' ia h a Um

-\V»wrIon)^*~rlW 7 1» 3- c.O 1 .• *>•• * ¦> Ij^n- U < 0 ., ,-Kllo«ci«_rii_^u. 1,tS 4 1U, .4,1©. ,,(_ , 1 13 : ..¦",MalllDSTSt «_ w» ,J> ., -, Ho _ 12 1IJ ..

.•B.ll7hale__ii.r.f_r X3e 4..4Q, — IS fc, ..3annwmiJ|ir=Ks •«¦»: »rf- 1~«- — -»•» {.., •Kilknay ~—T*i"f> » ,«» » V" KiO" " —T "1 4" , L:-

'*Uyr»«t«J».Si--|A»*. r *;»e if**: ;;-,' :-J<ii. . i,.. ,fe^«i:ISSii teAraicorowtfSit^** lo I * 41! T'M' " " '(•••

iSBiisi? ^Boserea _ U 34 — « a — ... I...PaMonitoWD «..,„. 1J « — 0 0 — ... ; ... -FwtaaaaU.'^U_l£M.'U 1» U r«l *iO — ... ! M 'HstaatiiiiiiM.Hnw iS-aJ -_ -&-W ~— .__ .:. •«Templemors »...r.."; r=- -v "Sir -—~ 10 « |...;IJlall«a y.iM»TTip«»< 1,-ae ;/-j-l g 34 , — ( 11 13 .:<!_:

'. . —^KLjrtTJr»«M U»_ '

'- . .

' I 1 ¦¦

• ¦ • . . • . < ¦' , t ) i i n>v i » > I .» I . snxaart .a»i»ioiir 1 U]IK AS1 •*- «< • S I . A I .

*" - OIM>. Olaas. Class. Ola*. 1 i <c3 13«»¦ ¦¦ xj t , A.M. ijt. ».«. Class. 0)>u

"niMeeiUl'aVparfery-¦(- .- ' 7 10 ;vi <|:«' i - « 2

¦«eaa.hJ.'.-..V.'..i1.7.: -!- ' «ao ' ' .;! :l'T0 ' -' —roFlnain«.i.>.>»»,— . .. . ' «j u - .,,_ ,, , i_ n , .. —

;f5ffloiislow n „ _ . s «o , L. 1 so - i -»>«"» ;....-

¦„¦.;..¦ • _ 1 J3" -"111 •- -> • —'* 8S» '— ': S'W — 3 2t,*)MnM J .HetH>atu.. ,-,, . — , S |i . ,r. ¦_ I ._ ,

publlD :±,~!pnriurt _ ' 6 0 » , 0 1 0 - 186Fi>rUiHD(li)a'*lwei 'B "¦ 8 8 1U i3 - i *& '—- .' It-13. Mmry t>onr,*nH±df m .—- . eii lO Sui B- e ¦

-* IIM, .flpwii .TaAi^a. - . .— , , . Ualiai*a , — '.'.¦Mirybaro'tUs r'on — 8 40 10 M' 3 80 .; 4 0

'AbbejliU:-..MW.i.i.v • ' H ' O 10 61' il«: -„; I 4 Hi: A il»n*ch ,».......;.. _ , O-.U, _, . , « ,s .„ : .4 35. Bsilvu.jet .....,.. ]

«li 11 16 4 14 ... • 4 45KilktoDy :;:.arrtrmt ' _ " » «• Ji 4o 4 88 ;;; ( 9.10

;U l)o •. .. adn. t jo/ 10 .». u 46 |(« e-Sti

¦?IBJ'*W.'"W.i :T 44. Jil l*, ,.- ., * ' 3 , ... ,6'«. Ibo6j..u,wn _ 6 « I0 4S iS 's » JO ..; , ;S 4|Ballybsle wV.......... » «¦ Hi 40M8 II J W ... i 6 e

.Mullu,»»al m ...,,y. b«0. ,l ,:0: —:i » iO. . ._> ' 6 2J

WsKirlord'U.' lgrrlM/ > 30, 11 30 l ' O » JO ' ..'. 7 0

. SwcUlrnjan. cbati J,to,,FV«i.»ao:e«M>»4C(ai«r<w*a-B«i« booklD» 10 yatel bj ,lbe Xzpreu Mail yralsi o* GiaatBooibera and • Wwtem Uoa."lIi '.'"'

™ ¦'¦¦' ¦ » <" "•¦ '! t . v «. :vi.TJttsU.lsiBid totlSletle> Joutntjr arai atalUWtonlyloi tb's

MM7b«n>c(avl >bb»^W«f'i&tUMgb, a«d flall7ralgl*S py °"Mtda.**; down,Tiata,aMilab>s Jo»,r,\»n> b,.»b..4,h»n>. opustn iin 4aievf tuns. . Vaica—,«lr.» .CI»H, 18«.. b«ooi>.» Ulaia

U'lBtlaraaMlwu ai«u*n«d {Mtvcsri aa)r«4<>,auckMaaf!>ilablf<Lfor ,Us dlte of. laniitand ,<laj,fuyqwini; ,<tiow. tuued lor aojrd/»rane«"«ie»«diiij SffmlLs wlll bl' •V»M«b« for return on tbeda, «( iwua' aad'iU*Uw* »olUr»iD» d>>» j I aotf lot dlnancai ex-CBtdinj IUU miles, itbaMut a»»)Kbl)> lot I»1BIO pn tbrj d»j ol¦nag and (bt (bit* lolloaini dtit—SnBdajt noi reokuned.Btutra Tloksu UWnid tm Saurday are retarnsble 00 baturda/,a» ndai, ,or Monday.^; ; , ; , , . , , . • V i .. , ', -. ,-, ¦• , i : •

. . . ¦ ¦ :; " .„¦• .. i •• . -. . . . . . W.,'WllUAKl, b««ielarT.

WATiBFOltD AND UMBB1O£BAILWAYTT.'¦!¦', ' " . 'T ' . jryiWiijiwI.;;1 ;'- ¦ j

i' . . • . . 1 •¦ , Ta^Ua on ivrxtx V^TS. .. ' I 8dr.' t ¦ ¦ • . , ( ; . ..- - . ataj i ti ' i smu . { JIOII¦ w,i«B»oaD nan a i t i t t i i ii ui is,tTO UM.IOE. CIMI Clan. Clau Claas Claae Claa. Out' ¦ i ¦' '.:> i f- . A jj. A M .,,«.: 'r,n, rJ(.i rji. n

WalerMH- den. ,4 15 8 60 U 46 a"t« 8 SO . _ ' 8 30Curtdc-en-Smr. J au 8 40 12 17 3 »3 tit ../ Il ls

'Clonmec_V _^. 7 '« to So IS 44 4 4 10 u ...' 10 0iT(pper»t>.. j .™ a li nut i<ov. s-.» less _' 1 1 as, JonotU»M. an,lf I ( U 11 40 1 10 6 8U U U .„ U 5SOn nu- actual 1 U < U l<» l« o 1 g „ • 0'Uifalt ii'arWtal 1 30' J u ' a'SS 9'l t' l i '¦_; »• 0¦•WblbDS.i.i.flep. f«.v >•' 0 W.» 'I< .° <> 7 44 : ,..' 7 4*Co»k...;_»..i M.» «. • •¦'». j';...-., a,4s lu «, ... k..i iv - cJnnctko_,..v_ 8» U l» » 2 » »4 i 13 S3 ..j 12 33'MtoeHtiaC&Hnl i»-s7l4t)s*a. SU » 6o. 4 8U ... 1 ¦ A

t J-«yt Jf= ^:.>;. ,jffi W i .-^ ijj,,-. <j,-,to(- .jip rJU'©SrSPni* ' J; W iTw TTF TTB 3*3" iSTo'Bltttt»S]»frtf»J 7 16- B*' llifr1 J W 1 H 6» ",4 i lljtiBikllnitijj.'ii , i r:~.h a la; J.ltv U tA v*"» :i- - «¦- «*M*JPJw»r»fHf ,»«-« ,-c.V. ,J j{.. ikifi! iwh _.i •¦ [( 45

« :'W5SK»sBas»s"Ofc^Mti-VlSI c» i* -^:* l.-tu-siw Js<au "J.,. *> MCar'ri«)I.U.iit2u )» 4U. • U'.< ,St Si. *¦»& f SiD ,ij..; 8 , 0Wa««i/ora...«H»<ilu S3 . JL4& | 8 U S 48| In «.4J

'S i lMiStffii fflS^60. , -sCvtrqC^J , B0»rt

tl, TftBj Mtai»rr

"ol ', ATia»t)BX>vAi»D;TR*k'<mBiBAiii^A1y/ '

] '» '- , U |i«i'jy l. pial l»|j.ip*1 ""T" TJT nWTi1 T?T' Taf1 VV Vm ¥i u;"*v»*a •a"*- «i«5' ft'-tr »i •*¦ !<• « <5»<7 'U • o • ityw n ni »lii-i»i|ia-jv \-4 *ulH ~*\,7 m >»l —

'1 "- ',"?JJ ?^lfliVy.l|W"«V»'flWtf«y'' 'tol''.'V^11 '• •-'• '."•¦SSi:|jj& isa,, *a za za isla t: JJE. i°:XQlloalAW Ai 1? ife a >4<»-, A m n rn hut bm h n

T»OI»I o, 0 I 8 u U«4s I a "0 I < t|M?-o|el'e I'ul Ol e su;'"'' iKallOala i f',?,".i'.i.-J .: • J O(J-#;Bi£fci .Besti>aii ;'T'«;li nil •«.•» Ij J .rr t i ' l - '"I - «i"!l I n .,1., . r . . I . < '

;, kvMOST.DKaiBABLI OmCE- otntrallj located. Zl onntiw.tMJMperW.StJpt -iMaUj. in'which the,Jfatal.aaluWtirnphl tf .WM ttywwtadiiuiiir)Utel«<- Inu»e eJ|)Qaae(MM» cwily.M- ' i ' '•" •''

t,i,'Apvlxl .tJ»eBw/pi;,rti»JwparW fljotel., : [rab9 •

;;r aowiiow* SrtctAoi s- • -

(Wbo baa be*»j|tjt»*».prof«aslooallj establUbad n'riebiluj;3JI3.BQB.jto o-uMon th«iPablio,««»niBt tab* riw,< JaJi>lieU UwloooiiBcniiaipwn, a»4 Mly si m sctnred

.delri»e»talito.yi«ien, >ibsi SDabtte aim :aerjoa* rttHl«j fe^&n^^^^Wfttf! br sliSiUlW WUtaneeVwkSrfc BeitkW'.i eostneie,« o ,»B<>r1di« or,}sBde»i!.ttaadtaB4s|e elenNUiitWbii ¦eooratf op't(wS(.ef tptaa*<MfOlaaeaMo| MiXM¦fii»hU (a;«siV%-^U>«peeJ>«»t itb«il!k i*-''ssssssasisaaRassSjaeiasB^

IMPa lSPt 3mlr«N»iR, i jgSSl

1.Mi / .".>;¦> . ;[:;.' : • : ; ; y » r .T. TO - . J I ¦ . I

i'-i . . l.''. j ¦

• ; ! , 1 . . , . ¦'¦

1 . )V -A'.. . .. . .

" • -i 1 '¦• ¦ ¦; :¦ ; i :¦ ' ..< .lb;i;..i . . . i i

F^ TOSiaST cSc SONS SIPECIAI* NOTICE• . . i- .K f.^iy.,: ;.. 1 .

;CLr0THI;B B8;'sp'ii d ¦' OUTFITTERS.u . i r . ij -. ..: '.: !.: i i « J t.»i.|. ¦ ; ' : ; - :.: / : . . •- .•

' • < -i , . :i8HIET-MAKEBS,.HO8IEB8, ABD";, . ¦ ! . :!. ; ' : i -,- > u f i ' i

¦¦ r, i:' i>i. ..; '; ' ; . . j


"' Beg rvapeotftilly to annoonoe >the Botnrn ofn;..(Mj ii.o'i" «.ii<l.;i:l .l*J .u.if?|l:i J..'il"..!.».. > ..••¦ ( t "a»vu« uuuuvu| vuw iv . fvw. , V* r'^HIUKUIUU >nuu UVMbqluUy aQU WHO — .' j ~ r

' l^fr^ri cd . ^irJriabl^SeieotioJi pf (fe^s. .?*" " ' * «^%S«rtftipo. « . ; . . i;-.;; . -i . .,. , v . : v r .v vjpjfijou x ,. .. -, ; , - , :;' ;—¦; • ;_ _ , , _ . - . , M U»-J&.''«if.- 3«*T,*M*, buf

; '¦•¦¦i » » ' - - ... . . .,- ¦ ¦:.v^Jtyv i .-. ij i.f i -i :i , r .- !¦; i.- • . ; . •;¦: . . . .. . i -vi . . : „ ../. ,.> ,-. -,:.i i - , > ;o . . . "..I

';' /;,-1 ' A} oontinnanof bf Jdtfr'Vaau«d Orders will be rjjtjch'bstee'niea

li ''I1** B»»w»ae will .becarried •

'aad maefc with proinpt .tid caroful attention.' . . « i ;. ' . . Z «»".»^W!«»V ftWO ;."-' :T; ¦¦ ^- ^,- "/Of; t »^"i'i"'j : ¦ • ! ': V 'v ; : - : '•'•

'¦ • ¦ iligbteet'"inopnv«i)tebo»/! ti)i b-..

".::=IT i: / v;. . :.;,,¦

- : f - .; ; :1 . . .


: ' - a*-1*"

- -¦¦ - ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦- ¦

' < "«

''- ¦

' ¦-;¦'.

«'i t '^-u-v. J . :. . . , -

¦ , ¦ : !¦:.;-- .. . = • ; ; ¦ . - • • ¦' : ¦ -j .

'"i > .? ¦•".» -.L „•> 1 1 . : ¦• . ¦ . <* " . . ' ' ¦ -i I •. ¦ ' '.

. ' ¦¦ '¦ . ia,:'i3auxi.(A«

•yjn E .havegreat .ploaspre in aoquaioting'01 ir Friends'aua' tbe 'poblio .that Mr. HENBY HOLAHAN,T:f 1 .'> : ¦ < ao long and 40 popularly known to tbe Lioeneed Trade, bas become!a Partner of our Firm,: the Title of vrbioh in future will bo' '

VAXJGH: AN <Sc -IEa:CDIuaftiX33JA.3Sr.¦y We trust that by unremitting attention ta all the details of our Manufaotnres, they will retain the

' • ' • • ¦ • • ¦ b'igh charaote'r they have already (obtained for Pnrity. and Excellence of Flavour.. . . With many,thanka for past favors, ¦ - I

'.' ¦ ' • ¦ . We^arei'respectfully,' • ' • '•.'':'." : . ¦ . . i , E . ,. R . ;

V.AU.:G,H A N it . ;o ,o - » . : .: . ." M"1 1st Japuary, 1877



ON MO ST R E A S O N A B L E T E R M S; . ' ¦ ' • To tho Trade and Public .

GARDEN ;AKD FLOWER SEEDS. " ' .: Onr Stock will be found to contain everything worth. Qrowing t all NEW and GENUINE, from oneof the Best Orowore. KO OLD 8TOCK8. 1 Prices very Modtrate. Carriage raid ou Seeda over a

.Guinea, in value. Out21».,JQs.6d., and 6s. Ct>lleotion« oifioJVVy.gqjwl value,; { .(. ; . . . . .- .;; ;

¦., . ¦ F A B M SJJ ^D S, . '" '

. .- rt^"T?l?,»iw ?ettins to hond iB Fine Condition, and. are.determined to Purobaae only the BEST• QUALITIES and faom F1B8T.CLAB8 HOUBBS. ,

! t > ::

¦ ;:. . ; . :. . . - • . M A K U E E S . ¦ . . . ' : ; 4


«?Jj,S? «wl°Si that we'*re tbBiONL T Af/eriU'in; Waterford for the DUBLIN AND WICTE&OWMAHUBE COMPANTS OHLEBBATBD MANUKES, whio b have proved themaelvea. in the bands ofpraotioai rarmere. superior toaU othere. . They are also Home Made. ' '

(. •;- We would epeoially direot attention, at this season, to the POTATO MANTJBE, afoll supply of whiohwe have on hands. A Cargo, io a few days/ of. ASSOBTED MAIJTJBE3, wbiob , we offer ex-Ship at aBeduotion of 2s. 6d. per Ion.

N I T R A T E OF. S O D A .We are now booking Orders' for r this , valuable Manure for forward delivery. '

; " :, .;• A \ , I M P L E 'M E N T S . . . ¦ . .. . .i- We have full Stook of and would advise Agrioulturiats of the advantage) to be iorivod from dealinrrwith ui, aa we make it a rule to <n»O satfafaotion to all oar Caatomera. . . ', . .:

¦ • • . ; . ; s»,p; !TB ,-, «SB ,, i.o o T;x BB. , . : . . : . . '. ; . , ., , K.i .. , ¦& SEED, MANUBE, AND AOBIGULTDBAIi IMPLSIIBNT JtBBOHAllTS,• fi8-i8.; ¦ '.; . ¦; . ¦ " i, '86, BllNGJStBIET.'WATEBJ'OKD.' ' :"- '-^ *":^ :.-.'. —


:: f* \ :¦ I: ' P'- i. - Pi^ P RH ei j,'1 ::* ;.':. . ,, ,.. . ..tiuTUJno a xiiioi .TEi .


WZMQQT&JMP^MMPS *' ' -:BBGM—W£EHE ALL-0LA6BBS PAN :BE SUITED, >^Cfl'tt -Meidernto nii'ftt;- 1' 1'' - * > '¦ • ¦'".<• ¦'(¦ •• -• > • '


i i'LARQE: A STOCK.; ' :. SO MANY VABlETlE8rTb SBLEC;, :;: v'. :-< : i • - ¦¦•: - $arf;'AiA!-rm

¦ "¦{" . 39, BAKRONSTEA¦ ¦¦ • 11, . , '. .) • - . . 1 .<t . i . . y ) - -¦

,.' :¦• . , . . . .,, , ¦

u a j ; . > : ¦/ '¦[ ' :;- / ' 'IlBTMSlJaiaasxB--KILKElWY iso 'CASLOW. . jl8-T


"*ff "f Have Aealyzed'aSpeolmenof HetirsV.UlA. 4 Co.'s.WHISKEY, forwarded to

that purpose by Mr. GOTISTOPHK* WOODS.11gbf)d old Whiskey,' free, from Fusel Oil and otpnntiei, and poaaessed of an ezoellent flavor, a

ne fort l»! aler im-id guod



; , , " 0HABLE8A.. 0AMEEON, M.D., F' ¦ in the Bojal College of Surgeons j

• " •¦'* Offleer of Health/ and AnftlyM tor"To Mr0. QHII»TOHH«II WOODI,' i ¦¦'?'#¦ :¦- Wine Merohant, 8, Oook treet,Oor,k''

uwO msWFB&m 8.HIBT.8 are,iiow reedyft

" \™r1rl\ llordinary•ubetanoe. \. * - . , ;

ll vl 4 i>:|Wi?i«..Weliv. a superb Stookrf£ftil A I. iiteJIf J: ft /jrL.jj Knitted i.J»oket»i;aad [wnrm1 tbe T.» :iL !lv.:; ..|!_'iV/ /.ilVrt ' i5.?'%'.WirdSMrll?lit P*"*Jv'oofb- , T ^

TM B^WTM 8^k»,.s ]S pgs. .. «iidl ,r

IM,'. l) fn it .i M: ,- !',i-ih\0U M M *Mi$tntdn>a >t) W :serfy ird8IJ iV.4,l« j«i,i sWJlta|'. >Q.:--.r; :.; . . ¦ • : ¦


_No. /. U :-. i .1 ;t P.uTOBIlir .j* SONS; ¦;' ¦ ' •".•'.,/ .<tun ¦ , (Mrfl»MP™^ :[^


;•: ¦ ¦F;:E.IE.^II),( OF

¦ A"L;L"|-' M ..»^Knoxen. ¦ in all. ip<irir 0/ U« -VforU.,.«JoWefc oar (BwwdyJJ H'd d 'AVV8''" s,. ¦'¦;

r . ]jt jmiTrw';i OTira« ,Bi0QD.—These ,wo: idbirfal

Pijir are'valoedxtjtba bumblest bsartbi as Well i s in tbe.uoo-e»; »flosmfort 1 sod wosUljj-Iteoi.jWofk ia i boroufbpai ticMilon tbraarti thi wtole •yst'«D, witboat d:i 3rd«fiofiWilniDrtlMiloil of ifjy orisDj'ino 'sYKlwie.tbo r<|iMiofieomplaiDU wh^bmnilflD leiu 'of thousand to an serly

.yBa^wkiiwv'birwiarif; CoB«. ii»V-CJ« DI .-NOf«asjaair/rjBOHt'fr*taaetf ,'!V Biorsdsttfar<os (banslfcetioDi ef • tbe reiptratori' orgsns j i no conditi in girrs'.'W is«r»'!st«t 'fc.ladldi tbsn'ia8iiBp«a-;C41 I.'?- .Tb.'

•tb»t iy/«,lifciWi-, ',lir,«;Vlrco*'»<l br-tbtts i .nownad

iP istate, tb» eBtiis8.bmUiip>, »>><1 Viable,,tbaj: w od-pipsajU laofiWI.Mrlotsa tbsirtaoctkttsjwitb tau ai d Lngu-'^WMf.kjpiM' tbiH,J>»jrifji»t*t">P«'i«»V'i'»«u« [be.¦,Ms4i,]f6«ii atf ttnntica>fitHhwfatt|ty tkasjrstrai afalutCli r^ a|a d:ofb«-pal«^ary,r.»*»rUinu.- ,fc D«m4 t,.!;Xoas;t;pf.,Arm«?«, Hi*p*j)M, VA»»JfWliai,uf 1gt»it«.-Tbe ,»Pia.1.,W I,-u4:i I ' W «UM,.s*eva trol. woadsrfol ebeD|. Io DekilitaUd Con lUtntiena•<ar;»HtlK tbtir'ticttiD.1fe»M«),.as Upqr,«rwle 1 fcsaltuymtf \Iti/oorrrctClodiCTstioa,'rweow turn* ol h la. orjr-.m i li^ ' b»aaseks,-VJi iTtbose

anci UMM»«iiaTOii"' 'Jftamat^TwiraMi: >. Ou*U- ¦^VXIiJ ^ - 'BLWitMSSSSL LiWL^Ui Cl; •¦n

•kp2 *lM«iH-JntoKivSiMbooi,] **§timt*¥;Jmif^^Mt't .' ftiiT lTWrsir * - - 2S2&8.tkSajr^arealBfsloabls, Uiw a:-,o«ts i,*,iaal. ft4.iid[ H«<a*l -ii- ,.JrWL.'gBr n'in?,g?!li< IBjygH 251«'ttap*y,«sWaeb», »lDitam> oi ikW tH,a«(r < 1} »«rfoa» g^ ffiMESHB Saffi4 ™ —!-T*'iSfertwrtaw istisasiBi at ttoarjtetiesVAfT» ^ . ^ IW?g2^ fe>Mfe^^a '

S^ SimS ifl' SH SSBle?S!pi



HATTEBS,. ;. .¦' - ¦" - : We take tbia opporjiun ty

one. 'of ;their Firm • itoiriformybu.that extensive

Scotland, arid 'ihe ' • ¦i'M»««io"s to; ¦Vront of

SOU ARE, ' DUB ilN- ; ) • :- . ¦ • ¦ ¦

^^SriJJiifariP^ -T p L o H a

(JLOTHBBIBTB, with fonr.rold fronts

' and Oufls of pu>M>inen,'f9f>"per half-dozen. Fit warranted

' < - ' OirrrCa»bnHtt'rFiiiira}i;8aiBit are very warm'.'andpleasant to-; th*l feel.: .'jWe

/.make^tbea) with non-ebriakw

t -^ j They willM Tousa a> great __ improvo-:¦ meat on'thla ordinary Flanneli Shtrbi."'"-11 ":1 ; j vy»L On*, Soft Twill NIG&T,

¦¦:..-/. .'.... , -i VOB } i t - I . . ....MShirts imdi Hosiery

;3. '. i. i 7?; AI J : iM !, . ¦i 'Ki1iP t>. i^'r>"r.r^ "vr\;:V - .; l»ja0;y6f>|jyf|t .

:V . ¦ . :.

: A 'N EXTJJNB1VJB J STOOK of rtsHlNO T±<?fjf ,, ,r ^ioomfA iag-irhrj. article j*«iAngl« owi riqair*.,

:'' A'gmtt)vtritVto 4.ieo«> froni,'and at most w»

Vfewii^A;:^ JrS IMW si'r1 » ¦'& i j^,.:f Ptotuxf, JflMUjmp^ awiry escriptton in ufaot«redou'the premises. v!i 1 .Jtv;.H^'-;'':i'•-v.. - .> ,, i ; - ri»';.'|)'.

THE GREAT pLOBE HOTSL,' . . DUBLIN (Established 40 Yoara,,

, i, 5, 6, ana 7, LOWEE BBJDQ&STBEEr,¦- ,.. . .WCHABD .COI FEY, Proprietor.

fTTllJE. above FISST-PLASS HOIEI, has, been nearly, Jl.i , I"ain ed,.Papered, andxe3)eooratod, sovorol addi-tional Booms added, and fitted up.*ith all modernlim-provementa in a superior style of oomfort and elegance,and 'oontlnues to receive 'the'' undivided pars nal'attention ' of Mr. and Ursi1 Corrsr.' From ibi fon-tral position it will be- found most convenient: tori tho.visitor/being in the immediate vioinity of .-the LawCourt*, five to ten minutes' drive from any City Eail ayTerminns, and a few doors frojn King's Bridge TramwayLiqe. ., 8w)pliflB ofJI fiistrclaas quality. NotwithstanaingDresent high rates, tie terma will be found mort'mbde-

. rate. . Breakfaata from 1B. 3d. . Table d'Hote, 2s. i onweek days'at three o'olook ;' on Sundays at five o'olbok.Beds, Is. 6d. eaoh. • - i ¦' ' ' > >:¦¦ i . , .¦ Oentlemen'a Coffee and'Smoking Booms. Ladies'Coffeeand Private Sitting1 Booms. . . i : I

: .II Accommodation for 180 persons. : A Night Porter ini atieadanoe, and all Servants paid by tbe;Propriobot. •"'':;'j il: '-i • ¦: v'1 '' < • ' ¦"-

¦ • •' ¦ ;' :V i ¦ : ' : 26.1y

ii' vli ¦,."\ "Tho)':"£urbwan 'Hotel. . '.' ,'., , . !.'STI rrBBB ti JJUBLIN'Wl&Bfnd at tie Eu^ppjiAN,. V. ,,, BOLTON-8TBEET, first -olaes aooommodajion,.with,moderate oharges 'and assidnouB'attention .'

Large and elegantly-appointed LADIES' COFFEEBOOM. ¦



¦ ¦" '. . ;


' ¦

ffap" Grand BANQU 5T HALL for Fublio Uinoera,WeddiDg Breakfasts, BallB, Suppers, &o.

Bestaurante—Billiards. Beds, 2s. 6d., 2s., and 1B,6d. -• ¦ •.' . . [m31-tQ

J . M O L O K T , Proprietor. . .¦ 'BRAZEN^HEAD HOTEL,

30, LOWEB- BRIDGE ¦8TSEET, DUBEEST,TTNDEB. new managemeD.t,* tborougbiy renovated,\J ' coDtrair end 'xoDTonieDt;' combining Clenhlioess

and Comfort tb ObeaptHtes. ¦- . ' • ' ' ,Beds, la. to Is. 6J. p» nigbt; Breakfast, Is. to lsf 6d.;

Dinner from In. 6(1.; Tea, 10d.' Jameson's five yearold Malt, guaranteed, 4d; per glnefe. Table d'tHote at4.30, Is. 8d.

¦ '¦ ¦ • ' ¦ • ' . ;

W.0. and Bath-rooms recently added ' on eachlanding. ; Night Porter in attendance.

tST Within five minutea walk of King's BridgeTerminus. ji8-ly.

D U B L I N .Commercial and Private Lodging House,

49 M A B L B O R O U G H S T B E E T .PARTIES Visiting Dublin enn b» accommodated,

with or without Board, and all tbe comforts ofa home, on Moderate TermB. ' [o25-tf]

' Kg" Sitnatiou central, oloso to Sackville-street.


. 1 beg to. iDform my nnraexoua Friends and thePublio that, through elision of time. I.have becomeProprietor of the above old-ostablisbea Hotal. •

I have completely and most comfortably re-fnmishedit, and have considerably enlarged it, fitting H upthrongeout in best modern stylo. :

. I trust by careful and constant attention to the wantsand comforts of my visitors, to merit the patronage soliberally bestowed on my late' father, and respectfullysolicit an oarly trial. ,


Please nete Addret*-3<{JW>VEB BRIDGE STREET-. • • .- . . - DfXailN. ¦ dll-3m


(CLOSE TO THI K1IOTAT STATION).ri 1 HIS is a Central 'and Comfortable Hotel inJ- whioh everything can be bad on tho most moderate

terms.' Best Dublin and "Wexford Spirits; also, Brandies,Wines, Porter, George Younger and Son's celebratedAlloa'Ales.'Ap. . (&al5-tf)

Cars on Eire at the shortest notice.

, , . . Improved; White. Soft Soap,i.TTIREE from smell, for the Laundry and Honae-JD. • hold pnrpbses; - It renders linen beantifully whitecleanses better,' and is oheaper than any other Soap. It¦ possesses determent qualities, and is a diirinfectnjit whenused for planning and purifying Walls, Floon,!Bedding,Ao.^ajid is reoomended aa a Vermin Killer. .The Sndsdisinfect Drains, Ac.' :Mannfactnrers and sole Patentees,PIKE and CO., by appointment to the Military andNaval Laundries, Carlton Works, Peckham,London,S.E;

Agent-lor Wfcterford—Mr. THOXAB PTJECELL, Bar-ronstsaB&street. • . . . m28 -i I ¦ H_ ________—^__ >_ .-P-P-EK'a QUINIJNE tnd IKON TONIC; purifie'.JCT.. and eDricbta tlw Blood ; .lraoglh<nl tb. KetTcs audHuKUiar 8jit<rn> ; promote* ApptliU, and uupritirei|l)——-les.lbs bpirilian_.M»ot«lj"«ca)tiij-) Ilioronghlyrecruit! lbs gun«ra.. budiry ¦ health, and induoet a properhealtliy condition of lue.Nervousand Plijraicat force*..:. Bonks coutaiauiK 8Smeasured do***, 4a. 6d. • ¦ - ;'., i Ia_be^Mpanttionof tbisj Tosic tuo giealatt care Is txer-ciied. It ii a fiitblul compond ol Quinine, tbe . elite] prin-oiplt «t Y^llcm.Cino_b_«, ot( l'«tm»i<n B-tk ,'bl«od«l -iilh a

. raoosditr—ilwoi—ij picpantkia o< Jron, prodaxtd io a lorm, «bioh the,.«aperio.ce'et' -iauyi .cats, bas 'proved lbs belt.Tbn Touis offets a reedy -oe»_« ol'gaioiag tbe strenxlu a'ndfotbcT' i Qninin»;snd. Irou, »il_out 'auy. lear of :ill.<»u»«)D«nor-,asitHoompoliUonis tbal approvedi -jof i-.bjr tbe ircst'inmjurity.of i medical, men tlirouguost lbs.couutrj'i - i n .• .. .:

¦. :.. .• . ¦::¦ *•» •• i -. .¦. - ;• ,- . ;

pg?MB'_ .J-(iUlNiNE;sna;:iBON TONIC.4BoitlM

,i '*ed(iUin|'ng $3 'meatored .doiei, 4i. 6M. Toaio treai-meut^lll tnioTB iiidigettion,, Flitolcoii, Couet.ot; Betrt-liQrn,. VV«»-prt« 'of the 8tqmseb, Sinking Senutiom in thatOrgaD," N»ate., Ac'. The" whole, digestive- functions are.

ipowerf)i)ly asijuted by Qaioin--n'd Iroq. ' ,..iT>EPPEH'8 ^UiMII( _ ' and'IttON TONiti^ninme'i 'il-aodlrou'lorm tbe too«teffectit«'tre»tment in all com-plslirti'ijriiii^^rom (ler>Bgement of' the Nertoui Sfileaj.

'iDblQe 'luoM .'weHikened sttte at .'tta» :'Merres, a ,c6arse'6r<$aUiue--uMro-H ibr* to'Seotfit. 1 Agde, Sciatica; Weak-'cM' i tbtt'Urmbsi'-Prtttratio.: 'Incipient P.nWtli, St.Yitns'

<Dsi>ce, FsT«r»;:y;l^-¦'! '- - • • : ¦ - ¦ » , ;

Jri-!P <»*l<itl'MX^V»--'''lKON TONIC, strob^lyrSri'r,Sa flsn ,M*,aenrs U.aBfeK icpuoi_ie.l, and ad-va^tMfcgsiBfvde .ol'fskitig trjnstbepiiiK. medicine^ Tbe:f aM,.Jf al\h oont loio^meunrai dom, wbicb, ifi tiken,f i* W('p gtf j i• jrl-Ssn?" Tb.B-ts .si** battle is 11-, sofficieut,t« Jut r« isJ»..)ITh>.-itun« J (.,«ol4,st ,_2j. e-cU , contaiaBeaflv siivBJ, rbo,tf», 6-,1Boitl«.:. -¦¦ . . .. ¦ . J • •

'1>1AB«3ACUM';_ 'POUUPHYLl-LN, a StiiuoUot to¦' 'A^trtfJUvtir.-vA'doie rjf lliit cuiobiuiitipli ii reromtrendfd"'lo 'unjr OB« • complaining ol liivnr 'Derangement, ' luort par* "ticBlarly 'wtlni'artiiti..' 'rom 'kJigbV coogwiioD. - By «eotly 'straaUti-tf tbVluveran'ii^dightly m'diiinK tb» "Boml«, tl_-'-heavy aro»»yfMlirjg.shti Heail.Sicbe.'Witli.'j'ensralft Paiusin.tbe. Chnt iiid Kick, esperially •ltfr»«lDg,'i«'dMpatad^

'TiMlHt<iVkl"piV Pbrdvaitiu'ui-aci iaftrmin sctienlbiinR|3JrtrWl4|ri-ittns 'Pill) Wt~ eerhijuly '.quiteHo

-p»%et:l-'rkttidtiDg('ib« «lftri'di»trrarn'g ,inceaye'oi)t M. sncl,pain attendiut oa 0yip«piia."-1Boitlf«1 Si.ft).Jeact: -....'j '.

ot>_iPRIB»..5W4}_T_li CODQH UUKXUBB:~<A| great'iXi.j ii_ip»o»«cns.t;otuCou'f_iM»di«io«a." It possstsai ape -euliarl|ckeolbiafL?sff«c| «pan«be irritated tsambraiisjijbkb7¦¦«ra,l_t(jsaatlof coofbing, _*ttt_hins the'. Eblstn sod «o*-':r st%as, *il_oiili;<_o»)n|iu_y Iseliiigol siokoaw;!TbsseSM_tk»(_naksit cf/aarrie«:in Broi>obili».«i_|jAitt_»<*". m'ltitiij-rM'i 'r- r 'n-iii- 'irf - if-ln 'if l» rs'jsspkifioWw!Ac4«Wit**:tk» WniT_]£ouoa HHIDBB will «_t4r<i tub'jgJiuixirBm theaa.eanplainlaa ccrUm n»gbtVr«»i.| Price 1;_ia|_t__o__'8d^eaeb.ji;..; ..r-v '::,, - •:: -..;,.• j;- l>< ;;;-•V '• ' . I l i ' "'¦ "¦

'¦¦' . - ¦ ¦¦'

' ~! '¦ •¦ ' ' I ' '•'

t_ U_l"_lu_l«-it.xi»_JUi!i.—An aalemai) rsoMfl/i'rwOonbk*a-Dm»M.r,BbD_l__»«ppUedi tiaij nlilit) 6eb».

,(Ja»iftjW4^wbrJiau_»«;ia ieli«*a.byiJwoBdf|tu| relis**1Hi,-t *4>mM ' mv»tri«t>l «_iUaaU>lBtapiionsar» sulxforfbtf/;-ihl s au-.^ttw<-iDr«<l..i.L»lit»lf)ta'I 'MBW <wa»;:| »aitni<l(ltm_,nmu_ls bk<ua*ilLderiveiMa<'¦¦sMB«_Jiei)cfltt]Dssi»,£C->aoMs- Lonoi, ^r^; irf.Cbildan wbta <

taMS-a4(.vUbm(lta-ta«c.iLl»>p-olins: ha-i-Masrls t f -dMC 'jaa[artwn;oq

tWskln;;;Buttle-».MiSMb,;j ___j_|''

ailStuswt'ra-Kini fJbs.a«iivl;.iiUtg>l loejijoraU, BOIH'

jwttl •_«M^f«ip'Vi»'I^w<f-?5**3!p, MIPW 'SK«|$Araiatio •Vtotlirice. bi, OUUMI»d a«d,n!|aJMd j)pi j k if i

¦__-a s.-6itfeV?*ui_f mfis



On Sale ot T7ie News Office, :

With tho EecommcniJation of the Bishop of Watand Lismore, the Bight Bev. Dr. POfWBB

A Cathec_i8m for the Instruction of Children' BT THB

Ti/TOST Key. Dr. JAMES BUTLBB, Aroh-LLvJL ' ' bishop of Cashel and Emly.

1 BECOH_I_HDATION :" IapprovQ of of this Edition of the Bight Bev. Di

JAMIS BUTLER'S Oatcchism, and recommend it to thFaithful of these Dioceses.

V,' ; . . • , , . i * !¦ JOHN POWEB, B.C.B.' " Waterford, Sept..l6th, 1875."; ¦ Printed on Good Paper, and in large clear Type.: IOBDIBB front' any part of the Dioceoo, sent in and

.directed .to C. , E_DMOND, Printer and j Publisher,Water/or- If ews Offioe, 49 King-street, promptly at-tended to. .The Trade supplied on moderate terms... May .bo had Betail from every Catholio Sookseilor intho.Diooese.: , • . .


' • - '¦ BOOK-BJNDINO ; RULING ,ACCOUNT-BOOK AKD .EYE-IET, LABEI• - ' v ¦ • ' : ¦• ".'. "MANtrPACTQET, .49 4 W laKGjSTBBET;(onppsit« Provincial Bank),


Iu a manner that will not, we l'eel confident, fail toc -^, 7 . givesatislaotion, i


1 iARIES.'st 'Prices in 2'A« Snti Printed List, which rnijbe bad o_ irplicatiou. i

Watwqrd and Ceatral Irekntl KailwarIssue of New Central Ireland Railway Stock, with

receip t* secured io pay from date of issue a dividendof 5 per Cent per annum.THE D__EO_0ES of the Waterford and Central

Ireland 1—ulway Company are prepared to issue NowCentral Ireland Bailway Stock, upon which will be paida Dividend of 5 per Cent, per annum from receipts se-cured for that purpose under agreements sanctioned byParliament between the' Great Western Bailway Com-pany 'of England,and the Waterford and Central Irelandand Kilkenny Junction Bailway Companies, the foil par-ticulars of which can be obtained on application to thoSeecretary.WANS on DEBENTURES, DEBENTURE STOCK

or DEPOSIT.m H B D I B E C T O R S also, for the pnr-JL poee of REPLACING the INSTALMENTS of theGOVERNMENT LOAN and BONDS falling due, areprepared, until further Notice, to accept LOANS ONMORTGAGE/BONDS at 4 per Cent, payable upon OneYear's notice, or for such term of Years as may befixed ; and . for the ,-Debenture Stock, having equalpriority with the Mortgage Bonds, bearing Intereet at4 per Cont. in porpebiity.

They will also accept LOANS on DEPOSIT, bearingInterest at 3J PERCENT., payable on Six Monthmnotice,andat 3 per Cent, payable on 3 Month's notice.. For .the year<ending 29th Spot, 1876, the TraffloReceipts were .£40,180 11s. Cd.—the Working and otherExpenses being .£22,02116s. Od.—leaving a balance of.£18,158 14s. 2d., being more than double the amountrequired for the Interest on Loans, after the paymentof whioh there is, therefore, a considerable surplus fordividends to Shareholders. ' -

They will, every Half-year, send to each Creditor aStatement showing the full particulars and Amount ofthe several Loans due by the Company.

Applications to be addressed to the undersigned, atthe Company's Offices , Waterford Terminus.

(By Order),WiLLJLAM WILLIAMS, Seoretary.

Waterford, January 10th, 1877. . (mh84-tf)

TRAMORB.HOU8E8, fully Famished, TO BE LET, by the

Month, for the- Beason or by tbe year, *t ST.LEOEK TEBKACX, Tramore. Apply to Mr. T. FOWEB, alNo. 2, on the Premises. tf

TO BE LET,With or without a Fine, for a Long Term,


the late Miss SCOTT, situate in a beautiful and health-ful locality, within Beve'n miles of Waterford, and onemile of tbe Woodstown 8trand. »• ¦ ' '

The view of , tbe Harbour is splendid, tbe Groundsare pioturesqne and ' undulating,''and contain aboutSO aores, tastefully laid out, and planted with fineForest Trees ; or tbe above would be sold in FeeSimple, either wirtror-wiihoat abont 130 Aores ofLand'additional, in' Tenant*' handa {-. tbe Lands arebf excellent' qnality, and 1 let' muoh under ralue .Tbe Tenants are solvent and respeotable.i '" Proposal! received by the Agent, I QSOBOI Sims,Eso.:;' ''-'Waterside," Waterford ; or- the , Sxeoutors,EpwaKO HEAED, Bsq.,' Ballintabber, Oarrigtowbill,bo. Cork; rind BI K D OS SCOTT, 7 , Dawson Street,Dub\inV . - " : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦- ¦ ¦ • I : .

i -'- Cards to view the Houso to be bad. from MessrsSMITH & §ON,( Michael street' and' Lady Lane, Wa-rloifl. ;. ' ¦; , ;; ' ; - : > ' :; ' - ' .

I For 'the Blood ti the L \fe."—8ee Deut *r<Momy, chopj f.


¦¦¦' '' . . ' ' '.

'• ' eft , verse.28. ¦"¦'"' '¦ !

, ¦""Clarke's, World,Famed Blood Mixture.: L^OB CLBAN81NG and CLEARING (be BLOOD fromJj ALL IMPURITIES, trlietber srising.lrom yonttifnlinditeiition or «oy btlicr causr, cannot ba too bigbly recom-mended. It cuiet Old Soreti din Dlcenttd Sore* in theN«.k ,TJlctrst«d:tiore L«gk; Blsckbnds.or. Pjrsples on th*Face ; Scurfy Sores; Csncerons Ulcers; Blood and Skin Dia-aaies , Glsndalsr SvaUings, .and clears tb«. lilood from sllImpure Matter , from wbstersr caue iriiing. I , . ,.' As.tbu mixture i* plauant to tlia lull, aad warranted fret

from mercury—wbicb all pills and moit medicines told fortbe abort .duelist .coatiin—ibo Proprietor solicits •ofierenlo gi» it a trial to test its falne. , ¦ '¦;¦ : xaonaijiDi OV .TS9TJKOIIU.I3 raoit ui. liSTt.• : Sold in . Bottles 2a. 6d. »cli, aud jii Csies,' containing 6Buttles, lit. each, sufficient' to ttTrct>"p'erman«nt cure inloDg'-tUnding caxr«, by' all Cbrmisti' tnd Patent JledicineVendors; or real to sny sddreta on receipt of 30 or ' ¦¦¦ ¦<¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ '. • . • : : s ¦ ¦¦! ¦ ¦-.¦'¦ h. J. CLARKE, Clieuiiat, Higb-«treel, Lincoln.¦ WHOLBUlliAailtH: ¦ ; , .. ,-6arclay A Soot, t^ondoa, and all tbe.AYbrilnale Houses.

, : BROWN'S). RGMEDZES.. • i J ' •¦. ¦ SAMPLB8 -PBEE.t ' \\-jf i( ROUGHS ! COUGHS and WINTBB COLDS,V also consumption, Bronohitia and other ageotionaof' the THROAT and LUNGS are quickly (RELIEVEDand :permanently ¦ CUBED, by" Brownes Herbal Re.medies.'' ' tAll who suffer, are requested to teet the.^Ooaor..of-.these Medici«o8./.Sample, bottles are snjp-jpliea free,Lot.charge'-by all.Country Agentsor can behad 1 by poet from the proprietor.: Address —O. P.BEOjWfl 2 Eng 8treet;Covent Garden', London!. Brows's!'". Treatise on Consumption,".M pp. free byjxwKf

•"- , - 1 '.';' : "-: '.¦'.'

• • ¦¦ ::/ :;.! • :¦: •! ¦•> &.13t

, i\» oil .' '¦ '¦.' '.' » I ' , 1 ' "' " '¦ : '." " . ! ~"'IT1"—: ; —* -, . —

j-jTCEALTH < LOSTi- AND - BEGAINBD.—A¦JUrnGoidiKto the HomeTrM>tn«nt«f 1NPIRMITIK8:k>YOTjrB »o4 UAKBOOD,ei<farr Hendittryior. Acquired.BT fiuatT.Sxrns: !! J).>of tba'Unlveniryof Jsna, Anthorof"Tbe Vo»unt(eV*Maiinal>" rtWoman,1?fte. \ HEALTHLOST AND'REGAINED grua iDr., Siotxi,: rreatment

iftbi .Huh!of Iwraiy-aii jeara'soMialipraeiioi) for tbe¦ Care orall' Dwsatte oftbe Nervous f)yetem,NtrvoM Debility,IMtnUl and 'Fbjtlcsl ptpratsion,. J'nlpitaiion of the Heart,.Noise*' iD<tbe 'Htad and Ban,''lDdeeiinoi;imfaired riigbt"and1 Memory, IndlgestionrL«es nf Energy. PaiM ia tbe Bad,Cob;»tipatlon,. iBiiabinf,: Hy«Uria(i T.midity, 8elf.Diitruat -'Di«tlnits;< Uriel ot «olitod»jGioor.d\ou.;»?e»ni.rjW aicnlir'Kslaiatiua'j4a^ reaanirj«fr(rjaiExbaustuao(J}«tts Power,tb«JiSeeti-'of-QT*ri4awd Buergiac^'Baanatiagillajbitsi and!»tb««'abaiiis of tb*»yttenii>.l .»irJ ,,>* : LtTusiSlVB3!lNttTBUCT10N»lAND:PBiSSCBl?TI0N8JllWiaUd witVte»tUnooiala lroia«ritjrBl(>«lHi)M; with¦leant of Cure used in etch eat*.:. Sent fret br 'ljest on re-ctsM o«.Two Penny 8Unipt; -JtiS) '¦". J !,-- ?. "U hi .

OnAlaobrtbtleaimrAntboiipoit fr.aiiaa.*»T«H«i. for 18'8(»»pituWOUANi bor- poUte>'JE«latiosw.»t4'iiPotitK)D.> SnytWstrMleA lmlliooO.-aiJtidTOljood qrithip,1 Mar.Wsgf^Motl^ttxxlteiDsleiEdocatioav etjisteHBSltb, Ee.'1 »lllyfi«JuvDotnt.Jlo M»dlciD )aft,:4e,:t.'I>i»«iwork'M 'nUw^:otivitallntsmv.t»w«iaan BeaaUhiily Ultu-

= itlMV&VV&P&**J4¦fin-'«Li*¥«8.YBnrtonMaair/fiDt^MifW^H ; **<M<'A 'tM- *Au \\ fills i ¦IWWawiwt^Optrartt.Pitnnrai IV.H.^iiiii. iLe

'tatasat dp«sia^:*l «V^!»S»j>ilm;i»ii<( Jl« grnteit--e<«nd«s)* liKirV^*"'lt iJ iminfcanl cputagiotts*OltoW<^Tl»to.tlis4 to»=crTOUy^ an. '

r a t^ itf^oirftfos^witbadiicrandodlJStiona

for .ilWinost saaottsful tas'orattoa-U.'bwiaiaBaT^or.'.-Ad.y>.in^

ljtint1*'!!fWj to tiitntop i wj o.^IrBoit^^LAKteS1 S


i '.li|r aiM& :m;r*dttts :^%i^ !t jlf'y???li-1>I';ifW»i<W'>9(S'i^ «t»wl, ortj^ -:|U) !.t8oUora,:boi.v,* .'< | >.. 0y all' .

n(HMt(ii?sttd<)Pats&t oM»dcoin«;V«JWWl.'05ri sit to - any V ;ffi f*-«^ y>t« aie J^C^ B,COa;

IieuaS SaaiOSZnl U £WuSSrHSZum-- '.'.,

MM M£ $ tM




I have bf."ii instructed by the representatives of tbelain K«T. W. J. HXNKK38Y , C.C.,

TO SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION on the Premises,On TUKSDAT , 27th Iruiant,

The" INTEREST in the LEASE r GBJClTOE TJOTrTAG!?, situate , at- Lower GraDge, ^JOH}^ HILL,bold for H» UDcxpired term of ,10 years] at the jearlyRent of £16. There if> s Fiold at the rare of the Pro;¦ miaea Lot at £4, which -reduoea the rent to £12.There is Blip a well-arranged Garden, folly oropped. "

Immediate'possession will be~ given (d'the Puroha-Ber, fiee of all rent nod luxea, op to.tbe day offSale.'Tin- Si!e >'t the lntereei iu ibe Lease will take placeut 12 o'Clock, ui.d i in mediate ly. alter will be Sold theBuuieUiilti Furniture aud otber effc-cts, consisting ofMuhoguiiy Chaira, in hair "sealing .{.Birch ,.Chain inditto '; Chimney Glass in, gilt frame '; "French Clock,undor gloss shade ; Easy and Arm Chairs i •Lnatres,Vases, Mahogai y Chest of Drawers j very fpyl Ms-hoguny Ward robe ; handsome Mahogany Side-board )Diuio^TrMe, Loo Table, Side and Spider ditto ; Par.a Hi a Lamps ; Mahogauy Book . Cuse, a rery fine.iriicK , and n lot of Modern Books | Carpets andiluii'ih Uugs ; Fenders and Fire Steels; Window

^Poli.v- uini Hangings ; Oil Clotb, Mailing and Mats ';Stair Carpet and Stair Hods j Delph.China and Qlassj£i>li(-<iny Hdll Clock -, Engravings and Prints; Halt:- Lamp, Mahogany " Albert ' Bedstead j' Palliasses, Mvhogauy Toilot Tables and ¦ Basin' 'Stands ' ("ToiletGlasses, Commode, Bed-roo'in'Wa'ii', Blankets, Sheets','Muraoilles and ¦ Counterpane ; Quilt*i DuaiBak(TableCIotliH, Knives aud Forks ; Pair Folding 'Screens 'Kronen : Bedsteads, a quaptity of. .Kitchen Utensil;and Kitch en 'Furniture, and a number of Garden

i Toolsvii i . : ¦< «;' : i :. I A x A 'A i. 'i'M l'i i {Purchasers to pay fire per oent. Auction Fees. 'For

farther particulars apply V>-. •¦ ¦ • i , > ¦.'.. / I' ' ' " JAMES j. FSELY. So'lioitor.'King-st.Orto , JAMES 'flKNNBSSY,, Auctioneer, ! . ••• ¦George's-Btreet, Waterford, 16th fclarob, 1877. j , 8ti

A PROFIT BENT' of £72 4*. !4d per ANNEX;

• .i ¦ ' • •; ¦¦ Held coder Lease for Ever, i J : :¦ ' !


— ¦- '; . . i . ; ; , . . ; -


JOHN PENDER, baving 'reoeived instiuotions.lwillStll by. AUCTION* on SATURDAY; 17th MABCH,

at. the CUT AUCTION MABT,, 27 ,.BAI»ONST4ANDMKBCT, WAMSiOHD. the nbovu PK0F1T EENO* recervod ont 'of 18'HOUSES", mt'ohter ID 'JOHITSTREETand POWER'S LANE. in the, , . , _ . t ¦

ClTY 'OF,,WATEBF0BD. .r : . ', , . ,

NAMES OF TtNAj«T»: . ¦: >Mrs. CABEOLL, LioenBed Honse, John street, '¦ '' ,' . . , '

held under Lease, of which 21 years'are ' :un expired, at per Annum ... ' : .. 14 0 0

Mr. FANMKO , Shop and Premise!, Yeaily '. ,' i , ,Ttiuant, per Aunain ... .' . .. .. 16 0 0

16 HouBea in Power's LUUB, let to Weekly " .Tenants, aud produoiug, per Annum . .. 50 0 0

- Total.. .. -.. .. £80 b 0. Deduct. Head Rent ... .. £7 16 8

' . ; . . Profi t Rent ... ' .. ... £72 4 4To persons with mudnrate Capital, this would fee 'a

demniDle purchase, as mint u( Hie Urnta are collectedweekly, aud the oilier 'Jtnsu s bitve a good' Interes'iu thur H <IUit ig.j. Mil* ai 12 o'clock. " ' i

JOHN FKNDKR, Auctioneer. . .. , » ¦ I w.i >

.Vn.TFLY.\N , PATRICK'S WELL,. . ¦ CULIKTV i.F LIMERIC JC .. ; ; :. ' ,


BKcOtl , v o.' FlKE vVOoD, Ao., I > •, - Oi\ TULUiUA i ,

' lhi ":,bUi '<•}< AFHILl

BY oi'ici ol Cnptan. J. W n6i«uPP, D.L., wijboutKiiiTif. Tlu.> Auciiuu ul Fi esh y Cut Ti iiber

wid iiiL-tuoe :— ¦ ¦ ¦ "12 Ter^ Lurj;r- :<u \ Cl. I.II BEECH ;3 ou.u 'AMi , 0 i»e i Guih ; • '

70 Lair . - IR ISH ELi l , 7 i-> 11' frai-Qirth ; j ¦"¦'-35 Suiaii H..uuy EL.Vi "; ?0 OAK '; ''" I '¦ 'SO ailCAilOUK, s 'Uiu very' .lar^e, with their Tops

and Lopa, uutl u great (juanciiy ol,JblR£VVQOO,with all Luia retuuiniog uuoleared Iroin ibe l pascAuciiuu , ao laui Buyor*a risk.

A Tiuiui Itarta Limerick for Patriok s-well at 10.10u.ui., uuu returnd in good time after tbe Sale. -\ i "'

TU J d'is a Ruilwuy sidiug at Putrick'a-well, andtun utility fur Kaibiug aud Carriage of the Timberto Curk , Limerick, Foynes, iu. !

Tim Aucfioa.will .be.Bt*rted at the Railway Suitiunm Jilov.en o'CKmk, sharp.. .,;. , . . • ,, /, ! T

Tc-ruis at Sale., Deports will b« required. . Applyto . .

¦ . . : . ;; .-, . , 3OH U, BERNAL, AuoUonoer. ,tSH* ilarl,—Tbomaa-bneet. . . ,. . m23.2t ,

Important Unreserved AUCTION . •. . . OP . . . .

¦ -¦ > . :¦

CA1TLE..HOESES, FARMING PEODUCE 'AND :. ; , . lUPLEMENrs,'. ; : [• - ¦ ¦

. AT .KN0CKANU.K1S,' County, yraterforfl.' '., \J OHN CoNDoN'has been favored with instruction! from

tbo. Executors of the late . ReT. , :T'.i .JQufJiL7, P.P.,"KoockanQre, -¦ 1 .¦ ¦• ', . ! „- . !¦ . , ! . .

¦. ''¦ lr| O,SSLL 1 6y,U Jreeeryed AUCTION at KNOCKA-X iNOKE , within,.fiT9; liiles. of j.TplWj.-eight ofLiBinore,. «nd SOTOQ Qf Tongh'a) , ,, :j , l . ,

' ,'..^ " '•¦,:.«o* weDX£sud.r..,4l'8L(<. .44h,:j i$$v '¦¦;¦;

In Lota to suit Purchasers :—; .. { \ !14!Tcry,haadK)nw,jooaK,.Spruiging,C0wS1 {oicalre

. i abont the middle ot April, and . . .x , , , ,„ • . . .,,.'3 VeTl-bredYEAEilKG miFEfiS.4 , ',"!;^ | , j'lAn eicellont yonng HOKSE, traisod to go iatlarne«»i

and used tq all sort* of worJc ; a good. Corerad Cu(nearly new), and a Trap, Harness, Bridle, and Saddle ;,Two Sets, of .Taokling1, tTwo Batts. Dray, Jfonohdon on\v hech ,'' Winnowing -Machine/Fun* Cutter, Plcof hs,Hunrofrs, Wheelbarrow, Ladders, Oat Bin*, Stable jAp-purtenanoes; 1 •. ¦ - ., . „ . .: i l . t ' l i .;, ; ,-, I ; \

'Dairy lUtenails, compriaing Barrel and H»nd .Gm-ns,Milk Pans, Stands , Jus. . 0 ¦ . ¦ ¦ '. . 1 . . , .¦ j > ¦ ¦- ,'

Aliio,' about' >Five Tons of prime Hay, and . a' largequantity of excellent Manure. ¦• • ¦¦'¦- ¦ > ¦ ¦¦ '' [ > '•"''; AVI 'the Household rntnitureto be Sold at a inlnrediito. Sale to commence at half-past 12 o'Clock, p.m.- ,m<S}.2t ' J. CUNDOM, Anctioneer. YouKhal.

TO CAPITALISTS. .• • . . . , ' ' •!, . . . . . . . , - i ; 'i

SALU of ValvabU FRBEU0LD and LEASKt tOLD*{•nvrEiJTY , t-ARil oud HOt/SB1 PRUPi M r,\'Vairy ' y vWS ; ln-Cu\f UKI VEMS ,. 'Dairy Vi tntils^c.,,4-c., ;,:". ;: /. . . , . ' : ".V? jSnuatu in the City and Borough of 0ASHl|L, by

diivunouii of . Mrn. JlAkGiBH. CAkKw^iEiuoulrit'of,'THOMAS C»Kftw , B»i.; deomsed. ;;¦ ,,'. .- •

lo be SOLD by '..'AUCTION, '1 > *¦ •/-kN.SVEOSEbDAY, MABDHi8, 1877, by >lr. CJy j CLAY I UN ¦ on .tbo. VnniiM.-s, ul FHIAB-ST.,'iu u t!>T»j ol CASHKL^t

tbo bouf ;of.

Oueo'Cljek,ip.m., ibe lolloping ra.uubie Property, iu'Threfe LdU :'. LO I' l.—All /.liflt aud tliooo. in»v part of. tbe ! laudi*ot L ilor'" li<>'> w> tlj0 Ouuimoni 01 Ctubul, lato in tb'e!|»iiiVes-<u»i 01 Tiiomit- Curuw, dibeiiSed' coLtafajing 5b.Acres aurt ,39 ''Porcht:* . (lri«U; Mi>utatiotf'1 MB»sar<.)imoro 'or lias, hold by LeaoA rrdoj ilW E(unbn4t laitha,Comirii<fiJ'»ii'|r«» 1 ft> r a te'riii'' ' q(, Sl>'|raafi, iinc iStb1u«nib;--wa/. »t;'.'tho:;y5;ri^| ^

<eaai! rt'9dij.lin iiiutlia e JJC.-B' iBii.n 01 ihit Lot irnt b'e . given d't5e'purc^ licr1 who will be entitled to the benefit of a larm!

Ut. Carow. 1 A portion ot the land~«boat ASikoterrUploughed ,np . and ready for . saed «,tt«riresri*,Gfr»jjJ»»Land; Wl fenced, and a oonsUni »BPpljl <l( watar,aod•wiihm oue andahal^mileeotCaahel-,,- ,-,, -j ¦¦¦¦w -ii.ilT

LOT 2—All that and thos«, Jfen Mowm and Prinlaes,Bitnatu in f riar-street, in the city of Cwhel, bonnaed,patho norlh. by Kgun-lane, and thv tooth, by ohardiDa'>sRUi'&' house, formerly in the POiseiiion, of(Tnom»«

ltobort Sparrow, En., te.tlire. UT«* allSrbS.iftjS1 ! ti»SSa^^W»3r itn»i«too&:

pri9tbr:rand oa^ioutihyjiffl«;aiaeioo'j«n l«?mb ^ m^ M SS SJSXHeffeniiftV holding?, dl.if tMtottartjkMtflbpttl " S M SStSM S SSSj Ol

t ¦ J

* east 1 by' JbTUrwiMi, inaiojw4*M»»o«,tJM l»» WH • *HiiWfl*A.i)a»-uajrti.><i»'«Tns.>f-jrv-=r|jr jg-rt' > BayW Upton, SM / , for tiro.Ureiiao*ii]| bein«.<aWy)*i I nrfa«»M't« «TfK f f i B S S E t E B t Z S E Ltho <Lo»sOT.nuid a son of the hBtMa)»lt,Quhjim ?**&> '•ftuS «533H*tP tiSBSSglifflBzfifegft• ithe>tY«ctibehind ;iiw^Hoos«,i*Ulith*.«rtoo4iV»Ontt- Trmntll' T -l llMisiMii ifSSySrfcS' Offlce*iherwn^whkb,islieldtomvt^.,a»nwLe4M(r|»fc IfWplHOU^Xa] ^WSft U&aKX&Rm

• the yw»li» *vii<* 'Mtno> »f. fct««-W;«VJa siif \ ty *« ^^AMWWPpiS SHSS JSSBSSWS¦). -' w lmmedii^poMcmpf.tliijJLptiwilJ.WTai « n . ||^ mg^, to.the wrchiJer.-iixceptther DirelUn hoaae.f-wWoi1 'tf»«"krtBWh'Mr ittiZ to ' mB Sttinn^¦; flX i v^^^&^!Ni{£2btf«*tiat

witicf; 'tioSfwSry&i SffwiwwByESai!^ 1 timeWrs.Oarrr^^WiiiW

iorthaeottI*'l;!i!4 'wS3&QS'3»TS? WEB Tff ggg^

' -'For;t*rU»«p»rtl«UafaW4c«oditton»<j8^^p)V ':ttM5;tat«Mni g KSI^&B Bi

'¦¦ ,-= SAiyiB»BaSi( rtO»iuttnMt.WAijaAxHdJ<>p•' •;8 o%a*Td **j w »i5< T ..1 £

i 'jf iiwi»kSd*<« jtj f** 4 S&^ *S wi i J S5JH



Landed EEUtes' coort Ireland. ., : '; the Contigenoy Fund ; andjMrthese precautions have^i!\ ?(i. .¦ •Jiit: rJ ,, g;'. ' • -J -^ taken, the Assured'iPaio of the rtrpltt*M»iU Pro-

1 rm A l / N dn'CS'io ClaifMntf l 'K d InUmbi-ckncertii fy* » bonm of 28* jje(t ceatoof «M r*ttinniB>afS; f i 1 ¦

¦, '¦ > ¦ t \ . ¦"• ~ ; ' "jt- -. •' ';¦•• ' i . ap^K the qmnqnenniartcntt|parUchi»ttnifPoUoie4;a

Jn thiVatier of tbi;B«wte>YriAKB Nortel, rt .;! 1^


*f * buVflir o^Anr

contemporaries can

"d»rt of thejL'aoda of ICABR1OK ISLAND, otberwtw j ) I am, GentiemeBT V :0ARRICK 0A6TLE, contaiuiug 268 acres, 2 rood*,and 32 perches, statute measure ; Part of the Landsof 8EAFIELD, being a sub-denomination of Carrlok

.QMUo,J« iwBgj?ai.Vro8,.X;rc ,»n 2M 8.•tatate measure j and the Lands of BALLLNAOliAaH

; being a subden^mioation ot,' Carriok Castle, contaiu-, ing 132 sores apd 38 perphps, atamte measnre, situatein the Barony of " Deoies Without Drnm, and COUNTT

-6f-WATEKPOED,- -f8rnrerly-thB-Bstato-of-a««j»ANTHONT, is lodged with th? OlMk of the Reoorda ofthis Court,'and 'any Peroou J b»ving any Claim nottherein; wserted/or .objedtfugVtbiBrefd; M-

"count of 'tbej a'moiiilVor.tni)'- priqriky of 'a'ny obargetherein reported to ' ' t>im,~\*r nn'y.oibeV pereon, or inrespoct 'or 'a 8pm - of- '£750,u pbriion<;bl - .a' obargo of£1,750, oreated by iridentnr*,' dkte(j- the 30ib day olNoromber, 1781, mads betweou JOSEPH ANTUON r,' ofCarrick Castle,in the Corinth ol WuteVrdrdj'KliqBife, of

31 *U*. nl.»'i _.i.iv '; T*»'; Mt T t i/lwDf I n% fl«Vhfci»V»*Wn t-.Via

.County ' of '. .Wexrprdj:>piioitji^';tJr;.ijie^iiewiWf¥K6 i

. MABOABR LAUBUT, mother "of ,88"1 JiVlW,'t4il*?aT>of the third part > und.EDKONB FoBE«p:Al,L,-.ol't RiiiK-

:Tille, in the County of Kilkenny,,aDd JAM its LAIIBMT,of B.ntry Lodfeey iri'ths County of Wexford',- J&q., ofthe fourth' part: 1 Sail) «um''tif JB76O wasj pnrsuani to 'the trnsts ' of'atlid Iijdenture, to 'bays been appliti in

' payioJs'Bp/mu6n r«°a 8yhi'6f rt£r,po6'dqe |by"tfti;i aid 'JOSEPH'.AVfTHOffT,' to.'JbHj* 'O'^HSV.Eji^of 'Garc en-

. morris<;Cpunty;]W'»M<>f rV 'i!- .?oHN.'?W*#*l ofthe City'of Waterford", "Eaquire,-and'it jsiaUeg^ that 1

.,M,me,wai.paid <»rer.,40J:yeBrii l:sKO, and.nq snm tsjad-mittcd to. be due in renpubt thereof, pr tur^Dy;o6her:'reaeonJ-M'required to loUgo-uri otgeotioo thereto, slat.l.!6fr"the'''p»rtforilar»'<>f ! bia'i)feBiand;.aud «ili[ly.t«ri«ed,t'with the said olerk, on or before' the ' 12th day ofMAT,, 1877. and to appear oui the following WxBHM.DAY. leEnlMtt, il*&TeVe;tiVCloek\-before the filghtHouprablo Judge ' DBJ<>BT, Ht his ..Cqart iu Dublin,

'iirhira 'InstVubtfons Will b>;Ki,ten;fof .thW Btialfie tle-'me'n't'b'f'tne'Soi'ed l'Vliarn'nner'tatt'Notfie, .hat• ny' ci i'atoft'M'b'iSSStf66fi«Jil!e'iWia\jWt» b»Vbjiofed toVrlthTh''lheIftmB1'afoVesaid:"' ••'f.',';'i „

Datnd thii TfitKv ?.» nf W.rnh. 1877. "'•'" • •* —ir. u< 1, ..•r.Tjflgjf jEgo^BUL1 Efekipp tnB.s&&Liv?gihiriioT;~-f avi6 g \b8t¦ ¦ "•'- > i or iJK e*n)<sV37i'IWrtK ' arbat!>Gyor?1 ¦

r ,,,Dublin and ¦Watjorforo'. ;!'m


;.;£radj&ti«i iA«itiw|jM38A>fi9xapaiiy,•Q}>Wu 0J!iw-?-&> H liUPM TB.i WM i, .rlON WN-'st MABY'oBr^triKQBN^liil' iEPOBT,

For the period ending 8lBtD,eoember,il8 a. j1 ¦

l . li ',!,»IH'i i'~'p

' ' ¦¦) ¦- ' ' •'• " i ¦ '

XN: raluing thj-,bnsiness of the. Company,.for the, period euding 187l,tJi?,Car(isle Table pf.ilort3lity,

with 3 per oent interest was adopted for both Bnmohea.Sinoe.tbaf tima, tb«i Institute jpf/ ABtoarles has pub.lishocl tbe result of iu uTMtigatiojif into the, mortal.ity exintiog among*! aMn^ed liTe^ >nd thtijjireotore,desirous to obtain ¦ the latest experienoo ,oa tbe sub-jeot, had no besitatiou-wbttterer in deciding to adopt'tbe result of su'oh eJtperiuLcn for the Taluation ot tfanOrdinary Branob. , U jT';. fi» t ;. >; >-';j". -";;)

¦¦'¦ f, question'req'airiug any Borions consideredtion on their 'port^ 'was tlie rate .of-interest whiohshould be assumed. iu ,$he;ca[co, ationsi,aud'alter ma-ture deliberation on tb'u kubjeot/the Directors rfesoUodto adhere to the rate nVmi oil .the'preyio'us pobasion,viz : 3 per cent:, and'they therefore instroote'd tlie Ac-tuary of the Ordinary branch to Talae his; policies' bythe Institute HK 3 per cent. Table,- and with p t« pre-miumn only.' ' ; • < " ' ¦' '. • ¦'" ¦" 1"J —'

^The effect of the adoption of these priciples will beto isocease the amount required to be held m reserve,toa iery considerable extent, jr. ; :¦•. ¦ ); !• l i ' .- ; l j .

In the-Industrial; Branch,'.the DirectorshaYe, forsome years,reoorded their own mortality experience.butthoy 1 heuitated. to i n».this: until v the oresnlts jbhallhave been confirmed:by - still further erparieDoeJ andthey thought h nnadrisabls to adopt a table of mortalitywhioh had not been' made.pnbUo. ;-' - i '.n~ • ! • '.¦ I i'<. The.' various publiahed Tables of Mortality weie'eom-pared with the Prudential eiperienca, and finding thatDr. R\rr'« English'-iA .Table (No. 3; Tery olosely ap.tvaiuuiKU Ml . UtGU i — "V* ¦ OA(/OA*OUi;Vi UiCJT UiVUiltVU'

UBing'it for the presAitTUluaiMn'; and they were farther,induced to adopt tliifrtable from the fact that the rear tawere deduced from the mortality .-of the population at

.large;1-;;. -.; • ."-VC-SO <'•'1 %¦;.;" .¦-'>i ! ":The inetrnotion8 |U> |tiie,AQ|tuary;,of the Indnstr'al3ranoh, wero,, thertfpre,'.'.to yainu by.the EngJ'sh L:(&Table (No. 3) with 8;per cent Swfest." '. ti , " • 1. , The Directors "have had nnder consideriauonjth* ano-malous results ''whicn'wdnld'be'prodab'ed by clMK-Tyng-the ttjes in the Industrial Branch- according to tiensual jncthods ('and itfMs tieraJbre"resolved to adopt'a . different 'Bystem'.' kiBeping the ttalicJoPtlsiBnea.f eaok,yea* diatinot, and making a separate '.ralaation1 tot mehyeac of is8ue._"*|_J;! 'i< " '¦''Jl i "'¦'"'' ' -¦¦' liey iKriher in^TOcted^V-A"cti£ryto TBaie'sepa-rate frlnatibhKlorlioaU and.£etnJ>Jel..''.veB, and, aa theflitt poUdesi-were isBned,by 1 the Company I iailie year1852,ibis.iHTolTed.the enormous labour of fiiiyieparateTalnaijons. iiHe :waa also instrnoted.sot ',merelr to ex.oiuae negauye values, Dui to provide a poaibve liabilityfor erery.ainelo policy i^Corce. •,ThiAiha8,b*en,doner~~¦riThe jrepcrto. f <Xbk Actoaiies.ahow; ithat.wJiile the, Aieumnce, .toadsj qnithfil/Olst I)ac*7nber( 1876* 'ai lonnttoa:i;.., t—.M»«w«J .,.»...J..,AJU.i.ui ;i'*8S3(259>:>The.£eserT0i requi«d attJ*-, I <h}.mi l U-j, 1/ :. i i O n t a a ryEranftb;/., ..'.ci -.jBWi.SSSn'^A

Industrial Branch... ) 856,736.1/7 v ¦;. IT; .. 761 571 ,!u'.' • ; ¦ *> ; ! ! I.: 1 ."'/. iZl 'j O ' il;v •1.1*+ .. . >. 6bo«iTig.aSiirplns of^^..'.'. i.i.:u>'...XS)7 683¦¦ > The Directors, have: anbiqitted the reportfo: the*;Actuaries taMr«A:H:B«iley to.vrhos* important reportthey be? to draw,sptcialattention.. -J .\\ - J .I :-.M.r.During thfc firey«»r»>',the premium inccrma (f the*Company ;has- increased,urom .£348(97515a. 6d. tb £1,.063 21, 14s. 4d-, ihawisg aat inacwntJmifit'i 18s.lOd. ' •'. ,•, : ' i . ij jj !., (M, . | .HJ I tulijl 'ci I I Si .tr''lj j1 • Ine AaSQrance>iVuid:Bol*Ua(tsDd!njritk» diaiffes io-enrrod: tor exUDidoar ,«ou>epses baa been inoreaieq frotajcr«a«9O< 618 aii»..8d./ i i . M 1. t ' .Uj -.y; .. ! .iii l j.It maybe intueating o the 8ha<feand PoKoyholders to.>e iaformodvth»«<.thei;Valuatioa of the Sonneulot ti«.Company.: hast vbeeai completed .ia« six -oseks from,thBtime of closmg the: books on Cist of .Deo«mb«rjl87i8,;aid, when lt"7s borne Sutoiad that, th« number of oon-tractaw theL'OrdinaiTlhSchSra»>lf3l2;««hdjJiUie'lfadns rlalBraiich2I(l'Ri685',l 'thB'o3iiiilifii ""j« oSetotalW'nrieiampled in "theliliiy clXifd' Aisni»Mi 'lind teM-fies 'inih uwnls ak le'manl '&'tKe effloierioy of 4'.'itaS'of the Oompini1/ : ¦'r' • 7 .«""'• . -,• •-'| mv y

In conolusioD; the'Dlreot6r8"ogaln 'congjafailiuili*'W?^ ^ >n8i lPto*f.'.eeWPW 3»PW#»5f«<>Wb;^ Honr.SflpdiMcmi-w4«»sn3r«.,tha(a,41iatlh> verycudSma PnumnlM.wb ,baTe^Uierto,miS»drtl>eitt,

:.*V* 00Wn8. /»IWpat%Uiem,in *e.fatnW|andtWyjeW on . the, cordtal coWation1Ail|Bi!By,«m.ejaii rt«&*?..«• help.^^Tanoft e^mpany cTaW'l'greater poaluon of prarp«|r4 :ii»,l^li<I .Vnt,V ^To THB I)ra3Km>i!n n» ywii Ptv«¥MT» .-i«,n SIKO*•;

'Q«piMrtH,- e q'tiinaWuVatnati(li <£&HjliabUties'of JonrObmpany.tb tK« Srs °titDecetnb -r,1876*w*rtUr snrpa'<slflV'inl'm »gh}t'yataTKittiUar "r^Tr• tton'ia ',fteVh^ry;rt:lJfe,-AaroranWSirall'b< v5$B,\ia' beon;cbiripletMJ ;iDjsrfiif'46'i4oorta»W th< want?' have from time;W> '-tintQ »BMSftdl)£tf.TaHofls opera*,tlons, and haTe^owiha sobintttefdtoSiieithejriMaltaL: •',. ;The ,«)naineM .6l"ih.e .CompanijiairidedSnto twojranohne.calotte "iOrdinarjf.U apd the'}',XndnstriaLVxhese Me* henceforth,' in beniamibe of Dowem whShtaniqWtt;;obH f tbiS^Se w' wScedte.¦i»9B**w*aM.i, ..,i.J :,I' - j J ^t ,-ti -t.,A:i£.4,>~ .. . i ;

— Of-the.former premiriins, »bonW3-per oent*« « nar-•Mtf M rilr, toe ta6u leVuif.yea q«UEe) ly.ud.»<*jr»ir cawjromthr^VoTnietwnotoofctie prSiJDms of.ihiindmtnalBraBoh e p>y»b>> weekUlullua unulc

bmii«da*«tpWD«ai«o JfauHngaiM' ii )ort;taelA«snr.^anoe, iby,;whaW«te«hnteaUy ««rm«dianflj« 8it>4r cent;tPiu«J u^TMBWe5i »Aiin^h*3oveDv.

i-^rlibTerfm»;»U^at!aipe»r,e*tln»e»erf.' It witk'eot fto 5ftaitlee ;tof».4V«y!),tringwitL*e»»Ii hW?ibelieve tliatih* grwter janmbor of ordiiwrjr Idt< Aanc^irarK»(Coapanl«e<wkWlfi(«4>ea^Vja'Ja!}o: .$ *irrz• ti»^a»ftial>Br««Ut, Ui#s.T8iaf»*tao(S; mieAcb7b*M>>JrNi]m'd«: «HJ«lii9«n«iae<«mafle wmff l

Your obedient Servant '-

^ . , , ARTHUR H. BAILEY.7, .WM£?t>HJ^a»;21 l'<!Ti«JV,18Wi\ ,\ii - , > -The foil Reports of the Actuaries, Messrs T. C. Dewey¦ ajf-W* • HogheeroaB- obUiaeion application - to the

Chief Office, or from any of the Agents of the Company.B1LAK0K 8HSBT -OF THB PE0DBWfjAI/ ABBUEANC*^

COMPAKT, ON THJ: Slsi*flKd, 1876. - / - •¦--. i_ iiiaitiTZfia. * s- d-

-ShsmboWm'Capital '-. ¦.,-,— -: .r —" — ... : ""10,064 "0 6 "Llf« AMnrmnco Ponj '¦-.. -. . ... 868,401 S 4Slokneu and A»«ar»nw>*Fat>d < ... ... e>7 18 0Contlngsno/ Fond, omted at Annual Meeting,

Aoril. 1873 ... • ,... ".. 16,096 0 0LoMehold Kedamption Fnud ... ... 2.UU0 0 0aoiTOW . JAir;:*^ . •

^ZZZL T*Olslmi unJer Life Polldet admitted but sot

jot paid ... ... 9,SfiO 11 9ei j t .1. £906.767 15 1

ASSETS.Mortgages on Property within tht. United Kin g-. dom .. . ] „; ... 1:7s; J72 J8 8

..J«W« eo.th9'.qoop»n».PoUoie» |...( ... 15,550 6 0. la BriUnh Govirament Seourities... ... 47226 18 11yihDlftdlaa uua.OolpDlal 'i. ditto ; ,• I' 1 ...- ., •7*,S10 , 8 1

Foreljro - ;.- -- ditto ! ... V ' ... " 16,367 15' S1 .</fi*U»sr.aodoUisBl)«ben>arcaaadrDeboatnre ,

Stoolt • .:-• ..i 7' I ,.:"'•• '".'.'.' • ¦4T,Va 5 8- "%tiBn8SR!83te2* "«i..0««»7> . .«ftS H ,*

Freehold Ground BcaU ; 1 ... ... 176,oia IS 9ait .House Pri4erty (Prtehold Bnd Le»Mhold) 1SS.495 2 10Life and other Interests and Kerersiom ... 97,IO 9 9

>m,Jar6tWr«<i»d Fitting., :(He»d and Branch .Offlcei) \.;.:.- ... r ...'¦:" 1 ' • ! . . ' iili;j(O 15'4,|}«»M.8Poa«r»opal.8oourlty, ... ... 30,256 18 9"LoiffiH IWroutfiBaW:;. : ... ... 8,«0 0 0,

MorteaM of Reversion ... 6,303 13 1¦ A#M/B*btfe«*l .¦J if '{.? : \ ' ... ... 43,399 6 9OsUtandingPremlanu ..; . ... ... 5,272 1 JO

Ditto "Interest «»d B«snt» 1 ... .., ) < • < 6,100 15 , 2Amount due (mm Offlolal Ltqoidator of InteriiJ.' ' * ' ¦' ' >¦ <¦ 'UonslSoolatr ... ' „. ... 1 24,616 16 2Depoiits at Three Months'Nottot ... ... 23,000 0 0Caih—On Dtporft ... I £10,000 0 0

Iu hsnd and on current Aot. NJ98 7 11

£906,767 15 1

—y»h»W) «nmli«»*Wfawnolm ¦ AooonnU, A>d-th»M4ctb>.Oor ?'1ii^ fl'? Sf^Sl fit Y Pf r t V'fT< a'*° *Mn ^ i

' ¦" . ROBEEx' BABMKS,0 ADDn0"-13lh February, W^^^gij^; < pq & (

• : :: g|s?l&saH*»*~-—. , . , . , . , : . . , ; . . ¦ HKNRY HAaBBNi.Betident Director../ ,> /J i ¦!. j l U . n: JrL4NCA8IBB;s«orettry.- ' ¦¦'¦' •""> »'l '¦> '" 'T i'il' .'H. lUBCOWj' Soiwrlaiewlimt, , r ,, . 8, WUIUm-itroet, Watarford..

InTtfia Court"riBibkrSptSr inilre]anii»jAkM" DxviBfi[tJx.''of i'DhnatoWn', 'in ' tbe Connty of

Waterford/'Baker,'Was; ou t'be°9th day of March,1877, adjudged BaDkrupt. •• , . < ¦ •

PUBLIC blTTINGS wil be held at ibe.Court ofBankruptcy, oi^r CborU, Dublin, pn itDAT,'

tbe Sixth day of AP«ivl877,*and on' Tmst>lT)-lb».17th dny of APKIL, 1877, ut the hour of 11 o'Clock in¦ Um ltanan<>on,.wtor«atttie Bankrupt in to.atu>nd,andto auJce^fBllidm^oaBre and diappvecy.of iis Estate

;tf$(l $jffie|t(. Creditors may pro|e; \heir Jlebta, uudat the First Sitting oboose a Creditors' Aesignee. Atthe Last Sitting the jBauLkfa^

is reqjiived to finish"his Sxamination. " " " " ] . . '. .

; All (p rafins bayjng in the^r. possession auy Propertyof the Banltrupt'm'ust deliver it, and allj dabte doe tothe Baokrapty. mna^ e.paid, to, Lucius',H, P^EBIN Q,Official Assigoe^',1 Upptor'^Orm&ntf.ojUayV thiblln,' towhom Creditors may forward their affidavit*.of Debt.

' A. K. LLQXIl.JDtipDty.jUMrisu'ar...JOHN L. & yf ; W&t%\ti*xSi>f ioitt ial v l

29;IC »:iKU*;-ii ' • 17i'Balohe'tor8''»Walki'Dublin.

Statutory NotiM to rCreditora-'la the Goods of tbe Bov. W ILUAM JOSWH HK NKSBI ,¦ 0 late-ot :Lower Grange,'ia!ttjiCoanty ol- Watcrlord,

Boman Catbolio Clergyman, DecetiBed. ' ; *T^TOTICK IS HEKEBY QIVEN pOnmaot to the


• farti»imn^aaR |a)nti.;,23rdliyiotoriu,

OMjl.j8pl}tDat'f *jU^rBgp<le|\iimipfr, lU> i be, .C,reditore ofthe said HeV. WILLIAK 'Jbskpii', | t^NKasiu' .who'., died,intestate on the 16tb day, oLFeijrpary, 1877, at Lowerartbge,ll':4foWsuftli'3Are •hettbi'.'rtqniiled'''before tbeSift-day Ut1 ilAfiOH.'I fBt.:, -?o' ?a>nilb tbeirttlaiins ordemands, in writing, to tbe undersigned, as Solicitorfor KICUAED HKNNES8r, ot Miiu'ti <Yern6n( 'in "lihaCounty ol Waterlord

^tgQj Whqm Ltitter* of.AdminiBtra-

tiou ol the Goods otaaidDmieusud" were granted lorthof the WatPrlord Dielriot Begwt y 'b'f Her'Majesty 's

l(PWiti)V» f .wbatp in LTeUind,.fln,the> 9ib day ot ii cu,1877. • • . . • .»T. '.i.'ojBi 'O ¦in> till I . I .- ¦.

Anil Notice is hereby given, thr.t after tbe said 31stor March, iust., the said^AHmiaiB'Satoi ttll pAoeedto distribute kh iAasHOjrotvMpdirttoqwed^avtugir*-,gard only to i the claims and. demands which, shallhave been furnished as aforesaid. - [

-Dated thfs 'ioWdey ofiMirdh, 1877^ '' ''- f \-^A •'

AUmimatrataQ ajbrBbng-stji Watertpidr ,To all whom it muv cWcBrfi:>*-E J L±X-&tlf M

ST. JOHN'S CHUEOH:. i<w ?.i SIW HT —m:i\iif \ '.i.'i'Jo-.i '/ '¦. / . '

D*l'o3ndbafedl>b>-^ thlri /YeryT.IBeri Waiher -!fiiiXI8up*rior ot the OtilaJej. JgchiopjJvJtotrHf, Wi^aMgCmenoe in ST. JOHN'S CflUBOH. on GOOD FRIDAY;mami •YroT.)ciA-,Lr) li

:if O.U Ul) au " / /^l ilJltf-

0 ,,y.o . l iWW^^0 ^11*:!©^ * "!WuirV4fiQTi«fl«,Mtention o;f their omtomere nnd••aiJt^n )o Vft'iiO tt*B flBiiKta»hete itlhiS ¦) ,. *».;: ,-.»»v Ji"5 .tioxoh-'llfld f-w't • ¦ : ' • ' * : i 1- 'inl vij'.^RS-.BdjVAJtttED STOOK of SPBINO por v\u KIJIll S "T~;—frTTT - '- M ¦ ! I •!•.!' Tj.!&jPaTing,,jniiiMjj»rf ed fromlne Leading Market!, , I-,-noa <).'inh»y «r«.!;«iow prepanjd to offer the : >|^^QH Icea^ r tier'of rth«;seaabn,;jl•m Jii'''}! .«' l/v"")t «'l ,vif : i~ ' » •• ;.i • _ ¦'¦ i . / IT- - Tf l t i i -j1 Mi&tei'LfeS'W f>f . tas for^wbioh1 if oy ciS

Purcbases jkjj alway«,b«en obJkTaoteriaed.I K ItiwT- 3io« niuii "oMiTnjli'.V.i ': -V', -i n"'\i^Sci,pB£^S. ab Da:'lni'6^bmerei, lAmure.eaflf^^Wl/. 6 1- '.^:?Wpif;U/i : ' ....vti

: <lr^q»a« BJaoV.'Aind1 Colored!SIJL;K, 8 , / ; «'A'Spieftdld^AiecV'ttofent of MAlfTLESaod JAOSfcTSliu%liLlSMlVA& '8TIu;W8.In great Varfsty: IJ!:y f>3 *«§M«<lLOWSS?lrA#W5y«\TH ^Vumi 'IIQLOVBS. fiOAlaKS, HOSIEEY, and OMBa tLAlJ... . :::. -. FLA. IMiBLS and BLANKBXflj '¦ j'|'"Jii,.-. u

T A^CaUinJtlHCDlUa B ;;|LI N B N;Si ^

^_.tobiK0^W^||MO,AB^L^< . O 'Jf' l' li f*!!1

O tuiuee. , ; 'i biov.o.i...f. •' . ; . .- ' i__'-¦;!¦. •.) :,..., . :; •> ¦

¦¦• {


. \ ¦'¦ A - '"¦¦¦i ll i

r.Vo|!iiMftt ;.i(i - 'aaoii2 i^yjtina'nyt: K: * i MI;";i!';¦ . -' ..- - »¦ ¦ - L - y - 'i^i > A Til ij D r '0 nsV a3 s? TTATTOV - i • ¦ i * ' ^i ' *¦ Jswa J* biru .Wr^WArMoJT^MSWJwyi .*iuii«¦ ¦. ¦:;.. ! (7 6v;^,P;-4T,i|^>i:r««*jq1ftjp . < .-»*• ,, »:'" : P.8.—.V7an .(WtfW]Three'Apprentioe8 tf 'tg' •"^tt^^plJqn^^himiiWyiai ftaeWrioi'i' •:• C'\T "':¦!

¦r ; ;; y j £fim,j,q>dVi>o ^

-^UB-LriT-l^SIHTa^W iii


grate-AtiaapMagaMi»l j|>»|i Kia..^-,f«>m

^^^^fs ^ S5SWs Aet§| '


THBATEE ROYAL, WATEEFOKD.^. .¦''•.;¦:; r.*i.

¦- , ;>, v-i- '-^ ..

i US' BiSTBB-^MiofNDA, . jkPBIL ; 2ND

. •

¦ ; . :;•; ; EE .T U a l N v't'fi^lT

^HijyOHARLES suiiiiyAisr's>^COMEDY COMPlNY ! ''

LA S T from the A D EL P H I THEATBE. '¦• • • "¦ ' • ) ¦ '. '. ¦! -LONDONi. - \ y : : \ .-i \\i ': ¦ . ¦¦

- -NKW-aaENER Y T^BBW-rAIiENT l- and, , . , , , ¦ «JT. ^TTifAqriQOTr!

• v , ,

« 'Particulars in fntn're announcements', L i


Consisting of ASH, ELM, BEECH, BIKCH, 8YCA-MOKE , LARCH, and FIR, all marked and siand-

> ing>jnK rhbj;Wool'.'arVirHITtflEIJD^'the Estate of'' Mrs/CllBISTUAsi" " - - - jnj^HE TREES ure in the Plantation conveniently,JLj placed between the twp Presented Koada lead-iog from""Wa"terford to tho Sweep, and within 400yard of tbo River Quay at Killotteran. '• AlBo; to bo' Bold, 25 Gross EL1I TBEES, standing

in an adjaoent Wood,' >. :All to be paid tor on acceptance of Tender, acd

before cutting of Timber, and tho cut Ling uud romdvalto bo completed within two months from the accept-

. !»,: • 'aoce of. 3-ebder.1 - <vTeuders on . or before

rent to'6V left 'with ' ¦''

aoco of. leiidetv - . ¦ - . '/ • .;.' .. •¦I I MM . I : ; / :;

Teuders on or before tho 31st March next to berent'to'dr'lefti 'with ' ¦'' :- "i'' l;v *'• '•' '' •-| ' /' ;

JteBBrs. D0BBYN & TANDY, Solicitors, |28th February, 1877. Wnterlord.

.. .. Mr.; CAX,^B II

OOKE, .tbB.jgamekeeper.' at Wb it field,entra'uco' Gate Lodge, will sbow the Timber at anytime. i. ' i / ir . :. ; . .- i » i I - M :!.¦?• .¦; -i ' jnl6.8t

SEASON 1877.


WILL Stand, this "Veasdir at "BAcnELOBVWALK, lilATOE'a-WAiK, "WATKniOBD. |

TSRMa—Gentlemen's glares, £2; Groom's Fee, 53.Farmers' Mares, £1 ; Groom'B Fee, 2s 6d. Groom's£B araoK-FA^MEt'T'

CGTK5BTTi' Wt''ni

BiV/rising 6 years, withfcla&TrfiilW;Stands spleenaJlitoSfhande W«u.'. PaVni«Vsf5lor»U by Farmer'sGlory ; hie dam is a first-class Suffolk Mare, grandaBim bV-Canag'a,fidyal Drake I

Season terminates 10th of July. No acooun'Mnlityfor*accident happening to mares or foals sent,to tillshorse. All money to be paid by the FicBt ot Ootbber,ot Ten 8hillmffS extra will be charged. '• ¦¦ f f I '.i • ¦¦ ' • PEOFBIKTOR-JOHN WEDGEEf '

: -\ , . T_— S E A S O N , ., UM . i

, YOUNG MATCHLESS, j , . .. .•i .YEJJX'.-fiiie Red Roan OART COLT, rising'£%. 6 years old of great power and substance, |yeryqnieti imnd^actWcapital worker,bred by iir. J. Ipjinm.Cftllow, Herefordshire. He is by " Yonuj CaUowi" by'.Yonng Aotiye,' by ' Blfokthovn ' (bved by Mr. Godson,Eoking^on.'LincoInshi .his i'iam by ' Old k erryman,'great grand dam by "Old1 Ccbham,".t>.na oombinjnithe best breed of cart horses in Luioolna'iire and York-shire. His sire "Yonng Callow ,", wai' winnernf thefirst priteat toe Hereford Agri< uiairal -'JtO'V in'tna best cart stallion in tbe connty beat&g severalfirst olaaa horses ¦¦- WBl-l-s+ahd-tbIs--Season at BACHILOK'B WAIJC,MJLTOB'B WALK, WAVKSFOED.' TlBica—Gentlemen's Mares, X2 ; Grroms Fee,' Mares XI Groom's Foo 2c. 6d. Groom'sFoo to be paid at first service > -- Seaxon terminates 10th of Jnly. No .vjcoantabilityfor accidents happening to mares or foals sent to thishorse,. All to be paid by the First of October, or TenShillings' extra will be charged.m23, | PBOPBrrroa—JOHN,WEDGEE. : .. .

SSIftterfori) iHarliets.'..


.. \: _ , . ,'

; . . . . Waterfor&^

ilarch Bird, 19, 77..Wtat^er'ioriqii the week was'dry, with slight frost, bnt itw 'U r»tnlni< to-dsy. ' ' ' y , .RA'J'IVE WHEAT—Oar quoUtioni ara merely &omli»i, ¦ i

there it no farmers' whent oomloK to market.1 .-BLA0K- QAKfr-Dnll, and 2d. lower. ¦'. . .::. i I,¦¦ FORBIQH iWUBAI—Hrm. • , . , '¦ ' / i , ¦,. MA1ZB—A good bosineu doing at a decline of Bd. per brl.• FliOTJE—No ahangs. ¦ i ' • • ' ' ' '' '¦¦>.• - \¦ ¦ ¦¦ . • • < • ¦•¦ ! • ' ¦> ¦ ¦

J. '* 8: PHELAN. :_

P R I C E S ' C TT B. R E'lf'T .' ¦• '¦• • '••4 N .J

.. ¦ ¦, „ . -iIRIBIf .1;. - , „ ,. «p.w- , ;) i OId. . ;WHEAT, per'birrel of 2801b«. ' a. d. ' " . 'd.i. d. • •.- d

i — Whlt« - - - - a 6 to 28 000 (1 to 00 *2fl 6 27 000 03J 0;'i. E3''8oO 0

. — Red - .. . . . .¦• *— !ir. 8aipp(nB do !¦ > ••.> • ' ! >

BABM5Y, Mr.barrslflf iUVaf..,— GHridlng •

iSiK, Sfoamfof 'Mlbs". ¦

oo o00 C

00 B00 I

18 '-ibS oI» 600 0

iz io co afrO 0 00 0

1 <*// H ,IS 018 6

'12 Vlr X

i '< ¦ I /«-> 1 '•'. B' Ifik'.r J Ai' " ' •

IC^OXIB, po-u>oV ¦>< 28011*1 —' 8nnerffo'j ^


»—irtrSinrr" 'JJim sJ , pet-Sxk ,

co :•10 P00 >0

Vi 014 0 H'.60o:i0

'ii'b "*$P ooo nssr*—8»-«tote o36 0 37 000 il6 6 7 6 0 0e e 7 o: o o

0001 0( t o o

BTUSJ M/ UWJ _L • 6 6 7 6 0 0 • 0 0POLEAKD do - 6 6 7 o; o o I <• :o 'li: . : ' M i 'y,

. FOREIGN. ' . tv.**:--WHEAT,per barrel of 2801b*. .. ,. . ,J —• • A*e-."ciin;'8prlD 'Knd Wfnicr -

>i o (-%&;$<• A : 3-JD H A .rtBDIAN XpJW^yellow. Odetu anil 6»UU-n _ _ .. .i- TDraU and Foiontan (old).r ; — ' ~^ r ¦*""•'¦ v>3 ! *'-j • '~ fL ' — t '"5c il"|jlohJ»|>ficnD vci'jtfi

aSTAn%r«%l$B%ateUiboibii. '.

— French, pei' aack, of zSOlbs.'.?fDIAK UKAI^AmsHcuii'peruck-f ZK i rf !li'.I-'f-{rf' >m

«ok*S:rawu.r0' r*r

t. d ••> %: ¦ 129 0 0 2 9 ' 600 0 "00 0£9 8 f 29 600 0 00'. 00" o 'oo ;o00 0 : 00' 000 0 ' 0JI 014 6 -U e|oo o: ¦ oo o!15 3. -!1S 6w o .-oo -o".00 0 ' -.00 000 Oi - 0 0 0k» o| jx)'o18 gj r

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Tlrip rtrf intJteemivAf akmitos.'tiw-di 'A nth. \IMTORVS. . '¦ i BXPOHTS. >.\ . ,. . .jlti%Vn' «§& ^^»' ' 7^ISSE «i0*U >M ,i- .••!¦. : ':{ .-r%d*JY|oato y'.> ;'- .t!251 || do. ,'.;Burley.V/ .- i i t :rr - 8a«ks. ,1|8arl«Er l .. , J .i , i - '.mji! do", '' i»U.»r ; .in lj ,t ,l l«j

ffiki V/y ,; 1Sj|;1 *£, .;!'Mo»|;-1> ¦'¦''¦•-¦•"~i'&wkw->ijltiatou«e»l *'-:isa< l ij dp,, ,' I

'• •¦'-'{Corif ccte'iM 'dvr/ tif tttk 'Watirforil NeviX :'PBoriaidNBJ; - .id :: I .'j r , J ' .: - l ^/ K .

Bicp* PieSt Ptr cwtBrn\s do. ,.#!« do.:""ficKAr* - do. '

.;i"Ti -lA-iitf / 6«. 0J to MJ. Otf.1¦¦Ws '.'-Oa;!1' lO^-Od/

i 33*. 0d.r! ii<. ou.!i «!., Od.

' -"'P -^'Sd< : -'t,v.l£n .81sV' Od

BcaArs do, — — 4fa. Od.LfM din,-)) y j .i ah. od.

¦Bia»,.perab.,.v; 7d.0d to ,811'lLtiivps»u.i.Oi '.Oi to'ft, Od

%d;j.:r ;-; t? S^Vi'bil6i per.tcio''.i

WmTl,'P«r*]b—6id.' to<" 8M I HOOMOL*,per «UjI) .B,!..|l .w ,tl'l. - M i.riJvl WJHS8BX. II .: . . .u -UuBu'a,pergnjlon,. Vk. , ,0d.;|.Oi.» Oowt,gallon, '¦¦Ooafc.wiao iwo,,,. , >l*-. g v/ .J -JI .:!.,..

I ..? It

.H ..«o« .*J>,pr OWL 29*. Vgiu. .. . — Oi '.'04.

Oil to


! HJB truos; par bH; 26t.'to' a*.' rSoi i/'"- 0i IU. o "Oi U'd8i£iiuif ,'p«r lb. St &l ta 0i.'«d}X(MS0T^-^Und. tf « OdJ

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:Itt?Vl>yprftb'n;<lbs'Od''ah O«'/SlAvi''«rT 1000, • '"«£90?X*tlow'lF;if»,l do MB Od to 00>°>|IJUTBS, pfcdo'lW. U> 1<> OiliS) KiKjiliifjd j,i ,,„ «|Oltti»l)Ao0 fnil «»n ( i-> !| ,|iui:ral5OOAU, poijWB, lfctW u 1S» 0|L J Cexs, p«4oii4»ii' co OOt OJ'

¦TI uo':{"oAt<X'rW>'ti' MU."M.'U)A«s]m;ptf «)U» W<v50»'ull?": v •• *"¦¦•; ..«¦¦-¦',:¦

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• V''.?' \te oaft lo!iiti'it(iiSl'Viiffti JH«Wf«

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.¦B^i|w-/r7Vi ';iVii« |^.,T- .,Wate ii83l.! ?ftiwu^I'if M uoy u«ir~ii»j.i»iry'<nui6iiiraiisfl:j«in :ijrijr j "7 1 '•.'

4imft^^li«vc1ifft<M'¦>* »& kikfW;

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*|l»*iip i* M5S*ii5*SJMsHS ^aj^ij i'

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.;(>)s»s»»*SrB^a^a^SiP -.'v-'r,,'i>,)Jil'-'J : Ur&iK.^mS ma

!*?S I

HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. •'> TH« ¦ CoRaiamoaes.—MABCH.—Carrlimorna, Wednesdny,

3th ; Glenmoro, Thursday, 29th | Kilauh Cutlo (WoodlandEnntinit), Saturdsj, 31it.—At 11 "'clock. \

¦¦ '•,' FAITH LSOO HxaaixBS.—MABCB.—Sporthouae, Monday, l!6tn ;Pitrkswood, Thnnd&y, 29th ; Bells Lake, Monday, April 2nd ilull of Puuage, Thnr«i»y, 6th.-At 11.*) o'clock.. THC OLOHXSS HABBISSS —MAKH.—Slate Qnarrtei, Mon-day, 28th.; KenUjrortb. Thur»d»V, 2?th.-At 12 o'clock, .harp., tHB iLnirkT HWWM.-MiBCH -B lykoeffe. Monday,E6th i B»Uyhale('Tue8d»y, 27th j Freihford, Suturdajr, 31tt.—At half pwt eloren o'clock. '

• '' ¦ ¦' '» ¦•; ¦> 'LOCAL1 'KAILWAY TRAFFIC,For . (he: .y/j tek . ending Friday, Mar. 16, 1877.

Wtte.-fordl Athenry . WaUrt'oTTKliicenny. !d ana and and Eil- I Junction

! ¦• '. . ' ¦ .i. Umeexk, Enni. kenny (31 I RaUway(K'im lei 36 miles ; miles 28i mile

„ open). open. | open. | »P°°-

. ' ¦ • , . ¦'. \\e i. d.l £ «. d. I e «. d. ¦£ ». d.kUleava"! i '' Pa-car ^uOl 1 2 82 7 1

201 15 7 {

117 18 10

Good«;CattlelC«* 19 . 11 24J 18 8 . 529 6 3 j 223 15 5

! Total . 2786 1 8~

323 6 3 TJl 110 ! 311 li 3, corretp'diusr ' ' '

• ' ' „ „ «week liwt y1?. 2385 3 5 429 15 9 581 13 * ' 320 18 3

DUBLIN STOCK. liXOHAJSIGc!— V ESTKRDAY¦ • • ' • ¦ • • ¦ ' " • pa. Canh. Acot.-

. Three per Coat. Consols — 95iH —Now 3 per Cent Stock : — 95Jt —

i , Bank of Ireland — 311:: —National Bank — 73} —Monster Bank, Limited — • 931 —Hibernian Bank ..— 65i —Provincial Bonk — 82i —National or Lira ¦oool Ohniia'j .) — 18} —¦CKf oiDnV '-i Steam Co>npany...I04l 112^ —

' ¦• .' ! " • BA'iWATS.Great Southern & "Westsrn X100 paid... 129 . 122i

¦ . _. MOON'S 'CHANGES.PirstQnarter... Thnrsday, 22nd 1 9 P-mFull Moon ' Thursday, 29ch 5 49 amlist Quarter... : Thursday, Apr. 5th 4.30 p.mNew Moon...... ' Friday, . '. ' . 13th 5 SO a.m

Sftfif liaftrforb £08"Bai jiJsT. iAHD PBAE NOT."


In another part of our paper will be found animportant report ef the Prudential AssuranceCompany, to which we would ask the reader'sattedrion for fall information as to the positionof tbitj prosperous institution. The report is byfar the mosc satisfactory and encouraging whichhas yet appeared, even from this great company,now so well known and properly appreciated allover the united kingdom. In1 the returns of 1875,published by the Board oi' Trade, in accordancewith the Life Assurance Companies' Act of 1870,the premium income of the Prudential is Rhownas exceeding any other office ; but now that itis over one million pounds, the fact becomesmore prominent. As will be seen by the balancesheet, the investments are safe, and the effectsot the Act of 1870 are, that' the Board of Tradetests them annually, so that the security is un-doubted. .The Company has paid £2,000,000 inclaims, and recently, to our knowledge; paid aclaim to the widow of a poor man in this city whofell off the Qaay and was' drowned, bub -Those

v body was never recovered. The Company neednoi; have paid in this'case, the, body not havingbeen .recovered , for inquesb and certificate ot¦dtethv This aot alone Bhovrs the liberality withwhich claims are met—in fact, the prompt settle-ment of liabilities by the Prudential Companyhas long been an acknowledged fact in this local-ity aB well as elsewhere. From the Isle of Wighttxnreu we take the following :-. "The Prudential luanrauoe Company does a verycoiiaiuemble balnea* in tho Isle'of Wight; they havethru; 'agents iu 'e»erj town, and these find but littletrouble iu eeouriog biioiueou for a Company addition . tbt ibe various, other recommendaiious,auda . th'at of pr'otnptuesB in the payment ol' claims.To those 'heads ot fumilieu who buve hitherto ne-gleoced tho matter of insurauoe for their obildreu,.we cXu. nith very great . coufliJence . recommend thiejooietf to . their noticu,. as by iusuring with a Com-pany ol this kind provision ban bo made for a fenptsuoe a week wbicu will not only provide a sab-suioiial uniuuni ia base of death',' but will also makesome provision lor a ctiild when he or she arrives atmaturity. '• No better sooiety of'the kind; ' we aresnrei exists, and thb' evideuoe, of the' actuary, whoprepared tbe report leads to the conolosion thatthere are few so vood." . ' •¦

In a notice of tho Prudential Assurance Com-pany, th$.£«mmer,cialjt p i (d has the following :

" At the present time polioies are being issued' at therate' 6f SO.000 per week'; ongaging tho time and labomof 400 clerks: at Ludgate-hill alone,, of which 100 areladles.'.' Of ,tho, labours of.'the.agenta'employed we donb£,.'now speak..alth6righ.tia important part' they playinothJB unparalleled organization' is ah element whichcanxipt bo overlooked.- - Andj of ,'cburae,' all this workcannot be done except at a great outlay. ; Bnt in esti-mating the advantages conferred, Uttarally npon thons.ands of families every year, it may surely be'said thatitl,is mbpey- wisely employed. -On this point the trueanswer tq,the objection is that the buainasa is condactedwith a profit.a fabt attested b'r the lanra mnralns shownin the valuation reports we publish to-day." ¦ . ¦- < . - . 1

THE ASSISTANT SEOEBTABY'TO •THB COUNTY- v^:- i :;^:., , ^ QBAKD 'JUKY. "- ' ' :;'•-The following resolution ¦nas.pauecl onaoimoasly'fcyithp grand, jnrj- f >bp ooao y. .;oC -^aterford at theolose af . the fiscal, basine»B on Mouda'y last, | oh themotion of the Hon. Dudley Fortesoue, D.L., seconded

, by, Blohard J'.. iU8sW, Bso.. J:P. : . . • - . ; •, . .7 rV Th*t,thia grand jnry canqofc 'seperate without re-oordinf their sense of theyalaable eervioes.performedfor '.'saveial yfears by .their , late 1 deputy ¦ secretary, Mr.Dunford, aniJAey,.take.tliis opportunity of conveyingto him their sppreciation'of the assiduity and.puntn-

,ality ho baa shown in tho worK of his office, as well asM:the doQriU»y-and VUltngness'to oblige they, have at

!aUf time*''experienced from him in the performance ofbii®Me4J 'r l ; : < . ; -, ;.;; . "; .' '' ,. ". ¦¦• ;v'f. " fesponst to this resolution Mr. Dunford 'said—•-.Gontlebiepi I beg to thank_yo'u for.' the resolntionwbiob haajbeeo. noapimoqjsj/ puese'd expressing yourapproval of thytnBtraer'in-Wbiob, as deputy eeoretary,

: I ha+eperftjrbiBd the duties- of' the bdbnty.seorHary's'6fflbejl-1I>feel'{>' ond of this mhrlrbf yodr'»pprc*al!foo;WvblbV I - ha'TB' sVlWays 'endeavored ¦ to merit j »qd; inBeverldg'my'Oonneotion this day 'with ib» dotles inwbibtf-t ^VeJWlten Bdaotl^apkrfforaqmany years, it

TIB jnoit^ratifylDg to me to leave.with tbiB proof olIy6»5ptr«!iKkS oT^QUeaVobrtb perforni toypart to the beiVof mv power. ' . ,

*ii6tip WAiHtid'A BEHrfSFOBD AND THE MONEYi>:.lMUlA< *i / J .' >:fl ' '(*.;'""IuLBMi)I!B. ''

' •*• ¦•' ¦ • : / ! . , ' . ; i;.°'The'Irfaiitf 'Lord . Marcus •Beresford Jfor an as-vift'cDced yesterday imorniog at the MiddfeMX sessions,Bmdlt 'bnJ<Mr'. Barman BdgWr Tfdy,' BoKoiujr,"'odm.

'Tji»^Wofc(oixU||gfaarfaied^^ 'th'e- 'olroumslanbesj or.^he j

[.•jiBijaJ^'iind^'jras ! corroborated by" oti ';b"$theY an'd'o, u ffc '- ]T4 ^0ro(ie-exijmJnatidn"'be elated toat he bad,-wrmhkiii ae/en iii £ao9,ijror; a ;;*i;opQ bni, 'aid 'uwhiindnojobarged £25 prr: moutb 'for ,lrepepraj.,,, .He ;Jhiidi'rnaJths.ishorjfl's officer into the defondsnt's"buosti/^The owe is proceeding. :i . / .JJI ,. j <¦ '..' .*J^t i.ij 3(O^r-';i I: » I t : - ¦• •

[ '* iv ¦ -' ' ', ' ' '. L '

¦"" irI»kiTiEtlOP1A''WATEEFOED MAN AT'ST. .'

t'';Oo tn'e'aliit ofTebruaKy lart/Mt.' Martin Ponder*' for-*m'erly, 6fI tHlW rdiedJat'8t.' Sbnhj'ttS.V'in the 60thear k »,iW!hi5hlV*ftm«^^*iHiigj Bfe,' ' and ¦

;&rcWi1ttbnWe4'tt "deattt" At jftgnlarUeetinff of3t ''&c V»uCoTiferenoe'cf''the'Bt.'lrin*«nt de Paul

i cja&. 'St'.liuisV'htta¦' m MondayVeietuiig, Feb.'•i\*VX» I tna iXOllowing -zvauramna- -wvrvmmaimouBiy'5aoptia':T-Wh1«*arit1 has'pleasW'iAlniMity God-U.trom

; our midst, by death, «nr',i Martin¦fc.yia' iis wij^ ^ttu- co jffBp,'IrUtflsUlXSvuOD I • wjBr8iorO| VQ n • - j . : ;•->!.«•' o_ t^ tthU OmferWlo.liMilc .1 *fl"8i idj^ tfeihb tte.l / wis jklpjiima

jOP«J& (3t«*toaI;tHe'pkrish','ttneMlt*w*thiiiit4fefl.rfiSr«^mtataity*»V>od dtUen.and the Wo»M, anSlMsirEBfil^W'W- ''1'" l' l'|''!r?i''!.«l» IUv» ><rxoci:8 .i><i^Si*(l«fdf5/n ' fW< ppitf« o«';tw4*i Mjtutjia .¦iiii^WvSr vSSsViA f i m l f i 4n thii'thsir rlsrtiViii"^"t"*!nwTtWi T>« WWrbw>ltr> f' rwft.MMlthe'n^ftSTia*crtt: tWdafly and wsrir^d sfisnuagd"

i">Wi );3?*'>'*u;)<is*^<inii*t|;uniio«iita^atJ-JP ¦aiddantTijo lfi ji»ilinl;o» jii :j«»i!'»iiftMlrWv55Mi?'i« «*3r5


¦¦ 1

W ATERKORD SPRING ASSlZhS, 1877.(Continued from our Last.)


CO0NTY GRAND JURY—SATUKDAT.The Grand Jury renamed at ten o'clock this morn-

ing,.and proceeded with their fiscal , busines. Thofollowing was

THE COUSTt BUBVEVOa's KEPOBT :" GENTLEMEN—The schednle that will be preaonted

for your consideration shows that application* for workshave been limited. There are none calling for anyspecial observation.

" Considering the long continnance of wet weather,the amount of injury has not been considerable. Dur-ing some of the gales in tho earlyjiart.of the year, thepier, at Lady Elizabeth's Cove, Tramore, snstaiiieusome injury, and also the road leading to the boathouse. Tho BOB- wall nnder Woodstown likewise snf-fered ; but this damage and the before-named injnry atTramore have been made good in a permanent mannerby magistrates' warrants. The oommissionera' roadleading to Youghal Bridge has also sustained some in-jnry, breaches being caused by the sea. The pavementto the sea wall at Ardmore haB been injured.' Warrantshave been prepared for these last namei works, bnt asyet no magistrates have signed them. Tho public roadfrom Dungarvan to Ardmore, in the townland of Duff.oarriok, was doatroyed fcy_ storms between the end of thepast year and the beginning of the present-Hue lengthsomething moro than 800 yards. The road as a com-munication to Ardmore is nselesa.< 'To. repair it, andconstruct works for rousting the action of the sea, is anoutlay which I would not : recommend . tie oounty toincur. Tho alternative is the. construction of a roadmore inland, which,can be so to be freefrom the inroads of the sea for many, years. . : .

" YOUGHAI, BRiDOE.-r-His Excellency the Lord Lieu-tenant, acting on the] memorial presented at summerasBizes, 1876, by the grand jury of the counW of Water1-ford, directed the commissioners, of whom I am one, totake into consideration the eligibility ' of building abridge on the site of thapresent «ne. The nestion wasvery, carefully considered. Flans and estimates wereprepared to ascertain the cost of .building a.bridge atKhencrew Point, or on the site of. the present bridge ;'and after the question had been thoroughly exhaustedit was decided by the commissioners .that the site of thepresent bridge was the most suitable for conatruqting astructure of such 'stability as was absolutely necessaryfor maintaining the communication, and giving full ao-oommodation for thb' traffio that eiista between thecounties of Waterford and Cork. ; The plans, BpeoificaVtion and estimate' for,-the proposed "bridge, have beenforwarded to hisExcellonoy.who has intimated, throughthe undor secietary. that they will be laid before yonat this assizes, togetner with the; commissioners reportwhich accompanied thorn. The maintenance contractsare for the most part in fair order.—I have the honourto be, gentlemen, your obedient servant,


This question was introduced to the grand jury byMr. Dunford, aapiating secretary, reading a letterfrom Mr. Bonrke, under seoretary tor Ireland, forward-ing to the secretary of the oounty Cork grand jurythe plans and BpsoifloatiooB for the proposed newbridge, with a request that' they would bo trans-mitted to tbe eecretarv of the county Waterford grandjnry in time for the assizes. Mr. Dunford then par-tially read tho report of the obmmUaionerB on thesubject—a vary Ion; dooument detailing all tbe et-eentials of the proposed uudertaking.

Mr. Tarrant (county surveyor) , aa one of the com-missioners appointed by the late Lurd Lieutenant,stated that the t-stinmted cost of the whole work was£36 200, of whioh £17,000 was proposed to be leviedon tbe East Bidicg of the county Cork, £17,000 ontbe coonty ot Wuterford at large, aud £2,200 on thetown and parish of Youghal.

Mr. Carrey said that the work waB urgently re-quired to be done.

Mr. O. Hodnett, solr., Yonghal, said he again ap-pered in favor of a work now upwards of thirteenyears before tbe grand juries of Cork and Waterford,and a work, as llr.. .Onrrey had said, moat urgentlyrequired. The construction of a new bridge, atYougbul was proposed from time to lime, but as ofteasomething occurred to slop its being commenoed, but-now it seemed in fuirway to be effeoted.and the grandpanes of both counties appeared desiruos of having itcarried out. Nothing could be worse than the con-dition of the present uridge swaying from side toside when any heavy weight wrnt npon it , and it wasdecidedly unsafe for publio traffic-. -The world haibeard of what bad occurred at tbe Youghal ferry, audbe was sure it would be a matter of sincere rogret ifauy such thing should take place at tbe bridge, andfor this reason it was absolutely necessary that notime should be lost io oarry ing on tbo worji. As totbe coat he did not raise any objection as far aa tbecounties wore concerned, but be i thought the com-missioners had exceeded their powers io . patting aspeciul rate upon' youghal, because along with havingto pay thuc special rate they would also have to pay.their proportion of the £17,000 to be put npon the.East Riding of tbo ooDnty Cork. " '

Mr. Tarraut said the commissioners bad full power ,to do ao, and they made tbe proposition because of thedireoc advantage wbiob Youghal would dtjrive fromtbo new bridge. ?¦ . -

Mr. Hodnett remarked that tho aubjuot would haveagain to come before the grand jury, and he wouldnow submit a resolution , and 'a' form of memorialgrounded upon it to' tbe Lord Lieu(eoant, approvingof the work, and prajring that it may be rirged on aaspeedily as possible. - . . ' ' '

V The grand jury- decided to refer-both to their soli-citor lor his oonBideratfoo and ft:p6rt."1 "

THB .CABRICK ,« KW BRIDOE. .An application wua \ placed before the grand jury

t'rum- the grand jury of Jbe South Hiding of Tip-perary, asking them' to join the former'grand juryand that of Kilkenny ; in the cost of erecting a newbridge at Carriok. Without goiog into particulars,'Mr. Curry said tbe proposed bridges'of- Yonghaland of Carriok stood in very'd)n*efebt>68UioiiB. Anew bridge " at YoDghal ~ wss mnob reqnired, r tbepresent bridge being '. nnsafe| , whilot the ' one forCarriok was.not at all Bo mnpb needed, at present, atleast, as. there they had a good bridge. . ' \¦ The Foremum said Chat a direction had come dow nfrom tbe: Lord Lieutenant in lavor of the proposedwork.' ' '¦ '• ¦• • '. ¦

"• . . - ' . . . Mr. Curry, replied that they oould memorial the.

Lord Lieutenant that, id the present high state ofthe taxation'of tha 'coiuty/ it woulri not be advisablenow to go on with tb. » wprk.V ; " . . ¦ - .. '. ,

Mr. Falconer, B.L., instructed by Mr. S. Moron,solicitor, ;Wa<erf(.'rd,' 1 opjposad on preoisely ;similar !grounds, on, tbe pa'rt of several ratepayers, and the'suggestiop of Mr. ,Curry was adopted unanimously. •

., . VAljlClOUS l^UXIKS. » , ; '/ ; • ! .

To the trustees ol the Leper Hospital, to oompen.sate them for tha 1AU of a' dwelling boose, lately intbo rxwaeasioo of 'Michael H»ckett,m»UgioU8ly burnedaud destroyed, on I'1* night of Wodnesday,' the rd ofMay, 1876, or on tbe following U)orDiug,.6p:tbe Inndsof L«perito«D,-; in -the parish of Xillea, to be leriedOffiibo county Bi ianto, JB25. :, ¦• . 1 . . , ¦ . ' ¦ ',. '. '• ¦' • '•¦

Mr K, W. Cherry,- solicitor,,said he appeared on'the part of • the -' trustees' to state tho.1 the sumallowed at session^ £26, was entirely too small to'put ' the house'as i£ waS before, and to ask tbe.grand.jury to increase it, aq.they bad full power to do. . . :

Patrick Power ,deposed that he bad been left in' obargo oli tbia boquoi «(ter Hackettwas.evicted 1 beknew the state > it i*m in before it was borned; he"

' Was ' asked to "live.- in it,- but he retused because oftlireuts nsed 'by Hackett,; there was no fire in it forT'jurteen days before 16 was burned 1 on night of the 3rdot'ilny be lrtttthehoue all ngbt.and next mcirniag at"•U 'o'blpok . he found: it burued down 1 not less than£6O' would put it;in the Btaja. it -wai b fora beingburntd down. • ¦« • '<¦ 1 ¦ ¦ ! ] , ' ¦'- : !". ' ¦

, ¦'..,' , { j .'/ . li: ( . , ." Sir tt. Paul said h\> differed with some of the otherniagifltraws at .«essioQ«;- beoauie he lhoBght!£25 wastoo amall a sum to,aJlow., 'It'wuB a.baUplsn, iu hisopinion, - not'la 'yivt>;tho ftiirvalnB iuoaies whsire'iV'

. was" olear tho bnrning^was- maltclou 'and n -tater?ban «tow nlghti'agbarick of'h'ayfwai buraed in toe'» «i8hborhoci»;4;.!;'; ;X

;;:?i' j "f../If;.: BlopmOelQ. niQTpd , tha^;tfce presentment' iJBO, but BUDsequentiy made it £40. . ,n

presentment «and ii sjtJp>tj«B.' . i •"•'•." ¦¦ «r .«i ,.„-,«,. 0a laVa{fwi6nl :be{iieen £Wland£i5.y teL wkia forV

be sn^r.jSB.ui and- nioe for £40;'bat'is there f t fCBOt u'SfflOfl k/ (ia~ 9t 1.tho'gran*jtttWBiiher.wa>:;<

j.. Sir 'lt.'jIauli'ttU-the'Koe'of the nnitVi wai^Uat-vS^ketejraiflfiwoKrierap'I* "troatile tlelpr > •Ud'-'left 1:5Tse'^^^^VfoltcVbad<{o '^^Lfore be

r|hreatanffg,jR)lfii«s ,' ,afldvy^or= t1<ftloffcaiS'.? as now .a.jponflti:aV'a jpri(pner;.i ramaaWH6*r ban lie bi»,:aovriwiBe5i,»Ss'a»8ifc.,r5rrJ iWbfert.Faul Y ^oy ftu .,oner ol )lsrj{e,ubot k prisooer; p ite ppijnti ut large,,VW'Jlher«lwS»tJBo.alOubtio'r Ahf apv^belug ualloioos,,)d'>tb«<opiusaa']of:«i|e-«e«aiotiMA -y('tbijikal e amount•tto!df be ok» b thi«oonty-.i(3ii'Mit' i<qH'-l; ' rW^iiiij ;;«.'AV#t«j fc y. odmBild, Uiptt tb .p-rettfnt"

jBW' li trWJi jr feW'5' -^'1 -*"

dnsTOhWlW iS fi5M*1Wuliy>Wiih« u^VtoV be"lef ot-flK^ oPra&j Wlthiay « *IOITjqtoth^*n^*»T| m^ ffi;tte fioV tH4U»iiat

[!M.*}yPaFJ3v>Sj gS f •TeyB-K«Pd from w; uiUhid»Au

site¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ i

rneutiooed, to bo levied off the parish of Motbol, £3.Mr. P. Barren Newell , J.P., deposed that r.hero

was in ill-feuliuK towards a tenant named Whelan byanother named Fitzgorald beoouse the former got thecottnge on thc Innds for a laborer's dwelling, and heboliuved the burning, whoever did it, wna malicions.Bridget Whelnu «woro to the loss of her furniture ,Bud tho presentments passed.

To John Stuuluy, to compensato him for the losa ofa mare, ao maliciously injured as to cause hor death,on the uighi of Thursday, the 10th ot Augnst, 1876,on tho land of.Little Bridgo Inches, in the pariah ofAffaue, to be levied off the parishes of Aflane, Lia.more, and Mocollop, £50.

Applicant deposed that tbe mare, a very valuableone, was turned out. to grasB all right on the 10th ofAugust; next morning BIIO was found very ill, andwas de&d next day ; her inside was examined, and itwas fonnd that her intestines bad been injured bysome blunt instrument in a way to cause her death.There was no opposition, and tbe presentment passed.

To Cornelius Cahill, to compensate him for tbo loesof the greater part of a dwelling house, the entire ofa barn, together with bouuehold luvniture and farmimplements, maliciously burned on the morning ofThnrsday, the 5th Ootober, 1876, ou tha lauds ofSpa, in the parish of St. Mnry'e—£250. (Eojeoted atsessions) .

Mr. Lovor, B.L., appeared for the applicant, andMr. T. P. Strange opposed the presentment on behalfof ceriain ratepayers.

Mr. Lovor said his olient held a farm within a fewmile6 of Clonmel , in whioh towu he alao bad a placeof business. Tbe dwelling bouse and barn on thofarm were burned down ou tbe night of tbe 5th Oc-tober last, under such circumstances as led to tbo bo-lief that the firing was malicious. There was'no onein tbe bouse at the time, and there-bad . been no firein it for sumo dajB previously, so that the occurrenceoould not have beeb-aooidental. . -What tended also to¦how malice was that somo years ago premises of Mr.Cabin's had' been barned, and tbonga the PresentmentSessions rejected his claim for compensation, tbeGrand Jury-awarded it to him, believing !in th&exist-enoa of maliaa in the «UB. - - •¦

Cornelias Cabill,the applicant, Bworo that he ront©4a farm at Spa/.near .Clonmel. In 1869 he tooksome additional laud from Mr. .Bagwell, andU)»,.t verynight a rick of' bay.belonging to him was burned j hemad» application for cotapenaatiou,whioh was refusedby the Presentment Sessions, but:.granted by tbegrandjary. On the uigbt of the 6th Ootober last,his housa and burn was bu'rued. Foreman: Was thehouse insurod ?—YOB. ¦::¦ •Did the office refoee to pay it to you ? •Th^y ad-vanoed me some money. Are yon appearing for the

, company or for .Cahill,iir, Lover.? ' ,,, .Mr. Lover- -I onfy.kiidw CaKirt in the "transaction.

(To witness)—Were you .at: Mount Melleray. whenthia fire ?.. Yes. ,

Oroea-examined by Mr; Strange—A rick of hay wasbumed on me in 18B9. Have yon oompromised withthe Insurance Company P T6ey gave me some moneyon a promissory note. AB you did nod live in thehouse, why was there so muoh furniture iu it ? 8omeof my family occasionally lived in it. Was thero anyof them in it the night it was burned ? No. Hadyon a tar barrel there ? NOD at all ; but there was aherring , barrel.

,Aro you to give that money back to the InsuranceCompany ? It was advanced conditionally ; some oftbe furniture was. saved, but £70 worth was.destroyed.1 Cornelius Cabill, jnuior, was examined, and Btatedthat he was in bis bakery establishment in -OlonmeJ,early in the morning, when be learned that ii« ft.'ther*s boase aud barn were ou fire ; be bad been stop,ping iu the house till the previous Sunday, when hewent to Clonmel, and from that till the Thursday thabouse was burned ; it wan not occupied, but witneawent over occasionally to see how things were gettingon at the farm ; he bad buen chore up to o'clock on tbe evening before the fire, and therewas no fire at alt in the place then' j when begot wordof the fire he went to the Town liispector for assis-tauoe, but he Baid he could not give it, as toe placewas outside tbe borough bounds. When he 'went totbe Bcene of ho found a barrel with traces oftar, wbioh be never put there. : . ¦ . . .. ..

Mr. Lover : Did you barn the place ? On ray oath,I did pot, aud I winh I knew wtio would acctuo meof it.

Cross-examined by Air. Strange—There was no" brnss" iu the bam. . There is tome Bpace betweentho house and* the barn. WlaC makes you think icwas malicious ? Because there was uo apparentway in whioh it could have happened accidentally.

. The lurtber conaiderution was ndjourued until Mon-day, aud when on Hoaday it was resumed there wasnot a full jury to decide it. It was, consequently'thrown oat. . .. . - :-_ ^. >tv,

Tue grand jury then adjourned to Monday morn>inir. • . • ;

AEB1VAL Of THE JUDGES ON 81TUBDAV..The Bight' Hon. Mr. Justice Fitzgerald and the

Kfghc Hon. . Boron ' Dowse 'arrived per 'train, fromClonmel ava quarter" to three,'and'were met at tbetermipns by tbe respective' High Sheiiffa, AldermanPatrick A'.'Power,. J ., BellvijleruHouse, city, andW, ,.H. Wooitrooffe.Tijsq, J.'P.,; Kill/saggartmoro,opuuty, in their very. haiiUoume tqiiipages, each drawnby .[par horaes with poBtiliouB.; . Haying entered tbecoxriajjea wiib. tbe. Higb Sburiff/, eaoh"carriage pre.°Pd .bJ lDB,. that of tbe oitybuing met at this side' ot the bridge by'the BoroughConstables under High Constable Mahony in fuU uni-form, .their irtjrdibipswfro.cirijeu to iheijfjodgiugs-in ¦ William-otrtet,n«uendi;d also fly ,'an escort ofcavalry,' military "and 'poiioe. ihe city- lag* gjing masthigh in'honor for their arrira), with* guard of honorot the 9y ttTdoing duty ot tlieClty iiall. Soon aftertheir arrival;. their iordiihips'wJro jwiuted 'ijn by theKigbt Wowhipful . TbomaB Fb'rcell; Mayor, who wasintroduced by the .City: j t igti ', 8hariff. ." Toe Uvaryof tbe: High ( SheriiTa ,men Was. .4maci admired forther neatness, .and finislr. Both ..were of, the samecolor, blue, but if. anything.tfmiofitheoitv. mads bvMr. White," Ichaer-streec,' waa'tne'most attractiveThe BoroDgh Constables .lpqked:exc«edingly well iathe new unilorilui 'made fat }&&; wrjngive est&bliaa.jnent of the Hessrt. Tpbiii

^oJoibaarSj.tJtay.COa«Tk',.CQniTf ilcjiDAr.

The Bigbn Hon Baron Dowse entered oourt tbtimorning at ten o'olodt, atiecdea by ihe-High SberiEW. H. Woodrooffy,. Esq., aud .hia iub.sheriff, K. Q,Hiud80n, Ksq. . ; i ,. iv , ; • . . , '7 iff* (I/Dennehj.jBsq,, Clerk of the Crown, road thsoommiMion.after whioh he re-impnaoeliea^ followi i' • ' • ¦¦ • • I .IHC OBANO •'UMitji Js^S. Sir JOHN H. KBAWX, >Bar *.,d).^ Cbpnoquin HOOM,. . , " . . ' ¦foreman 1

HonJD. F. Fo'rif itoatr, D. ./Sammerrilfe) House :Sir Kiohard Itopgrave; Bart-J,. ouriiiCount de la Poer, D.L., Qorteeu Castle'•' 'Jobu H. Bagge.-Eso;, JJP., Ardmire, ' '~Kiohard A..01mnlqr, JBsq, J ...§allerbrido9;AmteOM CoD8re»e,;iJsq, D.L., Mouot.Congrev.,Jo»ephCWeill «o»er, jio, DJii-Snowhitl Hoiuo»Patrick J. Power, Ksq,, JDX., PaithleggHoueejI' Mar0°ll

<B«T<"'. &><MO.1»> Belmont Park;Kobert T. ftjrew.'Hso;, U.L., Ballinamona 1Percy Smyth, Esq. Jlp.; Headborough ,/ .'William P Alaxw«ll,'E.q., MoorebUlj '

Richard J. Ussher, £aq, Oappaitii « 'VVray B lisMr,

Btq.. jj?, Aniestowa, •Km™t *'-!ii **: J.P., LismoreCaiUe:"" n 'V' „ i*o'd' M;.J-P-. Straucally Castlej

; Captam O. Morru Wall , Houktands i -^William C.'B. Wyse, E o q . f J ^ Mtnbrof St. John ,. . William, Armstrong, Esq., J.P., Biilydavld House s; ,y»W^W . O. Bloomneia, Esq., XP., Newpark

^BT i

'8i"' .'J-F! Aibtirview.': ..'..;Hu;Lordariipob»rged.ihe gn,nd JU7M followsi-Bw Joho Keaoeud gemiemeu of the'graijd jory ofthd County -of Waterford, i am glad » be oble tocongratulate;yon?to. ibi»- aMi2e« on the^peaceabto,oowtiiiou; .of . jronr;oouptjrr :I nave had the honor itiyaat .twioo - bofore of pi si-Jiujj iu this oonrtandl

; ia tbe

privilege., M a ying Uw sauie thing to tb.*mf . W«,$«i«*wn oameJ before me. The bills to«(» K lffl«^*oa-»«.1tbe,pre»ent"us.iie8 amount 10 bat¦?.!*."L™?'K>rr«oa ¦Joft-wiU-haw.bui. liula hifflonltvJr.TT1

^1""1?"1* **KW»Mi requiring any';

rr w T 0 Tonv me. On"vial a cito of :

•M° JSS r°i,0' T'BU« r'0DB »»rioaBtM»olt,?: ¦

;oammft«(;*hy «eh f ^*o3SX83$3**i!r 5wiJ«^-Wftft»ffl-p ,jg(| y.l 'iaun»^|h'ifc '?::'::i, Ing r ;.m., BrinW i?(;»aoth>r; aayj dispan«in« nstter' i' i•o.Withow aoy, rwt^^K, lsnnu^ ay^*m«aa »f 1that yrimo jaei a baa* b*o bj»o eatsbliaSM'andTOt*;will! t*mJ U dbw to taltrJo r wSaooowe^S

H ^Wi /W.M?A iM.Wp»r*pf oases' -&»m


• •"fon3ing"pe'riod of'{he previous year ttie convibtiona-^'did'oot obnonrr Thig unfortunate ¦'woman had" fallen-were 937, showing an increnco of 203 cues. This a riotim to ledaction j another had joined her in herincrease of con riot ions may have-been owinfc to not of immorality, bat he ooald not join in the opinionincreased Ti'gilanoe on the part of the police, or 'from that a father would be found wiliinsr to imbrue hitan increa-te of intoxication, or as the County Insprcu.r \mnda in the blood of his offspring.' ' He wonU submitof Kilkenny told me—and as, no doubt, the County thit the evidence of the aunt, Mary Doherty, W8BInspector will tell—it, arose partly from OM» strong Jn anpport of that theory.' .She comesdirectoanae and partly from the other. . On .this subjeot I »•• her house from the workhouse, : where the woman•poke at . some length in Kilkenny/and I do not si o - Dnl.erty knew afae had been confined | abe il asked byany reaaoa. for , repeating those .observations her.-;, her where is the baby, and her nniwer ia :','.it died inthey have been very folly "reported, and anyone in- mj armt, and is gone, to if* buried,", telliog .wbs,t she

r terested . ip it can thoro . soa what was aaid by me on .knew was a lie. . What object had aha in telling raoh.' • that eocaiioD'. The contrast in this respect botween a, lie if it waa not to hide the act of Which'she hadthe city and oonnty is a matter whioh I hope would,recommend iUelf to tbe'earnett consideration of those ,

. who are ,oppoied to Sunday,, closing, and althoogh I•'do oov thluk tbnt nU'ena can be pot to drnnkfbnessby legislation, atill I woald hope tbat measure*will be taken to . secure at least general temper-ance. We are told to look at Sootland, and Isay, too, look at Scotland. I bare heard that inGlasgow no' one need be without whiskey who de-sires it, and I know from a several year'a residencein the country that Scotland . is a more, drunkenoountry 'thin Ireland. ' To 'this end legislation maydo something, for in the words of the poet, " How¦mall the ilia tbat human hearts endure, the laws ofkings can core," bnt religion, education, morality,can do more, and l oan only bopo that some expedi-ent may be had whioh will bo calculated to ensuresuccess in this matter. I am informed, gentlemen,that by the death of a soar relative, cne of ybnr

t lbody,Sir-Robert P,snl, is'unabletolattend to-day. {Asyon have aeen, bat twenty-two of joar number havebeen, pvjorn, so that in ainy bills you may.find yon willf"mtVJ iwelveSf •yonr' tiddy signed'on the'back of eaoh'of th*m ,ni '/ > I IM V. :.*".

The graud jury here retired. . ,CMHlNXt>lWNIS3T-.CHAJtOK,OI INFANTICIDE. ' ."

Mary iM '»'tjronng',i Krb iletermiued-looking,female, said to be from Cappoquin, waa indioted for'

having, on the 2nd of February, 1877, killed herlS^KkkknfcH .M . ;!. i>>:j;i '.',/. '>Hir/nor*r ¦¦ '- ':„Hi» Lofdsh,i ( UV<ioired, ,|f utb re waa, any o*j qon-ceroea for tho prisonert '

The. prisoner replied, she didu'.t. know j her fatherhmatitiSd at toe'jaiito see her. " . . : '/ -

Mr. Lapbam, governor of the jail, in gnawer to hit'lo-f-nsttppaaiu tbe-prftcn-eif't TtthePfaatt Called to! »£her, bat he did Dot «ay anything to him about eagag.JJngooansel iaeirendheKiU >A . . :

Court—In that case I will bava to assign counsel..His Lordibip then -assigned Mr. Falconer, B.L., wflfr'itlr. Bioe, Tipperary, as attorney. . • } ''] [ '¦ The .following jury were tbeu4mpaunoUa9.:—! I '/'

Meurs. BOBEBT MSBBT, foreman: Michael Butler,John Power/Ifichol»».Power, John Forristal, William'Walsh, Thomu Butler, Michael Hickejj Wm'. Coghlao,Thoiaaa Power, Thomaa Morrissey, and Thee. Commins.

AltfAfs: K Whitt, Q.C., Coalea, ana" Anderson, in-structed by Mr. S. L. Anderson, crown solicitor, ap-Dcared for the crown.¦ The evidf pee, which was , folly reported about fireweeku since'at. the inquest, 'was us follows :—

Thomas EUMUI); John Connors, and Patrick Shea,deposed that, on the. 6th February, they fonnd thebodyoT-in infant in^Qeld M' Paor'a Knock, partiallycovered vnlh soda uK grasa, with a large flat atoue onthe left aide of the head j they gave information tothe Maoor>stre«t police, who took obarge'of the body.. Acting-constable. , .Thomas t Sutc;liffo and Sub-cou-

stable Thomas 'Giliigat, Manor Btation, deposed totheir going "out to Ihia field, and"' , '.'. , . .' CoDstable Sweeny .deposed to his. removing thebody into tho Corporation' yard in Bolton.street, toins .having placud ic iu a box whioh be deposited in a.•bed there covered with planks, he keeping the keyof the yard. He- saw the body untouched at nineo'clock, that riight, and next morning he had it re-acred to the dispensary' hoase at Lady lane:'

L ;,,, . Dr. V. Delandre,'senior surgeon Waterford dispen-'.':>. ' »ary«deposed thatJiemadeaj>o#! n«>r|«nt]exaniuiation!.- . of tie tody, <in - Wednesday,., the :7ph .February '; hei fonnd an abrasion of the skin on the left, aide of the1 . head i Its saw two fractures of' the. left parieUl bone,, with a suffusion of blood nndur the ecuip'oorreapond-

icg ;with the wounds; foQnd;4sqm6 blood, upon thebrain'; those wonnda were-qn^te eno'ngh1 to causedeath. Doctor Delandre anduwent a lengthened aoien-tifio eiaminauon'bj 'Mr. Falobner, ia,'vibioh he gavet> detailed explanation of ' the wounds, and bow they

, acted on ihe frame with regard to decomposition, andwhere'decomposition did. not'exist.:: In thia case thedoctor waa firm in stating, that the-* body was quitefresh, and tbat the Infant was dead for at least twenty-

'^¦¦fonPhonri; - '•¦ ¦' ¦ ! ,. '"' " ¦. '

¦ ¦' ' ¦¦•" '• " '" ;

: EUen Plnnkett,deposed 'she^ was midwife in' theVi Waterlbj'd vjorkhooite j the prisoner came into the¦' hospital,' pregnant, a month before ChrMtmits ; she'

Warooninedqf a child, a female ; one dap she letc the"fionie, anij .caroe back in'tbe eveniog j she v{as con-

'¦ -flnlsd on 'the 18tb' qr.iSth Janpary j wibesa saw the:" ohilQ every 'day' afterwards; she left the 'house inJanuary.

^. Mr. Whit«, Q.C.: In Jannary' J TVitnesa :

u I on'finoii 'ehe' Ieft the, house in about thiee weeks' ' «ft«r her;'confinement, taiing^e infant wiih her ;L '¦ * ibdinftiit' had;two biiih tnarka,bne on each eyelid/of'"^kTetf'tolb' tntfrone on the right eyelid 'lai'ger than: theother j -iuWjthe child's 'body after' it'was Younct';j , it was ttfe'same bhild of .whiqhfthe p

^naoner was del -

|-v - 'v |rfBredin Ihe.vrdrkhbnse hospitaJ;' WitneM was banded :I" -, txna'e ' by Coxnable Swetiny 'and she sworeu f - thit'theije-'we™ '. the 'clothea ,'irbich'were''p'at'on the'; 'praolier-i1 inranV'lA fte 'h'onU" iZr.fPklconer cross-

examined thit witheVs upon her experience of jsuohthings as bfrth-faaikB. -Her evidence wus the same as

, . . \Va6S. on' let' airect totimd'ay, obuniel ebdeotbring to.,;.: JbOir.<.tbal 'Uioblbis>rktvl]f''tUey' WSQ* 'birth marks,1

i were liaWbito-wear1 !aw»y '«a tie infant grew, i TheM-uvitoeas admitted ths>« those mark'anronld grdtr paler.n.-.Twilh agvbntJdbeld'stronglyiUo'heristyeniBJitJ tbatI ^uthejtiwere .bntb.'mlirks/andLwould not disappear.j Counsel then cross-examined her a» to thb baby linenj . ( fdoadon the Jxxiy 'which she swore werq.those given:' ..o to the mother in tiia workboQKerand aha 'swore that

they were tbe tama. Buing siked how the cot/13' .i H) itatbelDj; so,'were there not other clothesi-., ; io< .the swne kind tiven ont . to other mothers in the»,;. boose, abe said tbat waa so, bnt there were marks on;—{heso-whichenabled her to swear they were they par-'- ticnlar clothe* given to ibis woman. In proof abe;...' 'pointed to patches on these clothes whiob, ,§be said,j .: oonfirmed-ljer in that belief, bnt sheJeft.nnariBweredj. I .IV question by counsel, were not such clothes geuer--• - <tUy-asade in the aam* way. - - - - —I .... ,,. - Mary^herty deposed that she lived at Bally.; trnckle, .near vYateifordj she was aunt to. ihe pri-.I inner,; oh a Frid»y in February tbs prisoner came toi . ber '.boose between seven and eight o'clock in the| evening'| prisoner hod co mCmt with her j witnee*i m»ked her where was the baby tbat she (witness)!• ¦ "knew the bad given birth to,' and tbe prisoper'said"' ! that tb« child bad died in her arms, and wag'gone to

' be buried ; she, remained in her house until abe'.w'aa'. «rrested;.i la'answer ,WMr.j Falconer, .witness >ai4j i she was aware tbat U>* priioiter; vu goiDg to be,ooi|-,- finedjin fact, she (witness) got her the ticket to'admit,, . hat into the woikboaee hospital. ' ) . : i '

Sub-Constable Higgins swore to hra arrest of the. prUcneTAt the boose of Mrs. Doherty. ') ¦¦¦¦ Dr. 8. Brawoe, junior medical officer of the Water*'' . • • ford dispensary,- deposed he 'was at the pott radrtim,• ; -enaminaripn made by Dr Dalandre j Elleu 'Pluiiketi'¦' pointed .out( to him the eyejids of (liu uifout i the ey*./!, lids Memed sore, as i! the child was suffering from"1, opthalmiaj the marks wtra not bjUtb-marks. ' To Hx-, ; : Falconer: We (doctors) do not call them birth-marts.''• -... .-. .- EUtB Furlcmg and Mary Hayes, two onfortnhate¦ - ' Annies, who were in the field wkere the child ;Vaa(¦¦¦¦ -4isoorered, at the time it wss fonnd,' were prodabedI -.; >y the crown, and separately asked by i'Mr. White 1\ '¦ • <J.O., jm> f o r m a, it they had had anytbin'g'to do witb'i(¦¦ -' the pitting there of this body. Tber 'individtaailly.r*..''.;/plied!m tb«\ oegatfve. Mr. Falooner declined to ex--¦•;; Vt&ti them,' »nd they 'left the table. . . . . ; .",',j i '¦' !1 ';-i . . ,T»e,cs*ofor tbij crown hero closed. - ' ., . , ¦'•••"'; :".',ufWvF»loauor addrewed the jury for the defend*;s* -s«d»ii.»betourse'of an ablt digest of tie evldenoe,|: .j . dwelt strongly upon the faotof the child.having beenf f ' : boriBd in a fleM ln a place olose to the ro<U-*ide,;; an^urged that fact strongly as being in favor)of tbo,f i 'frUcner toshow that Ifihe had done anything|wrongJ" with the iotnot sbe( wonld not 'have bad'Stplacod••"' tbere,'or';have 'buried it there' herself.'! ' TBbty'wsWY"' 'tto:'p toHTtf eI»Ti the 'jury'ttat she did . th*;Vet iiptfled

I ,. .:, s q,.lR l dolw.. .iO'.|ipb||»|irhor81 wM..«ip(»a? mow l .,.,F«r. the. Idefenoe, - Mary, Ann j.CiiUiian* -4i>pt> ~&l.i :nmltJJ *Po, *bp ?», bW'FeajflPP^g.aisAshe.Mlu^¦ , .4JOO« SD-, th«» was no.ieBson-tof iuoil.wiyr ahefchpukJI but she > refused iiMoaosa,*b« b»diha4 epoqgh l .tfatmi!«' .bs.l»ld o Ju»t» BOBWilted-the. act of;

montortg ber U,,, -l r0Trin t bet bouse,! »d •»• »w Dnggnn ilriko< ''- '' owo^offitprinri" CoanMl<'then-ooanaented'VipW|h«jT,,.>lM'«rfkbbjv» Wstenw nojvif* Wrtfc:- •"' fileVSrtfe tnidi lfe Vt:the -w6rkh6n*e«<»3o .ludf JhVprii .K^ i —*'• "U .n^i' SS FbelleW hat WM 'nfist 'im-poWrii tes imouy J eTFw 'dipiedVtt iav/ » woto ?&m- t&i1.l. 6Ttouh tnVheint.inittja%

tiMm lffl^^

i i 3ra*H?£ 5p&;$?>r!«rW/Wt»«.1 «WWP Jd S,ok who;wnie|t .Dng .l'i -.o y i . tTlpu UdlI ':, JWcpjjerrten wsDt througb l)e]);PJOBl«i(t>«t dence, Tbe Wy fOBnd tt, inr»rMtiat» fuUty.^:, h- <-A

.t jfitWM inl qwtioo, poiatingonbUiOM,p)rtleiij ¦) l8Wun'&-f otk S!DO!.JWMS Bfan, twbW; wdbU,,j »«jojfhicKth*y oooki not.r«lyT-Ui»babyi.elo»hiB«.s»d Httle boys-;^ re*p464bl*>p«rMltc^ pl dM f ilty.,<,r. tbetas*corfaen«*1'vriib-tie jnryi" «< ¦"-' -":?'* ' .Tr ri. ben' nfl666*^,L'w5^'<btitrtS)'>*»J remUyiJ . adi iMr.KWHte. avrepHhl oh, the "iart jthBloroWa.' 'Xi^dioC J iK UjP f ^i'irmni idiM U'i lf t i•llow"r>i 'In^ k ci wi ' 'tie'HritpoIni'rajstd b>' ~them to lUia^tiBlTotfUO,'imo tt JaHUi MTODS)i*>> lir.lnwner°,1 M to th» b'nriajof tbe'oblld'Jnll erftau,. rtKentT;;hJ*XoriktoVarl»^«*-tUssU^TwWI»««»«/'-raEj ljt*! where.*, person wpold natural y. « Jink of . • ' . -T ttMSMknii >^'-{7A^ iJr>H*y l <M. *#tAm im«4* i i favor A,- ¦ttin7g&S ttj ^E&: &7>tt»:Ui 3Bi?I.1UI..M «W IWVOOW» J' wn« qui» uio,rr«v«t«».i,iti wraw, i» Sallynabanogt • iie«r.4«>lJWmi*>«*?I>'.r:'5v:• JMgt( aOswtn**tie body fo»od waa (b»ba4y«r,tQeipnsoaT the lomirci i iwl Mr.ifliOO^BlSlllWfBOM W

Bfaftro^ •r.M«oR?*J.e bto.y mmiuiKf i>«uo«bcSs7^krmetoj(oS.j^^t? W.

?E t» «5ina ^ :lni t£r« was bo ooe,\|,'i£!2 Sffia T 5 SSffl,'? VZ Lm ' rl sff1

tt, »Wi^6«V 0«>«»»»l.«»i«*-oth«rtleJMf urged p Buis^S

mmh- ^s^^^^h-'-m m

been guilty f He submitted that theevidenoe for theCrown showed'that the act was that of the prisoner,and of the prisoner alone,'. " ' ' ' " ' '

His Lordship charged the jorf,' a'tafing In theoutset that tha spoeoh of the ooansol for tba oronn(Mr. White) waa what might be considered a modelone | it'sought not to press undnly against the pris-oner, and kept beck nothing that could fairly tell inher favor,' Taking up the evideuoe in detail, hisLordship aaid he had proposed pntting it before thejury iu the manner iu whioh it bad been submittedto them by Mr.'.Wbite: and then called 'their attentionto the evidenoe of tha three boys who foundthe body. On this point his Lordship expressedbis concurrence in" the'reply of Mr. White to Mr.Falconer as to the field in which the body was so''disetmred,; and ¦ observed that this1 field .was not aplace: for Interment, and the fact of, the body beJagso foond mi a strong assnmption that the bodfr.trasplaoed there, without -stay elaboration of aTqu'eral,hy some, person wbo desiibd to make away with what,woald be a mark of shame, or a load to maintain} inafter":life.- il<rnere" was no doubt that the qaonsel/or,the prisoner , bad put'this point, and the other pomtaIn favor" of'the1 pri<oner',"to'ar'V«marka4lj'i|trin^manner;' and how he fortified hhnaetf !i|l SO sWOrt a,time with the'extreoil'froWGoj'a^ • BWsnita Midi.cine1' pasted'htt' coBiprth'en'sloB, andllifwa right [for

.'him'1 ? to ' say > <£a'f ; he cdifl' hWdttty 'm ft'Wry'1 sable¦manner.;' FoDAvfiDg'np the pdin* or finding thebedy,h'fi'-Lo'Msh'lp Tiert •went ; thrbngh1 the evidoMe ofConstable Sweeney, who, be »»idi showed he was arespectable, effioient member of n most respectable'force,-end in! the' oourte of hi* remark* on'this branchof the rauie" his Lbtdship: exprested his regret) that

'TVkwrford bad'not'a1 tnOrgM,' but possibly>W«t«rftild-Was not behind-'othof1 cities deeming tbemaelves ofmore importance than Waterford whioh bad not wbatshould be in every civilized community. As to the

•"manner of -the1 death of the infant, hit Lordship Jre-Tehred lo the evidenoe of Dr. Dslandre,, anAtpen'quoted, the evidence of tho midwife, wbioh, he said/- went strongly to nhow that tbia child was the childof' the prisoutif at the bar; i His Lordship then lei) to.the jury the three; qoe8tioaB snb*t»nti« by Mr. White, did the ohild come by its deathby violence P : was'this the' child of the prisoner ?and : waa;it by her band the injuries were;inflicted Ftelling them, if ealisfied on the evidenoe, to infer theanswer* from th'e" testimony givon by the crown,wbioh, upon the main question in the oaie, was of astrong,'oircnmstantial natnrev'::' " " 'r • The jnry retired, and were absent' for about anhour. ' XHzii 'MBar KK-APPKAKAHCS.

Called ont by the jndge, the jury re-appeared attwenty minutea to seven, and woro asked by hisLordship if they bad agreed. '

Foreman—We have agreed on two points, my lord.Court—Was abe guilty ef the murder ? : -'A Juror—We have no proof of any one having seen

her do the aot, ;Conrt—The qnestion is, will yon infer from the

evidence tbat sbe committed the., aot ?. Are you sa-tisfied from the way in whioh the body was foundtbat the person met her death by violence, and willyou infer that . the . person who did the aot was*, theprisoner at the bar f It is not suggested that anyone aaw her do it—it is not nooenary in law—andyon are at perfect liberty, if yon are satisfied on theevidenoe, to draw that inference. ., , : , u .

Foreman—We will try again, my lord. -8KCOND ArPKAUNCB. ; : .

The jury them retired again,; and .after consultationreturned saying there was obanoe of their agreeing.

His Lordship asked If he oonld bo of any aniaunoeto them, and they replied not. . ' i • ,,-

¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦

"tocun vri i - >¦ > ¦ > "^

The jury were then locked . up, in charge of twosheriff's bailiffs and two pob'oemen, bis Lordship slat-ing he wonld reiurn at.t«n o'clock, and the oourt wasadjoorited. : , , , .] , .

.. . . OIUKAHOS 01 TnK PBISOMJtX. , .Dnriug tbo protracted bearing the prisoner stood

at the I root ot the dock cool and oolleoted, several iuthe crowded court feeling that however guilty shemight be it would be bnt humanity to aoccmmod&teher with means to sit down for a time. Only onoethrough the day did ahe betray aay emotion, andthai waa' when some feeling remarks were made by.her counsel j sbe was observed then to abed sometears, but the emotion passed quiokly away, and fromthat out hhe was as cool as before.¦¦ • ¦ ¦ ' < :¦. - ¦

¦ I .I

TH» *«< AI*. . Sooa after, tea his ^ordship.j again sat, and againwas the court, crowded. , | ,,.

The, jury, were brought oat, and. their names werecalled over by tbe olerk of the orown. | . ,'

His Lordship then aaked them if they had agreed ?.Foreman—No, my lord. . . " . . ' '•'Jndge—Js .tbere,aDy1 chanoe of yoar agreeing FForemani;-M'ul

< myjord.'v"" ' 'Judge-;-1» thera-a "persistent. differenoe of opinion

ambBg'A yod. '?"¦ '' -: '"'- "' - '"•' ' -Poramun—Ye"a,

'my lord. ' ¦

• ¦¦¦•¦ ¦ t- • ''' '• '¦!\ !

' Judge—You don't want my assistance, than F' ,,Foreman—I think not, my lord, na'the Jurors have

made np tbeir minds. " - ' •'! ; ¦'. • < ¦ .!¦ • . : . ¦Judge—Is there any one here on the' part of the

crown t . ' ' ; ¦'• ¦ • ' '¦ ¦ ' . i"- ;- ' . ,

ilr. Anderson (crown J solicitor)—Tee, Bjy lord:After what has been said, 'my' lord; I think there islittle voe in leepjog those gentleman anj longer.¦; Judge (to . jury)—la . there, any¦'. possibility of anagreement? . ! " . .(! . ;, ;

¦ r; . ; ,¦ ;

Foreman—I think not, .my lord i in fact there isfink. ; ¦..' i. ;' .:. . ' ¦ .. _ , .', . _ } ! ; , 'J !

Judge—Then, gentlemen, I discharge you. j- Letthe prisoner be remitted to jail,'and let the ooort beadjourned to teni o'clock Uf-snorrow' morning '''* | , , .

The jury', we're discharged from'the base only;; theprisoner was , brought beck to jail under,a strong es.oort of polioe, and ;the oourt was'sojourned.

".- •' ;• •• ;';'TDBSDAT.- - - : ¦ ¦

• ¦¦• • ': .. The Bight Hon. Baron Dowax sat this morning at

ten o'olook, and returned 'the • ' -. . . CEIlUNiL. BUItKIil. ' : '

GMCVOVS ASSAVLT.— William Jfea'ra. surrenderedon bail, to an >indiotment 'charging; him with having,'on' tbe 10th of February, at Blackpool, Dnngarran,oommitted an assault am one Matthow Oaggao, arid ina second count witH1 a' ookmon issaalt..- Tb*follow-Jn Juiy'v/as''sworn ;—,';' \\ ' ¦'.-.

:. '" ': J" : ••« i- 1'.' •" ;,TaokAB 'PittiilM, foreman ;' Cornelius'Hourigaa,'Sdmond Terry ;'TKomaa Callmanej Patrick Phdan.aen.,

James ColUnane', Lattrenoe.Bryan-, Patrick Powar, JohnMoxrissfy, Eiohd. Power,'Ja». Momjey;Patk.'Power.

- i The orown'proaeeuted, and Mr. Falconer,instruotedivWS , StatWryVdifendeil., ' ;,„-$ £ ';.;•;;' ,


> ' M»Ubew.nogg«n. demoted, he wfia>Tfflker living inDangarnqioon ,tn«: lUtft or^CslUWWy; test; was inCnllioasia's.pablU jhoaw iin'jBJackpool, DnngarvWi|'tbero'Were-other lpersonstasrev-aa>ojigituem'' (thetravBrser, Flynn and.Wbelsnj'savf iWbelan Uking offtls ooaf and Meara making'a»' hf#i briaaoiitor rari'ai Mtw'Vahi:-' «/'rUtaW.iJ<o llj^^1.*;Ar» you

ingilto/.tjI to^ fA^W'i^fryiBn jtriiok

waa canght.byj tiro J WW,'i apA,,U»;tmrjef«er thansteoek hio». on thafbrsbeaoVsrlthnVlujifiHiOn cross-,examinatioo- by; Mr; >'7alpoiut;iJi»: dsyoaedfae askedrfcrdripk 1n Culllnane's, bat wasjtfnastf^be was'notiobtr1,'bntwai able to'account!f6rW«keM"» .fbildjqot,•aV bow noon'drink be bad taken tntlj day j.badTiaa'¦ aooiV'-C|»IH.t4 Ts^T^ rVbp jitf.ljnwf'} )&t»1d|i|ot Whow.inaoy publfa.fcoojes he,was.l t'_eV<fn(pg. '] ¦

ii 'n»w>imirvM»«»'wwff» ;.yymgr'ttij'yg«r'>T?».i !rr*ii''v T~"Dmgg<un«t.»0BllJna»O;*»B tbatjonping in»bl«ed.,In?sute,;aod toehlUsWto 0)r.( Antbon .i, tbe|Pr«S.;ontor waa not drank . »nongh(Jto!»ti«i larr*si ed- fortfrnnkenntta*,' l i '.:tii(.Y»:»i- .M I UW T Lui *¦#. ¦ . jfilAliv" X)r:"Ant(iOD-/ depoW.'that'Dngfs oaatti incisedI«w* ¦« WJ^^W^SMSH 'W P*in a wnoui state. i . . . ? .>..' I L.II 7- SIOOM;1.-For the defeaoe, :Mary, Anna CnjUffin^dBpoatd' »l*sa»'. nNMMfi i siaVsM ifr\* ^lat{nV in liap nAfisui thktsflkV?



Golf-vra«• lnoeked~i««oHhe~dyke-rHnloahT fell ou-bin , IUKI M be did to be made, a blow at Goff j Thomp-eon took Mulcuhy off Ooff ; np, and bis feet,turned under him j the fight then went on again •Goff tvaglnocked^own agalo'V oi) grtting op Us rightleg oarlfd under lift , and he called oat it wasbroken i the tegiwos-fontid to bo broken, with a greatdeal of blood flowing from'it ;' brought the man borne,to KilmacthbtnM • they were all under'the influence ,ofdrink.

" ' ¦' ¦¦ ¦ ' " ••¦ ¦ ^H :<" •:•

¦: .. ' .. . . ,-

Tbe crown here said they did not mean to preaa,the'ehargeagainWTbompDon, andthVjodge.direoted.the jnry to find him not guilty, which was done, and'he was discharged. , . : . :• : ! < *¦': '¦!. , '¦<,Dr., A.. Kirwan, Kilmaothpmu dispensary Burgeon,

aepoised he saw the 3eoaoaed the tame evening ; he 'had the small bone of hia right 'leg broken, and a'duplaoenlent'of' the larger one j 'hb bad him removedto the workhouse hospital. ¦ ¦'•'¦ '¦ '- ¦• ' • "¦' ¦'¦ '¦ -: .ri ¦'


"Dr. Jt MoKsogb, 11:0. of tbe Kllmaothomas work.boase,' deposed he attended Goflf up' to November,when he died from erysipelas of the cellular tissue,'arising from tbeinjary. ' '¦ ¦¦ ¦? '¦ '¦ ¦ ' i . ' - .m - i ' .

• ; Jobd Thompson, lot the 'defenoe, swore that Goffgavo the first offenoe, and the fight ensued. ¦-•¦ . '. j '

y'-'lThe jury found the prisoner guilty, 'With'si strongrecommenda tion to meroy. : ¦ • ' ¦ ¦• ' ¦ ¦'¦• ¦.-

|"' Mr. Ardagh gave the prisoner a very good oharao-ter, and written ones of' the game kind, were pat inin writing. :;; '.l

¦. ' •" • . ; < ' ! '. .) ; i i ; ' - ; - . j .

. ;:,The prisoner was sentenced to. three months', im'- 'pnsonment, his' lordship remarking that /the' eaae didnbt aoem to be one of an aggrav'aied oh'arabter, ''' \ ¦"•:'*•

'•¦"• • ¦

': ¦ '¦¦• ¦ ¦> '. *¦ Bitovniva . cisi.' ,

'. ' ;.'".' .


i . . J l"j ,The next was a disgusting caae.'and before it wasgone into hig.|ordsbip" had the .front' gallery'whollyclear6d,'and the body abjo, exoept of. those who bad

.hnawesain iU ' . '. . " . .. ¦"•.t.:' : :.'. , '-"; I ¦

Patrick Ponton, a young man; somewhat.|pf' ibs'.appearanoe of a tradesman, was pat fewar i/ Indioted

or "having, on th'e 25th' of February. aV^Tallo'w, pub.

lished two dUgusting, malioious, and unfomrided libelsof brie Mary Anne Murphy. . ; . ' '.""'.. 'V

Thoi,o>oTni:pro«eciited, ana,the.prisoner was de>:fended by Mr. Falooner, B.L., instructed by Mr. Bloe.'! tnU appeared.from tbe itatemeos of MrKWblle^Q.C.j'fobtbftatowny that Uje oomplsinan 'flraasv'iesftMltabll/'young girl as , {looao-maid. at.tho,;^aUo»r,posfoffioo, and on 8nnday, tbe' 25tn'FeDrnary, the^prl-•oner sent her two letters, nnder the guise of "yalen.tints, containing the nott- gro««, filthy Isiagnage, andallftgina thol inosfAaboaibabioicrimetW: Thomas-Morriasey .met .tbe . wtsotierat the Tallow ohapel, andprisoner tola him he had a letter for" Lovely Ab," tbeoompteinaiit; a"portlon!of which lettler-''he -r«ad forhim, and then «eked him what be woald do.-with.iti,wonJd he tend it U>lUry/Anoe Mnrpby I ., Morruseysaid to do so, that no one had a betted right, to it<This letter was given to the girl by'a ;»oy"named'Curtin, and another, of . the same kind, same day, by a'boy named Murphy'.' Mnrpby"rfeul'bls:lettSr'to sev«vral others who were wsembled'round the pott^oBloe;'as he rapped ot the door'for the'giH ; she heard por-tions of it, and also" the boys laughing at it as sbecame down to'open tbe'door'to take it. Mary AnneMurphy, an; intereetiog-looking girl,' who, naturally,was exoeaaively .agitated daring portions of, her evi-dence obi whioh she was delioataly. questioned; provedto the letters a* having been received by her, andimpressively denied that there" vrM'one word of truthin them.- The letters were'read by ¦ the-clerk of theorown, after :the. girl, had/left toe loourt,lbnt weretotally unfit, for publication., Eisi or sbip, ohargingsaid-ne did not 'believe It could" ever ! tiaVe enteredInto the ' mind of aay oao to aonosive the writ-ing of snob, disgnjttrig fllth, such abominable matteras WM contained in those eo-oalled letters/tHose pes-tilential valentines whioh were imported to them fromEngland, but he oonld only say that however well-founded tbe obarge might be againattSngland, on thisbead Ireland had surpftased herselfjon thia oooasion., iTbs jury fonnd the prisoner guilty, andVhi wasaentenoed to nine .months', imprisonment atu hardlabor. •• . -..,: j.,, |... !: . - J C ,, an -it:: v'j . 'iiu ' -, iii"ii ' •"'' The oriminal basinesa for. the oonnty. now ended. ¦

. '.. ',;",. -, . i . .- . . , . ; ,... ;W*V«M«s. - i .^n.i'. -. - i •.-!-.:•¦; i '¦• '

... The ooart then took up appeals, of.. Lord Jtoneraileagainst award* given by, Mr;. Fighboarne for lands ofLord Donerai/e, and his toaanis/for compensation forlands taken by; tbeJ Waterf6r<l Corporation for thepurposes of their waterworks. > : ,

The nature, of . the appeals was to inorease theawards so given by' tfr. Fiihbourne, and the resultwas-W-inBreas« th*" otsittsfefi<W t«DanUof LordDoneraile, Dooley's from £261 to £860 and Sollivan'afrom £90 to £160. Tbe'claim'of Lord Doneraile wasincreased by the .verdicV.ofxthn.jnry;'«400.«r»er theoriginal award, and in a traverse by Mrs. Christmasshe.reoeived a verdict fpr.JElTOl, being £6^4 over theaward of the arbitrator. ' ¦" ' ' . ¦

. , -. , . - . , OITY CPuB ;—MBNPAI., , I , .]At ten o'olook, this morning, the Bight Hon J. D.

Fitxgerald entered cour 'iooompanfed" by' tho 'BightWorshipful Aid. , Puroell, May or .of : Waterford, andAWr P. AV-Power.-J^H^h flberfflfWhai

hia Lord.

ship banded the commission to ,W, J. Dennehy, Esq^Deputy Clerk of thi Crown,' and it having been read,tbe following were re-«worn oa U , ¦ ; J <•

. . ,, . - , '.' TBi .oiAip .raKT;.. i ; ¦• »»AM. ST.' QXOBOB VBtoKJri , J.P.; B«e»foxd-Btre«t,

• JonuaAQ|• -!• •' - i " > ;- '.' - * 1 - "is«' ^'J • -•i 'Jt't *J 1 H hixj 'x . . (;,

Aid. Thomas. W. Jaoob.JJ,, The Quay;Edw^rdC^bborni .Mary-Jrtreet) : ;,,George'Wlu , ., TtomaMtr«et; ! ..(japain v». jonnson, J.r., «ewtown; ;William H. FennessyrEsq.. Upper Grange; :Matthew Slaney, Esq.,J J£.j Tnunore; !

J ThomasF, K*ay, EM., Great,GforgelB eet (John Wilson, £sq*. The* .Qnay j .¦ . : - »-.Homy Galbrey, Esq.y J.P JlMie George's-stroet;!.Henry Lee, Esq.,. JUob*«l<treet) . ' . , ,James T. Byan, E«qy Kewtown | ¦< i; • \ iv \.. -. David Kent, Esq., Henrietta-street;- . ' .' _ . ' .Aid. W. K.CommiM, The Quay; .Patrick D. W»Uh, Eiq. J*., fiaWonstiasd-street}; . 'AIaVmadP.'JtUnnin8finufQaayi :• / , i \fAlderman, C.lBedjnpniKing trestu 'J. H. McGrath, £iq.. King-street: :AUMMT W.AVM. R.M Iff T\ T.J.T. ... ! ¦

.. John A. Tobm, Esq., The Quay: ¦ ,., ., ; ;¦¦!' lawardOmrtaerTSii., John's Hfll V ¦ ' ¦ ! , <i

David'Eeogli;£aqVAdelphiTeiraoe| . : - , ..Joseph Fisher, Esq.,ExoWgo-streot. , . ¦ ( ;j( ,¦ ; His ' Lordship' then proceeded'to ¦addreas Ujem '••i

follows :—Mr.' Freeman'1 and gentlemen of the*1 grandiury ¦ of the . county of tbe city of Waterford, 1 have:before me the. report , of the County InspeoMr, andlooking over it for .the past, six month*—I may statethat it goes a great deal-further back, but I the lait sis months—-I find that Yery littlecrime baa been committed ainoe i lsat auiies. Therigbwof property..seem to have been preserved, and-peace and order prevailed ;in yonr! oiiy. The oases togo before -yon, are but few—six, iu number, r I might >say seven, but. six of. these '.bnly'properly belong to.the oity. ^may say. that . none or the six oases pre-.•ent any new feature that WoaTd Justify me in oom-

' ¦aentiftg on tb«m.J. Bnt while'sooKJaithe'faat, I may .remark that .there ¦ is ;one, ivory-up»atjs[i»otory thipgaet forth in the linspeotor's report, and that is, that itshows »<great, iuoxeajtqpf d.rankenhess in ybnr oity*..Tmrt inowaMj^y-sixiialjiUntial,! amaorry to*pb-serya, . as contrasted.,with th joorreipondlng period otUstyear. > The repeat shotj't that Ifh^e^ere Mr casesfor.Uie oocresponding perlo4 f,laji« yes>r najksnpafedwitWM.-W.'.ido^t-tBtend saying afy-tbjng upon ibiisubject farther. . Enongn. .has bteo said on it in all:

ipartsV of: Ui| conntry,,!and if language «oVd» effeotany good it > J «m S^mf,kwAi.-w«»* **• »**v .m^v y*

ii" '

¦» ¦ 'r jy/ffff lfPraK<Hv- *Jbea.oppgntod fgrjby reoojlecting tbeoommunity.wbJab

yoo ; repiJBsent -a, oom munity essentially a varyingpoBn'alion,: ai all"seaport]towns mns^be.; Kow Idrair-attsntioo to the (abject of-drnnkeuBJasin bMaaj*.there U one jase, .importance that will oosa* bxfofi):jonlwhlph buYfor dronk''jnneHyoa wonld Devar'han^WM ^ i tdiig ^m i^ -iM^ oil?:case,>' Jt U a osie in "which a Mspeotabia: tradesmannamed-Sligf is'ohkrged cwiihJthe'sWioas oOslos of.having Mtempted-to-poison'hi*-wife, and - afterwards,ihlnjjfllf and itl seeiis, JAlgingby the informations,'tWt-WIwarniortfiot tos»drrvam;tooo»mit *etcrim»l.-bjrtti. ttrtinken4ia«lt»'6f .kak mit^ mU6, \lt ip nnt

hava aSaotad .hi* itff m ^ ilmSi, ulfiiUj arj igo^ aUMMtiM »fJi*n#tmmtoi tobMmOM:

'o« ?^ ^ o' ^ llj^

sSSirfflsKlSs t-a^i ¦g-MfelSwSjSSii'tf "J.^ ^ ^ rtl P is ttths i'W >sHrf

s^rtVNai'ii.T in'snV iilklrsftM'sisiaW^ fllfc"! Jt<tk


cause of the delay ; heard tbeyirore takinsr.on Roods' he apDeared lo b« slialitlv under the inSaance o" he was not allowed n lilt.ln diacrotiou in the diachargowapgons.. ¦ . . i. '. Mr. . Hempbll), for |, the defence, urged that the

' chairman's . view Was correct, that, there was no con-tract to' 'carry plaintiff into Waterford at any par-ticular time, and tbat! the case should be dismissed. '

His Lordship said It should be shown that there wasdne diligencn ussd by , tbe company, whioh did not

, appear'.'" h«d'been'dbne, when they were an hour late, at Carriok.;

v '" ' ".. ..; [ - .'. .

'¦ ,'

• . .. ¦ '. '

Mr. Heinphill taid the bause of the delay was, tbofc.a special train had ' been despatobed from Waterford,and .was. ¦ to. meet - the down train at Cabir, but be^(fwesa Clonmel and Oahir the rails were so greasy thatthe upeoittl oonld' not get on', and benee the delay;wbtoh j-was'-'neaessaryj to aTold a'colliaoicm, the linebeing R single ooe. "¦ 'f ' . • , " : '¦ ' ¦ ' '¦

, .':'Patrick Fitzgerald, examioed by Mr. Falooner, do-poisod that'be was gnard of the passenger train inqqeitioo|- was twenty-two minutes late on leavingthe Jonotdon, and bad to wait for the sp-»ial traintwenty-eight minutes] at Cablr j the weather wasvery i wet, and the rails were slimy j travelled fromOarriok to.Waterford in tbe nsoal time ) only for thedelay in Cuhir, -wonld have been in Waterford in timefor the nine o'clock train to Tramore. '• To ' hia ' Lordship—The delay at the Juaotion wasoanesd by 'waiting for the Dnblin train ; we wait foreaoh other half an hoar at the Junotion.

David Curry, driver of tbe speoial, deposed that hestarted from Waterford with 23 -nroggono, and Arrivedat' Clonmel ' in good time ( the delay waa between"Clonmel and Cabir, ' owing to the greasy state of therailBj had to pat back to Clonmel, and went on toCahir with a single engine to give over the staff1 ¦: ToMr; Ander*on>i' Was 66 minutes Tato at Clonmel'j had« delay at'Fiddown, waiting for nnother'Bpecial, obm-'ing from Limerick; there was no rain ¦ until afterleaving.Olon-rael. To \ his Lordublp: ¦ Has taken 80waggons with the same engine; and kept time/ M"-' '¦

>• ¦ Thonws ¦Milts, ¦ looomotiva suporiritendent,' deposedtbe engine .was in good order and everything rightabout the train.' *¦ •! •

¦¦ ¦; i : "- ¦" ¦ ' / • • ;•' ; •

11 ii His'^Lordship said he waa oi opinion duo cam hadnot been < us«d by the company -in this case, as1 thedelay was: caused by tbe running'of the two speoial. trains,- '-\ Everything that could bo done was done with'the passenger train j but though the bad weather waslobitrrod by tbe snperinWndent, bad tbe rails slippery';'two special trains were despatohod, and that was theoauieot the delay: Only for the delay at Kddown'the jnp t geoda :traln wonld have been at Clonmel be.fore !tbe! ralls^efe slippery. ¦ It the oompany wil-fully took luob'iltept at to delay the passengers theywon|d i be { responsible, ¦ and ¦ be thought that in thisoase theyibad tol dono all they could to preventdelsy.'.nHe i thought^ this a very wholeaome applica.tion^ 61.tbo^l»w,; abd' iwoDld reverse the chairman'sdeciaiun; and (jive a deoree for 6s. 3d. -

Counsel for plaintiff—Mr; Anderson, instrooted by* Mr. Ambrosei for tbe defendants i' Messrs. Hemphill,Q.C.,Bnd Falooner, instructed by Mr. Strange. " '¦ JL 'W. Oherry and Thomai H.- Harvey , plaintiffs iXdmond <Power, defendant.—Mr. Lynoh, tor plaintiffs,instructed by Mr.' Isaso Thornton, stated the case,whioh was! to support a decree for possession of apieoa of.' ground. in Fnnols-street. i Mr; Wm. v Lloyddeposed 'to an agreement between ' himself and Mr.Edmond Power, of Thomas.street, made in 1859, at£20 a year, and in 1876 be assigned this pieoo ofground' in. Franois-street to the plaintiffs, Messrs.Harvey and Cherry, who served notioe to qnit on Mr.Power, but he refused to deliver up possession. Mr.Harvey proved to the purobase, and tbat he bad been'paid three .(half year's rents, op to tbe 29th of Sept.last.( The !oaia for the defendant was that, in 1889,tke late Dr. Poole leased the premises to defendant'slather at £88 a year, and that tLat lease is still inexistenoe, .'notwithstanding tbe agreement with Mr.Lloyd in 1869. . Hit Lordship said he could nut beurof anything prior to 1869, and affirmed the di'creo forpotsasalon.l 'For appellant—Mr. Anderson, instructedbyi.Mr.;Ambrose| for i respondents: Mr. Lynoh, in-structed by Mr. Isaab Thornton.t i. - • ! < ¦ ' i io: -. THK POISONIHO CASE.

¦i Nathaniel Bragg y n a charged with attempting topoison himself and also to poison his wife, on the 18thSeptember last, i The prisoner pleaded guilty.'.> Mr.. Strange (solr.) eaid his otient would throwhimself on (be meroy of tbe oourt.' Mr.-O. Ai 'Jones, saddler, in whose employment theprisoner , worked.until hia committal ot the offence,said the prisoner had bees in bis employment fornearly forty years] and' was a vory steady and well-oondnoted man; His wife bad been constantly drink-ing, and thls drove him to tbe orime wbioh he hadcommitted/ "He was a very qniet man, and woald notdo.anyone> bad torn'. Messrs: Coates, Q.O., andSargent for the orown.1 ' Tbe priaonsr was put back.: Ellen Neill pleaded guilty to hnvibg obtained goods

under false'pretences. - ' . ¦ ¦• "• ¦:> ¦ '¦ John Drisooll pleaded guilty to an indooent assault,and was pnt back. - - • - -:. ¦', COMVICTIOH O» A BOLDIKK BOB BUBOLART.

Jamu Francu, c. soldier of the 99th,' was-indiotedfor/ tbat be, on tha 80ch of January,1 at:: two in .themorning, did burglariously enter tbe dwelling bouseof JIargaret'Myers,- in Peter treet, and stole andcartiad away one glass decanted The following jury-.weraswora'to try. the case s—Patrick Keating, Quay,foremanv iWhedden-1. Harrey¦'(affirmed)')• William

.Garden, < Junes iacqaes, ' Charles'As Jonea, WilliamVeitob, John H. Farming, Alexander Nelson, PatriokXJasoy/JohnSgan.John f'ahyi JohnCHara;n ;' r.< :i

ivl flCepken j Power, of. Milk>Une«. deposed, ;.fa - replyto Mr. Coates, . for J the-crown; i that, ¦ on theBibrning-in - question, be beard a bar. fall, andgot ,np ;. on. looking i out "of i the 'window/ saw

i two soldiers drinking oat of ¦>' doosnter on tbo flags ;went to the 'door, ei\d saw'one of ; the. soldiers passwith something nuder his ooat f at a window, oppositesaw,the. shottert down, and oalled to tne people toput them ip j on looking at Mrs. Myers", be aaw aBUD coming, out of hor1 window ; thai maa sod | thesoldier joined, and theyirtnaway ) foanda deoautwon tbo flags, and an orerooat, wbioh was' either tbatof a soldier or a peeler (laughter)—there/s 'no drffe.

.renoaj! thers) were also a pair oSi bbota, all of whioh.wete.. taken np by Jobn.Slnnott j the man who oaaseont of the.window.bad nooverooit.i .i . ; :;,..-.. j , ;.!-,;John;iSinnott,of. Milk-Jane, deposed that obj themorning of: the 80tb January ha beard last witness

j ma, king, the alarm, and came ont to 'ask what itj wassll ;about| himself and Power went to Mrs. Myers*house, andifound a shatter down and Window, broken.;tasted, what was in the decentor, and found it [wasoolorsdiwater, red j gave the 'ooat and boot* to , Mr,KinteJla j itbought it waa whUV.ey was in: the : de.canter, but wu disappointad (langhter) ) Kinsella isMrs. Myers* brother-in-laWi i U . •• . ..i. .».'. .- !¦ 'V's V ^l if.... (Umnnk Tlnatlinfv^ **f .tkik OQ».h if anftfiaii 4-tia MM

|{U|tl^[,ini]l4.:ill 'IWIBUl. UUI1W ^UI UD.|«AUand ooat, were short iu bis kiti after insit raerBing the socksof aoensed appealha had, be*n : walkioo- In i tha rand i .1

ana,,**)- •awj.taisaf lot ttca,-. onaressea;ae tea.minntwput) tan liiisvyuMmjin i bed at teran next morningiwltnen:l slfatjpt,-vin.. thai; same: lotim i¦ ht oonld get oatwhll#I was asl»ep'| ,-my.bod li roear.the door where Isleepjoefl often leave tb* room fornatural.parpbtes.^KUobw^XiBMlla,, in reply to JCr,:8arganti dep'oit4tba .iiej sawi .therlioujejmi (shut I up on tbe 80th jWM^av/aketpcdiby .-• Mr. 7 Power; and on 'going downfo««4l the' »bop windows.' open, and the plao-i allnruid BjrtiWyjHWraiiiftrkJn-ofi batttr thai WMJnaar,

tb>;v|i |ri,ws»tnr>o4QTar|.ideoiifie«.tft« dtmpterfpSosL••!«*• »trs«t 1 gave the ooat uidibooii to Coni¦taJi^WiajsVodj^ttyiMggest man la Ahe ooari eooldg th^asjk 'tbs^bro'kju wiDOjO*r.i .To prisoo«r:(8«wyou in th» to«a« driakina fa the ovesrungi yoa bad'no_i^,.i ¦ ¦> . /. . . , ....: , . - i ™ . . »; • "" " ¦'. - / .;• ~l

LCOMHI mBadsiond depoied Uiat on bains oal W byr. p tj K.ks) ;wiw»i!toifet«tsiitttet ,{,aD4:,-saW; theimage i.- arrtkted Abs>V.pri*onec same.moroing at thekriaoka.1 |if;>at¥li«.olef[n pair of soolw ,00, tod «> pajr.bop. jifooJaig«

foRWm.;,To h(t Lord&bip» Thtre;triim 1 hK»,ma»ltbp b -*ok\wsJ),by,whioha

,% SoWtt answerto thinchar ,f«a«,ii waa'it h aUtim Pit^•«o>«,h»d1bs«i.tak*n,L'u4 bad

CharBsi;Tfrilsoo,; private, otllrtH »y [the (.priactUr,

• •Hl^ r-4*!'^)<4«lwfcMtv|M:awok*, at itwi in tt-w.jppraltv -J (taj;tber tals^ »»%ht *Uk» the J?r>OT«*'s OOSAT-I* fWsfc'fawii ¦o '*£|s«|,irat;nev«r. inMyert' pablio koattsi

W mWfMffsiamWm

drink t told tho . last -iine=s, 'nod he went after htm,and made him hrin'u it back.1 To bis Lordship : Heappeared to make n<> concenlmont of the taking away.

His Lordship BnM tlm question for the jury was,did he take the case wit h intent lo steal it P He wasnot treated vory curipouely by the first witness, andhe says he told him hu wonld take it in Bpite of him.' The jury found the prisoner not gtfilty, and he was

dtibharged, his lordship observing that tho findingwas a very proper oue."Thomas Power, alias Clean/ , wns indioted for ob-

taining goods, by means of forged orders, from Mr*Bunoiman and Mr. Egnn, of this oity, on the 27th ofFebruary, fcir. Crean, instrnoted by Mr. Moron,pleaded guilty, and urged tbat he nttored those orders,believing that they 'would be paid by bis relatives,who are respectable residents in the county. Thoaccused waa sentenced yesterday evening to twelvemonthB* imprisonment, with Buitsble hard labor.


/. B. N. Cane, M.O.. Kilmackevoque Disp ensai y, v.Philip Sheehy, P.L.O.—This WBS an action for libel, iawhioh damageB were laid at £1,000, arising out of along-continued diapnte botween Dr. Cane and a Towpersona in tbe neighborhood of Mullinavat.

CounBel for plainti«—Messrs. T. B. Poroell, Q.C.,Hyan, Q.C., and S. P. Cnrtis, instructed by Mr. J. J.Feely, solicitor.

For defendant—Sergeant Armstrong, Mr. Hemp-hill , Q.C., and Mr. V. Peer, Instructed by Mr. I.Thornton, solioitor. r

The following special jnry were sworn to try thecase :—JosephClampatt; P.L.G.j foreman ; B. Henuo-bery, James O'Neill , Biohtird Mnhony, James Phelao,James Bdbertson, 'Joseph A. Walsh, H. Denny; Etnd.Fielding, T. Pholan, Edward Conrtenny, W. Kelly,P.L.G. ¦¦"'

¦ ' • ¦ • •¦ ¦

¦ • ¦¦ ¦ ' •¦ ¦¦ ,

¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦


Mr. Curtis opened the pleadlcga, stating that tholibel complained of consisted of certain letters writ-ten to the Local Government Board, respecting plain-tiff, oharging him with negkat of dnty on several oc-eaainnft. ' - i '. i : .

Mr. Puroell, Q.O., in stating the case, Boid he wassorry to have to tray that tbe system of persecution towhich MB client had been aubjeoted by the defen-dant, Philip Sbeehy, and others at his instigation, a'persecntfon'thafc extended over a long period of time,and ' a perseontion of an nnparalleled nature, hasdriven him to come into court, nnd to appeal to a juryof this city to wrest bim from farther annoyance ofthis nature. Gentlemen, Dr. Cane, the plaintiff, is osargeon and a physioian, und is known, I am sure, to'a vory great many of you.' He obtained his diplomain the year 1866, and in November of the year 1868,unfortunately for him; it has now turned out, he wasappointed medical officer of tha Kilmaokevoguo dis-pensary, iu the connty Kilkenny, connected with theWaterford Union. Kilmaokerogne is a very stragglingdistriot, some sixteen milus in length, and oontaingthree dispensaries, Mallinavnf , Glenmore, nnd Slievs-rue. For tho laborious duties that Dr Cano baa todischarge ia this very large dintrict , be receives themnnifioftnt sum or £140 a year in all, and when youremember the very great labour that mast dovolveupon him in attending to the duties of so extensivea diatriot, and tbe physical vriar and tear tbat thedischarge of the duties must involve, the anxiety andtrouble of mind wbioh ho must necessarily have, I amsure you will agrea with me tht\t he should at least bepiotcotod from the npeoies of oontinued and mnliciouapersecution whioh I will show yon be has been sub-soted to, and that the loast that might be expected

would be that he would be allowod to disobarge theseduties in peace and quietnesn. Unfortunately furhim, for eomo reason or othor, Mr. Philip Sheehy,tho defendant in this oase—and who, 1 may tel l you,a<i some of yoa doubtless know, is a vory strong far-mnr, aud fills tbe position of poor.l&w guardian—is amember of the dlspeosary oommittee for the districtin which Dr. Cane labours, and, gentlemen, it appearsthat he has marked Dr. Cane out as an object otepooial aversion. I will show joa that, for the lasttwo years he bas mado every effort tbat be possiblyooald to drive him from bis appointment aa medicalofficer of .the distriot. What the origin or cause ofthis feeling of Mr. Sheehy is, Dr. Cane i» at a loss toimagine. Whether there is in tbe bnokground somemore eligible perron, in Sheehy's opinion, to fill theposition- that ray olient holds, or whether he has takenoffenoe at some matter or other wbioh at present he istotally ignorant of, Dr. Cane is at a loss to under-stand, and it is, therefore, a matter whioh I am unableto throw any ligbt 00 1 bnt that he bas exhibited tbemost malignant feeling towards Dr. Cane—that hebaa persisted iu following up ,a system of the mostmalioious persecution toward* bim from tho month, ofJune, 1876, down to the 16th December last, whenthis action was taken reluotsDtly by Dr. Dane, andeven since that time—even in this very month, ofMarob—1 will olearly establish to you by incontrover-tible" evidence. . Gentlemen, the conduct of Mr.8beeby is the more unintelligible, because no furtherback than the yoar 1874, after Dr. Cane bad been aixyean' working the. diBtriot, nnd when hia profes-sional ability and conduot aa ajpublio officer had beenfrilly :before the publio, I wilf show yon tbat underthe . very , sanction of Mr. Sheohy, the dispensaryoommittee actually complimented bim by giving bima"publio testimonial. I find, by a- refsrenoe to tbeoommittee meeting of the 10th Auguat, 1874, Dr.Cane being then a candidate for an appointment in thedistriot of Ullid, or Kilmaonw, a resolution of recom.mendation, of the most flattering character, waspassed to bint by, tbe Kilmaotovoirae oommitteo, atwhioh meeting tbe defendant was present, expressingthe warmest approbation of the efficient and oopr-teous manner, in whioh he had discharged his duties,and recommending him most narmly to the appoint-ment he desired. Now, gentlemen, this was on the10th April, 1 1874 1 bat in tbe month of- Jane, "75,about a year after, > change appears to have comeover tbe spirit of Mr. Sheehy'a dream, and aboutthis time he began to bherish a rery nnJioioos feelingtowards. Dr, Cano. On the Wtb Jane,. 1876; Mr.Sheeby called a. speoial ; meeting. of the dispensaryoommittee, at which be asked for a sworn investiga-tion into certain oharges against Dr. Cane, for havingnogleoted bis duty in the case of a persn named Egan.Well, gentlemon,. the I speoial oommittee .met on theIOth June, ami having ooosidered this complaint ofMr. Bheeby, they decided, ¦ by, a.majority.of 8 to 3,that the obargs* brought forward were frivolous audwholly.lUnlonr.ded, aod they .tvere aooordingly dis-missed, expressing an opinion that they .were nude!•ervlog of attention. ; Gentlenien, it appears tbat Mr,Sheeby took tbu decision of the oommittee in a veryhostile spirit, orod accordingly on the 7th Septemberof the aame year, he. got a, requislton calling anotherpeoial meeting to entertain farther , pbarges againBt

Dr. Cane. ' In tbitprooeediog be was joined by a per.sou named Foskin.. .The charge preferred here wadthat, my olient neglected,a woman named . CatherineCarroll,.and, the committee having,gone fully intothe matter, again, expressed an opinion tbat the ohargepreferred ,wfis frivolous and oufounded, and shouldnever, have bten.preferred j toe only parties votingagainst it being Mr. Sbeehy and Mr. Foskin. • We findhim making frivolous charges on the 23rd September.These charges were almost nnhnimoiisly declared fri-volous,' end then, gentlemen, (it wquld.seem that his

malipe .oulnjiuated,, becRnae, A man;named >Baftis,who afterwards left the country, and who. I am told,is^iow dead, was join him in his low anddishonourable 'system of 'neraeoation, and the resultwas that in October, 1875, » s-ffieaof obargee, ten ortwelve in number,'.were, preferred, the most,of them'charges .exteodiug,for,years book,, Jnst.look at'themalioo of: this map, [aqtually halting for, oharges' ex.ten iag,b«iic for., yea ,\andj,t e»e,,-jfomped.up,. as itafterwards turnci oat, and thnt too for the tola pur-pose,of, creaking,hi» violenoe on ,Dr. Canev Weir,'gentlemen! m.October, ,76, 1JHr..fibeeby:again oalleda meeting, si 1 huve is id, and with Baftis, preferredton or twelve oharget| and demanded, a sworn enqdiryj^whioh'tjLe.'Local ,Governinept, )3oard, were ooaroed to'grant, ,jind they, aooordingly 'djngoted. Oaptai aEamil.'ton, their inipeotor, *fo hold sobhari enquiry, *f»hioh')ie|dld'6n';the 16th,,Mtb,, andj 2fltb,,of (;Jiinnary, andSth'Fsbroary, 78. ¦ 'Thelnvestl|sat{anwa ijjeld and ail,'the ohargej(folly, inqWre totfi»n4-'wnit1was'th^re-paU fi'.J^ptaija' amliiaa f atii&j ip mjf tj lj ei LooalGji erbm g^B( r* ;,tefng ,withq-jt


]Todo<jatta,£nd)m^,m 'W wW':S ;' l'*¥l'W3fijl^to

"'to the dispensaey oommitbae, italmg tbjS .fjJte^wef*:perfeetly satisfied by) the report that the oharges hit)''tolhmiM *Wd.i' \BMf t C l'<* im&*t!tm<TB'ihtf'oase; thfe'1- -etf Wnrf-el ciM'to'lbi-^ofl the'.KMWAnrili tI8?6;> «!W'ttH-Wli of tbe libefi'to whk>aJN 'atUa Tartnervauioanaaa *OJ srget'fiBie ufsierrea.<:a ,'i -»Sri,'il»trt6aipal rtfHi*var*t,-MstI L.n':

'smM;'*W ba«nbelfrtuJdntfo^idlsii^taoHspnisaryiioiu-t. Dr.C«i.Vbbsr*«'witbbking)'sSM«!frosK>Bl(t>srti ''Dis tosry'oWtWjHl'Jlireb!'aid S vijpril'iilWe rabsWit fro^^MttlUnilV..^ o»tljt) 4U) 'afisTlf *<** ¦rohi abieatlroin CHfMoraoa'-Wa»n%aB «lMAp«L'an 'a|fa^r;<marn!t*n ;

•s*«'(thardf rail)iw i7p7«W;nistfi Md f r m c<mm>Md yet thaf(f«r-*M) ' W«'bo414fd*««'nnia tte<*jW'l ^-j -.iuil Si^'Mr'imt.l • •¦• ¦'¦-' •' Ulk iittJJ mMli£La>d rW it Bb*eby ttWiiSul wtttoWMlWttorsia«H oftU:pt4itS)p,w'*op«WM^

>i fcO l io^^ d '.l ia-sl'. tts4VwMUt/iliHTt4iij £tm W*4mm)\*~f i**f ri\y

W if««»dav witty'tl .!*xrft,-,» I to«» y*. will |aMiitt <Mfsaaafata'M rttvtasMsMiirMtWtksvT^iiilitt)1

iff-nT-pBiSSi :wo-lTi,«|1l».l«)io

!ftiib.!iikjal>iaii#isiii JtWrrf .s^'Vfaosi toil1

wmasMmtm^iif^iijjUJla ttaa^^iaall af'saWai s tsYiiiitsMJIMtwiaMtjmE3l2ifrSv*5i j jSSjgiyr*>twcfittWfla-Tisw;.

of Us duties h» would !,•• vrry eousiderably embar-rassed, and it would be clifGoult for him to work hisdistriot. He nttemlud tint h dioppinaiioa tbat day, tinilMr. Sheolty kuow that when iiu preferred the charge,and it is bnl a fnrtlier illiistrn<ion of tho' ma1ioinu9feeling he entertains for Dr. Cane, nnd shows tbnt liewoald go any length to drive him from tbe offioe l.oholds. With refoience to the seoond oharge—ab.-ieuoafrom Slieverne during dispensary hours —Dr. Caimanswered tbat by stating that be was suffering froman attaok of bronchitis, tbat ho was unable to drivudirect on bis own car, but that he took train at - Kil-macow, and on reaohiog Waterford had to wait thearrival of his ownt car, and then he proceeded toSlieverue. Gentlemon, it does not follow that beonusahe cures others from illness that Dr. Cane should notbe snbjeot to attacks himself. With reference to thethird obarge, that of beiog absent in a pabliu-bonsoat Mullinavat 20 initiates past one till two minutes 10two o'clock, whioh was part ot dispensary hoars, hodid not deny tbnt he was in a pnblio-houso in thevillage that day, but what was he doing ? Tbe impu-tation conveyed iu the oharge was that he was drink-ing ; but what was Dr. Cano's reply ? He was inmedical attendance on the proprietor of the house, aman named M'Donnell, who is a cousin 'of Mr.Philip Sheehy; and, genllomeo, Mr. Sheehy waa wel lacquainted with that fact. The next obargo, that ofboing absent daring dispensary hours on tho 17th ofMarch, Dr. Cane's answer to that is, " totally untrue—a malicious falsehood." He was, he explained inbis answer, attending a patient in a bad case of labour,and he says further, "It was nn unusual bod oaso ofconfinement." Dr. Cane will tell you that on that17th March he received but three hoars' sleep out ofthirty •hours ia the discharge of his professionalduties, and is it not a monstrona thing to find a personlike defendant, who muat have been aware of tbiafoot, setting forward a obarge of neglect for whichthere; was not the slightest foundation p Then thenext charge is being absent from Glenmore on tbe 11th'April , 1876. Dr. Cane's answer to that is, that it wasnntrue. Having read Dr. Cane's answer to the ohargo ofnegleoting a man named Thomas Walsh, at Bally-hemmen, in fever, who recovered in a few days, thalearnod counsel said he bad barely tonohed on tbelong indictment of charges, and proceeded to .readfrom the mioote book tha resolutions passed at alltbe oommittee meetings, and which pronounced alltbe oharges preferred aa frivolons and unfounded,commenting on tbe face tbat those who supportedthem were Sbeehy, Coady, Fitzgerald, and Hogan, al|brothers-in-law ond oo*asin*. Coald I, observed oonn-puel.inote significantly call them, than Sheehy and Co.(langhter). Dr. Cane will tell yon, gentlemen, of thoannoyance thnt he has bceb. snbjeoted to by Sheehy,and we will show you that he made a statement thatbe would never rest until be had driven Cano out olMulliuavatt. We will see, gentlemen, by your verdictwhether he is able to do so, and that Mr. Sheehy willri-3) by your flaJia^ . that if he persists in saoh a lineof conduot . as he U pursuing, he will find hiralelfobligod to shift hia quarter* from that now celebratedand f&r-famed spot, mado famous by Sheeby and tbeparty at bis baok. Counsel next allnded to tbe oro9s-oase that Sbeeby hud brought against tho doctor, andwhich wus entered on tbe. 13tb of February last, andcontinued to say tbat whether Mr. Sbeehy was oao ofthese strong-minded men who desire to carry every -thing their own way or not, he believed tho doctorwaa not able to put up with his.conduct further. . Heoonoluded by expressing his belief that tbe jurywould, by their verdict, teach Mr. Sheeby in fnturo,even if he holds tbo position of guardian and dis.pousary committee man, that be must discharge tbufunctions of those offices in a spirit of honour andjustice, tbat bo is cot ut liberty to take advantage ofpis position to hunt down officers who aro striving todo their dnty, and whoso caertions please everyperson but himself.

Dr. J. B. N. Cane, plaintiff, examined by Mr. Byan—Is a physician and surgeon of tho EdinburghColleges siuco 1666 j is ineilioal offiper of thu Kii-maokevogno disponsary, which is sixteen, miles ii,length ; there are three dispensaries in thu district,,whioh aro attended onco «oub week ; knows tbe de-fendant ; we were friends up to June, 1875 j in 1874I was lookiug for Kilmacow distriot, and got a testimonial from my present dispensary committee; iuJuly, 1875, there was a committee meeting, at whichMr. Sbeeby took a hostile attitude, voting against meon all divisions, particularly in roktinn to the caso ofa o:aTa named Egan ; ou the 10th of Jane there was aspeoial meeting, at wbioh defendant proponed u.motion that the Local Government Board bo re-quested to send down their inspector to inquire intotbo death of John Egan, i\ sweep, who had been re-moved, by order of Dr. Cane, from a forge to thepolioe barrack, whore ho died soon alter, from ill-treatment, as alleged ; to UJI'B, the committee passeda negative resolution, declaring tbat tboy were satis-fied with everything that had been done in tbo case.Dr. Cane read, from the minute book of the committeea number of motions made by' Mr. Sheehy nffectingDr. Cane, all of which had bet.n negatived ; and read his Answers, sent by him to tho Local Guv.ernment Board, to the various oharges, he was oross-examided '. by Sergeant Armstrong, who read the cor-respondence at length, and charged - tbe other sidowith Bappressiog portions of the L. Q. Board's com-munioations, in wbioh he maintained there waacensure, conveyed against Dr. Cane. The contt then,rose at HIZ n'niocle I '

. ' ¦ ' - TUESDAY.Cane v. Uhcehy.—Tbe Bight Hon. Mr. Justice Fitz.

gerald, on entering oourt this morning, resumed thehearing of this oase; when the plaintiff was re-oalled,and his cross-exaciinution again taken np by SergeantArmstrong, who then.went orer the various oharges,but there was nothing material elioited. As to hinabsence from ' Mollinavatt dispensary, he said' icoccurred owing to a bad labour case; I wni fined atKilmaoow for spitting in- Philip' 8heeh.y'B face 5 1 waosnmmtned for firing a revolver at'a man, bat I hadplenty of witnesses to '.disprove it; I fired a revolveron tbe occasion yoa allude to, but not at a man; Iwas never drunk in Martin Carroll's house, in Bally.hale, on a dispensary day \ 1 swear that I have drunkale in the house, bnt never to ' excess; I iras nevordrank in any bonsa abont the country. '

.Re-examined by Mr. Byan, Q.O.—Since my life waathreatened I'alwayn carry a revolver ; on the commonI waa oharged with; firing at a mun ; 1 merely fired ata crow (laughter)) the oase was investigated beforethe Kilmacow .magistrates, and the man who ocpuredme swore that 1' fired at him, and his brother sworeI firedat a orow (laughter) j I ami id the habit iftaking a bottle of porter wlien going through tnecountry, but never daring'dispensary boars.

Mr. J. L.; Conn examined by Mr. Parcel!, Q.C.—Iam ouairmanof the di&pensary oommittee ; the obargescontained in .letter on 28th'April .laat, were not inves-tigated ; tha medical officer baa 'a'disoietion . to visitoases during dispensary hoursi'Bey,' Mr. Delahunty, P.P., Thomastown, formerly

onrate at Mullinavat, 'and Bar. W. , S. 'Burroughs,;rector of Mallinava t, having'beon examined,' Mr. 'J. M. Bryan, 1 reporter, deposed to Mr. Byan.Q.O.—On the ,26th January, '77, ,1 proceeded to theworkhouse to report the proceedings of the guardiansI saw Mr^ Sbeeby, ;' the defendant, and other ruralguardians there; on my entering it Mr. Sheehy left,and'pn'doing 'Bo aai.S, J 1 He is after Bottling Baftis ,bnt he will' be "quiet enouith' when he baa done withieV':^'

"; . - - ',


¦ ¦: :

¦ '• ¦ .;'¦' "'• :

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; 'Xo'8ergeant'Arwstrong—This was before the in.veBtigatfoo held by Capt. Hamilton. .- . ., , . . .

Thit closed'.the plainti£ra case; ':y ' - ¦'. . . " i-. .°, ¦Bergea tvArm8i,-r6ng ien'opene^ efends'nVa oase,and contended tb at 'tbete was nb'ffl'alioej'aiid tbat°de»fen'dantwatpriv Je ed'towrfto 'w.ljaV^eoUi .' i ¦¦'" Phi(ip"Sbeehy', examined by Mr. .fifeiphM^O.—Iam » ,farmer, Maiding at Farno^ e|j'i;. .and' waslast yeer, k poor:law gudMia'nj I^ajj^ne'o/,the dia.petuary; oomoiittee, j ' I have'been a' memb«r of thatcOmmitteV fbr,"26 years J'I' am

¦avrara"6r th'e.proper

hoars or, attenaanoe. at. tnese awpensanet j 1 waa ;'a uautedv .th''rU>e!daUaa> &f 'JWf^aud the hourV he shiuld attendVbefore';?rriiticg the)letter with' tiekoo'm'pUints' ti? the Local IGorernmenfrBoard/1 ap-plied' tb' ttii? WoretaryTto convbne themeeting,bun Ae declined,and I then wrote to Dublin)it T»isO68ri;!*F6ley that'told m that 'he'savr^m1 inFitigerald'ii'pu'bb'o'ho'asb in-Waterfo'rd ;"fa roferenoe:' toW Wvxij'-th^pnblio1 hoa8e"fol Mnllibarat, .'I fearUrn wittr/ft'w**- a wbaton'iSm'-id1 Ca'thprtno WqlahJ,Wt' d-^bw^itaWntfrp-rfQlonmcire'bn -iheaay..•in'rfas^ /aiM'it-w atJh'eriBa- mV^bo'told im;

l f«VU'tiaWf 7 d'l- t-^'Wa<. 'a' bad"SW'Z **«»«« •«'.'theiB;cM tt,'Befo,e ;I:w*tote1mi ttf- 'Ik 'GOTerB 'Boara.'1 '" "',: 0ro*aMss%»? Si Mii "Kt^\V,' <l.O l am noUa,'i^'iMatf^rW-n • 'la suinl

of 'money'aboat;w ii»i;l;'Wwnr8ta9to l|ntvittg' '£128 ia |my I'¦id ;oW*ajkt *hWr atokV*u to74' ereTstfctUd'hi»;-bt*a»rdnty;W:llay« tak'ennotloe ol.JW^Wd 'Wia Uiii'ryoIutioa't p by'tli-a'ooB..:mm \AifiiM^mm^ {a testifying to ¦

>'S4^ k«'v^'fTKTffli»wii''iivwe:'',;;j. ' ,,,

Wnto£ml !$iSnMSmay? i$v \ W *! " !'.u.' l*° '¦ ->vtSto iiiTSiliiiiiisidlind1 |6M&i'tai2t !tt» ,' srnnU ¦*'T1t t tW t t 't*:¥titi1 il '¦ w^ rtfni\sMant fl*i*Ji.< tik.wMffiVsWiSiWOeMMW^M»5?eMSSni'



John Foley, examined by Sergeant Armstronif—bawtho doctor in hmn on tho 2ith of April (dispensary day) ,and saw him go into Fitzpatrick'.i public-house wimsomo people named ; told Philip Shechy abont tho mat-ter that evening.

Cross-examined by Mr. Eyan—Js botria to the pcacotowards Dr. Cane for threatening him, and promising toKCO him ont of Malh'navatt before ho'd die ; is a man ofdetermination, resolution, and learning, and alwaysnncceeds in what ho takes in hands (laughter) ; docs notremember Baying that to Carroll , tho reUoing officer.

Catherine Walsh, to Mr. Peet-On the 14th of-Aprillost was in Mulliuavatt ; I don't romombor tolhug thodefendant anything ; on tho 14th of March, waa 'nMnllinavatt dispensary, and tho doctor came after twoo'clock ; did not toll dofondant of that ; was not atGlenmoro dispensary on 21th A?ril. Tho witness wasrtr-f-lflTWi1 finwn.

Margarot Hdwe-On tbo 17th of ifftreh , 1871; thodoctor came to Mullinavatt dispensary after two o cloc-k ;on Good Friday ho was abRent altogether ; told the de-fondant about tho matter ; is caretaker of the disponsary,

Johaunah Malone, to Sergeant Armstrong—« M atMullinavatt disponsary on Good ?riday, lltli of April ,but does not remember if tho doc.o.- wa= there on thatday j often waited for him. _

John Conn, oxamined by Sergeant ^ -m.^L-ong—Go. ared ticket, and gave it to the destor, (o go visit a boy ?nfever at Ballyhomman; told him the boy was very bad,bnt tho doctor would not go lo him ; ho said ho wouldnot go if he was to dio in lialf ou hour ; '..old this todefendant.

To Mr. Curtis—It was not my v 'fe brought thotiokot ; the boy Walsh was not as well as over iu awook : ho is at Rochestown now.

The evidence for t'ao defence here cloRcd, and Mr.Hotnphill proceeded to roply, remarking that it had beenstated his client was a wealthy man, whereas it hadbeon nhown that he was a struggling farmer, with 120acres of poor land,- for -which he paid ilOO a year, whiloDr. Cano was a well-paid officer , considering all tilingsin these- days of struggle for an existence, with JB115 ayear. The learned counsel dwelt on the fact that thoywore willing to draw both cases, as suggested by hislordship, bnt the desire of tbo other side showed thatwhat they wanted was costs, and nothing more. -Mr.Hemphill went through the various charges, and thoanswere of l>r. Cane, and asked tho jnry did thoy thmkDr. Cane had sustained any injury in his professionalreputation? He asked them if the doctor was trying togag. the mouths of the committoo, who had a right towatch hia actions, and he called on them to give averdiot for defendant.

Mr. Hvan than ranlied for tho plaintiff , pointing outthe frivolous nature of tho charges that woro preferred,and at great length commented on the persecution thatDr. Cane waa subjected to for years, calling on them togive him a verdiot

Hia Lordship then summed np tho ov.donce for thojury, observing on the inexplicable condition in whichtho case had been pnt by the counsol on both sides, andexpressed his sincere regret that they had not agreed tohis suggestion in the morning to torn back to bock, andhave a drawn battle. In conclusion, his Lordship ob-served on thfj inadequacy of the salary Dr. Cane receivedfor his SOTvieea, and remarking that ho should bo pro-tected from indictive charges, if they wore preferred inmalice, put the following questions to the jury :—Waathe letter of the 22nd of April a libel ? Had the de-fendant reasonable erounds for n.ak'ng the charges ,and were they written. 6ona/We in tho discharge of hiBduty aa a poor ' law guardian, and without malico ?Ana if they wore malicious, what amonnt of damagosonght be awarded ?

The jury retired at 5.S0, and after half an honr, ro-toned to court with tba annonncemont that they hadnot agreed, and ihat there was no likelihood thoy wouldHis Lordship 6ent them bock again, and then another'effort was made to havo both tho cases withdrawn,Sergeant Armstrong, on the part of Jlr. Shoehy, offer-ing to pay hia O-A a costs, and let a'l matters rest. Theywould not thon proceed with tho croas caso against Dr.Cano. This wns not n-jrecd to. Tho jury having, ontwo other occasions, come into corrl, and announcedthat they had not agreed—that, ;n fact, the breach waawidening, his Lordship finally discharged them at sevennVJook.

Wm. Hayes and Sarah JaneHayes v. jbdza, Jamuson ,roimiore, near Dungorvan.—Mr. Lover, ;-astrneted byMr. Sayers, Coshol, appeared for the plaiutiff , andmoved, on fie affidavit of Mr. Savers, for an order for acommission to issue, to the Master of the Court ofQnoen's Bench, to examine tho Eov. Dr. Greaves andhis siHtor at their residence, 31 Baglon-road, Dublin, toprove the publication of a ;bol. Damages are laid atJJ1.CJ0, and the case fa to bo tried at the forthcomingWicklo w Assizes. Court soon af .or adionmed.

WEDNESDAY.Tho Court, as before , nnt this mdrjing at tan

O'olook. INCITING TO MURPER.Patrick Sltallmo was inrtioted lor tiavitif», on or about

the 8th of Novembor, 1S75, incirvd ooe Miohael Me-Cartby to prc^nre one Thumps Nei I to murder onoPatrick Fitzpatriuk , nnd in ix >nd ennt with in-citing to tne procuring of some person unknowa t)ki'l aud murder Nicholas Alfrt 1 Power, Esq., J.P., ofBellevue, raunty Kilkenny.

Sergeant Armstrong, with Mesirs. White, Qf.C,Coatas, aid Andorsoc, irstructel by Mr. Leo Auder.son, prosccted for tho Crown. Mr. Falconer, L.L.D.,instruct* i by Mr. E. Median, solicitor, 'W'atorford, de-fended. Tho following jury were impannellod ro trythe case :

Messrs. Whedden Harvey (foreman) ; John Pendor,William Qtrinn, Joseph R. Tobin, James Jacques, Wm.Sage, Micaael O'Meara, Peter Mackoy, Edward H.Dart, Robert Laffan, Thomas E. A-agol, Wm. Yeitch.

There were five challenges on the part of the pris-oner, and two were ordered to stand by on the part of

Sergeant Armstrong stated the case on the part oftbe crown. At tbe ontsat tho learned sergeant saidit was well known ' that procuring a porsoa to killanother, or inciting a person to do so, was a felony ofthe highest character, und for such an offence theprisoner now stood indicted before them. He wasindicted for inoiting one Charles McCarthy to procurea person named Tom Neill to kill and slay NioholasAlfred Power, a gentleman of position and propertyliving in the vioinity of this city, in the connty ofKilkenny, and well known to tbem all. The prisoner'sfather was a tenant to Mr. Power for some years toa farm npon bla estate, bat which farm he lost forDon-pajment of rent, and into whioh farm Mr. Powerput a man named Kennedy aa caretaker. After sometime Mr. Power set this farm to a man named PatriokFitzpatrick, and so matters remained, the prisoner'sfather disd, and the prisoner himselMeft this oonntryfor America. Having remained away for a consider-able time he returned in 1875, and his first aot was tomake a olaim for compensation to tbe landlord, forhaving been evioted from this farm, alleging that hehad every right to be paid, as ho said he was un-justly deprived of his holding. The letter in whiohhe made this claim was couohed in snob a foitn tbatthe polioe were instructed to watoh the movements ofShallow, who then resided ia this city, and in conse-quence of bis threatening language towards Mr.Power he was arresred ou sworn informations", andsent to prison* for six months. When he waa iuprison the accused formed tho acquaintance of a' mannamed McCarthy, whom be* told of his claim''UponMr. Power, tbat be was refused compensation by bim,and that he shonld havo satisfaction. He furthersought to induce McCarthy to procure the means ofmaking away with Mr. Power, and informed him thathe had a revolver, with powder and ball, in hia box,adding that it waa a five barrelled' revolver. ' Eofarther told McCarthy that he had come baok fromAmerica to shoot both Mr. Power and Fifenatrick, Mr.Power for evioting - his family, and Ficipatriok ¦ fortaking the land. He told MoCarthy If he coald troutMcCarthy to do this work for him he would Bond bimto America -when it would be completed. 'Fartherconversations', took place between them on tbe subject,and it was'finally arraoged that iloOartbyy when theywould come but of jail, vras to meet the 'prisoner on aoertain night, and that the pistol was to be given tooue TonvNeiU,' whom McCarthy ..was to proiure to dothe work) and. whom prisoner wn» likbwlse to'meeton the same night'."McCarthy seemed to oonsent tothese proposals, 'but in the meantime- ho commnni.cated'- all- that1 bad passed to the police authorities,and produced to; taeta'a letter which he received fromShallow on tbe Bubjedt. - '• .• • ' •• " '": i

'The- evidenoe ior'ithe Crona was. then gone-into, ,and'consisted of the*' testimony of the schoolmaster ¦in-the • gaol es> to' the handwriting of tbe.pHs6ner j :of a obnvlot named 'M'Oarthy;'wbo' swore that 'the 'prisoner »rr»ogedwHbhf-rb1oget'»mt !'na-Tied Neill Ito shoot Mr.' Power;' of si'i ei-policami u named Calla- !ban,; who swore he-gave'ri leaf of-^hui oopy boot totb* • prisoneriibn '-which * he-i Wrote the letter headed" BallyJrilUb^y f ' i t u i of .MesBrtliPeake,1 Grown Offloe,Doblm, and Mr. R A. Power, odudactinjjeterkto MrP^B lly1>te«riccaJepo»n'' v?JW deposed that thevrritingi'ia tbitaUttfivJand >the ftfdmUted one of !theprisoner to ltr^Poww7iw«re>tb*'»arBel' ¦ i'Mil \>y : >w, Evid«DO»wa*rflT*a br Jow Daltonvfor the defen'oe.

, thao Callabaa.asksd <WBI v/klto ta prisoa at the'same \.time, to iweavthat beikawiBoallow bland him*letter .(Ballykillaboy)i «ud afWAo'i>owerfalBp«techejlfrbni

: JIr.:Faloone», tUi; for toaatefenb*? th*j aty wire yes-. tord»y,'di»ohargtdLOo»b>ei "as tb« forsmau '¦•ald.t to,agr ,-iThey/.were Bloat,equaUy divided.*? ;, :ii-i ;.

Barry, OordaB .-ioow^^TipartratylaiiuttiPatrickliOffiy>a diipne«A*f%hVo/- y»to;awoll,;iiiwb'icHthe ooart we»;f«ngl^!tojtii :*rii ,' ,iC; !V.'';i.' ;':

u>o -vti 'i)«-U-iw r«v;'Ui*'iaiinsciEs ^ vfv:-Oi '(cv^>-i.- i = •*j OniWednesdsLr{A.1 t(Jloyti-.-v FitsgetaU, at 'mia iay,called np NntSiainJi Bragg/who hsi plewied BnOtj to

:*t-»rapted;spoisoninj;ai>djarter^reehVadujeai intbe ;W liA|M br*ixit<m

£datbioljaaiMtob(onoaJtoiUie-tvidenoeihe had'tteatd of,thRdru .^ ,y,lUlwlf¦>;,a)lowedtbePckonor,,o;Johtt'!P*rfs( I,.faeiB?5eotnt;a»toal

l-^ ^fl THI^M^ SY/^M^I i • __

^ ^. Lo$*f/i<1uki'vyaa^b ^1 ^r]; «i

i BSmm

DUNQARVAN COR RESPONDENCE. ''¦" I ij - i '.- .i| iv :

- ( ¦•;•


DUKS—WHICH ASK jj«8T ? '. , '.' '. '¦

Mr. R. J. Ua3ueji, JJ>., :Y.O., iu.tbe obair. ¦;Alsa present— MCBSIS. W. M.. Ardogb, J-P., Sir J- *«. ¦

Humble, Bart., II. A. Fitzgerald, J.I\> Edward , Q. H..Odell, J.P., J.- O'Brien, K. Spratt,- J6hn Tobio, James,H. Terry, Thomas ¦Harty. J. 'Hurt.j';'John. Walsh, P.Carrsn, M; H&okett.M. A: AhtbonyyMiohael Iieaujy,and William-O'Brien: %

' ' 'THE AYKAOB COSTI—In . reply to Mr. Ardagh, the ¦

master said the average cost in the'body ;of the hbnsewas 3s. 3d. per .week for . each, inmate, but when oontraota were entered into on the 25th, tha.oostwould come down to abont 3*. 6d. '- 1 . ! . , : ' :

MEDICAL - Omega's REPORT.—-The1 medical officerrepotted five oases in lever hospital ; the 'bread andmait supplied this week Were good, bat tbe milk wasinferior. Having boon called on last week,, tho medi>ioal otBcer, furnished the board with a return of ' the,number ol patients t reated in hospital and-infirmaryfor the past 6 months, as 899. . . - . - . ; < • v .,', ] .:

M EDICINE : TENDER*.—The dlerk reported, in refer-ence to the ordor of the board,'requesting the diepen.sary medical officer to attend and examine tendersfor tlio supply of medioine on Tuesday lastj that beon required in town on important. baoineM'thatday he l'urgot attending, but 'the inspection would be-guu'j through ou Saturday. Sir Nugent Humble, ob-served thai the olerk was never before, to his knorr»ledge, neg lectful of bis duty. ;. • ¦ ¦ i , ¦:- .i ¦:, '¦• ' . . - , - ,

1'KYEK HOSPITAL.—Mr. John sBosnian did ,not comVp )y n'lth the order of tbet- board/direoting' him totake' steps for completing the bospitajjlfor whiah be.ii contractor, before the 8th inst. ' Wr.'Rti^geraidnow movod that Mr, Lenao, plerkiof 3Works,'jjrec'thebuilding fiuishod, and charge the loaa to contjrpgtbr.Mr. . Terry prqpoaed ,,tbat . the chairman write'againto Mr. Scanlan on .the subject. ...Sir NagentHiimbleiWhenever I corns here, alWajB Bure . to besomething about writing to Mr. Soanlan.i. An orderwas made ro bavo 1 the unfinished works completedunder the supervision of Mr. ' Eeninj'the.'crists to bestopped ('row the, balance doe to'the obbtriictor.'' J !.

THE ' -AoLisk WAT£$ . Siim,i, -A lette^.Was .readfrom the Local Gcverumeflt, Board, jvoknbwlpdgiojr.the , receipt of. tha i clerk's .letter; otVlheZOth uip.inreference to thu supply of water foe tbe.itillage of.Agliih. '! Thuy" edOloBBd, ' for the iaformalionlbf thegnardianp,; a copy ot observations by' ilrv Baroey, jof.their - engineefing;tloparimoutr, on ' the tequest thatthe inibrmatioujjyiiiy, be' furniBhed

^W^iheir- offiije,with any observations " tbe gnarUiiin^'milj'.Wl'Bt tymake on the subject. , Mr. Barney, fl^a^be, jfollow-jing obsorvationu :—" It : appears tcmnj-.tht pjan .it isproposed to take tbe water. .of a.. Hpriog,|and,j the-pipes , to be. fuid a Jong distance .'through privatelands; it will ,' I think,' be Deoetsurj-: to aak to b»furnished with all particnlaru required by tbtf board'scirotilar of Occobar, 74. Sorno^ orrangBmeht,; Ifbelieve, will . .bo ut-cosiary to Beourejthe.sprin'g, frompollution by "cattle. It is not ohown'oloarly^howtho water of the spring shall flow., from the proposed,well. There should bo a valve or wtop-bopk in thepipe near i to the weli , as also at the 'towp well or,fountain, or there will be no means of shotting off thewater, ¦'should any acoideno happen." '-Mr. "Iienansaid that tho spring passed nnder ground to:ihe well,lo that thero was DO danger of pollution ly cattle.Hid report on the matter had been' sent to the LocalQjrornment Board. : ' ' :' ' "'.

lii K COST or SAME .—Another letter was read fromth . d ims board, and this won in rei'er«uqe .to the costof Hunt) works. Tho loitur n'aiil , " It appoarstthotthu guardians propose tho electoral divisions of Kee-reeu and Droinaua i>s tbu men ui obarge,- and I am toforward , lor the information of tbe guardians, the ac-companying, tiaoing Irom 'he OrJuorioo ,M»ps,' and tocall attoutiou to the portion ol the .y lja^u uf^Aglish,and that the board aiuy bo informed, wh,y., iue| ilitjuionof Drotnsna is nut iuoluded.,io,,th.ei.pruj>oasU area."The guaidiiiuj, utter some dJMtiusioil, Jwarq bf'opinionthat Drouiaua would derive nd benefit frotu'the watersupply. . , , ¦¦; .: -,7 •' -:

KOUINATION OF GUittDIAX O.—From same,-Boardcame u Jotter in reply, 19 rotarniDg omcara iuquiry,whether tiro nomipatioa papers ioronaguAidjan werevalid, stating, in rtply, " there did not appear to beany defect iu the filling up .of , tlje Domination No. 1,which would render it invalid,, pu3U)i>jy'tt| of vthe cameof thu nominator if i the. blank; (6) not a.ppeaiJDg (o bejnaturiul. It appeared, hpweTpr, tbat ,pnl/,M>ree per*sons woro soniiuatod, though there were four namedin the tabular (form above the nomination. ..The nomi-nation paper No. 2 was dereo'tive.!'.! In , repiy, to theluquiry whether, under article iO' ( of. .the, e]eo:ionoruisr, it is not necessary.that.a nominator, sbouldj attho time of nominating, have¦ oil ,ratea paid. in tbecap..u.ty which entitles him to nominate, apd rmadeiu mouths previous to nominating, theyt desire topo'ut out that tho disqualification of ai oopupjer ,onHccuuut of non-payment' of poor'rates p'niy,appliesto him in that oapapity, batTvrould sot. affect bia rmhtto votu in uu j other capacity, ifr heiJi»1re., Biiph right.Iu 'ruferonce to the ioquirj ,'whether, iion-paymentf ofrates bade over nix months upon premiJBM Iori,w.hjoba person is rated, but which he occupy, thepremises iu respect to wbioh the 'arrear

^' 'due would:

not 'reuiovo tbe ditqoalifioatiua attaching to'meut of the .rate. ' . ' ..'. ': ") :.j ';'o _ .;r'j.', '„ j

'l'he] clerk, iulormed Mr. W. O'Brien,, gu roia^ ;forMount Bluart, that the. latter portion', of . the^mmu-nivatiuu applied to his case,' hehnyioghcjl^apmejBDtsllporiioQ'ot property from Lqrd : Stuart 5)9 eoies, andfailed to puy the raiea.', r Mr. O'Brien satd; (ijatiLpntBtuart wua tho. person Imble,,h6 (Mr.!O'B iou),hav|nggiveu "upt the :po3ue8aiwi of Ahe premuies some m^nxbtagql Thu [jumdiaufi Biud they ,would be sorry to losesuub an.old and tfficient memberj as Mr. O'Briep jlorso slicht a cause, and he.conce.Died to pay the rate.w

TACCINAT.IOS ACT.—Xho ,Local . GoTernmqnt.Bofirdrequested to be luforniud whe^erth' ilefaiilLar^nder ¦the Vuccination Act',baTe'comp|ied wjfthjt law^ iaalso delimiters iu .Kiugrille dispensary^M ti.^ Therelieving officer will report on the 8abject, by;;nex«meeting. . . . ," ¦ . -1\ . . -,.,. ;". rt Li H,i \ '

~ - .:.-• i Vi 'M EDICAL CUTI-.—The payment ojf, £l ,lg. wss.eauo.

tioncd to. Dr. Flynn for his atWndanoQ at , the work;,bouBo on tbo 18th December .daring tha abseuce pf ,the m'odicol otDcec.'. ; " . . - ( .,, ' f. 11y ,, 1 ,',t : :•>« • i ji.

. A. SwpsN INVESIIOATION.—A .hojr .named, WilliamCallabun, suffering ffoui burned, eye-lids,; iu sent- tothe House,.ol'. Industry, Dublin, a few weeks ago| bythp, board,' for an operation , Tbe' boy, . seeiajcgly,was in the best of health lca.yiog .here, but. otter. re-turning he complainBd to hia mother .that he; did notget 6uffioiont , iood whilst .in, Ddblia. .', P(« ^mothqr.broqcht him before the board some)weeks-since,.and the lad s appeoranoe fully, bore out bis statement...Hi*) board passed a resolution oonfirmacoryjoX the.LO;,'«, statement, nnd a oopy thereof was eont to then' 1 > vary of the House of JnduBUy, and, npw oame-a ;U f . ..; iu response' denying that ;ttje ,boyt fiad iq anj ;*ij been;.wronged while auder;.treatment,'iftnd«n-ulu<>iug a scale of the dietary,adopted,jn the ho*pitalNi ho board said thoy had no fault, to find wj^ineidietary, and Sir Nngtiir Humbla pb er.Todi there was,,nothing beforo them o ehow .lba^fh.) (j<)y,ba4jbe^o-,treated in tho manner; Mated y,^b,e, i i(t<ljoaJjQCoer,|On the contrary, bis appoarance, apd,, it moment iWejVagainst inch a conclusion, ..Mr^Quinlau, juQOflHr: edriMr. Ardagh: , 1s the boy in the ,.faster* Hi*mother has taken chim,.oat. ilr.,<Jaialan': iW)B,hatei'.no proof , that , he rtoeiyed wbat ith».dootor;stale".

, Mr. Cutrau remarked that the .workbppvt) por>if 1 »iditbo. . boy jwa» , filthy .afUr .leaving^iha bonpiialVi Mf ^QuiuJuu:. \: move; liat'.thbpgr^er ba,«en».fonio'"hei

, porter . , hajjingf .coiue .before,,tbe,board, nheohairtuutiaiVod hini in w'huttstate he found Qallabon fcrEprjerlt:Ho.woa in a dirty ktate. . 8ir.ilngBntHnmblIt.ti,W«r»\bid clothos filthy? PorUsr I i ,Tbey, wer^ middl DgJChairoiai;: Was he clean-in,bia_,p#r»oaf/.l Port IOCI\Vell, he wasn't yvery olean^t Sir(Nng«ilJI«a>bloo(Did,,;op notice, ahy.Uiiog.pBouliar)about,hUpettortP'l'ortcr; , No, ¦ onlv 1M .looked .wu»k< M r. Quialaa \: Jui

onaa statod^atjyoa Baidyon »a,w.fer,min-oa»ha.b<Jy?(i!cloibve. , I>iJ yon.{;,Porfer;,,iStt.bat.befcafiverr:

,w tBk,r,I .hiui iJ<>.»U«;o»r lpitakeiiJni toL *S!r/a°" f*W>i8P;S y^Aftfe.'t ?t^(yk. :j?»

. tUu statioa, I ., tbought1:he\won)didl«^riB/ortJhe!'l' i^ orc'iy^QpiU.L tur^^fil^ -tW i 'tn W'. ;!r|tagb1 h9m8.,:/Mr,,^Tdag»iSiTj>i^ail]toli«h)laHdtai Ui1 iB^gnr^SMM*l«ft ?iiW^WMxS(mW'M<Ji : '"

j.oa,.»oythiogt.pni bi«v,olUJle*f .ilPort i lkl, htiu a lir*' ^ <* T'viiB^

!''?™*S t iPl22if"3S5LI. . . otht*,Wd m«(th^M)«rt «ri9r«w*Bla<«!»ui:ol4tlie*iii ifl »^

f? *r ^VKe »r pWfff l»,1 PaT*: and.owanjul,me ,oot .of/ the Jodg»:bJ Me*hefaV Jiij, ¦W^ J ^'Aiif imiMn WW&iX9W&m *?»»

Quinlau : Tbja is^paaefoniartitJgMtiBijandii-tobTpi {?P'3^"'" j2a2 sS^ '*?S^ ?S2!?t JS... . ut ,,thii.,J«oal .QoT<)tninenkiBi>aid.t*««U«d:hpoB u*i ita r fn msfSS ^ y iitKrS&m Wir ff">.. i^holu a »w»rn , inquiry hub tWaatMJr.'Irav ltgebllt I?3 'ttWaiWW^T EHnii mf teff* **•

,Jj.Hj imbloi:., tfe»r;!J»ettr«tIJlri,WJd»bri-i.I<kiif«illahet» •5TVI}ffl't8 W^W JftjffQfti KI WBmV&ilEl\ ?*•¦¦..v ,ipleaM»»^ i» ie«<,ndin8.y©Bj I( Pi»a» «i»4ii5iintt.)i5'!, '-? W^"Wfe»S «WWgwWjW9)J!l 1jW. v . - CAXflptlo. 'EDUAAtloBJ—A3 nifcittoxiabp'tthiklLiiaaJ! !rJ f !y!? tWfM^Ke5IPWJffijS9ftwSW'JiriT?1

iViok .Curpotatwii in /.vornoMlic.BiriyKlB* ioti< i^f ^^ ^' 'SB^ ' SMffi :Bill , ojt.tbo.Bioilod.a6 MniM/^V'AiiihBnypitflflnaijlb St?fiBr^&ljg^WOTggitWfei jTOh y *«f'„;:« by lJIr/.J- CBrieo, WU^opx ei.U H^ fy > ,9t~ S 'iKSS^ iS ffi ^ n^.• , ,;,nD«ON.1 MiDHU*~A.:latttI;nw»at bM0K<'' :W&SffSmSSM?mm a t S!&¦ ¦¦ flattery,;.unioQ irodttiieJigMibglaQMPua^rtwW ptii' £20 a ycar.;bj^baing,(ctc^} e«v»tb«)diip*hsary- h'oate, MLII asking,th»/gnardhiD*jo'b lb8tJ»ocoantl'

,„., Jcoreasa, hvr,«aJary iby £iaa'ye»ri'/!B»Wrf4<i to liui v;4iip«.n»»jrj:-cdmmiitee:i;,j;inil , i ¦•-•'•':lV -jSf|felj*»;¦ §•Mi ,{H lnc<:|MiTAKUUr--Uri>(Thoi)iaa.cW(4iSi» HKd<.'t& :erPO |MiubiBiUed;bui bbMtjBf.ftheoqiUbt'atcibki^eoiiiidi tciut.- IM .two'deftrrtd toibelt me*tiogt>tJ«t(«:bo»Miil;od^ ,g£¦;<, ;!,».•;PAID: ,Qujju>riif*.^lliuiOdeUl iin*OiifllUttb»i ilh .¦ v.i(.-iua iK)1nde,TtikrTwlultbi>tititiIx>dakfi(jV»r«menVB< ant'

! be rtqutoted to diunl,e^htf ib«flJ7itJitf ««ail<<ti< ^, . , „ paid/gasedildtJo'manaialtW JjbllrW I 'tW'un otj)Air. ; Jamfi j 'K.Teo^ij jn<I(i JiV(»b4W«lW»l«ifl4tIo1 ji

; MrrWiWamCfirjjtoi hs| d;|i r> J0d«ft'4i>Ruifw}tM

• ' 'wMld be Very 'tow? .1,4 hejasked:,V ii^&ailt p*!.' '¦. - •;.l.W4J!W. .f»flW^JJ34»«W#<1*«(M iljiiriloi-lltkai•¦} .¦'. t jthe.wtee.oitflMioa wvmm^^m tmimb

¦; JW¦#•OTgi,t:>I ;<3 anl*5^»75QHJ !rt t.

which ho held in hU band, that the mover ot the reveolation; attended but twioe in. twelve monthB, onoo,to give bis. notice of motiou, and now to oak tbam to,commit Buioide ,(laughter). .All the other, ez-pfficioi,remained, away only on field days, except th« gentle-man who presided at tbe meeting, aud he.shouldiaay,,that Mr. Usaher attended consoientioaaly to hisduty ,as a guardian, but the.pther, ex.offioios tnrned,their>aok on'tha , board:.from .year'» end to year's find,

throwing the whole responsibility and weight.of/.the.¦baainesa on tho. elected guardiana, the.real repreoen-tatiyei of ,th« fatepayars. .Mr.. Ardagh : J .hope yondon't allude,|tq, Lord, Swart? r Mr. ; Anthony : ,He is.absent .from.(be counuy on,business, bat I am happy,to wy that Iiprd Stuart attends regularly. I ask. yonr,vice chairmuiw, put bisnhacd on hia heart and say.whether be oan oaat, a slot- on the manner in whichbusiness is, diBoharged,at this ; board. , A gentlemanwho,: had attended, here only twic» ia-the twelvemonths comes and asks us to proolaim to the.worldthat we ore incompetent to disobarge a trust reposedin as by the ratepayers, and yet not a scintilla of ar-gument has passed his lipa, na a man, for plaoing UBin that,, degraded position (hear, hear). When a re-former appears, why not ttke .up the oudgol wherereform'js needed P .. Why not bring it into the.grandjury room where, there is taxation, without representtation (hear,!hear) ?,,. Mr. Anthony, instonood a oasewhere a rate oolleotbr ,{n.-Tyrone ' wa»i placed tbe grand jury of the county, and M more eligible ,candidate rejected beoaufie be. didn't find favour withthe gentry. ..If .suoh a thing ooon'rred in that : board,room,-would they not bear !tbat a job WMaperpe- ,trate4 ?,,. 'He (Mr, Anth»py)in oouolusion, askediMr.,Odell to. withdraw his rootion. ,'Mr.' H.^A'ilFitsgerald.a»kedj Mr.. Odell,-if ;fpr,nothing elB9 hat to gratify.therat«psyers, riot: to press the motion.,;i,The chairman•aid , he -fully conourred i» Mr. .O'Brien'n remarks.There.' were |reason* for and againat-. the - propOBed.

lobange, and asked the board whether .it would not be.. better,,that.,thiB .;wish for hpaid iguardiana.'sheuld .npt.emanate, from thq ratepayers.l :He Binoarely wishedthe mover, and. seconder of, the resolution ;would give

; some reason for jit, but,they, could not. ahuVtheir eyes;tp the'faot,tbat of jlateiyears the ratcai.wem oreepiog,op,to an eporocoua figure., :He should not vote on! the.mat er. . Mr; Quinlan . generally'.oonbarredtinitbei re-marks,of,tbe;ohainnan, ,i|r, H. A Fitagerald,: .Ther4,

. .is »omethiDg gojng ,pp Teiy Votten in this.bwae,' and,1 nobody,but paid; gqardiaos oan make ,if:jcmt.,.-Mr,Quinbin saidjhe wonld not rote on the question. i;Mr,.

:!An,'thpny4»a» labout proposing, his amendmetlti.when.Mr«:Ard»gbvmo.ved- that ,th« .cjuestlon-be-postponed.• t<j, that.'d&y.9ix,p]onthji. ::The motion was; thbn with-;drawn. ,» |i'.,|.r!i!ric< M -wii : ¦- ..¦' ¦- 1 j . ; il ; :¦:•¦: v r 'ij i , • ;

1 MAECH 16.—A iquorum. not having attended' there^was.iig meetingsofitbd board to-day. .. . - : ; ; a

I 'IMQUIST AI TBI WORKHOUSK /^OU Thursday' last aningneat was , held by Mr. ' Dennehy, * coroner,' at'theworkhouse, On the body of 'Miohael'Hally, 'an idiotboy, aged'18 yoars; aud who was subjeot to paralytiufica, from the effects . of one of whioh ' he ' irU'founddead on the floor Of his1 ward on tha { morning of'the14th inst, having tallen'out of bed in the ; night.'! Itappeared that although?there were thirteen in sameroom, .none of i them heard tbe' noiBe of his fall, -andno one know he waa dead until the woman who openstte ward came in in ths morning.'-- Of tbe thirteeninmates; fite are-idiotBj and -the remainder are simpleminded.' ' The verdiot of the jury wast "Pound deadon the floor ' of the idiot ward, on the morning of tbe14th inut.". !¦'. ¦:' ¦ ' • ¦' ¦¦. !,¦" ,

¦ ¦: '• .r'r

¦ ¦ ' .: ' • ¦ ¦ ' . • -• .

''ilMlUI ikMttC B£M Bf MBMaai M fc* ^ - M S - I>£<MS ¦¦ *¦¦' t»

¦ '- '¦ ¦"¦ ' - , ; • PETT7 SESSI0N8—SATURDAI. ,. 'Before Sir J."Nngent Humble, Bart, (in tho ohair)and Mr/H. K. Bedmond, E.M. Mr. 0. Mil ling, S.I.,in attendance. '' ¦ : ', ' ' • ¦ • • ¦ ' " . ¦ ; • "'' TTNLiCKNszn OpiNiNoi—Mr. James Ii/nob, " Devon-shire Arms" Hotel, was charged by Constable MoNa-''mara, with having bin bar' open for sale, at ton minutes'past 12 o'olock 1 u UiO "night of, Monday lrtat,', and anumber 'of' 'pi i scVt;, : who wero neither lodgers, nortravellers, oil the premises'- at the 'time. '' Mr^ Ljnoh'admitted his bar was open, but thero .were'only, a fewgentlemen smoking and ;talWing there ; they h'afi no'drint.'' 'Mr.' Bedmond obaerved that the law m'ac(e Wdistinction between' Mr. Iiyn'oil'B Hotel and'o'opmmonpublio hbusej nor' gentlemen'and th'a cdmiadn"pe?sqns'walking the'etreets^' If the law fwaa broken by eitherparty, subh'party shfiaJd 'bb .liable ,' ^Mr, Lynoh 1 X'nave aiwaya.oonuuoiea njy piaoe propeny. : ,i samunobody' but 1 gentletaenj'and '.I

; didh't-.ldare . if .Jhere1 wasn't a polioeman within 50 milea'b'f.,me., '.I always. kept 'order in' my ' Ko'nse," ¦and never 'o lle(l|on

we of

them'yet.' Tne'offe'noe having b^aVadmit'U^ tHede- 'fendant'waj flood '&4 '4bd'|ebate',iVthe" conviction"io be'¦recorded MhU UeiSM ;}'* ' , ,f ji". - '.|; ii ^''DisPiJTt ABoBTl.AtJp^Edmond'Q^DousnmmonodM. Daly to'.lBhbw oiuso why'Wabinld'lair blaim to a'field "whioh • lie1

( ;(oqmpJatnaniaW?^WpptBe on1;since the death of his father;' I( appeared from tbe 'statement q'f

^Mr.'.Tbom 'Sjtaltery^batltbere ere'

th'ree"-br fonr piu-ties having lhis Un ia^diipote for'sbine time.'eaob olaiin|ng a ppHioubt1 'fiufc .the /and-'lord^'MrV PenroBe, wppl bp1. down, ji.ia'jftvr.daya to"hrraogo the matter between',th'e lwhio^ e jieved'waa to disposoesB them altogether ' tbe.qour't ruled- nojurisdiiDtaoii." "'' . , ". "''": - e

. ¦';

':'.- ' ¦"'

v .= v. : : '"¦

^The. bonrtWMbn afterwards;;' .: ,^ ,\ i u:'MARCH^17.^Berore" Sir':jJhgentT:HnmJ,}e°"Bwt.'''Meiira: "Vt'.iMi'Ardagb.- and FrM^aShwhM^ 1 :"

. OviKBOLDWO POSSKSSIOM.—-ThbmM Armstrong sited',Honora WaJsbA|for;j)oa»ei>aion_ofi,».|:Jhouse, jrMoh ahe'1

3l*O7ed tn&,fn&e., aodji8 \enaant yn »Mooreed lottVOS '•JiSS^lWPfflM te^Jtantoi

¦«»,j.n?-Si. l.WL i" TkMPAM.—Ioj ne Sdjpu e>l, oaBe\at th«./»wlj 0/ Mr.

^'XtJ B mm if P

W onatB

- w KWted.¦rv.S?rt»*W?SfrWit'lWjW 9R sffiflSflfc s,',m>.5*?SF%j»'.™^!Mt|SF #i?iPW« ."jW*«iw.»M.

, ?bT?i>sH&n&>™ti*'i?&.°#iF!! M-»- «* 'I1?!-be wta attegq)p^ sepviqe..-, ..Tj^ .ol urman Qpj^rrec'that^hp .haiJ j ttjTjea be 'pour^utii •Maia.wohldhave COitoWedtfjan>d*q]j 1 pj»JjjB)oX.Xr.^rpW»iooso thinkipg hi) might come into.ooort j but »ow thecaie Jwd-bSS-arijtfdiBSSd tJjw^enaJ'io'torQier iiudenoa'eoiia be'Sflffttbd???\*. "t» !v.'?> .'"".'".f '¦{-: I• -".

Patrick Cafrin MBr^m^nrtttW'trWpSMof 'six','-heiferB '6tf^U1ffleia6W.'jye Y6>>;,J


HiAey,' 'uAair aa Ums^T iifi •t'a 'n'gi np"fixed plaae'bf-V a'd^ i e' n's^bTe i^Dati on"%bo nigott 01 Mono&x AB fflu&u jQmend&pp in op oat*' boose' Selmigiflii'tS iWK^M1 bai;'Tkoka af Cap h7>-He DWf VrWoriift^HVeir ner'a :¦dauribni'-'biiTing tirjeb liliiffe\ih^g«M,eli1 «!dlb'inttg tb'q"barrack.;. :He broag^ erVsfo^^a er' neie'

'mbrniog/ia&d fMnUeaVa^' n^ 'b rVlar^¦ ther ltttBjn1n8tbn/^Tbea< BBb'fc!riipeofor oT f oJioe iuidhe wM'- rrytb^daie"'!.!)) '|b ?rbiig% 6e/ore'tlie

.'oourt at'all.'fo^'it'arip redbythetsiaiii toba a grent','inistak».^befO^S^ |i'«i^n^SedSe?ai^iiaa'beeV kept «*«m for; n. i4rlr »" week Co '» friro., .!loa|/jbb>«e:^IiWlW^^af¦'oTni^uen^oraWam^^: house a few daya Binob,-h T bVebairmah.Mkod, tl khe; maglitrilet let h^*w°oW» r^%°«> ;,.mediately ?, 'Sb 'W 'iF^WW .v^ t

•*JiaWWrSie<l'u iW> , S'fs*iV.viy«(.'*«'W MT; 1"


defendant) aa a , stake to abido the event of a, race,.whioh , oamo off bet,woon three hordes at l Currjok-on. iSuir, on tbo, 2nd ,November last, an,d which race waswoo by a hor«e , owned , by plaintiff, and he (qounsel)was, oertain;i that his.lordship would have no heaita-

, tioo in. la (firming .the , deoree which was granted bythe» learned ohairoian of the. county. After minutely,going jntcj the entire case, the simple facts' were thatthree lorsea ran, the owner of each horse depositing£5 in 1 tho, bands of the defendant to be paid to theowner of ttiei.wiuniug horse. . Mr, Henry W. Brisooo ,a magistrate of the county, was appointed Btarter,and Mr.- Qpmmins, , a gentleman living iu derrick, aajudge, who both deoided in. favour of the plwntittjthe sole, question was, did bisior^o run four or threetimes,.round, the course! .,It , would be satisfactorilyproven by £even,witnosses ,tbat his client's boreo ranfour times ronnd and waB in first. .

Edward Brien waa the first wituess examined byMr Lynch—I am the .plaintiff in tbw case; I amowner of a horse oalled " Farmer's Boy ;" I knowMr. O'Connor ; his horBe is called V Hunting Sauoe,"and tbe third , horse that ran is oalled " Glenmason."The race . was ,to be , held on the lBt November, butobjeotion was made OD. account of that day being, and the . racq.- .waB , adjourned to next day.Vo agreed that . Mr. Briaaoe was, to start the horses,

and Mr. Commins , the manager of the National Bpnkof . Carriok-on-Suir, to be the judge, and OaptainNeville ,to . see that the three horses passed, fourtimes ; I saw Mr. Briecoe start the , three horses ; I

,watohed my horse,; ha ran four dear, rounds, passedCaptain'.'NerillQ;fonr . times', and/was in first at .the^Mipipg-poatil. 1thin^ my., b.orso1waa uni in , all , the ,

. ronnds.;; I applied, fo Mr. Lawrenoe for fhe £15, andIje refngea me. . .. ,v i • . . ¦ : -

'' Conrt -The whole question is, did Mr. O'Brien's,

horse win thu raoeP... - , . , , . . : . , . . , -. - :

,., droas'-eramined by Mr. Jamea Gibson—Tbe ownersof. the,, horses agreed to.Mr. Cooimins. as judge, and

; he took big stand near.the winuing-poBt ; .1 was ten orfifteen perobes from MK Brisooe ; my brother did not

,ran.out and stop, my horse, j Qlenmason irent roujjdafter, my,, horse stopped,;, Sargtant Mofiatt 'waa near

, Mx. ppmmins. , . , , :',„ , . . .,) | , .' , -, .„ ¦,:. , , . , ¦< - . - . • ,,,,'Cg'ojrJ—I j'wishVthe cue was left to.the deoiaiqn of.

,,gerge>j)(ti MoffattXlaughVpr).i",If, tbe plainjiffs hpnw,;raq.foui;|times,pa8t Captain Neville he,ia a|l right, ,, .j ',W'itneaa'to,Coart;—^qth Mr. Briscoe and Mr. Oom:..mins uaid my, horse fron tbe race..., . . . . . '¦ Court— Then ilr. Commins, debided in yoar favour f 1Yes,,my.,'lord.' ,;:. ¦,.' i,,

' ..,. ',,,, .! ;/,.. .. .: - ,. ; . - , ¦ = :• .. - '. ,

. , ..Cour(-f-»And be was judge?. Yes. . , , . . .- . . - , : ,'>A f .Mr,Iiy,nch- -The original Btewards ap-,pointed were—Meawa OJOonpell , ' Hally, and .Huxley;

; they . :ha'ving.deolined to not,-we appointed,Mr. Com-'— — » - . i j- i - - ,- - , •

, " - , ; , , 1 / . . I t ;- - 1 . ' ¦ ¦ : , .

H. W. Brisope, Erjq.y.oxaminod, by, Mr. Lynoh—[ ant.; 0,- nagiBtrate '¦ ot this 'county, , and reside nuar

, (./'orriok-on-Sair; ,1 rernqmteT tbe 2nd of November ';I. was .asked to be' starter, at tbo raoe by the throeowners of the horses ; the three bprses were handedover, vto ^mo j'l atarfed thomj and gave the necessary

j bUreotions, and plaoed Captain Neville near, the -wjn--njng,post to , see < ,that the', horses passed him livetimea. ._ . . . .., . , , . -, ', '• , - . - ¦ ' • ' . -¦ Cro«B-e^amiaed by Mr,Gibson—I aoted as starter ;I did not kqpw ..tbore was a written ageement at thotime 1 I n«?Ter rode a raue. ;1, ;Courts-And I hoDeyou never will . , Did you ererride after tbe.boundsj Mr. Briecoe (laughter) ?,. .Wituess-rX8*. m/. lord, and after my own; I wariding;aboot. the oonrse; daring the raoe, and saw

, Brien's . horse pass:,tbe , wioning post four times i. Connor'q borse," bplted." ; ;j . , ,.. '. . , ,, Oonrtr-L attach np importance to anything whichoooarred after , the race: ., f .; : ( . { , . , , . .. Mr, Commioi was next .examined. . He aaid—I re-member tbe raco on the 2nd of November laat j. whenI got to the racecourse,! was requested to act as judge;O'Connor came ,np to me and uked me to have ou6oftbel'posts removed ; Mr. Bnecoo complied with O'Cpn-norlB request 1 I .took; up my, position aa-judgo-on a

. fence;: I saw,, O'Brien'a, horse fire times pass the win-m'Dg post; 1 decided that bia horse,won ; I said, tuooa-stabls, Moffatt/ .'.'J3riqn'«, . bonio,,won ;"; Motfatt wasstaqding,.near me i l: didn't aalc Moflatt if, the , horsepassed. .;„; . . ;. , - . , : ,- : :.. .-?. .,: ,, . .,. ;; ,; t;.;. -; -i • ¦ ¦. -.


,.- Coort—Had yoa any Jaw.books with you (langb-. ter).f, .,No, mi lord. , !¦ ,, .., M . ; ; i . . . ... . . 1 ; .i t '. 1 .1, .

it ¦ Courts-Mr. \ Gibson, jvbo) was to be ¦ the . judge ifMr,. Commins -was ,not ,?-; What . answer • oould anysensible man give to that queation, apd that includesyou, and. me f 1 (laughter). It would .be morally impoi*

otibje for country gentlemen,to cawy. on sport if.theyiare,subjeatod to this anooyanoa..-, Xoui are, not satis-fled witb .Mr-.CowmiuB' deoision next catch the

,Cbairma,n of ,the County, and now a Judgei.of AsaUel (langhtor)i m\t n\ it . v > —i \ , v i : 1 ¦¦ .. - ¦ • • ¦i . ir;i

<oiMroQibsonr—Myi lord,before -.we olose bur, oaae.I,will putm'y learned, friend on the horns of-a dilemma.

, Court, :..;I don't see the dilemma or the. boms (more:Unghter)i;.-::'.) 11 ' ¦>•> ¦ > » - . vVri i -;.- /r;_ -J I I J ji: . i i ...-. •e. i . i ;>ri<j Captain-Neville corroborated the evidenoo of theformer-witnessei.] e i t : i> ::< i) l>i:ni i< .:..

¦< ¦ \V. :\ ',.r.- : t > ¦¦. ; ¦. - ¦.on JameSiLennoh examined 1 by ' Mr. Gibsbn—I'ara ajookay-i rode; Brien-'s. horse on. 'the day -named ;-f_Ii

: passed Oaptain Netille foor' tlm ea; and tbe ..winriiDg¦poat.infive,:timeB'| Spoiled1 up "when too ¦ tjme wa»eoaated, out,/. ;ivUf ;- w l j >f> ;-,IK '-< VI/ I v . . . i i - ; ; t - .:> ' n.-x,iu Orosslexaminad try Mr; GIbsoia—I belorJg to raoe-horsesmllmj - lib (-l -J d iff ub 'k>abw ' Captain Nevillethat d»y;'no nior»lthin I know you now - '(laugbtirX'j:

.Iijhe*rdjobjecHonsiinia4 (after'the raoe> by a jfool'• Iond:<lattghter)r&»r'a.3«linii3n njj ^uir.-vui j;1 ,. .!¦» ¦ :H4n'Gibson—I^wlll osllj-<myl'.clientnanda.ho3iof;witne»serowhb"willprovi Brien's baM'» mistake, j

¦• >(Kj.poort—AJlflicanttelt ybn',i;MrJv.Gibsob; 'is tuat Lam satisfied MK Obmmlna' was ajppointedl!jadRe,]and 'I will.' Hold(hi»idecisioa'|11ii'al. l- af' tbatldeoilibn|was

:tber)wbrstt eTer>qi|idei;i<willrnof nnsettle'the biw. « -id<: This closed'tliA joasoifor'plaintiffi'i;^ "f l ij -. . > :• j f i ijou Jamas'l'IJRwrenoetlBwonn'-'and-'e'ramined by ;Mr..Gibsonr-I'Ba-thli dtfandiht |rJl':'beoaniB igtakabqlder.

1 atth« rabe Vlunerer-'heefrdt'the terms' of that raooIWM JB altered.': io: l> 'i>i(j;, -.ill d'mlw -:n ,". !.':j :i..»io j ii- i..'j^Tohis lordship —I iaW tlhe 'raou run j 'the1 'mineyilB bow in the-tank'in'OarHok.^'1 " »« > i i'--V| ->.;hi I"nOaart -Let 'S "aodtUblb io»' pJaooxl at that eidedooi1,''and Jet:nc>onblD4gi'h-1 thin k'I km'as weil|entiilqd to>'ac6nstable;«i'8 iudg8 .kt!s' race-course (laughter).J . "tvHig'Liird»hlprs order' wa» ! in»»ntly 'complied, itith:'•', OrbBfJ-eiarnloedf bJP'IJlr': > : Ly boh—I ''did1; not' ljnow'

•nor oilre'.whoSrei judgeUh BII or now f ^Brlen -obeoked-hiihoiie:H '\ f i- iuo'ij iK '') \ |.uii{>«i»iju }o jj|ii*rja j .':Ji

^«Gourt^W«ll,'ririnferaa?» juror Mist'yoa did tnow'»MWOoB)liiljy was the'irid e. I'IIK , -.iii.;-i :|I I -.- ,;.I e; i'I'nConstabW'WmlH'Moffat K( exam!Ded—I 'was pnjsent'aftKtf^rlabe 6&! tk« 2iid^Nb*a beV>'' lafct H.Mr.-aOoaC'.!mini was'plaied>i»«-jn'd)'{«"Uy"MrJL Brisdbe i'l was"plaoeo-to keep tlfejtJdgB^fromI'Deiog pasbed off the'ditch' j'If «»iw Brldn'a KohVe^Hss' only fodr timsij'Ihav*ln-6'VkmW'theliorsoi(:i«i»te4-ib'nly';fonr''timci> > :l'

'h'ad-faq16bjeb«l iti l c«unflnKi h*'rtnhds.'1')'' l4"'Jt'1 r><l)'" Aotmg.cbndtable Ol«[r?«ixkttibed' by Mr," Gibs in^'•I'wai'*)thi CdnutiiblaHMoiBStt *''-I-awasrplaced"t lieW-by Mr.' Brisooe', iBrie* bJbrseipaMsed1 only! ttmsf ti nes;''«-Oourt-^DidlMrVBri*ooeJ pbee'yduHiiUerB'Bs jlii ge'?1WitiABs-1I0"wash*4' ¦judjpe.t'mj' lord> \la|oghTei); I'wasn't on'dQ,tyf .jy« l!??»?lj |wa - ,II »I;J hu-? j:y ¦%•.>* ,1-meiiCJbiilftciTeVyokdiairilb'tle ilrbke' f Bnsirte ibw'siaerf ybirb n pies itfil'rjftnifitie'r)!';' 1''' '¦¦» •( »"*i.F"-'vYit;nes»»"A'. *oangot;-"tny ¦iora;1 taero : wouia >e ;i»"a»|nte1fl>ont'UWJ r»»t livimoj ^vD y!(i/-.iac: <..t-:|. JUO

'«: Cf t^AkrtfTtaa^VjA^Bittf'right'.11' J'^ ' •* '"' '' '»»'¦47niKfB ra(ffl|ftB}ifttdWas >< atulh«i «oe'-|:l aard1%h8l'Brto •w tj* V1 te6ws1'Hhe :'bliJrie|;c illeya'-ifVri -Ar' BdyJFirt'fiJteiWcalled'PriDOa.' ;'j" T-itt ^' rff liHWSrekfekVd'Wa' tfessi'l« b6wiwi"are pr*-"JtteUIW?lWt!bt&$ty.J W/ ; 'inui. '•t"Iil -f Vll u< ' "*r<:0r6iSif Uam PWX. Z hV t Bii'lri 'mt

riba?!»wi yy?k) tf psufiSktwii . ia?llKfli(SdeMdMI«'?< *':1!R1*'J1 "P'-'V'i.". J >i - ,j; irMj <!iii. i> .iiiAj

tte^rfawoJ^bfi'tW'bo'r'siti ttiik1 m ¦oa;1ihi 2dds»eWmbW| l^Br&n(»Wft<ther'iW-laVJ!'1Tlie Ml-1

esVhSWi<g'ttsitoblJiwDra« • *pptf 'mf'f«ftb" iie eraldu 't^%r rJ!'\!i,%<HD£t' iV''dorndntJt wkV'

lB,0c*t 6 ~iW ! cr-'il»lph'iWy. • Yifir ooflU

to i^wly;j i «i» v'ift!Vd jijlliijoii : Yi-}-»-»V'-'U »fr/rf '

rfWfJWtdyMv»gWWWt.Wil*fert»1 h,\i id y Cn«' X <f >i<i



.. KILKENNY ASSIZES, j . : , '. \These aeaires opened en Thursday, when their Lord

ships were accompanied to Court by the High.Sheriffs—Frederiok B... M. Readei Esq', , EoBseoara,'for j,thecounty, aud' Simon Morris'^Esq!, city. ' The. following'County Grand Jury wero re-sworn :—. . . , '¦ '.. . .,• .Sir),KickABD .:PowzB,,,Bart,- Kilfane, Thbmast^wn,foreman j Sir Jamon Langrishb, Bart, Knoclr 'pherAbboy ; Sir John Blnnden, Bart, Castleblundan ;Lorenzo Nixon Iiod'/'Esq ,' C3one Honsb j Col. H. St.'George, Kibnsh House1; John Hawtrey ' Jonea.-Bsq.;Mnlluiabro ; MiohaelNetterrilleCahill, EBq.;BaUye«nnlHouse ; Peter .-Waliih, . Esq.', Fanningstown ; fiiciard8. Ryan, Esq., M.D., Callan 5 Major th«,Hga. AgarEllis, Gowran ,Caatle;.Charles., H. B..C. Wandeafa!:de,T«_ /Xt_11 . . **sT_: f \t-~.~— tXT*' .w.«-. T\__ * L _fuo ij vnaMCWUlVl f «1AAJ\/S, \svn*wj ^i| uuijsp) "WHQUi'i 11 •Edward Lenin Warron, Esq., Lodgcnark : E. Hamilton,Esq.;' InifltibguoY Jbhn 'jUurphy, Esq., ITouriUoftus ;Thomas" Neville, EBqrrD-p,-;' Morrltirioro';' M. E.t'Weld,Esq.,; Coolaghmoro House ; Ha'rvoy de Montmdre'noy,-Esq., 'Tennypark ; Arthur Poe, 'Esq., ' Harley Park ;John 1 Smithwickj 1 Esq., ' -Kilcreone ; Joseph ''CNeiliPower, Esq., JDrnmdowney ; Miohael Sweetman; Esq.,D.L.j Annagh, and Captain,Eohert Knax, Caherleak, ¦ ;,

¦ . . . . .CflAEOB O? HVKDKB, - , : ¦: , 1- 1Thomas Barton, belonging to the farming olass,i'who

waB respectably dressed,, was indicted ¦ for having-, onSaturday, the 24th ¦ of June last, wilfully murderedPierce Coady, his brother-in-law, at Baheenroohe,oonnty, Kilkenny. . . . . , .-/ ¦ ¦ ) . ¦ ¦ ¦• \ ',

'Mr , .Hams, QO. ; Dr. Byan, Q.C,s Mr. i Lover andMr. Curtis, instructed by. Mr. L. . Anderson, Grown ,Solioitor, proieoutcd. ¦ Air. .Puroell, Q.C., ,,and! Mr.,M. ,Crean,. ins true tod by; Mr. Boyd, appeared for thepr^oper. . , , ,

.. .,. , : . „. .., . , ¦ . , . , .j j . -,. ¦.- . , . '. .• i .,

i .TjiHIJ first, .,w/itnee#;e^amip1ed )Tvas;Mrsi BUen Coady,the widow , of, the deceased. . She gate her evidencevery,', reluctantly. , .She. deposed -: that ; tbei prisoneroame to: heru husband's . house at two o'olock on the24th,, June \, witness, and sister, priaonor'a wife, Werestopping : in tho; house at tbe , time, and the prisoner,afWf.dining, with', his .wife, went out, taking tbo de-ceased's gun with him ; the prisoner did not retdrn about, eight:o'clook in tbe evening ;the. deceaaed, ,,wb9. ,was out. during, had re.-turned ( when .witness saw T. Barton enter the vyardin'front of tha house ehe shqt the door to prevent; hex.husband, Jeaving bouse,1; -qhe wont;npstajr8 lifterber, iiiuBbfrnd, i.wbp .endaavoutjsd to.get bntjthiough

,a. 'window i,when,,he saw the^priBoner. the:aocnjed'abrother, S.ylye8ter,,. the house;,whsro amare,,.was, ,abopt, whioh, doopased .and,th« prisonerwere quarrelling, and: aBi .be did her .husband .left thehouse, and . ran , towards .wherethe aoodsedwas ; hehad- a'bolf in bis hand ) she then>ibeard a1 report of agun, i and on going outside saw her husband blendingfrom the arm; she also obaerved the Bartons..nvikingqiiiokly through one of the fields ; she oould say! thatwhat she swore now waa the truth j, what she had swornon previous occasions was not entirely true, i; . .¦ • , „

j , Mr. Byan-t-Did yoaxot tell the magistrate tbit joasaw Thomas - Barton , shoot your bnsband ?.. I don'tthink I did, .beoanie I did not see him ehoot him. , ', Baron-Dowse : here read the informations at the

4th J.oly, i,where witness swore "that when sbo puther bead oqt of the window Thomas Barton was stand-ing at the barn door and presented.the gun at bert andthat, when her husband went down stairs she pat her.head out;of tho window again aod saw'Thomos Sar-ton raise the gun to bis shoulder and saw him'.'iinoother husband." Boron Dowse-.-Is that true ? dt , isnot.: . 1 don't reoolleot a word of it. i : :¦¦. . ¦ ¦ • : .

.Mr. , Samuel Anderaon deposed that be, in tho dia-oharge. of bis daties, examined Mrs. Coady- thu daybefore .yesterday, beard bor say. tbat Tbomos Bartondid shoot her husband ; tbat was the day beforeyesterday, when he was taking tbe evidenoe officially.

- Catherine Coady deposed she wasta1 the debonsed'shonse • between eight and nine o'clook j whenia j.beyard i she, saw Svlvostor .Barton aud Tboman Burton,the prisonor ; she also suw Pierce Coady in the jrard;she hoard Thomas Barton say. " Hero's Ooady 'j andthen asked for his mare out of the stable ;. Cbadjj neidhe - would not givo it, and Barton (Tbos.) askocV himfor bor a second time, and.Ooady replied replied: thatif he attempted to got the mare he (Ooud y) would, bethe end . of, him with ibe bolt which he held iojhisband j.sabsequuntly wbun uat^ide the yard ahe Aeania ahot,v.tiud: before. Imurin^. . 'a aho saw.a' gun in thehands of Thomas Barton ; she saw a gun in no otnerporaoD'a nond; she saw too Bartons'leaving the placeafter .the shot was fired, ¦ and .then Thomas Bar|onhad the. gun in his band; immediately .after 'she saw

,J?ieroe Coady, and ho was bleeding froui; hia arm ; tibeJaid, his.hettd-io.hor . l lap and it remained thero o itilOoady, died ),, bo died , about 14 miaates after be l aidIbisi bead, in ;bor lap ; Mrs. Coadyiwai present w lenher husband :diod j did not see Thomas Barton Iwforo;tbe sbotiwaa^firod raise bia arm. . > . i . i- -,i , . . ::: i A Constable- of the Boyal Irish Conatabalary, whoarrested the prisoner, deposed that ho .found a .blood-stained haoUkerohief and some gun-sbots ; .the jao-oused told him where tbe gun would be found j he alsodiscovered ,with the,.prisoner Borne gun-shot in his

..pooket« , ,:,:U -,.-• '. • . ¦• ¦ ; ¦ i ¦- . -. .• -i , s . . - L j inJ. .; Dr.iBiohard :Phelan .deposed.: that at the top of'the

..deoeased'iafaonlder.tbere.wereaboat 40 marks ol grainand oq the right side'-ofi, the , heart there wer» klsbabont .40 marks of shot {.the bags that held the heart;and.the lungs were :fllled with blood j on aocoaab offthe scattered jttate of the shot he waa of opinioa (hati the person Who fired the shot canst have been srifhinl» few yards of the deceased.'/, : . 'l ,1, ,'A . . -t .- i ;: Mr>Poroell adrressedlthe jury, for the defenoj, mdin ooncluaipn said,ho .i purposed to examide. Sylre iterBartonv tbe prisoner's brother. . ¦ : ) .ili i t,iiSyWMter: Bmton, licensed.;oarowner,;. of 'Dul lin 'brother, to,.the prisoner, in. reply to Mr. Creatij i aid

;thatr be Mwitbe> deoeasod rnsb:afterihis:brotb«r theprisoner.owha ihad a/, gna > bis i.hand.'j! ltbe 1 deoe sed

nh^d »~, large .stick, .in his hand, andibe1 stmok'tbe gunl.^vitb tb*e stick {'the gun ,wentoff 5 the deoeisediTOjhed..efter,'w.itne* coming,up with bia.bVpiher,Jbutihe.m'a'i'e ifway.pthe gun went off by accidemt :,. .r>The [jury retired and afberlanj absence of Bboo b an•hoorj found ) aitardiot of,.man8laoghtch agtinit tbe.priBon«r«i!.'--(,T...'i:.:i..,i: i •j .ji-vq .i •.< > -/ ( . ib 'l-.v e ) i,- HU Xordsbip eaid. he baliared- tbeyJ hadifou id a,wi»overdiotJj }n,passiogsentence-.he 'siiid tbat Ui derall tbe oiroumatanoes;itiwas.avreasonibla verdiot; bat

,be conld'not¦conceal from him»elf .tbif tbeluJflnnie of'.:whiohithe,prieonerbad been.&undgdiltyMwas u teri-ou»cme .He hadubeen.indiotedi for (murder/iand'on1.ihe-cndeooe of soveral titnesses for fhe tOrownJ the..jnry.woaW have beem-justified in .finding, -, a'' TbtMlot::againjt iiin,-; onuth&t-joharge. <i Yet' oirenra(itaiibeB:itr«nspiredi:whiohu:8howed. that a - 'gDodidSBl^ oi

the*¦ eridenoe.was. open¦ to. suspioion,- . and ; wblob'Hbpald¦lesIHthei-jurynto find)him:gnilty 6f tbe 'oritnbiofmanslaughter. He (Baron-Dowse) was'.-'not Bnthfied

. that:the avidenoe.which thei.prison'er's; brother, Byli:«T0fterifiartop« gave was true, > nor i did 'the 'jiir - totLOB lit^'iajbeyJtook/fc •m«dium,'.oour»e,-i and,iin that-ooprae-beconourr»1, slthoughhe mor» thansuipfoMbit¦ thai tb^ prisoneciitlred.that shotnndari suoh «h-cum-!

i Stances aa.thathuiknew-perfectly What he wai'd linir.' Tbtn prjsoneE'Jiad .reoeiTod » good rtohiraoter, b4C not-"withstanding that he; »hb.uld'have to'spend in - penaleerriUbjeai period ,of< An years; »i K -I J - IH - I )!, i j, .ulavSyitrMterlBaiton wainhen- calledlon to entirjinto-reooguixanoes in £60 to «ppearo at;<next> assizM>'ir<OaUed:onl, tfj[-<?iioii ;(jii (i<pon t -j: n.-yA jui 'si -.. •". j j tu t';

•i/ii)i ui cdti»«8sioi» on*itOHo.ToiaOT?B«, okiwi ! ¦"*'¦'.luAni eldsrly.manunamed.-iWilltannDelahu'nty.i wi*'lindiotediforr the-iwilfuliimnrder/'onithe' JStn inly¦lSja^ofionsuBrchardtKennedy^'bis' brbthbrJlnila/w.'it/ Tliei faota of th9-.caseiiw«te'j''very:'«iitra'orJinaj17;.riiKvfaedynvs«'msrritd'i(o'iD«lahiibtjr's)'iiste'r/1 si dl,'ftiiwaaail!oged,i lll.tirei»ln(li hbr,< (bfoagh!je*l6usy.! . On'.'the 15th;.Jaly|a833/ two>;glrls;.'who »re'-'tiowTUia«rlyI- wcmeoiufonnd KarrerfdyJsldeadJ bodySin «>idyke,|wlth(i-marksibf «iolewei«bont'l fbe hflaa.f<>dels2i'(ttli wa»;rarrestad on wispioioa'a't 'Clia> «me-''-ba»r<h6'l|ro leba^tion was not proceeded'withtmD*lahhnty'<Jfsa^*> evrM'

ifroa>;theKene,'and'aft«r,44'"ye«M('i4lsW«';lir/ xibeT 'oMhe\:uiivder.ifcad>;dM pplsared0C!w<Mil oW'* yXlb

: January, lut the prlio^rJwalkfWJ'dblW'W'rMlkitriSn'inuHTe.rpool/iiuder the'inwOijcOBfbf arJnlr,"m4d sur-"Jrendered! himself, on his own confeisioBy'aa'' th« unrt^

lttorwibliWs brbtaer-lnrfawlioiTbB'IddBtert'ttni. eleVen 'not tW'jnrOrOwhotookipttnln' tbb^Bqn -ii

tkdpsbu« M*«T«1<«/< di«-witoe^es krellvldg.: '*&«"'}«> j,t»<»i t»Af»r ksktterf the '6rtdedc«,l»'MrtlB4rWJ Dolv e^WrotnBiln,4»j'saia tb»l.fab> toWlso'lmaiiy-Jw ji im*'lw«4 UM*g>«Aers! g nWiiHoa 'a^")* b»tf"<art» r«WtV';4J|-«t e#>lbs*iwbat«y fab!t.<ni hltl b«it9lrkawI«b*lts*to«l» itJWssa1 laoe'wb*W, Wbr«/rokt»lr';¦¦plaj»?|(h*yiU»td»#1oog'UoBV'(4 MghW'f * ')> ' <>J ^'f > ?£Hi J4»ydrMir ;iiiu,dutfiMk'i>lK)Wj «ellbe"r¥ib i"r*>torned tooourt'With'a ;verdloi;lrflndln4'! ttib'pK ohvi"'i l| >oP,tskis1««ghtet.'«'t.¦",ii,MllY<(:«Sl»iJ«(Oj.i'!j >) WM

^:.¦aW^A«I)«v J»'txpt^bgh s^*noBr ent*'M iitti^¦tVfcr«ot;/siftt«*oMth«tJri*bne>'l6 '•«**«S/eiW''.' ttiOAH u\'-f -luay wii<!fi) h '\'i\iV. <w<J lAv im) f iiia.wAiii; :i)oqi






XJL usual Price, delivered in Waterford by ourSOLS AQK-NT, , . , ¦. . . .Mr. JOHN WILSON, Wine Merohant.

MAX GREGEB, & CO.Have introduced'this system for supplying :

. . "., . . ' ' .WINE IN ' PLA'GdNS, '

Holding three Bottles eaoh, at nearly half the Priceoharged for the same in bottled.1 .- ., .The WINS ,-contained io ,euoh .Flagon is equal tothree BotUes,, whioh; if paid for, in cash, is Bol<i for8s. 9d.', but if fororedit, it costs 4B. It need scarcelybe mentioued the great benefit. invalids . and parBonsof,weak digestion have derived from tbo P86 of thisWine. : , : . ( . . ¦ ¦ ¦•

¦• • . '

• »i . ¦

-i ¦

'MAX GREGEB & CO. have done all in their power

to make this Wine as oheap as possible to the publio,within the roach of., .all, and . therefore have BUCOOBS.fully adopted the means now contioned.

THE CAEL0WITZIs snpplied in Ornamental Crystal FlagonB, snitailefor the dinner , table';''and bpeoially'manufactured For'that purpOBe, with ' air-tight stoppers, 'and in thisevessels, it wilt k'eer) iri perfeot oondition forj a kngperiod, pro'vl'led' tho stopper 'ui replab'ed each tilnethe, WiAe'is jkJuVed1 obtt' Thel'iiarohaser 'need ohlypay for

gone Fl»gon 'at; first, tbe coBt -of ' whioh ia 6s,

and when empty can be returned, when a, fallTJn* isdelivered.

" • ¦ ¦. ¦¦ • . - ¦ ¦ ¦ • ; ' i ••


' Ordeifs for this Wine will be rebeived by bur S6wAoRST for WATERIORD; ¦' f23^>tji: ' JOHN WIL80NJ ; (

¦ ALTERATION;. OP'PEEmSES'i,T>EF0HB eemmenoing .i the-.abore, "we purpose' X>-- Clearing remnins of 'WINTBBy STOCK in nn-'derm'ettibnW'BAJSe8'>(o%iy)'; at'PHoeB'*etow FI RSTJ

¦• ¦ . -.

¦ i . .••'"¦! j i - «. '

J • - T : . . 'I: . . - . - . :!! • I ". .-. . "¦ . ' • • 1

.9P« S-. .¦, ... » : - , . : . . . . , . .• = : . ;< ¦ ¦; ;¦ '

. . . . ,B0T8! BSADy.MADB.;BUITS,; ; ¦1 BOt8'i aBADY4MADB-6vBSCOATSI ;

] '\ .' .' MEN1 .fi J; A^;CLWHtJSrG, j

: !-Tbel Eednotion's pflerpd'j'are' GESUIKB/ and thejde-partare from legitimate Prices induoed solely by {thenecessity ¦ for;: speedy"'" ole'aranoe,- to 'make rootnj forAlterations. ." '¦ " ; , "| ' ; ' ., _ . . . . , . '"

j.".'.Some" fasWonable '

'ULSTEBS,". for;LadieskpdGentlemen'on'Bimilar'iermB. • '• '" . ".. '•' .,' . I'" ¦ ' ' BOy'S' HATS, TIES, io.;


ji9' • l ¦¦- ttuiy;' Waterford.

'¦• ¦ H U G H 'atb .L E A N,PLiiUBJiBi'. '.BBils.g' .'iJNJPfiB. GAS"• •FITTEB.i LBAD.MJBKOHANT, Ac,"SHB"3 LITTLE QEOR QES -S TKEET,¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦'• '• ¦ '¦ ¦ - •- •-•••

¦-• •


Haring pnrohasod the Interest and Plant of tho late

. -Me L E A^ N V ND ,,, JI c I N .T 0 S H ,,Enables me to 'executefell,Order* entrao'pd to mb as

PLUMBER" 'BRASS FOONDHB, BUU Aa.jJ'iT-'T£R ;:alao'Hetltlng of Green-housea, Cbnaefva-

tories/and'PubUO Buildings, on the most improvedprinciple, by the circulation ot hot water.' ' i

Ho kvatoi'i Bhip ' .WaUr- Clotds y ¦'¦ Baths} IAJt 'nndForce Pwnyt ; Hydrauli *Rams ; Qasaliers, Oat l ent-<iig;'and Oooiing Stovts alwa\/ t on' Tw/itdt. ' [ml 2-tf

'" -¦'" ¦• "' ' ""'¦ " StlGH'.'kcLEA r,'- .'"•

¦' '• . "• :

'- .. '' .', ' . '.". ' ¦ '¦',' ' 3l \ttitty ' Q'<ii»rge'iUtree(, VTatirjp rd.

¦ ' '¦ ¦¦ '¦' ¦' '-.''KMERAIiD ''"' ' '

• :': , ' sjraoKiSi i'M'ix'SpwRE- ' ;•• : > • ¦ i . . i . •;?,»;.:. "v iyuj -rrr.rr—. ¦:.,:. ;; , - . ' ,• i . J , . : . . , . . >>Ihe aboTe jnitlj ..

¦ i « ..' . .

/^IBLBBBA'fEDl'MIXTDBE is Manofaotared, by\mJ

', ') . ,;/. -,;.. . . :v'v, -[i i: ;u I t i - r . ^ , :/;. ¦ : i


LAaGBBT-vlikirtTPACTOBESS IN UBELANDEnabl them'ialmpor't' the' mo'at EXTKNSIVK SSLKC.'.¦¦¦"

; '-• '. ';J1. "l^iro:

'Jr-«pW o f ¦ ' .


"• ¦¦

•:¦• : ;' ;:! M;i m, & vo: -:H aveitaui-ilatablished < .

QVBB; 'OHB'-ffUNDEED, YEARS,And are famous for the Soperior Quality of, their

: ¦{-< '.> atevTOlvB/toB<iqOOS :-.:.:-y .iy ;:.i. iii. .- l f o

¦¦¦:< ¦¦ ' ¦¦• i

' ' 0"&rJfBBATl!a>''i8NtrFFS. '/! ,• ;; /. \ < , f ,. , / .


. .i. >, ,H'."- .:- .¦"¦ .- . . f , ; » ': ¦

; v :ur .', j -.-JILKI. ,.|i:u ;'(. « --:.JI, ..> •'. ! t . i ': ¦«.).ii3niioes.9n. api>Uo8r,ion \o, .;:-.- ; ./.


mh2.6t» ; i»v . j / -17s/x1.i. 'a. c." -t .V ¦ ¦.. ' . .. .. .... i.. . .. *¦¦..:.. ..... •! ...J i ¦ .'.¦¦/ I

i 3 - - . .l,- i ,.,r,:oTr»l .« , 4 ,*»^BX.. i I 'WINE ] !K)li.T£%i'i>iANO.'lDISTILLEBB,

I iLok'Dotty .tO<isiift j"e!ail 'EoaBViliaB ^ ':• •*'*' ;n i X . .n -. j . I '.l.'. l v i :!¦' . i i '-

sQIHQJ'B oW^W'.SJ Iw.iW.iaifwtity, ! suppliedaPi'ig .i:ioi?:.'n:^ {Jfp»"»i »H"JWBAt:-: •--. .:[ ,l,v200iy/A»lBT|M.dl *Hpi.WlSB6,Aia) SPIRITS 'tOfisrery icrodnbing oountry>iiat.i^reoisely. the isameBricea-andiQaalit.y aa'.jlro'm thaiHeid Establishmente

cl i Ou.I ,;- -ji;i . T.>. :- -J (•'- K it——f-J, ¦•• nv< \ : ; ¦vi QaiiuoBsa's. I Double- StontuQoanuiteodiPure XX.

; ."r vsirt.-! :;:-.) B|1xBr4:0o's.iBar»bn-PalbAle i , , -,b-iwj Sj'Allsoj.pvjJt .Sons'' Borton;(i?ule Ale ; and ' ¦¦v.-j o.i l' v_ ..Ci*de:ivSons!.(MineralrWaters.,. . , • '1 ' Pric iWti'forwira 'oA1 ap%Itfcation. • ¦' " d8.Cm

i ,.!>2tVXSiB>aAMD fiPIUiX STORPS,«tt -OOA:Yi«.<Uttd'; Ckirner 'of'f'CONDUlT .LANJE,1< ,-AMM !<I » ,J- *o«j. iji WATH&f ORl}. ' •¦¦> •< • '¦'<•¦ 'KI . » C .u ¦•'.•.• .iii\J.ilii-lil.A'M-»PO:W'Iii B;""- 'i : . . .Begi- WstJeo'tfoUyi t intiAJate'ta bia-PriendB'and the

¦i'''i a'.'::: '1 '!')PaMid i4eiier»Jlj{i'thal( - lW hM 'J '' • - :""Itf OW OPBHi1 thtfttooTb'BTOBES, where he hopes,uJ^.' :'bT£stttc»'aH«lioiiutbll bnsJneM,1>»id'keepijigtbe KVerjr'.BfiST^WlNBS 'ahd' SPIRITS '"-merit a•)sn'fti"bl-.Tptttroniger;"'- -';'' . ¦

¦:> ¦¦» *> '> -'i'H'""- ; ' .-. .-;.; 'HoU'siittiPiesi1 will'find 'it their tntereiftoi patron.i*-khVaMs W»*lisb'mekri ' , .-' '• ' ¦« V" ' ... , . ,

yi'lBB' PJeAsW'Jbse-.rve' tber'itddressr1'1 i" 1" [' . i•:y;«iiuMiM !y-v rt i/i>i |'Jjro:i.8tf"/r»HB--«OA¥,'-'l! : ¦• . -. -.-iu -M vflmj u : ¦:.-.) V\'»> W(C6rnd"<>f (Mivit^dnaJ iI Jo'a/ini f.fiw«_ : : i» ,( ( i i '.Mi iiu nn wxuffBBVB V.m. '.JU , I ' ' I. ^

I .. .'.|.J I

! siu'u fliw IBM li(> '|-rJ4ilwIrig*trV>tt>1|<' '• i lvMi : H .V. . „

' HOLIc'.-CiiS^lS KOQTf iW BSJS3 l® - « ¦ —:: oBevlsedjuiiOiBtiidM 4l;«Jtt6l*«>A»IoM'«rf .*S,ocJi ''

¦} Mb»il Uyi}m ii. VtUW9,iXllbW9fij*»*«¦",..' ).»

v>^rtTF.»? vPHOtiMiCHWSTIlAW'DOC'fBINBv/1rtH!EvATH0iilO1vHJsUBl'lia!HlUUU'r|iiiN« Beslea ¦iiyoflBrB, axwompaiuea mui,ptiafj m,mu DO , ?«W.l»yfiHre, ,»• Ltttcur«u.qp Kf/."P> »»)»,WI~Snj; jiT-Ttfliin'i» , 3itdtf-i'.««rw»iiW '>i»li«« '/'<=¦! i . . ,:• „ ^ to.nMT»tp elTe.p'aock ae, »bore-m :«~» «Wft«"»'1?..J?".'i .T .P'i! PfWVtfSrliiTuin lr« T>»«iV»R«IV MD 0*TB0H18TS.b.; ' . . . . ^ ,t euoaK ,ContBMK)rs most same Two Solvent Burs- powstiq ieoumM tone great iKtctt ol httHPiWrVV"Jvii. ^^ l UvrWxt i-t.1 ' ' wm fejbin?u o1Wfoithe dne r ribiin|fflceof WgirsgulKlng, arid »lten4tUeniDiiruia. »J>*toW». i'f SloMffffi lS ' L''"¦' '•' ' rrn# dlsii» ^ boB<ooMtAlefor Sani>les::' WtvW+tim ikxniilH togmin, or worrW »f »*"fl ^V y ctk »W A ^^^ l i } ' ¦ B#ibH*i¦"' if'WILLUJi HOira;:Clerk.of:lrnIoa.••• 'fsnclttiOi'u.uiiUlo iiw.i .Thtyoorrertttidlir*«!**¦4o ah^ 'ib U'o^'lrWtleHb^ »m0Wi^ -dttkV05B<»lMaroh;.1877.!l. ,yi. : „.;- ,<.,l W&8i l»n^'4U b:»kkt»a<ts«h«,4aiek«o tl»kcti»»«< «1'jii.r f Poj ^ l^^M ^Hieimi^S/iii^9 } "•'¦" ¦• "-xr^ Wi' i nii i.. .. 1 .i .,., . , ! . , ! u ^ . . i

fT : .;- »iMj^M«ltmtfai« ioil tioil* sp«r*ot»i/. tb»*«J'*

ifwis»Si ; ^^&^^d^st^^ .»te.&^«SI Jttvrn iy rF^ vrf ^wtf iFr j, . -Mihis nowl beym AmlfcLafikj^SdMd tobetha, lff- Sii ditov, T r^ 7ls>J AV^ r .WWaisMiaWipW aKl ,,|i03 ioifc;Be (Oos ,M«^!fe«is < *Mnitm>u.,^i^lj kUnl fr.ft.4Wt»»•»¥*% '#i^SM7ii(lLl<i,#lM*0tnn>BH¥; 9t »i l»^^W%ftWt?'fii%«,F tbT^ Utm ^MaUtf r^haiottitij ^Mnmj rt V'

r ^ itSff ^w^^^^^ r ^n ' ^ ^K^^S' qS5 bT?iS 'lH^^c** ot li i^t i'*? : 'w»^^f^ll»*SJS2

^^^^^^^m S^ te' W" ^W^ M



OVER 200 VAK1BTIE8 to select from, and canbe Bupplied with Single Bottles at the same

Price as per doz.The Celebrated " Castle D.O.," the Finest OLD

DUBLIN WHISKEY, 18s.: 6U per Gallon. '_ . ,Our now DESCKIPTIVI "FBicfc' LIST "for 1877' now

ready, and is forwarded, pout fn-e, on' application.Aa it contains the fullest ' iulormatiou regarding allWINE8 in nse in this oountry, from the most mode-rate in prioo to the moat expensive, gentlemen woulddo well to consult it before ordering.

We beg to direct speoiai attention t» the pa e ontho re-introduotion of IWeratB.PiiOrfd JdATBaiAS.

E. W. JEROHE , Agont.It 7 Little George's Street, Waterford.

N O T I C E !

The " London" Pabliahing Society,


JAMES CAMERON, Secretary,. '. . , ' ,12?, London, Wall, _London, E.C.

, ¦ Having the, .drploBiTe 'right, will, previous to des-troying the plate, ,and after having satisfied, sub-scribers,, issue to ,tfce' . publio, .at . less than cost of.Publication, a limited nnnjber of genuine CopyrightOleographs, printed in 18'colours > they are almost

jimpoiwible to /detect, from the finest Oil . Paintibgs,and are far superior to, anything of the kind erer

. before offered. , ; .. . . ... .

Tbe objeot of thiB Society is to produce valuableOopy-right Pioturesat one-tenth ,^hoir original oort,and tooaltivateataste for. the fine Arts, to displabeooarsely exeouted pictures, and cheap, worthlessengravings. : ... ', ,

The'Sooiety has at it« disposal Twelve valuablePlates, exeouted by tbe tnost eminent Engravers,wbiob, will be; issued in rotation each month at anuniform rate o£ ' 0ne Shilling and Sixpenoe , orinolading postage ito uny. part - of the United King-dom, One Shilling and Eight-pence.


In 18 colours, size'mounted 24 by 16.Price la. 6di, or free by post Is. 8d.'

Tbo companion picture to the above" F E E D IN G THE S W A N S ,"

In 18 colours, aize mounted 24 by 16.Price 1B» 6d., or free by post, 1B. 8d.

Or tho pair will he forwarded free by post on receiptb( 2s. lOd.

825* No Pioture will be Bent without the Conponbelow is enclosed with order under One Guinea :

No. 417. COUPON .

Name..... :


• JAMES CAMEBON, Sec, •' . 122, London .Wall, London, E.C

P.0.0. Payable at jPost Office, Cbleman-St.

Tbe 'publio oro'reqaeabed-to notice that all im-pressions issued by this Society are direot from theoriginal •'platw, and art 1 not'Sptfridrs imitation8|thathave lately been folBted'n'pon the Publio.• ' Jj .

All letters to be addressed and P.O.O.; fiadepayable to

J. CAMERON, Secretary, . j ..:. 122,, London Wall, London, E.G. •

IMPOBTAKT.NOTICE..u . . ] ;All persons Subscribing ¦' Twelve ' Shillings ; will

be made Members'of the 'above Sooiety, and will beentitled to Tooeive - One Copy of eaoh- fssne free,together with 20 Coupbns"6f Saoh"'pi.otnre; for .tfiepurchase of extra copies for l'theirvfriehdir 'at lp.'6d.eaoh copy. " . "' • ' '.' [ml6;6mj .'.;


SUPPLIES WAWTBD. ., •rT HE Guardians qfjh.e. above Union will, at theirX i fae tiag, ,to J»,:hetd on .Tr/ESDAY, Std-ofAPRIL,! 1877, ;rMeive:Proposa,la. Jor Su'pp|yin|r tbeWorkhouse witfi the following Artioles.ta bo deliveredOarriage F.roe :—. . -.. . , ., ¦ ¦ . . , - u ; : "' '

FOR SIX MONTHS : . , , ¦ ¦ • « ,Besi Beef Necks and Laps to be excluded : Bobnds,

without Xap or Udder, to be not less than 351bs weight,at per lb.'j 'Best Pork, at per lb.; ; Beat-Muttbnj-in bindqharters: at per lb.' ;' Best: Beef Heads and Houghs,.Heads not less than-20 lbs each,', and Houghs ndt leasthan 16 lbs each. ' '¦ ' : - '

- . ... . • FOB TWELVE MONTHS : : : 'Now Milk, at per Imperial Gallon ; Salt, peijcwt ;

Bice, per, cwt. ; Cocoa, per owt ; Whole Popper, per lb jArrow-rooVper lb. ; Port Wine, per doi. ; Sherry SVine,P«.te | .*&»^

¦'K sj .»; B» u ias!yrorxer, per aus. , ±va, m aa. w, vvi. iu., w •n '"vvf ?**

in ohests i' Soft Sngarjer lb.'; Lnmp 8ugar, pei lb. ;DJpt'Candlea; per lb:y Wax and Composite Candlss, perlb ; Soap, parowt.'i'Staroh).per stone ; WashinglSoda,per owt. j Ball ,Bine, .per. lb. ; Black Lead, per lb/ ;Blacking, per bo* : Bath Briok.per doz- ; Shoe Brtishes,'per Bet (3) ; Wixe Bruahes,'per'db'r ;' Sweepmg Binshes"and Handles, ditto '; Scrubbing Brushes; ditto : Lime-BruHhes, ditto ;' Point'BruBhia, in sizes ; BUokl LeadjBrushes, per doss.' ; Mbp Heads.-at each'; Tte Pints; oer,doj.'j Tin Quarts,' 'ditto fiTini'Platters,': ditto, j Iron..

; Spoons, per gross ; Combs,. large and, small,-per dpi>0ak»,j>« lb-;;CWs,.B wrBoUed,.Pai»^^C )lJ}»L Ben-"jollne, Sweet, andiSpirits Turpentine.per gsflon ; »»,-per lb. : Varnish." per gallon : Lime, per,parrel;' nhib-vag, per stone ; Hemp Door.Jlatt; each ,'• 'Coal''B(ddlety

. Ser.doz."} Dflph <Aa ber» Uah,lditt j/Rre.Irons and:XroBLFcndjors {..Iwather auh^Sbf^G^xwdniJEht4 ) Wi< os forMen, 'WoSo;aidChiId!ren1;lhl8iies'; TwiuedIHbi otf rgi'two yar«fSqe/at'|'l*er ''ytoa r'Blankefs ' aid i x I f ,Hub lOots UlaU (luo. oi ys w. j c iouugi wuuw) "*< >« ,ouugreen. 2 yards by 2i yirda, ;each';'White aoaprownCbtton'QuillfS*, At each j-Meu's'lfctts and'Boy's' Caps',- at"eaoh;<Plsiiiif'Xwflled Tioked, rtwo: yaida wide, otperTBT3 ;, ShiiimgU Calico, il. yardliwide, «t.7d..r*r]yard1;Lminff O«lioo, ditto, at 43.,Der yardj, ShroudingJ BUyandBrir«iiIv*t,4d.,per yard i.Ljnseywl yard widel atils .

.Ctotton'Caeck.lwa.breath, at per yard ; Linen Towels,,at pei'dbi.j'piik Twe^ pet'yard',*'Wrkfttoze, .uper j t i e i J'Darx (%rduioVrr( jkrds'wide.'cu -o j'-FUwinei;''whfts'tmatilare,n dBt6'i* Woollen Shawls, lfjard 4<Csare,at eioh'i OelonMd Odtton HandUrcbisb, at •aehlj Bloo

"and BtayiEoftttaglOottonjlat par lb. j, White and, BUdtHdnsewk* 'MtroaoVi-afper Jb. ('Tape, wide *nd nanwr'

rinfl .SaBHis. .di 'J - iBawiiw jHejfflss , dittoj lbcbine'dufiod.lst dha na'suse, 12 inobss deep;'Sookft J ?ornu,¦m StsvaMiJr'sf' Mediouies for" -W<*khous>«lnfitm»ry!':' and'DisViAUanes1 VJ Tonders arel'also-ui»it»4 for insert.'•trig *»'AdV8tti»elnants of the Union for TwebrdMonths.1fl eepiwpWJafkhotisaAadiVvBr Hospital Chimnhy* fop'

(SWwlMOJltiMfcluoii i Jluptli ': =v C .a» . noiwi T&vyn








PRICES ASTONISHINGLY LOW,(The Quality of the Work Contidtnd),

¦ . AT

The News Book and Job Printing,PAGING, MACHINE BULING,


BOOK-BINDING ESTABLISHMENT,' sjgr Not; 49 #• 60 King Bb«et.

' EYELET LABELS Manufactured and Printed teany size and pattern.


¦VrOTWITHSTANDING the recent comi&riblii.> advance in the above GOODS, we are lUIl

'8BLLWQ our well-known MAKES,

- , , , 0f wbiob wo bold a very large Btook, ;


f g T Comparieon before purchase Invited.

Patterns free by Post.

Beat Frenoh Gloves at Seduced scale of Prioes.

F. TOBIN & SONS,58 and 59, QUAY. WATBuyoso.



Aftor nearly Forty Years' Experience, LAWES1MANUBE8 stand unrivalled in publio estimation, andthe quality and condition of the present Season's sup.ply aro guaranteed eqnal to that of any former year.

Professor CAMSBON, in bia Keport for tliuyesq ssyt iu This Man-ore ia rich, in soluble i?hoepbattf, aad con-tains fair amounts of insoluble PUoapnMa aod Ammo-nia. It will give great satisfaction to >he Fanners ofIreland, oe LAVTEB' MANUBIS have alwart dW"

And Professor EKTHOLDS writes ;—"Tho J»TOT»W»opinion' of this f oitilizer whick I have expreued in pro.

• • *^ 1A - J f¥lL i . f^ .d. *^—S^ _ 4

of this Manure is of the usual excellent cnaiity.'mi uoertain to afford satisfactory results where pitopetltemployed." • . . . - . :

. ; Agenis in- th * County Waitrferd tOEOBGE .WHITE A.SONS, Waterfoxd ;

, JOHN GETJBB & SON, Carriokon iair iJOHN HIGGINS, Cappoquin;JOHN N00NAN, Lismore ;J. W. O'CONNELL. Liamore ;JOHN SCANLAN,- Dungarvan.

Agmi * for New ROM , Arthurttcnim, rje.. JAMBS GALA VAN & Co., New Boss ;

. I8EAEL WALLIS, Arthurstown ;8. CAULFIELD, Salt Mil) ^, .


mh9-13t] JAMES RVTBERFOSV: Mdnean


IMP0BTED direot from the Mannraotnren Uetot" C0LIJ.&D & ColLlSflj Elk KHAR, DALHAIKX^Bin*.

itXAD, ic, Ao- at '. ¦ ' • ' ; , '.0.' A. JONES' MUSIC DEPOT.'

.' 120 , Q U A T, ; W A T B 'RV 0 S . V;H A B M ON I U M 8 in great variety, EngliihcJ

Frenoh 'make'; Violins,, Cornet*; Conbartinas, Draw,flutes, Banjoes, Music Boxes, Ac. Ab., ' ."' 'V " .: , VAtf." 0. [A. JONES'. ' ' ,'¦.: -. MV91Q LXimiX Q LIBRABt,.'WATESS Rl.

20,000 NEW; SONGS' and PiECSS, at ONR THB»the,Marked Prioo for Cash,, tbe entire, STOCK an


: ,/ . . , ,q, , A. J O H BS , ". . . ,IMPORTER ofPIANOZ OBTSBr SABM0NWV8,«

, 180 QUAY, WATKBFOBD, AND BAQWELL. . - - i : : i . ., ,.8TBKST, 0LONMEL, .. - ,».Begsito vcaJL. aneojalj; attention to his extaajnTUNING and >B5BAXBIN0 bnsineaB, i His'Taasa

, visie all the.iSouthern ind.Midhind Ctmntias'of I*lind Quarterly.!^ . . - . : ¦ • : . . ¦¦.!. ¦: . -J.... sjy BianofortflS- said Harmoninma .hitudiby til

- Month or, Year, with option ito purcisse, and on tteThree Yeara'.»yitem. ;; . ¦. -. . . - . ; ; • . - ¦ • .< r t

. 0.. A.. J9NE8' MDSI0 WAEEH0P8E.¦ Criokettin Aroheryy Croquet, and otherJQsmar,Btf unusnaljTtLoTV.Prioos.' • , J £«jjr4-tf]

, s . , i •, , -¦- , .

¦.¦. M P S I C. , ,.-.' .

MB.-; B.I L T O N , . PSOFESSOB Of HVSill 0,9S "N0. > 18, ¦. HENRIETTA- STRBST. f c

• •, i A Terms, on application.. , • :- - .-{d4-8m] K

''•Etrs's OOCOA - — GRAIMOL AND ' COJDOH- KI»»—1 "By •'' thorough kor.wlt.ifce of ¦thi 'niUtil llfl f;•hieb goTfcru tin) -optr«tioo»ol''<ligoition »hd nhtrftron,oJ \AvVk tarefolapplicttion o* tue 6upproperli»af wetWicw . ,«OCM,' Ux-Epps has ptoiided i>uc-br;al| fut.ubk>>Ai* I,i<j\\f^ t\y £«Tor«d beventgu wbiuU m»y nve at msijtar/ iidoctori',l UlU. It is by f bo judicious qio cil »ucU:SWi« jdiei tb^

tj ii 'cunttitulio^ may , be gradually ( bqi|tiip *W g"ttcobg'fhoOiih, to retist aVerv tendeogj to diseaia. ,Ho»l!«J Bof tuDllo"tt«I»diE« uric flo»Uog sround u« reiJr'w •*** |

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