Sleeve Gastrectomy Results and Pricing Make Patients Look at Gastric Sleeve Surgery Abroad

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Sleeve Gastrectomy Results and Pricing Make Patients Look at Gastric Sleeve Surgery Abroad

Sleeve Gastrectomy Results and Pricing

Make Patients Look at Gastric Sleeve Surgery Abroad

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

Even with a high percentage of body fat, not everyone wanting to have sleeve gastrectomy surgery is a suitable candidate.

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

People who have been trying to lose weight with a healthy diet and exercise, and have not been able to achieve weight loss with these efforts combined,

and their Body Mass Index (BMI) is higher than 40, are those who are considered as suitable candidates for gastric surgery.

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

Statistics show that most people lose up to 60-65% of their excess weight after gastric surgery, and because of such great results and very affordable prices, most people in the UK are searching for options to have gastric sleeve surgery abroad.

“Even though sleeve gastrectomy, just as gastric bypass surgery, provide very good results, we always inform our patients that post-operative rehabilitation and a change in lifestyle are absolutely necessary.

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

“Changes in food portions, food type and general lifestyle are inevitable, and we want to make this post-operative period as smooth as possible for our patients.”

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

- says Andrius Jonutis, the General Deputy Manager at Kardiolita Hospital in Vilnius, Lithuania.

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

While before the surgery, most patients’ stomach may contain 500 ml of food or more, it goes down to 150 ml after the surgery – because of this, the patient is no longer able to eat big portions as the stomach gets full much faster.

This is the mechanism that actually makes gastric surgeries successful.

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

Another reason why sleeve gastrectomy abroad is a popular choice of many, is because sleeve gastrectomy overall complication rate is low compared to other types of surgery, and patients are more willing to cut down costs by choosing to get the surgery performed in another country.

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

At Kardiolita Hospital, gastric surgeries are performed by the general and abdominal surgeon Dr. MD Nerijus Kaselis, who has been performing bariatric surgeries regularly for the past 10+ years.

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

At Kardiolita Hospital, gastric surgery prices start at 4500 Eur, which is significantly lower than in other European countries and therefore is a huge deciding factor for patients from abroad.


for more information.

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

To schedule an appointment or with any questions, call

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

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Kardiolita Hospital is the leading private general hospital in Lithuania, accredited by the JCI and working by the highest industry standards.

+44 (0) 203 290 0070

Established in 1998, Kardiolita Hospital provides full range of medical services – from comprehensive diagnostics to various surgical treatments within many medical areas.

Kardiolita Hospital employs 200+ highly qualified Lithuanian doctors with extensive international experience and treatment performance of more than 45+ medical areas. The hospital has long-term experience in treating international patients.

About Kardiolita Hospital

Laisvės Av. 64A, Vilnius, LithuaniaPhone +44 (0) 203 290 0070

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