Slumdog millionaire

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Slumdog millionaire

SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE (2008) - Directed by Danny Boyle

Directed by Danny Boyle, written by Simon Beaufoy.

The directer Danny Boyle directed many famous movies like: "Trainspotting", "28 Days Later", "Sunshine".

This movie was nominated for 10 Academy Awards in 2009 and won eight, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Adapted Screenplay and so on.


Major Roles : Jamal, Latika, Salim

Happened In : Juhu slum, Mumbai, India.The Story : An moving movie...

"the film world's first globalized masterpiece" - Wall Street Journal

"a breathless, exciting story, heartbreaking and exhilarating" - Chicago Sun Times

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire :Jamal, an eighteen-year-old boy, a former street child from the Juhu slum is a contestant. He is one question away from the 20 millions prize. However ...


Be Tricked By a Gangster :After the death of mother, Salim and Jamal meet Latika. The three are adopted by Maman, a gangster who tricks and then trains street children into beggars. They are in danger ...

Meet Latika Again: Many years later, Jamal is working at an call centre as a tea server. He finds out Latika's address and wants to take her away but fail...


The Final Question - "the name of the third musketeer" : Jamal's final question is, the name of the third musketeer in The Three Musketeers, but he never learned. So he called Salim's cell. As it is the only phone number he knows. Surprisingly, Latika answered the phone. While, she does not know the answer too...

What We Learn ?What We Learn ?

The darkness of slums in Indian.

The love that never fade.

The brotherhood flares at last.

Don't alway care the things you are doing, just keep going.

How could Jamal pass 7 questions with cool and calm even faces 20 million rupees?