Slideshow Grant Method of Birthing | Hypnobirthing Course

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Slideshow Grant Method of Birthing | Hypnobirthing Course

Grant Method of BirthingPreparing Body & Mind

Hypnobirthing course

By Susanne Grant BSc MA DipHB (KG)

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is simply words: wordsused in a more positive and more

focused way to help us let go of thenegatives we have acquired in life

Use of words

‘Words are the most powerful drug known to man’ Kipling.

• Do you attend college?• Do you still attend college?

• You are 8 centimetres.• You are only 8 centimetres.

What is the conscious and subconscious mind?

Power of the mind Surround yourself with positivity,

avoid the negativity.

• Ask them to stop• Remove yourself from the situation• Tell people your pregnancy if not a topic you wish to discuss

Stop negative birth stories!

Muscles of the uterus“There is no other organ quite like the uterus. If men had

such an organ they would brag about it. So should we” -  Ina May Gaskin

What causes women to tense up?Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic

The body naturally produces oxytocin to make labour efficient and endorphins to make it comfortable.

What happens if a mother feels fearful?

What can makes us switch from parasympathetic to

sympathetic system?

Up and down breathing(Practise)

Why to stop using due dates

The Law says:

A woman cannot choose the treatment, but she can decline an

offered treatment

Preparation for birth

How to avoid tearing?

• Pelvic floor exercises• Perineum massages• Water/ birthing pool• Warm cloths• No coached pushing• Home birth• Positions during birth

Most usual position before birth

Breech birth

Unusual, but normal

What are the reasons often given to a mother to agree to an


Mothers are told:1)Still birth rate after 43 weeks goes up2)Placenta can supposedly fail or

becomes of less quality3)Baby becomes too large4)Infection risk if membranes release

and labour doesn’t happen within a certain timeframe

Suggested interventions • Vaginal examination• Membrane sweep• Prostaglandin gel• Artificial rupture of membranes• Artificial oxytocin drip• Continuous foetal monitoring• Epidural• Managed third stage• Assisted birth / C-section

Alternative Methods of Checking Dilation

• The purple line or bottom line• Sounds of birth• Smell• Emotions

National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE): 

‘Induction of labour has a large impact on the health of women and their babies and so needs to be

clearly clinically justified.’  

‘From 42 weeks, women who decline induction of labour should be offered increased antenatal monitoring consisting of a lease twice-weekly

cardiotocography (CTG) and ultrasound estimation of maximum amniotic pool depth.’

Where to give birthHome birth, birth centre, hospital

Who is there to help?Birthing partner, midwife,

obstetrician, doula and baby. (and your birth plan)

I wonder if you can help me?Could you explain that to me?

What other options are there that we could consider first?How would what you’re suggesting affect my wife’s labour?

What effect could that have on the baby?Why do you feel that this is necessary at this point?

Is this a medical emergency?What will happen if we don’t do this?

Can you be sure that it will do more good than harm in my case?Would you put that in writing please?

Asking the right questions

First signs of labour1 ) Show2 ) Release of membranes3 ) Surges

Up stage & Down stage of Labour


• Hands and knees positions• Sitting positions • Squatting positions• Side-lying positions• Upright or standing positions

Golden hour

• Skin to skin• Breast feeding• Delayed Cord Clamping


Most of your effort are before birthPractise, practise, practise

Stay calm and keep breathing

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