Sleepless in adolescence shorter

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Sleepless in adolescence shorter


Blesilda Whitaker

FACTS ONSLEEP FOR ADOLESCENTSAdolescents need more sleep at least 9.25 hoursStay up later and sleep longer

Biological clocks shift

Melatonin is secretion is delayed. - 9:30 p.m. for younger adolescents and 1

hour later for older adolescents

RESEARCH-7 hrs or less per night engaged in more delinquent acts (Clinkinbeard et al, 2011).

- >8 hrs = tired/sleepy, cranky, irritable, sleepy in class, depressed, and drink caffeinated beverages (Santrock, 2012).


Bed is for sleep only.Limit stimulants before bed 6 hours before bed or at all.Avoid heavy meals or high in sugar and spice snacks before bed.Avoid napsNo exercise at least 4 hours before sleep timeDevelop a sleep ritual. Learn and implement relaxation and breathing techniques.Air, light, temperature, and bed, mattress and linens in the room are comfortable, adequate and pleasant.

TIPS AND SUGGESTIONSChange school hours

Start time -8:30 a.m.-1000 a.m. End time - 4:00 p.m. -5:30p.m.

Enforce bed time hours and bed time routine.

Limit use of electronic media and certain activities

“You don’t have to make a happy plate.”

MORE TIPS Have supper/dinner at a reasonable time.

Relaxation techniques .

Healthier meals at school and at home.

Physical education classes should be mandatory.-1 hour a day- 3 times a week- A.M or P.M

REFERENCES-Santrock, J. (2012). Adolescence. New York: McGraw-Hill.

-Clinkinbeard, S. S., Simi, P., Evans, M. K., Anderson, A. L. (2011). Sleep and delinquency: Does amount of sleep matter? Journal of Youth and Adolescence.