Skills for the Better Career

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Transcript of Skills for the Better Career

Skills for the Better Career

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore,


Hafiz Dabeer 005

BBA (Afternoon) 2013-2017

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Table of Content 1. Learning Objectives: ............................................................................................................. 3

2. Background:.......................................................................................................................... 4

3. Introduction: ......................................................................................................................... 6

3.1. Communications Skills (listening, verbal, written):...................................................... 6

3.2. Flexibility/Adaptability/Managing Multiple Priorities: ................................................ 8

3.3. Ability to functioning admirably under pressure: ......................................................... 9

3.4. Leadership/Management Skills. .................................................................................. 10

3.5. Planning/Organizing.................................................................................................... 10

3.6. Problem-Solving/Reasoning/Creativity/Decision-Making: ........................................ 12

3.7. Analyzing and Investigating/Research Skills .............................................................. 13

3.8. Teamwork: .................................................................................................................. 13

3.9. Commercial mindfulness (or business keenness): ...................................................... 14

3.10. Information technology ............................................................................................... 14

3.11. Perseverance and inspiration/Initiative/Self-Motivation:............................................ 15

3.12. Self-Confidence:.......................................................................................................... 16

3.13. Time Management Abilities ........................................................................................ 16

3.14. Ability to Accept and Learn From Criticism: ............................................................. 17

4. Summary:............................................................................................................................ 18

5. Discussion Questions:......................................................................................................... 19

6. Key words: .......................................................................................................................... 19

7. References .......................................................................................................................... 19

Table 1 Top Ten Skills Shortages Among Graduates .................................................... 18

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1. Learning Objectives:

Learn Communications Skills (listening, verbal, and written)

Learn Flexibility/Adaptability/Managing Multiple Priorities

Learn Ability to functioning admirably under pressure

Learn Leadership/Management Skills

Learn Planning/Organizing

Learn Problem-Solving/Reasoning/Creativity/ Decision-Making

Learn Analyzing & Investigating/Research Skills

Learn Teamwork

Learn Commercial mindfulness (or business keenness)

Learn Information technology

Learn Perseverance and motivation/Initiative/Self-Motivation

Learn Self-Confidence

Learn Time Management Abilities

Learn Ability to Accept and Learn From Criticism

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2. Background:

Graduate employers place a lot of emphasis on finding candidates with the right skills

and competencies for their organizations. Depending on the career sector and profession you

choose to work in, there could be very specific skills, abilities and knowledge needed to do the

job. However, complementing these are general competences and behaviors that are essential

for successful working. These are often overlooked by candidates, but they are the things

recruitment professionals want to see evidence of.

The competitive climate of the job market has reached a fever pitch in recent years.

College degrees are almost as common place as high school diplomas, and the pool of candidates

for any given career is far-reaching.

To stand out in such an environment, job seekers need to give emphasis to their

experiences and backgrounds on their resumes. A degree from a prestigious university or an

impressive roster of past employers can certainly make a good impression on hiring managers,

but the real test of a candidate's fit is how well the person's skills align with the position in


"In resumes, you see a skills summary, [which includes] problem solving,

communications skills, analyzing and investigating, etc.” "However, oftentimes, we don't see an

explanation of those skills. If you have 'problem solving' and 'critical thinking' in your resume,

you should tie those skills into your explanation of job duties and how those specific skills played

an important part."

The challenge is greater for those who have been laid off or who have been out of work

for an extended period of time. For these professionals, the task of proving that their skills are

relevant can be a little more difficult than it is for other job seekers.

Ford R. Myers, a career coach, speaker and author of the book, "Get The Job You Want,

Even When No One's Hiring" (John Wiley & Sons, 2009), advised considering transferable skills

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that you've gained from paid and unpaid past experiences.

"Transferable skills acquired during any activity — volunteer positions, classes, projects,

parenting, hobbies, sports — can be applicable to one's next job," Myers said. "By adding

transferable skills to a resume, employers get a better understanding and broader picture of who

they are hiring, as well as the interests, values and experiences that the candidate brings to the


Based on the advice of our expert sources, here are a few broad categories of skills your

resume could include, along with unique ways to express them.

Each company looks for a different mix of skills and experience depending on the

business it's in. Yet it's no longer enough to be a functional expert. To complement these unique

core competencies, there are certain "skills" every company looks for in a potential hire.

"Skills" refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that

make someone a good employee and compatible to work with. Companies value these skills

because research suggests and experience shows that they can be just as important an indicator

of job performance.

Today's service economy and the ascendance of work teams in large organizations puts

a new premium on people skills and relationship-building," Portland-based human resources

expert Lori Kocon says. "And with business being done at an increasingly fast pace, employers

also want people who are agile, adaptable and creative at solving problems."

Kocon advises all job candidates -- especially those who aspire to managerial positions

-- to get in touch with their soft sides. Some of the most common soft skills employers are

looking for and will be assessing you on include:

You focus on the skills most likely to interest the prospective employer and learn to

demonstrate these skills through your resume, in an interview or in dealing with potential

employers at career fairs or industry association gatherings.

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For example, tell a story of how you successfully handled a crisis or challenge at your

company. Mention honors you received or even bring along letters of thanks or commendation

from an employer or customer.

Remember, whether you are applying for a service position or a technical job, it's your

combination of core and soft skills that will set you apart from the crowd!

(Lorenz, Kate, 2009)

3. Introduction:

3.1. Communications Skills (listening, verbal, written):

Is it true that you are both verbally well-spoken and a decent audience? Will you put

forth your defense and express your needs in a way that fabricates spans with associates, clients

and merchants?

By a long shot, the one expertise said regularly by bosses is the capacity to tune in,

compose, and talk adequately. Effective correspondence is basic in business.

Exceptional audience and communicator who successfully passes on data verbally and

in composing (Hansen & Katharine, 2015).

This spreads verbal and composed correspondence, and tuning in. It's about being clear,

compact and centered; having the capacity to tailor your message for the group of onlookers and

listening to the perspectives of others (Targetjobs, 2015).

Employments require collaboration. There will be consistent forward and backward

trades with colleagues, and talking about and imparting thoughts to directors. Businesses will

need to know the level of relational abilities you have and how well you function with others.

The particular required aptitudes will shift taking into account your position. A business

delegate, for occurrence, would need to highlight client administration and relationship-building

knowledge (Gausepohl, Shannon, 2015 ).

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Transaction and influence is about having the capacity to advance your direction,

additionally having the capacity to comprehend where the other individual is originating from

with the goal that you can both get what you need or need and feel positive about it (Targetjobs,


The umbrella term "relational abilities" incorporates a trifecta of capacities, including

the ability to tune in, compose and talk. This is one of the top qualities managers search for in

advanced contracts; it's crucial for accepting, deciphering and providing guidance. In like

manner, a feeling of social insight is likewise crucial: Employees should have the capacity to

comprehend where companions, associates and vital accomplices are originating from, not only

the words they're stating, so they can better understand follow up on this data (Steinberg, Scott,


Anybody can talk however not everybody knows how to express what is on their mind

without making others' ears ring. Wandering, standing up of turn, unleashing an ungainly

downpour of words – we've all done it.

It's not a major ordeal to say something odd to your bank employee, yet reliably poor

correspondence at work can take its toll in general group and could turn associates against each

other. It could even cost you a raise (Mariya Pylayev, 2014).

Correspondence is about ready to express your

thoughts obviously and unhesitatingly in discourse and

in addition ready to communicate plainly in composing

(Bruce Woodcock, 2015).

On your resume: composes plainly and

compactly; listens mindfully; transparently

communicates thoughts, arranges/determines contrasts; gives and asks to input; offers well-

thoroughly considered arrangements; coordinates and cooperates with other people; flourishes

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in a collective domain.

3.2. Flexibility/Adaptability/Managing Multiple Priorities:

Manages your capacity to deal with numerous assignments and undertakings, set needs,

and adjust to changing conditions and work assignments.

Flexible cooperative person who flourishes in

situations obliging capacity to successfully organize and juggle

numerous simultaneous ventures (Hansen & Katharine, 2015).

Is it accurate to say that you are ready to adjust to new

circumstances and difficulties? Will you grasp change and be

interested in new thoughts?

Each creature alive today arrived on the grounds that its predecessors could adjust to

their living conditions and make children to go on their

favorable qualities. At the point when the earth dove into an

Ice Age 2.6 million years prior, a few species made sense of

how to survive the freezing temperatures while others fizzled,

shrugged their shoulders and got to be lost to history.

Work environments are guided by the same principles

of survival. To be stuck in your ways is the least demanding approach to make the cutback list.

Moreover, adaptable laborers are less pushed and are better at striking a work-life equalization

(Mariya Pylayev, 2014).

Adaptability is adjust effectively to changing circumstances and situations (Bruce

Woodcock, 2015).

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There is perhaps no greater issue in the working

environment than differences, and occupation seekers

must exhibit an affectability and attention to other

individuals and societies.

Personable expert whose qualities incorporate

social affectability and a capacity to assemble

compatibility with a differing workforce in multicultural

settings (Hansen & Katharine, 2015).

3.3. Ability to functioning admirably under pressure:

Will you handle the anxiety that goes with due dates and emergencies? Will you have

the capacity to do your best work and come through when absolutely necessary?

This is about resisting the urge to panic in an emergency and not turning out to be

excessively overpowered or pushed (Targetjobs, 2015).

You know the inclination, we've all had it - when you're pushed beyond your limits at

work and somebody says (or does) something so inconsiderate or imbecilic that you just can't

take it any longer. Perhaps it doesn't transpire, however to your collaborator in the following

work area.

In any case, "work area anger" is the new term to depict that inclination (in spite of the

fact that it doesn't generally happen at a work area, obviously); in a late story in Psychology

Today, creator Ray B. Williams referred to some irritating insights about the pattern of brutality

in the working environment.

Williams says a study by Integra Reality Resources showing that 10 percent of American

specialists had seen physical brutality in their work environment. With roughly 100 million

individuals in America's work constrain, that is 10 million occurrences, a measurement

sufficiently terrifying to make you phone in wiped out.

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With all that wrath out there, it isn't excessively astounding that most working Americans

have stories to tell about the work area rage they have seen or experienced; what takes after are

some exceptionally individual stories of those minutes when everything turns out badly at the

working environment (Jenny Peters, 2010).

3.4. Leadership/Management Skills.

Initiative aptitudes can be picked up in an assortment of customary and offbeat ways,

however it's not generally simple to express them on a paper. Showing your administration

capacities on paper obliges you to consider what it is you do as a pioneer and how you control

your representatives toward achievement. To give businesses a superior thought of what you've

finished, talk about the measure of the group and the extent of the tasks you oversee (Gausepohl,

Shannon, 2015 )

While there is some civil argument about whether authority is something individuals are

conceived with, these aptitudes manage your capacity to assume responsibility and deal with

your associates.

Goal-driven pioneer who keeps up a profitable atmosphere and unhesitatingly propels,

assembles, and mentors workers to meet elite gauges (Hansen & Katharine, 2015)

You may not be an administrator straight away, but rather graduates need to show

potential to spur groups and different associates that may work for them. It's about allocating

and appointing assignments well, setting due dates and driving by great illustration (Targetjobs,


On your resume: leads and coordinates others; educates/trains/teaches; directs/mentors;

oversees struggle; groups individuals set and accomplish objectives; assigns viably; settles on

and executes choices; upholds strategies; supervises ventures; measures group results

3.5. Planning/Organizing.

Manages your capacity to outline, arrange, sort out, and actualize ventures and errands

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inside an assigned time span. Likewise includes objective setting.

Results-driven achiever with praiseworthy arranging and authoritative aptitudes,

alongside a high level of subtle element introduction (Hansen & Katharine, 2015)

This is about demonstrating that you can needs, work proficiently and beneficially, and

deal with your time well. It's likewise great to have the capacity to show bosses how you choose

what is essential to concentrate on and complete, and how you meet due dates. (Targetjobs,


In the event that the employment you need includes chipping away at exploration

ventures and companywide battles, you're going to need to flaunt your first class arranging

capacities. "Association aptitudes" may seem like a trite, abused filler term, yet those abilities

are the ones that will help you succeed. Show potential bosses you have what they're searching

for by sketching out your association in, and results from, ebb and flow and past activities

(Gausepohl, Shannon, 2015 )

While not a solitary characterizing attribute, strong authoritative aptitudes can be an

advantage for any specialist. They show a representative is self-sufficiently trained to

accumulate the fundamental data and information to keep his or her undertakings both very much

oversaw and on calendar — essential characteristics for any pioneer. Intense authoritative

abilities alone don't extraordinary chiefs make, yet they do drive work possibility to be more

expert, proficient and gainful.

(Steinberg, Scott, 2013)

Ready to arrange exercises and help them through adequately

(Bruce Woodcock, 2015))

On your resume: gauges/predicts; recognizes and assembles suitable assets; altogether

inquiries about foundation data; creates systems; thinks basically to take care of issues; handles

points of interest; facilitates and finishes assignments; oversees extends viably; meets due dates;

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arranges and organizes exercises; multitasks; makes arranges.

3.6. Problem-Solving/Reasoning/Creativity/Decision-Making:

Is it accurate to say that you are clever and ready to inventively take care of issues that

will unavoidably emerge? Will you take responsibility for or abandon them for another person?

Includes the capacity to discover answers for issues utilizing your inventiveness,

thinking, and past encounters alongside the accessible data and assets.

Innovative issue solver who can produce workable arrangements and intention protests

(Hansen & Katharine, 2015).

You have to show a capacity to take a legitimate and explanatory way to deal with taking

care of issues and determining issues. It's likewise great to demonstrate that you can approach

issues from various edges (Targetjobs, 2015).

Critical thinking is an ability that sits some place at the

nexus of inventiveness, reasonability and rationale. The

individuals who show it exhibit a demonstrated capacity to

equitably translate approaching flags, and act both keenly and

with elegance when an answer is required. Specialists with

strong critical thinking aptitudes aren't simply key

masterminds; they ought to have the capacity to keep a calm attitude when a circumstance

emerges and remain focused without the requirement for smaller scale administration (Steinberg,

Scott, 2013).

Some individuals lean toward routine work that doesn't change every day, while others

get a surge from going up against new difficulties. Whatever your inclination, job patterns

demonstrate that more individuals than any other time in recent memory are working for

themselves and caring new obligations at organizations attempting to accomplish more with less

(Mariya Pylayev, 2014).

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3.7. Analyzing and Investigating/Research Skills

Assemble data efficiently to build up truths and standards. Critical thinking (Bruce

Woodcock, 2015).

Manages your capacity to evaluate a circumstance, look for various points of view,

accumulate more data if essential, and distinguish key issues that should be tended to.

Highly expository speculation with showed ability for recognizing, examining,

enhancing, and streamlining complex work forms (Hansen & Katharine, 2015).

3.8. Teamwork:

Will you function admirably in gatherings and groups? Will you be helpful and play an

administration part when suitable?

Since such a large number of employments include

working in one or more work-gatherings, you should be able

to work with others in an expert way while endeavoring to

accomplish a shared objective.

Resourceful cooperative person who exceeds

expectations at building trusting associations with clients and

partners (Hansen & Katharine, 2015).

You'll have to demonstrate that you're a cooperative person additionally can oversee and

delegate to others and tackle obligation. It's about building positive working connections that

help everybody to accomplish objectives and business destinations (Targetjobs, 2015).

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Development supports the fittest animals yet not the

most childish ones. Creatures and individuals alike

cooperate to tackle issues not on account of they are

powerless but rather in light of the fact that it is regularly

the most effective and profitable way. Solitary wolf sorts

dislike to hear this, but rather cooperation is an essential

piece of most workplaces (Mariya Pylayev, 2014).

Cooperation is about to work unhesitatingly inside a gathering (Bruce Woodcock, 2015).

3.9. Commercial mindfulness (or business keenness):

This is about knowing how a business or industry functions and what makes an

organization tick. Demonstrating that you have a comprehension of what the association needs

to accomplish through its items and administrations, and how it contends in its commercial

center (Targetjobs, 2015).

Comprehend the business substances influencing the association (Bruce Woodcock,


3.10. Information technology

All occupations ow require some fundamental comprehension of PC equipment and

programming, particularly word handling, spreadsheets, and email.

Computer-proficient entertainer with broad programming capability covering wide

assortment of utilizations (Hansen & Katharine, 2015).

Online networking is a standout amongst the most pervasive and popular aptitudes for

employments in an assortment of fields. Socially dynamic associations will probably draw in

top ability, drive new deals leads and better connect with different workers and clients, said Amir

Zonozi, head of procedure at social engagement stage Zoomph. Along these lines, when bosses

search for new contracts, they're additionally normally searching for new inner brand ministers.

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Zonozi noticed that, for positions that specifically include chip away at corporate online

networking effort, contracting supervisor’s affection to see solid numbers and measurements,

including Web movement, group of onlookers compass and general engagement.

Notwithstanding for nonsocial-media-related positions, you can in any case show your

experience by referencing particular systems and online networking administration programs

you routinely utilize (Gausepohl, Shannon, 2015 ).

On your resume: oversees online networking effort; measures and dissects crusade

results; recognizes and interfaces with industry influencers; sparkles social discussion inside the

brand's group; makes and executes content systems; drives engagement and leads; upgrades

brand picture through social nearness.

3.11. Perseverance and inspiration/Initiative/Self-Motivation:

It is safe to say that you are inspired and devoted to taking care of business, regardless?

Will you be upright and do your best work?

Businesses need individuals to have a touch of get-up-and-go. Working life presents

numerous difficulties and you have to show businesses that

you're the sort of individual who will discover a path through,

notwithstanding when difficulties arise... what's more, stay

brightest (Targetjobs, 2015).

Once in a while it can feel like the general population

who excel do as such on unadulterated ability. You can rest

guaranteed that while a moment, minuscule part of individuals have been managed a fortunate

hand most have their diligent work to thank for their achievements.

That is extraordinary news in light of the fact that once you dispose of your self-hatred,

you can start to progress in the direction of something awesome (Mariya Pylayev, 2014).

Ready to follow up on activity, recognize opportunities and proactive in advancing

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thoughts and (Bruce Woodcock, 2015).

3.12. Self-Confidence:

Do you genuinely trust you can carry out the employment?

Will you anticipate a feeling of quiet and motivate trust in others?

Will you have the valor to make inquiries that should be asked and

to openly contribute your thoughts?

In the working environment you have to strike the equalization of being certain about

yourself however not pompous, but rather additionally have trust in your partners and the

organization you work for (Targetjobs, 2015).

How you walk, your way of talking, your dress, and the trouble of the difficulties you

seek after – these are measures of your self-assurance. Assuming

that you are fit for accomplishing something is a large portion of

the fight, trust it or not, and tragically, individuals with low self-

regard tend to think little of their capability. It's a deceptive cycle

(Mariya Pylayev, 2014).

3.13. Time Management Abilities

Do you know how to organize undertakings and work on

various diverse ventures without a moment's delay? Will you

utilize your time at work carefully?

Poor time administration can make you feel like every

one of your obligations are planning to bring you down. You're

fatigued and dependably in a surge. "Another meeting?" you

think, freezing, understanding that you've just checked one thing

off your schedule and its past lunchtime. There runs your center

and with it your profitability – the descending winding.

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Whether you're a chronic slacker or experience difficulty organizing, you'll discover the

intelligence of the accompanying scholars entirely immortal. (Simply check your logbook to

ensure you're not going to miss a phone call.) (Mariya Pylayev, 2014).

Time administration is to oversee time adequately, organizing undertakings and ready

to work to due dates (Bruce Woodcock, 2015).

3.14. Ability to Accept and Learn From Criticism:

Will you have the capacity to handle feedback? Is it accurate to say that you are coachable

and open to learning and developing as a man and as an expert?

Feedback can make you squirm regardless of how great you are at your occupation.

Regardless of the fact that you pleasantly search out feedback, it's

difficult to abstain from feeling stung when your work is by and

large unbiasedly, impartially examined and your defects


Be that as it may, truly, most things should dependably be

possible better and getting and gaining from feedback is one of the

most ideal approaches to make sense of how. Simply consider it

an insightful signal that somebody took an ideal opportunity to

process your work and offer you

guidance. Look at what the

accompanying five splendid

specialists, pioneers and thinker

think about feedback and don't

hesitate to share their considerations on online networking (Mariya Pylayev, 2014).

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Table 1 Top Ten Skills Shortages Among Graduates

4. Summary:

Employability skills are the critical tools and traits you need to succeed in the workplace

-- and they are all elements that you can learn, cultivate, develop, and maintain over your

lifetime. Once you have identified the sought-after skills and values and assessed the degree to

which you possess, they remember to document them and market them (in your resume, cover

letter, and interview answers) for job-search success.

3.14.1. The “Top Ten” Skills shortages among graduates % of employers


1 Commercial Awareness 67%

2 Communication Skills 64%

3 Leadership 33%

4 Ability to work in a team 33%

5 Problem solving 32%

6 Conceptual ability 21%

7 Subject Knowledge & competence 19%

8 Foreign languages 19%

9 Numeracy 19%

10 Good general education 15%

Source: Association of Graduate Recruiters “Skills for Graduates in the 21st


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5. Discussion Questions:

6. Key words:

Skills, Communications, Management, Problem solving, Teamwork & Career.

7. References

Bruce Woodcock. (2015). What are the top ten skills that employers want? United Kingdom:

University of Kent.

Gausepohl, Shannon. (2015 ). job skills. United States: Business News Daily.

Hansen, R. S., & K. H. (2015). What Do Employers Really Want? Top Skills and Values

Employers Seek from Job-Seekers. job-skills-values, 7.

Jenny Peters. (2010, Nov 12th). Career Skills. Desk Rage: Completely Losing It at Work, p. 9.

Lorenz, Kate. (2009, Jan 26). Career Skills. top-10-soft-skills-for-job-hunters, p. 7.

Mariya Pylayev. (2014, Feb 12th). Career Skills. Strong Work Ethic: Path to Success, p. 3.

Mariya Pylayev. (2014, Feb 10th). Career Skills. Positivity! Give Yourself A Lift and Pass It On,

p. 4.

Mariya Pylayev. (2014, Feb 10th). Career Skills. Talk The Walk: Good Communication To Pass

Along, p. 3.

Mariya Pylayev. (2014, Feb 11th). Career Skills. Timeless Reflections On Time Management, p.

1 What do you understand by the Skills?

2 Do you know the importance of each skills in our career?

3 How much skills effect our career?

4 What do you think which Skills is more important?

5 Why that skill is more important in our career?

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Mariya Pylayev. (2014, Feb 13th). Career Skills. Problem Solving: Thoughts On Critical

Thinking, p. 3.

Mariya Pylayev. (2014, Feb 11th). Career Skills. Don't Be Selfish: Pass On The Team Spirit , p.


Mariya Pylayev. (2014, Feb 14th). Career Skills. The Art Of Receiving Criticism , p. 4.

Mariya Pylayev. (2014, Feb 14th). Careers Skills. Flex Your Mind: Be More Adaptable, p. 3.

Mariya Pylayev. (2014, Feb 13th). Crrier Skills. Self-Confidence Pick-Me-Ups , p. 3.

Steinberg, Scott. (2013). 7 Key Job Skills to Look for When Hiring. Job Skills, 3.

Targetjobs. (2015, july 1). The top 10 skills that'll get you a job when you graduate. Retrieved

from TARGETjobs:
