Short film project

Post on 30-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Short film project

My Film Preparation

Magic click


For my film I decided to do a comical/scientific theme about a girl who finds out that she could wish for anything in side a specific source or item. I choose this theme because I thought it could push my boundaries and help me experience something new and challenging.

The three films that I looked at to give me inspiration was Happy Susi, The black hole and 13 going on 30.

InspirationThe two films that I looked at to give me inspiration

was Happy susi and the black hole.

I found these interesting because they were quiet and the only sound was their surroundings - Diegetic sounds. They also had a comical side but had deeper meaning that was abnormal to reality. I also liked that there was one main dominant character

Another film that inspired me was 13 going on 30 which is about a girl who wishes she was older and it comes true. I liked it also because of the abnormal side to it as well as it being youthful and girly.

Target audience

For my target audience I decided it to be for both male and female 14-26 year olds because I think its very youthful with a scientific side for males and girly for the females

Audience profile

Age: 20

Ethnicity: ½ Italian ½ English

Is studying English at Greenwich university in London

Works at superdrug part-time

Hobbies include music, shopping, painting, writing poetry

Film location At my house – it will be shot in my sisters room

where there is natural lighting or artificial, the main film will be based here and my main character. Lots of (close ups, long shots, birds eye view, medium shot)

Clissold park – where the last scenes will be shot where my main character is on a bench.

Cast and crew

Buki – will be my main actress. Malika – helping with the camera work Me – camera work/ acting


Most of the sound that will be used in my film will be Diegectic taking sound from objects that my main character is associated with.

Some Non-Diegectic sound will be used at the beginning.

Risk Assessment

Care must be taken with props, making sure sharp or hot things are help away.

Make sure to bring and umbrella for when we are outside in case it rains so equipment doesn’t get damaged

I will make sure all wires are obstructive objects are out of the way to avoid any accidents.

That's all thanks