Slides Webinar Renewable Energy Session 9 - Summary and Outlook

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Transcript of Slides Webinar Renewable Energy Session 9 - Summary and Outlook

1© 2010 Macademia

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010


Summary & Outlook

Concept and Contents Copyright Macademia 2010; Copyright on pictures as indicated; no unauthorized use or publication

2© 2010 Macademia

The Journey Continues…

Policies & Biopower

Summary & Outlook

Solar Thermal

SHP & Wind Interview

Future Challenges

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010


3© 2010 Macademia

What we will cover

• Update on COP 16 / Feedback last week• Summary of the main Renewables Technologies• Interview with Felicitas Quaß, Alumniportal• Outlook to 2011

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

© 2010 Macademia

Your visiting scholar today:

Felicitas Quaß Alumniportal Content Manager

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

5© 2010 Macademia

A Country

Before we start…

B Data

C Business

• News from the Forum

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

© 2010 Macademia

Session #2Wind Energy

Session #3Solar PV

Session #5Concentrating Solar Power

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

Session #6Small Hydro Power

7© 2010 Macademia

Session #7Biopower / Funding

Session #4Funding Controvesy

Session #8 Cancun, COP 16Challenges

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

8© 2010 Macademia

• Development of Turbine Sizes

• Repowering of existing systems

• Off-shore as the new frontier?

• Environmental aspects

• Small-scale applications

12 Summary WIND ENERGY

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

9© 2010 Macademia

The big topics in Wind Energy

• Development of Turbine Sizes - New dimension of forces working on turbine and foundations- Impact on life cycle, operational efficiency and reliability- Relatively little experience compared to other machine tool

industries - from 2.5 MW upwards (diameters >110 m)

212 Summary WIND POWER

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

10© 2010 Macademia

The big topics in Wind Energy

• Repowering with huge potential?

- Optimized in: design, efficiency, noise emissions, light reflection, et cetera

- The figures often quoted: half the number of turbines, twice the capacity, three times the output

2212 Summary WIND POWER

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

11© 2010 Macademia

• Offshore as the new frontier?- Roughly twice the output of on-shore due to wind conditions- Foundations of up to 700 tonnes p. turbine, height of 150m +- The cost share of foundations (up to 1/3 of total costs)- Logistically a completely different story to on-shore- Cooperation crucial (public-private partnerships; international

cooperation; grid system)

12 Summary WIND POWER

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

12© 2010 Macademia

• Silicon-based or Thin-Film

• Developments of Costs

• The outstanding importance of the location

• Environmental aspects

• Future alliances

13 Summary SOLAR PV

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

13© 2010 Macademia

• Technologies on the market

• Efficiency levels of different systems

• Hybrid applications

• Molten Salt

• Predictions on Cost Development


Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

14© 2010 Macademia


Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

• The Definition

• Different types of systems and turbines

• Cost competitiveness and proportion

• The environmental aspects

15© 2010 Macademia

16 Summary: BIOPOWER

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

• Large variety within this group

• The link to other industries

• The return with new technologies

• Main types of energy conversion

• Environmental aspects

16© 2010 Macademia


Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

• Different national measures

• The main actors

• Different maturity levels of technologies

• From basic science to applied R&D

17© 2010 Macademia

18 Summary: CHALLENGES

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

• Infrastructure

• Storage

• Finance

• R&D

18© 2010 Macademia

Ready to take your questions…

Session #2Wind Energy

Session #3Solar PV

Session #4Funding for PV – and its controversy

Session #5

19© 2010 Macademia

So where do we take it from here?

Felicitas Quaß Alumniportal Content Manager

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010

20© 2010 Macademia

• Looking back: Idea, Development, Review

• Improving: Evaluation - your opinion matters

• Proceeding: Our plans for 2011

• Next steps: Why it is worth keeping involved

The Content Manager’s View

Session # 9 – December 9, 2010