Slavery In America by Rachel Cooperrider

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Slavery In America by Rachel Cooperrider

  • 1. Slavery in America (1700-1770) Rachel Cooperrider

2. Why Slavery?

  • To meet labor needs

3. Indentured servants no longer reliable 4. The establishment of the Royal African Company in 1672 5. The Capture

  • Bartering with African kingdom

6. Kidnapping 7. Journey back to the coast would take up to two months 8. Branding slaves before travel 9. The Journey to America

  • The middle passage

10. Kept below deck with no fresh air 11. Threw sick slaves overboard 12. More than 1 in 4 captives died along the way 13. New Life in America

  • Auctioned off in public squares

14. Inspection of teeth, underarms and genitals 15. Young men and women most valuable 16. Total journey from Africa to New World plantation took six months 17. Plantation Life

  • Preserved several African traditions

18. Family life unpredictable 19. Slaves outnumbered colonists in South 20. Life in New England

  • 3% of population was African

21. Worked as field hands, on small farms, as house servants, or skilled artisans Life in Middle Colonies

  • 18% of population

22. Worked on small farms or in the cities 23. Racism

  • Used as a legal device to maintain control as population grows

24. Interracial marriage is forbidden 25. Marriage and literacy outlawed 26. Overtime free blacks lost right to employ, hold office, bear arms, strike 27. Rebellion and Resistance

  • Limited open resistance

28. Run away to swamps and mountains 29. Georgia set up to prevent runaways 30. Native Americans were given bounties for runaway slaves 31. Stono Rebellion

  • Stono, South Carolina in 1739

32. Group of slaves stole firearms 33. Plan to go to Spanish Florida 34. Marched from house to house murdering slave owners and families 35. After 30 miles, the group was met by militias 36. In Response to Stono

  • Negro Act
  • S.C. State law forbidding slaves to grow their own food, assemble in groups, and learn to read

Resulted in more legal action for slaves 37. The Growing Slave Population

  • 2,000 slaves brought over a year

38. Between 1680 and 1700 the transportation of slaves on an English ship rose from 5,000 to 20,000 39. By 1750, African Americans were 4/5ths of the population 40. In 1755, 80% of black population was mixed racial 41. 95% of colonial African slaves remained slaves for life 42. Slaves During the Revolutionary War

  • Slaves gained freedom by joining state militias

43. Those who fought on American side were in the line of fire 44. Those who fought on British side were doing manual labor 45. Freed Slaves

  • By 1770, there was around 40,000 free black slaves in the colonies
  • Included runaways and black immigrants from West Indies

Had certain social, economic, and legal restrictions 46. Status was one of uncertainty 47. Results of Slavery

  • As population grew, so did restrictions

48. More racism 49. Caste-like system of segregation 50. Economic expansion 51. Bibliography

  • Schultz, Kevin M. "Expansion and Control, 1700-1763." Hist. Boston, MA: Wadsworth / Cengage Learning, 2012. 59-79. Print.

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