Shrew Times

Post on 06-Mar-2016

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Newspaper project Humza, Vinay, Tasha, Maya

Transcript of Shrew Times


! PAGE 1

Katherine is available!A young girl named Katherine

Minola is up in the lady market. She is a very beautiful girl with a very rich father. If you are looking for money and a good deal of tantrums from a hot lady this is your woman. Call in at 403-231-4691 or email at to get this lovely lady!Baptista Minola, one of the

wealthiest men in all of Padua, has recently created a new law. Katherine Minola, a “shrewd, ill-favored” (Shakespeare.1.2.46) woman, must be married before Bianca Minola, a beautiful woman of “mild behavior and sobriety” (Shakespeare.1.1.72). We have supposed he has done this because of his doubts of Katherine ever getting married.

This new law has caused grief amongst the suitors for Bianca. Baptista had asked the suitors for Bianca, Gremio and Hortensio, if one of them felt inclined to marrying the shrew. Both wished not to marry her because of her short temper. As well, Katherine felt like she was being sold to the suitors of Bianca in order for Bianca to get married.

Katherine and the suitors were not the only ones disappointed with this new law. Bianca has been very melancholy after her delay of getting married. In order for her to feel less alone she has gone into hiding with her books and instruments in need of a tutor.

When Gremio and Hortensio attempt to back Bianca up by implying that Baptista is punishing Bianca for Katherine’s wrongdoing,

Baptista sharply says, “Gentlemen, content ye. I am resolved.” (Shakespeare.1.1.93)

Due to the conflict, Gremio and Hortensio collaborate for once which is rare due to their competition for their love of Bianca, to find a suitor for Katherine. They thought that if enough money was involved in the deal of the marriage, a man might accept the insolent woman. Individually they decide to also try to prove their love to Bianca by finding a tutor for her.

Among the crowd witnessing the conflict unfold was Lucentio, the son of Vincentio, a successful man in Pisa. Lucentio was awestruck by the affable Bianca and immediately fell in love with her. Tranio, Lucentio’s servant, has cautioned him that Lucentio has come here to study but that he should follow his heart if he is truly in love with Bianca. Tranio heeded the new law and immediately told his master that it was going to be impossible to marry Bianca.

Lucentio did not listen to the warning by Tranio. He has been reported to be in disguise as a tutor for Bianca. Tranio, it seems, has gone with his masters wishes

New law in Padua: Baffles all!Baptista puts in a law that bans a! "om marrying Bianca until Katherine is married!


and will attempt to become a third suitor in the race for Bianca in order to eliminate competition for Lucentio.

A fool-proof plan it is, as long as a suitor is found for Katherine. There is just one other twist. No one knows about these disguises.

If Vincentio finds out what will be his reactions? If Baptista finds out what will happen? If readers of this article leak information to the family of Baptista or Lucentio what will happen? A great deal of risk is involved in these plans, but as it is for love, anything is possible.

Shrew News will keep you updated as this conflict unfolds.

Vinay Ramesh


! PAGE 2

Recently I spoke to Petruchio. And he gave me his life story!

! “People always told me that Katherine Minola the daughter of Baptista Minola was a Shrew. But a rich one and this was all that mattered to me.! When the word “rich” came into my mind I tough of money, a huge house and an amazing life. And at that mo-ment I wanted to find her and marry her and most impor-tantly, tame her. ! So after that I talked to her dad so he could organize a nice and authentic wedding. We got married on a Sunday, it was the most important day of my life because I knew that I was going to be a rich man af-

ter that. ! I know I was late at the wedding and I was wearing marred clothes but that was only for one reason, I wanted to make Katherine my wife’s life miserable. ! After I told every one that was at the wedding that I must leave they were

all mad but mostly Baptista was mad and vexed about the situation and me. ! On our way to our honeymoon at my place, Katherine fell into the mud and my horses ran away. That night, my servants prepared dinner for me and my wife but I forswore the food from the table to make Katherine “die” of hunger. ! After the end of that night she was jaded just the way I wanted her to be. I must say my plan is working, I’m getting rich and I’m taming my wife. Every single day of my life i’m getting worse by the min-ute and she gets tired of me and she gets really mad and angry. But when we went to her sister Bi-anca’s wedding we did as if noth-ing happened and as if we were the best couple any one would ever dream of.”

Maya Moussalli


"Kiss me, Kate, 'We will be married a Sunday.'"

"Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, Thy head, thy sovereign, one that cares for thee” -Kath-erine


! PAGE 3

Which Tantrum Was The Best?

If you want to vote of which of Petruchio’s trantrums you liked the most you can vote at 234-444-0935

do not forget to vote for your favorite tantrum. We count the votes on friday, so hurry up and call now.

Which one do you like? The time when Petruchio yelled at his frightened servents; pretending that the food was bad.

Or the one at the tailor. Whe Petruchio ripped up Katherine’s new dress; pretending that he thought it was too ugly for her to wear.

The whole time Petruchio is pretending to be the good guy. Making Katherine think that he is doing this for her, but little does she know that he is in the process of taming her.

Vote now for your favorite tantrum at:


Has Petruchio become a ruffian? Throwing chicken on the ground, and ripping the sleeves off his wife’s new dress has left people in awe. He claims to be “taming the shrew,” but others do not agree with his ways. Katherine does not respond to his unreasonable behavior, the question is why?

Katherine Minola is known in Padua to be sharp tongued, and rude. Just recently her father passed a law that Katherine’s younger virtuous sister could not be married until Katherine was. Then Petruchio got notice of this rich family and decided to marry for money.

The men in Padua rejoice as they compete for the affable Bianca Minola. Immediately after the wedding Petruchio grabbed Katherine’s hand and brought her to his house. Petruchio marred Katherine’s habiliments on the way to his house, but Katherine did not respond with a sharp tongue. The citizens are baffled by her behavior.

Katherine was recently married to Petruchio; a man from Verona. Petruchio’s servant, Grumio, states that Petruchio married Katherine for money and had all the intentions of taming her. His plan was to starve her of food and rest until she, “cracked.”

Servants of this man coward in fear that Petruchio might become Mr. Hyde at any second. After the sudden outburst of anger at the dinner table, and the bipolar tantrum at the tailor, everyone around this couple are dumbstruck and baffled by this unusual method of taming.

Citizens are still confounded about Katherine’s recent behavior, and lack of tantrums. Has Katherine finally cracked? People are awaiting the clamor and sharp tongued responses coming from Petruchio’s household, but they wait and wait and it never comes. The once unreasonable behavior of Petruchio’s new companion must be engendering his behavior.

Whats In?Petruchio causes uproar on his honeymoon. Katherine does nothing?????


“O monstrous arrogance! Thou liest, thou thread, thou thimble.” (Shakespeare.4.3.108)

When Katherine has been pronounced tame then the citizens of Padua will rejoice in the victory of Petruchio. When she is tamed we shall answer this lonely inquiry. Although we have stated this question many times many ways, but one more time we shall ask it. Could Petruchio’s method of taming actually be working?

-Tasha Graves


! PAGE 4

BIANCA AND THE LOVE STORYFor every man it has been the same story, the

first moment they set eyes on Bianca, they’re hooked. They realize that there will never know anyone better than Bianca. They will probably never meet a sweeter or prettier girl in their life. She enraptures the hearts of many a men, but as soon as that man tries to make her their own, Bianca’s dad steps in. For you see, Bianca also has a sister. Though many people would think that siblings would resemble each other in many ways, Katherine would prove them wrong. She is the exact opposite of Bianca, a shrew indeed! Their father, Baptista Minola, has laid down the law that no man will have Bianca until someone takes Katherine. Of course, nobody dares to marry Katherine, so we have the small problem of Bianca and how will men get her. Here is where things start to get complicated. Suddenly, a man named Hortensio walks by and notices Bianca’s beauty. Being a rich man of Padua, Hortensio becomes aware of the complications of Bianca’s love, so he comes up with a plan to try and get Bianca’s hand in marriage. Gremio, another friend of Hortensio, also becomes aware of Bianca’s presence. Both want to marry her, and become rivals contesting for Bianca’s love. Both know that they need to get Katherine out of the way, so Hortensio calls his old friend Petruchio to wed Katherine. As these events occur, Hortensio comes up with the plan to disguise himself as Bianca’s tutor, a man named Litio. While her tutor, Hortensio would try to capture Bianca’s love. Gremio, while unaware of Hortensio’s actions, sees to it himself that Katherine get married so that he can be the first to ask Baptista Minola for Bianca’s hand in marriage. What both men did not account for was the arrival of a young nobleman from Pisa who comes to Padua to study at the city’s renowned university, but who is immediately sidetracked when he falls in love with Bianca at first sight. The man named Lucentio comes up with his own plan involving his servant, Tranio, to make Bianca his own. In his plan, He will disguise himself as yet another tutor named Cambio. He would then try to capture Bianca’s love the same way as Hortensio would. While he works on Bianca, Tranio will disguise himself as Lucentio, and as soon as he finds an open chance, will ask Baptista Minola for Bianca’s hand in marriage. As soon as Petruchio announces

the date of his wedding with Katherine, Gremio and Tranio, disguised as Lucentio present themselves to Baptista Minola. Both ask to marry Bianca and eventually both get into a debate on who can provide more stuff to Bianca. In the end, Tranio, still disguised as Lucentio, wins out over

Gremio after Tranio says, “Gremio, ’tis known my father hath no less than three great argosies, besides two galliasses, and twelve tight galleys.These I will assure her, and twice as much whate'er thou offer’st next.” (Shakespeare.2.1.369)

This marks the beginning of the end for Gremio’s chase for Bianca. Soon after, Lucentio reveals to Bianca that he is not really Cambio, but the real Lucentio. Both fall in love despite Hortensio’s effort to thwart them. As soon as he realizes that there is no hope, he too falls out of the race and marries a widow. So after days of planning and executing his plan, Lucentio wins Bianca from the hands of Gremio and Hortensio.

Humza Mumtaz


! PAGE 5

Vinay Ramesh: Hello Katherine! Welcome to my interview corner in the bright sunny day here in Padua! Let me get straight to the point: Do you like how you are being treated by Petruchio?Katherine Minola: Well, I don’t really mind. He is much more powerful than me and there is nothing much I can do. Hortensio once said to me, “Say as he says, or we shall never go.” (Shakespeare.4.5.13)VR: Shall we reflect on your wedding with Petruchio?KM: That incident was a clear example of when he was overpowering me. He gave me no choice but to go. He dragged me and carried me! He embarrassed me in front of all our family and friends! He also dressed in the most ridiculous habiliments for one that is getting married. At that moment I thought that he might not love me. But soon enough I found out that everything he was doing was for my own good.VR: Do you feel he is making the right decisions for you?KM: Yes. I mean we have disagreed at times. He has not let me eat and wear dresses but I think he knows what is right for me. He must, I mean he has surely calmed down my temper.VR: Do you feel that you are a better and more liked person now that you are ‘tamed?’KM: For sure. Hortensio and Lucentio are clearly jealous of how respectful and obedient I am to Petruchio. They thought that I could never be like that and that if I could do it their wives surely could. But I proved them wrong.VR: Can you explain to me your first impression of Petruchio?KM: I hope that he will not read this newspaper for it is terrible what I am about to say. He was a jerk in my opinion. I tried to insult him to ensure

that he would not marry me. I didn’t want to get married for a few reasons. One, I liked to see my sister melancholy. She is always the perky one in the family. Two, he acted so rudely. He lied to my father and I was so surprised I hardly reacted. I made a small entreaty but to no avail. I ended up having to marry him, but now I am not a social loser. So I guess I am happy I got together with him.VR: Finally, people have been wondering, why did you previously act like a shrew? No offense intended...KM: (STRIKES ME!!!!! What kind of interview was this? Reflecting on this incident I can’t believe I tolerated this woman!) I do not wish to answer that kind of question. You know maybe some people when they are not wanted act like that. Maybe some people have a goodie tushu sister that everybody loves! Maybe some people thought that they could never get a husband! Maybe I am one of those some people! GOODBYE! (Strikes me again! Glad that that bad moment is over.)

I ended up leaving after having red cheeks. Clearly she was tamed around Petruchio, but maybe not others... Whatever... It was still a good interview!

Vinay Ramesh


Shrew Taming SchoolRun by Petruchio, the Shrew taming school is the best place to learn how to

control your women. Petruchio teaches his students by example. Katherine Minola, Petruchio’s wife, was the first successful person to be tamed. She was tamed like a falcon according to Petruchio. Now she is used as example to show how one can be tamed. Cut out this advertisement and bring it to the school in Padua, and get the first lesson free. Proceeding lessons cost 5$ each for 30 minutes.


! PAGE 6

Hello dear readers. Today we come to you with yet another addition in this fascination se-ries. Today we focus on the fa-ther of the woman who all the men want, and another woman who none of the men want, Baptista Minola. Baptista Mi-noala is man of class, style, and wealth. Baptista is good-hearted and generous toward his two daughters, lavishing expensive books and lessons upon them, but he is completely at a loss for how to deal with the strong-willed Katherine.

You have said that Bianca will not marry any-one until her sister, Katherine, has. Why?

“You see here, that is one question I never hear the end of. Yes, I have made the rule that may seem ri-diculous, but I am the father and the father knows best. My decision has not changed from when Gre-mio asked me, “Why will you mew her up, Signior Baptista, for this fiend of hell” (Shakespeare.1.1.90) You may think I’m depriving Bianca of a good life, but then you have to see it from a father’s point of view. You see, Katherine, while being as vicious as she is, is still my daughter. It is still in my best wishes to see Kate wedded off. Sure, men probably can’t stand her, but then again, how will Kate find men when they are all going for her sister. This way, suitors out there will see that at least one of them will have to wed Katherine for anyone to even touch my other daughter, Bianca.”

You obviously love both your daughters, but even you must see the clear difference of be-havior and such between Katherine and Bi-anca. Any reason you can think why?

“To be honest with you, I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe it’s just a mother thing that only mothers can help out with. Honestly speaking, I see that same as what other men see. There is daughter who lights up the room when she walks in. It is like having a perfect

daughter. Bianca is so sweet and passionate, and the same time, is very well-mannered. It is a joy to say that she is mine. Then we have my other daughter, Kather-ine. Yes, she is truly the oppo-site. She is extremely strong-willed, and that too for all the bad reasons. Many a times, a strong will is a great thing in-deed, but Katherine’s will is di-rected to abuse anyone she can.

She insists upon saying whatever she thinks and expressing whatever she feels without a care in the world on what anyone else thinks.. Her words are abusive and angry, and her actions are often violent as well. I am almost embarrassed to be seen in public with her. It may seem that I hat Kate, but I still do love her with all my heart. A father’s love is something that can never be taken away from you.”

Do you feel like Petruchio and Lucentio were the right men to marry your daughters? “I do feel that these men are great choices for Katherine and Bianca to marry. I did have doubts about Pe-truchio come his wedding time, but after seeing what he transformed Katherine into day later at the dinner was a thing of beauty. I could not believe that any human being could break the strong will of Kather-ine, and teach her the ways of proper manners and well being. Not in all my years had I heard her say those words of how much she depends on a single man ever in my life. After that showing, I do think Petruchio is the right man. Coming to Lucentio, I was sure from the moment he came to speak with me that he was the right man. Even though I am still confused about everything such as his fake father and whatnot, he showed me that there is none a man as noble as him. Wealthy and handsome is he, and a fine man to marry my daughter.” Thank you Baptista, it was great talking to you. You heard it folks, Baptista Minola’s views on life. Come back next time for yet another great interview.

Humza Mumtaz



! PAGE 7

BUY THE TIGHTS!!!Buy them now at only $5! Every one wears them. They are all limited edition and you can choose your own color and design for your tights. They are for men and women. Hurry up!Visit for more information.

Other characters !om the play

Bapstista is a rich dad in the play who has two daughters called Bianca the beautiful and

pretty young girl and Katherine the Shrew.

Bianca is the youngest and favorite daughter of Baptista. And she is the one who Lucentio falls in love with.

Katherine is the Shrew and bad tempered women in the story.

Lucentio is a rich and nice gentlemen from Pisa that traveles to Padua to work on his education. His steps are to study and to make people proud of him. But then he sees a young girl called Bianca that he directly falls in love with. He disguises him self as Bianca’s tutor so he can spend more time with her. He does win his love and he does spend

more time with her which makes him happier than he ever was. Then finally after everything that happened, Lucentio got married with Bianca.

Maya Moussalli

“While you, sweet dear, provemistress of my heart” -Lucentio


Which Character Are you???!

! PAGE 8

Bianca Petruchio Katherine Lucentio

Would you slap your sib-ling in the face, and ask unnecessary questions about their love life while she is tied to a chair?



Would you try to tame your husband/wife by starving them of food and rest?



Would you come to a

new city for studies,

or bail the studies

and focus on the one

that you truly love?

Would you stay

calm if your sib-

ling had tied you

to a chair?


Would you dress up

like a Latin tutor if

you wanted to woo

the one that you


Would you

make a bet

that your


would come

back to the

dinner table

if you asked

them to?

Would you listen

to your father if

he told you that

you were not al-

lowed to be mar-

ried until your

other sibling was


(You are completely

jaded) If someone

was ripping up a

dress that you

really liked, would

you stop them?

Would you

marry some-

one for

their money?






Would you be angry if someone called you a shrew?



Would you say that you were “busy” if your companion called for you to come back to the table?

You are just like the Character Bi-anca Minola. A kind, virtuous, af-fable girl that is also the sister of Katherine Minola. Her father is a rich man, and she lived in Padua. She falls in love with Lucentio, and ends up marrying her true love. You are like Bianca because you are a bit rebelious at the end of the book and you stay calm in compli-cated situations. You are also not violent at all, and you love your sister no matter what.

You are like the character Petruchio. A gold-digger from Verona that marries Katherine and vows that he will tame the shrew. He marries the rich Katherine Minola, and uses his “falcon” method to tame her. You are like Petruchio because you would marry someone for money and you would try to tame your companion.





You are like the Character Kath-erine Minola. She is known as a shrew in Padua and her father is the rich Baptista Minola. As you know her sister is the affable Bi-anca Minola, and Katherine marries Petruchio. You are like Katherine because you are very rude, sharp tongued, and you have a very small tolerance for anything. You get angry easily, but can be tamed. You can be saved from this state of vexation and anger. You will be saved, or in other words, tamed. Yes

You are like the Character Lu-centio. Lucentio comes to Padua for his studies, but instead finds true love. He marries Bianca Minola, and dresses up like a Latin tutor in order to woo her. You are like Luciento because you will do anything to get the person of your dreams, and you like to make bets. You will even-tually find true love, and you might have to go through a lot but it will work out in the end.

Petruchio: Ill buckler thee against a million. Shakespeare (act 3 scene 2 page 133)Katherine: “He that is giddy thinks

the world turns round” I pray you tell me what you meant by that. Shakespeare (act 5 scene 2 page 209)