Sister Corita lesson v3

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Sister Corita lesson v3




spirituality commitment to social justicehope for peacedelight in the world around us

Often used popular culture (song lyrics, advertising slogans, newspapers, magazines, grocery store sig-

nage, etc) as material for meaning-filled bursts of text and color.

Consists mostly of vibrant screenprints.

Reflects her

Appropriated the colors of the marketplace and the aesthetics of promotion to ground her spiritual and

political philosophies in contemporary urban life.


She ran the art department and taught until she left the Order in 1968 to devote herself entirely to making art.

Corita Kent became a nun at the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1936.

Nun, artist, and activist inthe 1960s.

teaching style

She taught “layout and lettering,” “art structure”, and other subjects.

multiple films were screened simultaneously

rock music played on the stereo

large-scale collaborative projects

Renowned for its lively interdisciplinary environment:

Field trips to busy intersections – a visual riot of petrol stations, supermarkets and car dealerships – and instructed them to look through cardboard finders.

so what?

Outlet for her activism and intense appreciation for the world around her.

The cheap and ordinary medium of silkscreen print reflected values inherent to her vows of humility and


How can WE create work that reflects our time and place?

“If we separate ourselves from the great arts of our time, we cannot be leaven enriching our society from within. We may well be peripheral to our society – un-

aware of its pains and joys, unable to communicate with it, to benefit from it or to help it.”


In a sketchbook, record 10 phrases that catch your eye. They can be song lyrics, poems, ad slogans, quotes,


Also pick 10 images/objects. Record them by sketching, photographing, or collaging.

Start pairing one phrase and one image together. How does the meaning of these objects change when paired

with a certain phrase?

How do our choices of phrase and image reflect this time, place, and ourselves?

example: Jason Rosenberg example:
