Show me the money! Asking for a pay rise

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Show me the money! Asking for a pay rise

Is it your first time negotiating your salary or asking for a pay rise? We’ve got the tips to help you through it.

Negotiating your first salaryIf you’re in the recruitment process for a role, you don’t need to stress about when to bring up the topic of salary – the recruiter or interviewer will likely raise this topic for you. If you’ve been offered a higher salary somewhere else, weigh up the potential salary against the quality of the experience before taking a job just for the money. If they aren’t offering as much as you’d like, remember that graduate roles are highly competitive and that once you’re in the door you’re in a better position to negotiate a pay rise later on.

Asking for a pay riseDon’t assume that your manager will just offer you a pay rise. If you feel like you deserve a pay rise, ask them and be prepared to provide them with examples to prove why you deserve it.

Why do you have to include examples?You need to build a case to prove you deserve a pay rise. Document your achievements, any extra responsibilities you’ve taken on, how you’ve added value to the business etc. You should also do some research into the average pay rate for someone of your level in the industry; this will give you a good base to build from.

What next?Email your boss asking for a meeting and send them the document you’ve put together. This allows your boss a few days to look over what you’re proposing ahead of the meeting.

The verdictIf your pay rise request is refused, listen to the reasons why, it’s good feedback and gives you areas to focus on for your development. You can also ask to set another review date in three to six months and use the time between to improve, so the next time they say YES.

Asking for a pay rise doesn’t have to terrifying but it’s important to be confident that you deserve it before asking and be willing to prove it.