Smart Cities

Post on 28-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Smart Cities

Smart Citizens in Smart CitiesCreating an inclusive and

sustainable knowledge society: A Local Digital Agenda for Manchester

Dave Carter, Head, Manchester Digital Development Agency (MDDA), Manchester City Council, UK

The Battle for Control of Smart Cities

Future Internet and Smart Cities• Next generation of Internet development

– Internet of Things, Internet of Services, Internet of People– Web-centric systems meet networked objects

• User driven open innovation– Living Labs and the Future Internet research community– User networks: open data and co-creation/co-production– People (users/citizens) as active agents of change

• Networking the networks: EUROCITIES, European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), Future Internet Assembly (FIA)

• ••••

Creating Smart Cities• transformational digital infrastructures (open access)

• Next Generation Access (NGA) - beyond just ‘speed’• Future Internet and virtualisation, cloud based networks• Digital assets as the real estate of the 21st century

• creativity and innovation (open content)• building, operating and developing networks• creating new marketplaces• new trade = new jobs = new skills

• social capital (open engagement)• user generated services• digital inclusion and co-operation

• new business models (sustainability)• social networks to social (economy) enterprises • service efficiencies: doing better for less• “Free Trade Fibre” – new collaborative marketplaces

Open Data & Open Innovation

Local Digital AgendasManchester’s Digital Strategy:• Identify key issues for the city:• Digital inclusion: citizens’ access to employment, skills, facilities• Digital industries: support digital businesses to start up, grow and survive• Digital innovation: opportunities for research and deployment of results

• Produce Action Plan:

• Leadership: city plus partners/stakeholders: business, education, community• Investment: in new digital infrastructures and services• Exemplar projects: to stimulate awareness, interest and engagement

• Knowledge Exchange:• Work with like-minded cities and other partners through EU projects• Become active in networks, e.g. EUROCITIES, Living Labs• Make networking practical, e.g. study visits, workshops, benchmarking

‘Geek’ Power! Entrepreneurs + Innovators

MadLab • Creativity• Innovation• Diversity

Stimulating:• new ideas• new business• new skills• new jobs

Smart City development - future vision:• Using Future Internet to transform the way we live and work• more flexible ways and locations of working• smart mobility, smart environments, smart learning

• Co-designing and co-producing services for ourselves and others• new services being designed and delivered by users• e-health and telecare services

• Enabling our environments to be greener, cleaner and healthier• smart buildings, smart energy, low-carbon neighbourhoods

• Making smart cities more democratic, resilient and attractive• social networking to promote civic engagement

• Generating and celebrating creativity, innovation and diversity• arts and culture linked to technology supporting jobs and skills

Future Internet enabled Mobility in Smart Cities

• Making movement around cities easy and understandable• Developing low environmental impacts• Regulating access to dense urban environments• Enhancing mobility management• Integration of sensors, communications and user behaviour• Users collaborating and sharing access modes• Optimising travel time, energy uses and environmental impact• Users as co-producers of information and intelligence• Sustainable, replicable and scalable applications

Future Internet enabled Mobility in Smart Cities

Find out

Future Internet Research & Experimentation By Adopting Living Labs

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