Smithsonian at 8 "Garden of Wonders" Campaign Recap Report

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Smithsonian at 8 "Garden of Wonders" Campaign Recap Report

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

General Social Media Promotions

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Instagram 10 days before the event received 10 likes.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

This Instagram featuring props for the flamingo croquet activity got 17 likes and 3 comments from users who tagged their friends.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Alice and the White Rabbit show off the giant chess pieces that were at the party receiving 14 likes and one comment on Instagram.

Instagram posted the day before the party received 15 likes and one comment.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

General tweets announcing ticket sales received several replies, retweets, and favorites with 35 combined clicks on the ticketing link.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Tweet promoting Lauren’s appearance on “Let’s Talk Live” received 9 clicks. It also received two retweets with a combined audience of 2,895, one of which was from “Let’s Talk Live.”

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

VIP Standoff Social Media Campaign

Tweet promoting the VIP Standoff received 14 link clicks, 2 retweets, and one favorite.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Tweet promoting the final round of voting received 3 favorites, and 4 retweets with a combined audience of 3,429. Photo was also Instagrammed receiving 16 likes.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Tweet promoting VIP Standoff and Rusty had 4 favorites and 5 retweets for a combined audience of over 2,000. In combination with the previous Standoff tweet the link received 21 clicks.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Tweet announcing Rusty as VIP Standoff winner received 5 favorites and 2 retweets. Photo was also Instagrammed receiving 21 likes.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Instagrams were posted of dolls taking “selfies” with the various VIP contestants from around the Smithsonian. They were shared on Twitter and Facebook.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Live Posts from the Garden of Wonders

Instagram of the Smithsonian Castle lit up received 24 likes.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Instagram of flamingo croquet received 17 likes.

Instagram of SAX performance received 20 likes and 2 comments.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Live tweet from SAX after-party received 2 retweets and 1 favorite.

Engagement from and with Followers

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Isabel Lara tweeted about the VIP Standoff and then posted an Instagram from the event. She is a media relations director for NPR and has 4,798 followers on Twitter and 724 Instagram followers

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap


Searching #SMITHSONIANat8 and #GardenofWonders throughout the night and the days following the event allowed us to respond to guests tweets.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Just a sample of the hundreds of tweets including #SMITHSONIANat8.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Partner Shares

Smithsonian Gardens tweeted about our event with 3 retweets and 4 favorites. Smithsonian Gardens has 3,189 followers and one of the accounts to retweet was Washington Gardener with 7,844 followers.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

Our media partner DC Cool tweeted about the event several times to their 650 followers.

Smithsonian @ 8 Social Media Recap

New York Botanical Gardens tweeted about the event to their 25,884 followers with 2 retweets and 3 favorites.

SAX the after-party sponsor tweeted to their 1,007 followers with 2 retweets and 2 favorites.