Slavery & Reform 1820-1860• slave breeding Slave breeding in the United States were those...

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Transcript of Slavery & Reform 1820-1860• slave breeding Slave breeding in the United States were those...

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Slavery & Reform 1820-1860

• Treatment of Slaves in the U.S. • Slave Codes • Free Blacks in the South • Slave Labor • Household Slavery • Women and Slavery

Slavery in the U.S.

Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840 > Slavery in the U.S.

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• Slaveholders punished slaves through whipping, shackling, hanging, beating, burning, mutilation, branding, and imprisonment.

• Punishment was most often meted in response to disobedience or perceived infractions,

• Sometimes abuse was carried out simply to reassert the dominance of the master or overseer.

• Sexual abuse of slaves was partially rooted in a patriarchal Southern culture which treated all women as property.

• After generations, there were numerous mixed-race (mulatto) offspring.

Treatment of Slaves in the U.S.

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South Carolina Plantation Slave Houses View on

Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840 > Slavery in the U.S.

• To help regulate the relationship between slave and owner - and legally support the system of keeping slaves as property - slave codes were established.

• Slave codes generally placing harsh restrictions on slaves' freedom and giving slave-owners absolute power over their slaves.

• Provisions were designed to control slave populations and prevent rebellion.

• Examples: slaves were prohibited from reading and writing, and owners were to regularly search slave residencies for suspicious activity.

• Each state had specific codes that suited the laws in that region.

• Some prohibited slaves from owning weapons, leaving their owner's plantations without permission, and lifting a hand against a white person, even in self-defense.

Slave Codes

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African slaves working in 17th-century Virginia, by an unknown artist, 1670 View on

Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840 > Slavery in the U.S.

• as the population of color became larger, governments put restrictions on manumissions and restricted the rights of free blacks.

• Many free blacks were born free.Others acquired freedom by way of manumission (earning own freedom)

• By the 19th century, there were flourishing families of free blacks who had been free for generations.In the United States,

• Some free blacks achieved a measures of both wealth and societal participation, owning property, paying taxes, publishing newspapers and, in some Northern states, voting.

• Free blacks had restrictions on both their civil and political rights in most states.

• Free blacks were often hired to hunt down runaway slaves and keep order among the slave population.

• By 1776, approximately 8 percent of African Americans were free.By 1810, 4 percent of blacks in the South (10% in the Upper South), and 75 percent of blacks in the North were free.

• At the start of the Civil War, free blacks comprised about 10% of the population.

Free Blacks in the South

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Freedom's Journal View on

Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840 > Slavery in the U.S.

• The great majority of slaves worked on plantations or large farms, where they were organized systems of labor based on factors such as gender, the degree of slaves' specialized agricultural knowledge, and other factors.

• The "gang system" was an efficient but brutal labor system used on plantations, which involved unending, continuous, even-paced work throughout the day.

• The "task system" was a more humane labor system which allowed slaves more autonomy during their labor.

• By 1860, most slaves were held in the Deep South, where they were engaged in gang system of labor on large plantations.

• On small farms, slaves worked side by side with their owners, while on large plantations, slaves were directed by paid white overseers.

• Slaves with specialized agricultural knowledge could bargain for better working conditions..

Slave Labor

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Slaves Waiting for Sale: Richmond, Virginia.Painted upon the sketch of 1853 View on

Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840 > Slavery in the U.S.

Slavery & Westward Expansion

Compromise of 1820 (Missouri Compromise) • Allowed for Missouri to enter as a slave state & Maine to enter as

a free state • Goal was to keep balance of power in the Senate • Set 36°30" as the demarcation of slave vs. free states

• Created at the request of California which wanted to be admitted as a free state despite lying partially below the 36°30" line

Compromise of 1850

• Allowed new states to determine through referendum (voting) if the wanted to be free or slave states

• Effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise

Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

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Key terms• chattel A slave.

• Gang system The gang system was a division of labor established on the plantation.It was harsher and more efficient than the task system, forcing slaves to work at a continuous pace and allowing almost no freedom.

• manumission Release from slavery; freedom.

• mulatto A person of mixed African and Caucasian descent.The term is used in historical contexts, but is not used in modern culture.

• planter The owner of a plantation.

• slave breeding Slave breeding in the United States were those practices of slave ownership that aimed to influence the reproduction of slaves in order to increase the wealth of slaveholders.

• Slave Codes Slave codes were laws in each U.S. state defining the status of slaves and the rights of masters.These codes gave slave-owners absolute power over the African slaves.

• task system The task system was a division of labor established on the plantation.It was the less brutal than the gang system, and allowed slaves more autonomy.

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Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

Slave Patrol A woodcut from the abolitionist Anti-Slavery Almanac (1839) depicts the capture of a fugitive slave by a slave patrol.

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.comWikipedia. "Slave patrol." Public domain View on

Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

Freedom's Journal Freedom's Journal was the first African American owned and operated newspaper published in the United States.

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.comWikipedia. "Freedom's Journal." Public domain View on

Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

Slaves Waiting for Sale: Richmond, Virginia.Painted upon the sketch of 1853 Slaves were forced to work on plantations often under brutal conditions.

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.comWikipedia. "Slavery in the United States." Public domain View on

Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Harriet Jacobs documented her experience with sexual abuse in The Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.comWikipedia. "Harriet Jacobs." Public domain View on

Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

South Carolina Plantation Slave Houses South Carolina Plantation Slave Houses

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.comWikipedia. "Treatment of slaves in the United States." Public domain View on

Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

African slaves working in 17th-century Virginia, by an unknown artist, 1670 Slaves were kept tightly in control through the establishment of slave codes, or laws dictating their status and rights.

Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.boundless.comWikipedia. "African slave trade." Public domain View on

Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

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Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

A guide book for slave owners published in 1850 stated that creating an “ideal slave” involved all of the following EXCEPT:

A) Maintaining strict discipline and 'unconditional submission'

B) Creating a sense of personal inferiority, so slaves know their place

C) Improving living conditions of one’s slaves in order to induce them to not run away

D) Ensuring that slaves are fearful and uneducated via abuse and denied access to education

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Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

A guide book for slave owners published in 1850 stated that creating an “ideal slave” involved all of the following EXCEPT:

A) Maintaining strict discipline and 'unconditional submission'

B) Creating a sense of personal inferiority, so slaves know their place

C) Improving living conditions of one’s slaves in order to induce them to not run away

D) Ensuring that slaves are fearful and uneducated via abuse and denied access to education

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Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

Which of the following statements best describes the implementation of slave codes in America?

A) Slave codes in the Northern colonies more harsh than slave codes in the Southern colonies

B) The slave codes of the Southern states were harsh but uniformly enforced across state lines

C) The slave codes of the Northern states were harsh but unevenly enforced across state lines

D) Slave codes in the Northern colonies were less harsh than slave codes in the Southern colonies

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Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

Which of the following statements best describes the implementation of slave codes in America?

A) Slave codes in the Northern colonies more harsh than slave codes in the Southern colonies

B) The slave codes of the Southern states were harsh but uniformly enforced across state lines

C) The slave codes of the Northern states were harsh but unevenly enforced across state lines

D) Slave codes in the Northern colonies were less harsh than slave codes in the Southern colonies

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Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

Which of the following statements best describes the experience of free blacks in the United States during the Antebellum era?

A) Freed blacks were often weary and fearful about speaking out against slavery

B) In some southern cities, freed slaves were able to vote

C) Free black were often very outspoken about the injustice of slavery

D) Free slaves in the South shied away from owning land and participating in slavery

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Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

Which of the following statements best describes the experience of free blacks in the United States during the Antebellum era?

A) Freed blacks were often weary and fearful about speaking out against slavery

B) In some southern cities, freed slaves were able to vote

C) Free black were often very outspoken about the injustice of slavery

D) Free slaves in the South shied away from owning land and participating in slavery

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Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

By 1860, most slaves in the United States worked on

A) Plantations and large cities in the South

B) Large farms and factories in the North and South

C) Large Southern plantations under the task system

D) Large plantations in the South under the gang system

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Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

By 1860, most slaves in the United States worked on

A) Plantations and large cities in the South

B) Large farms and factories in the North and South

C) Large Southern plantations under the task system

D) Large plantations in the South under the gang system

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Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

In many households, whether or not a slave was allowed to be educated or worked in the house or in the fields, depended on

A) Gender: female slaves worked in the house and were educated so that they could tutor white children

B) Gender: most male slaves served as artisans and were therefore allowed access to education

C) Skin color: Light skinned offspring of white masters were sometimes given access to education

D) The region: most northerners preferred educated slaves to care for their children

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Slavery and Reform: 1820-1840

In many households, whether or not a slave was allowed to be educated or worked in the house or in the fields, depended on

A) Gender: female slaves worked in the house and were educated so that they could tutor white children

B) Gender: most male slaves served as artisans and were therefore allowed access to education

C) Skin color: Light skinned offspring of white masters were sometimes given access to education

D) The region: most northerners preferred educated slaves to care for their children