SMART: Staff are Mobile And Ready to Teach

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Led by Anne Nortcliffe (ACES) and Andrew Middleton (IPD) this workshop reflected on findings from a recent survey of academic staff (n.242 responses from 1410) and ACES students (n.174 responses from ~5000) who have registered their smart phones and tablets for use on campus. In both cases respondents reported moderate to high confidence in using their devices. Both reported using the personal technologies for organising themselves, communicating using a range of media, using and creating content independently and collaboratively, storing and sharing content. The workshop considered a range of 'Apps for Learning' and how they can enhance and transform teaching and learning.

Transcript of SMART: Staff are Mobile And Ready to Teach

  • 1. S.M.A.R.T Staff are Mobile And Ready to Teach Anne Nortcliffe & Andrew Middleton

2. Introduction Who we are, what we have done Anne Nortcliffe Andrew Middleton In this workshop... Where are you? Readiness survey Idea generation Killer apps 3. Anne Nortcliffe Ways of organising our thinking 1.Productivity 2.Reading 3.Browsing 4.Media Capture 5.Managing learning 6. Social media 7.Communications 8.Data manipulation 9.Subject specific tools 10. Other Connecting Communicating Curating Collaborating Creating 4. Who's here? How could you use your smart device for teaching or learning (or perhaps you are already?) Opportunities and Challenges 5. Why Go SMART? Impact on peoples commercial practice (Chen et al, 2010, Durbin, 2011, Lin and Brown, 2007): what people work with who people work with how people work where people work when people work So how much are these devices changing academia? 6. Socrative My Room Number: 606596 SOC#: SOC-4023558 7. Surveyed staff and students? Students in ACES ~ 5000 Staff in SHU with mobile ~1410 Surveyed in January 2014 174 ACES & 1 DS Students responded out ~ 5000 242 staff responded out ~1410 8. Student Staff Confidence in using the device? [Not confident 1 - 5 very confident] 12 staff specify training. 9. How staff & student use their smart device? Student (No 168) Staff (No 238) Personal Tool 15% 8% Tool for organising personal and University Life 28% 21% Dependent on tool for certain aspects University Life 32% 36% Use tools multi-functionality throughout University life. 24% 35% 10. Category Staff (No 81) Student (No 41) Examples 1 Create 71% 77% Create student quizzes, Notetaking, Create learning resources 2. Connect 13% 8% Contact, Networking, Twitter, LinkedIn 3. Communication 46% 15% Email, Phone, 4. Collaborate 4% Share work developed with students 5. Curate 8% Mendeley, Photograph students work 6. Co-ordinate 54% 92% Calender, Timetable, Remainders 11. Reality? Staff - Calendar and email Students - Blackboard and writing apps 73% (n.195) Staff encourage students smart device in classroom 56% (n.170) Students use their device in classroom 12. Apps for Your University Life - 6Cs framework How can/are using your smart device? Connecting Communicating Curating Collaborating Creating Coordinating 13. Develop your best idea Present Use the poster template to create a scenario that explains your best idea clearly and develops the detail 14. Killer Apps 15. Killer Apps - Google Drive and DropBox 16. Killer Apps - Camera 17. Killer Apps - Keynote and Pages 18. Killer Apps - Socrative 19. Killer Apps - Social Networking 20. Killer Apps - Twitter 21. Killer Apps - Explain Everything Flip the classroom... 22. Killer Apps - YouTube Capture and other video apps Create and upload videos instantly Also look at: iMovie Vimeo Animoto VideoScribe StopAnimator Flip the classroom... 23. Killer Apps - Voice Record or Recorder Pro 24. Killer Apps - Evernote 25. MELSIG: Apps for Learning 26. Conclusions SHU 14 July ? ? Smart Learning Book