Singapore - Encyclopedia Britannica · 2Based on de jure population. 3July 1; preliminary....

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Transcript of Singapore - Encyclopedia Britannica · 2Based on de jure population. 3July 1; preliminary....

Singapore’s health ministry announced in August2016 that in dozens of cases, the Zika virus (seeSpecial Report on page 196) had been locally

transmitted. The disease first surfaced in May, when aSingaporean who had traveled to Brazil showed signsof infection. The response of the public health sector—which included disease surveillance, quick response toidentified cases, effective treatment, and expandedefforts to control the Aedes mosquito population—washeralded by the World Health Organization as a “rolemodel” for other countries in the region. Singaporedebuted its self-driving taxi fleet, the world’s first, inAugust. The ride-hailing company nuTonomy deployedsix self-driving cabs during the initial trial period,although each car also had a human driver as a safetymeasure.

DemographyArea: 277.3 sq mi, 718.3 sq km.Population (2016): 5,601,000.Density (2016): persons per sq mi 20,199,persons per sq km 7,798.

Sex distribution (2015)2: male 49.11%;female 50.89%.

Population projection: (2020) 5,906,000;(2030) 6,310,000.

Urban-rural (2016):

Vital statistics2

Birth rate per 1,000 population (2015):9.7 (world avg. 19.5).

Death rate per 1,000 population (2015):4.8 (world avg. 8.1).

Natural increase rate per 1,000 popula-tion (2015): 4.9 (world avg. 11.4).

Life expectancy at birth (2015): male80.4 years; female 84.9 years.

Age breakdown (2010)2:

Ethnic composition (2016)2: Religious affiliation (2000)2:


Official name: Xinjiapo Gongheguo (MandarinChinese); Republik Singapura (Malay);Cingkappur Kudiyarasu (Tamil); Republic ofSingapore (English).

Form of government: unitary multiparty republicwith one legislative house (Parliament [1011]).

Head of state: President Tony Tan.Head of state government: Prime Minister LeeHsien Loong.

Capital: Singapore.Official languages: Mandarin Chinese; Malay;Tamil; English.

Official religion: none. Monetary unit: Singapore dollar (S$); valuation(Sept. 1, 2016) 1 U.S.$ = S$1.36; 1 £ = S$1.81.

Population (2010 census)3, 4

De facto population 5,076,7005

De jure population 3,771,7006

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National economyBudget (2009). Revenue: S$37,872,100,000 (tax revenue 93.1%, ofwhich taxes on corporate income 25.1%, personalincome taxes 19.3%, taxes on goods and services17.5%; nontax revenue 6.9%). Expenditures:S$40,482,900,000 (security and external relations35.6%; education 20.2%; transport 11.2%; health8.2%; trade and industry 7.1%).

Public debt (December 2010): U.S.$241,500,000,000.Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture,

forestry, fishing (2013): spinach 2,215, cabbages 599,lettuce 515, coconuts 160, mushrooms and truffles82, orchids (roughly 15% of the world market) andother ornamental plants are cultivated for export;livestock (number of live animals) 270,000 pigs, 3,500,000 chickens,750,000 ducks; roundwood, n.a.; fisheries production (2014) 6,404(from aquaculture 78%)13. Quarrying: limestone, n.a. Manufacturing(value added in S$’000,000; 2012): electronic products and compo-nents 15,043; pharmaceuticals 13,427; transportation equipment 9,435;precision and medical equipment 8,805; chemicals and chemical prod-ucts 4,782. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr;2012–13) 47,381,000,000 ([2012] 44,281,000,000), by source (2013): fos-sil fuels 98.4%; renewable energy 1.6%, of which biomass and waste1.4%; coal, none (none); crude petroleum (barrels; 2011) none(309,000,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 2011) 45,242,000(10,657,000); natural gas (cu m; 2011) none (8,778,000,000).

Gross national income (GNI; 2015): U.S.$288,310,000,000 (U.S.$55,090per capita); purchasing power parity GNI (U.S.$81,190 per capita).

Average household size (2015): 3.4.Population economically active (2013)2: total (2008) 1,928,30011; partici-

pation rates: ages 15–64, male 75.8%; female 58.1%; unemployed(2014) 1.7%, of which youth (ages 15–24; 2013) 7.0%.

Land use as % of total land area (2011): in temporary crops or left fal-low 0.9%; in permanent crops 0.1%; in pasture, n.a.; forest area 3.3%.

Foreign trade12

Imports (2014): S$463,779,000,000 (mineral fuelsand lubricants 30.9%, electronic machinery andequipment 23.8%, integrated circuits/parts 17.6%,chemicals and chemical products 7.1%). Major import sources (2015):

Exports (2014): S$518,923,000,000 (nonelectronicmachinery and equipment 23.0%, integrated cir-cuits/parts 22.7%, crude and refined petroleum16.7%, chemicals and chemical products 13.0%). Major export destinations (2015):

Transport and communicationsTransport. Railroads (2009): route length24 mi, 39 km16. Roads (201417)18: totallength 2,172 mi, 3,496 km (paved 100%).Vehicles (201517): passenger cars 604,722;trucks and buses 180,365.

Education and healthLiteracy (2015)14: percentage of total popula-

tion age 15 and over literate 96.8%; malesliterate 98.6%; females literate 95.2%.

Health (2015): physicians 12,45915 (1 per 444persons); hospital beds 13,490 (1 per 410persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 livebirths2 1.7; undernourished population, n.a.

MilitaryTotal active duty personnel (November 2015):72,500 (army 69.0%, navy 12.4%, air force18.6%); reserve 312,500; paramilitary75,100. Military expenditure as percentage ofGDP (2015): 3.3%; per capita expenditureU.S.$1,706.

1Includes 12 nonelective seats. 2Based on de jure population. 3July 1; preliminary. 4Singapore does not have a local government structure. Five community development coun-cils established in 2001 manage a variety of social services. 5The de facto population figure (as of the 2010 census) includes citizens (3,230,700), noncitizens with permanentresidency status (541,000), and temporary residents (1,305,000). 6The de jure population figure excludes temporary residents. 7Includes not adequately defined. 8Includesstorage and information services. 9Taxes on products. 10Unemployed. 11Total labour force, including temporary residents, equals 2,939,000. 12Imports c.i.f.; exports f.o.b.13Aquarium fish farming is also an important economic pursuit; Singapore produces roughly 30% of the world’s ornamental fish. 14Based on de facto population. 15Excludingphysicians not in active practice. 16Length of Singapore portion of Singapore–to–Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, railway. 17End of period. 18Public roads only. 19Subscribers.

Internet resource for further information:• Department of Statistics Singapore

Structure of gross domestic product and labour force2009 2008

in value % of total labour % of labourS$’000,000 value force2 force2

Agriculture, quarrying 107.6 0.1 22,8007 1.27

Manufacturing 48,910.2 18.5 311,900 16.2Construction 13,585.0 5.1 105,500 5.5Public utilities 3,537.8 1.3 … …Transp. and commun.8 31,983.4 12.1 269,400 14.0Trade, hotels 49,907.7 18.8 389,500 20.2Finance, real estate 77,446.3 29.2 361,100 18.7Pub. admin., defense, services 25,700.9 9.7 391,900 20.3

Other 13,879.09 5.29 76,20010 3.910

TOTAL 265,057.9 100.0 1,928,30011 100.0

Communications units unitsnumber per 1,000 number per 1,000

Medium date in ’000s persons Medium date in ’000s persons

TelephonesCellular 2015 8,21119 1,46119

Landline 2015 2,022 360

Internet users 2009 3,658 772Broadband 2015 1,48619 26519

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